Beach curls: features and tips for creating them

The favorite solution of many fashionistas is charming beach curls. Such styling not only noticeably refreshes the lady's look, but also makes it more positive, light and benevolent. Such options are often used not only by young girls, but also by women of a more respectable age. If you do this hairstyle correctly, then it will adorn the whole look as a whole. Today we will take a closer look at fashionable beach curls and find out what their features are.

What it is?
Today there are so many different hairstyles - from very simple to insanely complex and intricate. Many young ladies these days choose feminine beach curls as their favorites. The main question should be answered - what is it. Beach curls are one very popular and well-known styling, characterized by spectacular oval-shaped curls.
Forming an image with such an original hairstyle, it is important not to forget that the curls here should not be too clearly defined and tight. Slight negligence in such a hairstyle is only welcome. This feature only pleases, because even the most carefully collected head of hair will still fluff up and can lose its shape in adverse weather conditions.

This unique styling is distinguished by its simplicity and attractive shape. These distinctive features look attractive on ladies with any face structure. In addition, the length of the hair does not play an important role here either - the strands can be not only long or medium, but also short. With the help of such styling, you can emphasize the lightness of the lady's character.
Beach curls, as a rule, do not catch your eyes and do not attract too much attention. They fit seamlessly into ladies' looks, complementing and completing, while not getting out of them.
In addition, many young ladies of a respectable age resort to such solutions in order to visually "throw off" a few extra years, because beach curls perfectly rejuvenate their owners.

Who will they go to?
Before you run to the hairdresser with inspiration, so that they "conjure" over your hair and turn it into beach curls, you should figure out who is most suitable for them. The main distinguishing feature of this stylish styling is the absence of restrictions. Properly styled beach curls will suit almost every fashionista. The strands can be either short or elongated. However, according to stylists, this hairstyle looks best on light or red hair.
It is advisable for brunettes to give preference to such styling, where the curls are made more clearly defined and neat - such nuances can emphasize the depth of dark tones.

As for the structure and facial features, there are no serious frameworks here either. In most cases, beach curls look attractive regardless of the shape of the lady's face. Many girls are interested in whether such an interesting hairstyle, like surf curls, will look harmonious in all settings.
Stylists assure that you can safely turn to beach curls, even if it is not a hot summer outside, but any other time of the year.

What is required?
The surfer's charming curls radiating positive and light can be made at home. There is no need to visit the hairdresser every time to give your hair such a beautiful and flirty shape. At the same time, you do not have to pick up expensive special products in stores. The described styling is done in different ways, therefore, different means are used for this. Let's take a closer look at what components a fashionista will need in order to independently give her hair the shape of playful beach curls.
- Hair dryer. If this device is used, and with it the cone-shaped nozzle (concentrator), then the hair should always be perfectly clean and slightly damp. First, they are treated with lemon spray or egg white. Then the strands are twisted in random order and dried thoroughly with a hair dryer.
- Styler. This is another popular tool for making beach curls quick and easy. To do this, first, the hair is washed and dried. It is advisable to achieve such an effect that outwardly the hair seems completely dry, but inside it still remains a little damp. Further, a thermal protective compound and a spray for fixing are applied to the strands, and then any convenient method is chosen - they straighten the hair, tied up in pigtails, or they only manage with an iron.

- Curling iron. Often, young ladies prefer to make luxurious beach curls using a good old curling iron. This option is especially suitable for owners of short haircuts.

- Spray. Such hair styling is not complete without a spray. You will need it, since the strands should always be slightly damp. You can use a saline hair spray or a low hold hairspray. It happens that these components are not in the arsenal of a fashionista. In this case, a simple hair foam will be enough.

- Texture spray. This component can come in handy too. It will be needed to fix the resulting effect on the strands. In addition, with it, beach curls become more persistent and attractive.

- Headband. Some fashionistas prefer to do this trendy styling using a headband. It is worn in such a way that it covers a part of the lady's forehead. Next, you just need to select one curl at a time, twist and wrap around the inner half of the bandage.

Stylists and experienced hairdressers recommend to fashionistas do not forget about the safety and health of your hair. You should not use curling irons, hair dryers or iron too often, as these tools affect the strands of high temperatures. The latter never had a positive effect on the curls, on the contrary, due to such an effect, the hair can begin to dry out strongly, lose the brightness of the color and begin to be severely split.
You shouldn't use an iron or curling iron every day if you care about the condition of your mop. In addition, before starting to work with these devices, the hair must be treated with special protective compounds.

How to do it?
As mentioned above, original and bright beach curls can be easily depicted at home. This can be done for short or medium hair, as well as for luxurious long hair. The initial haircut can also be any. It can be an insanely popular and stylish bob (of any length), wavy strands, or any other base.

Let's take a look at a few basic ways to make such a trendy hairstyle at home.
The first method of hair styling involves the use of a special composition. Most often, a spray is used for this, in the content of which sea salt is present. Its price is usually affordable, but it copes with the creation of the effect of beach curls "with a bang." It is sea salt that adds additional texture and forces straight curls to curl into natural-looking beautiful curls. This image is done as follows:
- first, the hair needs to be divided into three main parts;
- then a spray with sea water is applied, starting from the lower areas of the hair;
- after that, it is required to carefully twist the entire strand by hand;
- some time after that you have to wait;
- further, the manipulation will need to be repeated with other curls;
- so that the strands in front effectively fall off, it is allowed to twist them a little with your fingers.

If you did not find a spray with sea water in the store, then you should not be upset. You can do it yourself at home. To do this, mix sea salt and water, and then this solution is applied to the strands along with mousse or styling foam. It is allowed to add a little coconut oil to the salty composition. This component can make the strands softer, softer and more silky.
It is undesirable to dry your hair here using a hair dryer. Allow the shock to dry naturally by picking the strands with your fingers.

The next method will be ideal if styling is done on long hair. In this case, you need to form beautiful waves using a hot iron. But it should be borne in mind that this method is not recommended for those who have initially too dry and weak hair, since on this basis the situation can only worsen. Before you start manipulating your hair, it will definitely need to be treated with a special protective agent that will protect it from the negative effects of high temperatures. After that, it is worth following the following steps:
- the whole shock will need to be carefully divided into parts and twisted into peculiar flagella;
- you need to run over the tourniquets with a hot iron - the device will need to be held for a few seconds in one place, but you cannot overexpose, as you risk causing serious damage to the health of your hair.

This method will not be costly in terms of free time, but at the same time, the effect of wavy beach curls will form simply amazing. If you use a hot iron periodically, but not too often, and also use high quality and effective protective agent, then the hair will not be affected in any way.
The dimensions of the waves in this situation directly depend on the thickness of the bundles you assembled. If you want to make charming little curls, then first you need to twist the strands into small cords, and only then draw them with a heated iron.

There is another simple and straightforward way to make original beach curls. If you follow it, then you will not have to use additional devices from the outside. All that is needed for this is to be able to braid neat braids correctly. Let's look at the step-by-step instructions.
- First you need to thoroughly and scrupulously wash your hair. Hair must be absolutely clean. Let the hair dry a little. During washing, it is permissible to use a specialized thickening shampoo - it will add extra thickness to the hair.
- Then divide the entire shovel into 6-8 parts. Comb each one well. You can start braiding from the very roots, making the whole hairstyle more lush and voluminous. This option is considered optimal, since it makes it possible to make the styling soundly and attractive.
- Now you need to leave the hair to dry. At the same time, the pigtails should still remain braided - it is too early to dissolve them. You will have to wait about 6-8 hours. Of course, you can leave the hair gathered in braids overnight, if the weaving will not interfere with sleep. After that, the braids can be safely undone, and then they will need to be thoroughly combed.
- In the course of combing, it is not recommended to use an ordinary comb. It is advisable to work out the resulting interesting curls with your fingers. It is permissible to sprinkle spray on the hair, but we must not forget that there should be quite a bit of it.
- Please note - curls should not remain too damp. They need to be moistened quite a bit. An excessively wet mop will dry out for a very long time, it will take a long time.

If you do not want to engage in meticulous weaving of braids, you can make several charming bundles. In this case, the principle of action will not change: the strands twisted in bundles will need to be left for some time or all night (as the young lady wishes), and then carefully disassemble them with your fingers (without putting the comb into action). It is permissible to use varnish. It is advisable to use a light or medium hold spray in order to further strengthen the effect obtained.
In the same way, you can achieve the desired effect on medium-length hair. This styling is quite suitable for short hairs. The methods here will be similar to the above: the strands must be twisted into bundles or processed with an iron (or other selected device).

Useful Tips
Beach curls are the favorite hairstyle of many girls and women. As you can see, it is done very easily and quickly. To do this, there is no need to go to the salon - you can do everything yourself. Consider the following helpful tips from experts:
- this styling will look best if you wait at least a day after washing your hair, which is why washing your hair is not a prerequisite here;
- styling compositions prepared at home will be more effective and pleasant if you add a drop of aromatic oil to them;
- the monthly cut ends of the hair must be cut in time, otherwise they will spoil the entire styling and nullify all efforts;
- if you want to form a more interesting, lively and elegant image, then spectacular beach curls can be supplemented with some accessory suitable for a specific occasion;
- in a fun party or some kind of holiday, beach curls will look perfect; the same cannot be said for the strict formal and business environment;
- in order for the lady's image to look as advantageous as possible, it is recommended to pay due attention to suitable makeup, you do not have to spend a lot of free time on it, you can only slightly emphasize the eyes and lips; beach curls are beautiful in tandem with naturalness;
- beach curls look especially impressive and attractive on haircuts such as cascade and rhapsody.In this case, special attention should be paid to the curls that are closest to the face.

Beautiful examples
Beach curls look amazing on many young ladies. From the outside it may seem that this is a very complex styling, which was done in salon conditions. In fact, there is nothing difficult in giving such a shape to hair. Correctly made curls can transform a lady's image, make it stylish, fashionable and ultramodern.
Luxurious beach curls look especially attractive on long and medium thick strands of wheat, bronze or honey. The mop can be multi-layered with subtle color transitions.
The bangs may be missing. Against this background, beach curls can form additional visual volume.

On long strands, wide beach curls look luxurious along the entire length, but on short hairs, slightly sloppy wavy curls without clearly delineated lines are wonderfully worn. In the latter case, you can also twist the bangs, remove it to the side, opening the forehead. The image will turn out to be very light, bright and perky.

Beach curls look luxurious on short bob-type haircuts. In this case, the haircut may not have a bang, but there may be a sharp color transition from the dark crown (root zone) to the light remaining length of the strands.

For information on how to make beach curls, see the next video.