Bundle: types, creation and selection of accessories

Over the years, the popular and simple hairstyle has been the regular bun. This solution is still relevant today. Many young ladies turn to him. To make a beautiful and neat bun, you do not need to spend a lot of free time - this is what attracts fashionistas to this hairstyle.

Who will it go to?
Ladies have been turning to such a famous hairstyle as a bun for many years. It comes from Greece, but is currently relevant all over the world. Before you give your hair such an elegant and neat shape, you should figure out who the bun is for.
- This hairstyle will be an ideal solution for ladies who by nature have aristocratic features and a long "swan" neck. The bundle will be able to favorably emphasize the beautiful shape of the ladies' hangers and the femininity of the whole image as a whole.

- If the young lady cannot boast of a graceful and graceful neck, then there is no need to draw undue attention to her. But this does not mean that the described hairstyle will need to be abandoned altogether. In such a situation, there is one way out - a low-lying beam.

- For quite tall ladies, the volumetric version of the beam, collected in the area of the crown itself, does not go. With such a hairstyle, a girl may seem even taller, which does not always look aesthetically pleasing from the outside.

- It is also undesirable for slender and petite young ladies to turn to hairstyles with excessive volume. They will make the upper body noticeably heavier than they can ruin the whole look - it will become rude or even vulgar. In such conditions, stylists are advised to resort to tight bundles, especially if the hair is not very long.

- For young ladies with wide cheekbones and harsh components of the face, a bunch on the top of the head is extremely rare. It is advisable to do a hair lower.

There are several types of the beam. Each type of this hairstyle has its own distinctive features. They are also made in different ways. Let's take a closer look at the existing beam types.
In the old days, young people of a certain type were called Turgenev, but today they are called vanilla. It follows that their favorite hairstyle bears the same name. Vanilla bun is a very soft, delicate and uncomplicated hairstyle. It is done very quickly without additional elements. All you need is an elastic band, a comb, hairpins and hairspray to fix the resulting bun. There is no need to use all the listed components - the set of necessary items depends on the preferences of the girl herself.
The main feature of the vanilla bunch, which is popular in our time, is that it does not need to be done too neat and "slick". This hairstyle should be looser. Protruding short hair gives such a bun a special charm and flirtatiousness, as if the girl had just got out of bed and quickly twirled her hair into a bun.
And also it is worth considering the fact that this bundle is done exclusively at the top of the head.

Many girls like an unusual, careless bun. From the outside, it looks like it was built very quickly and on the go. But in order to prepare this hairstyle, you still need to have certain skills. Basically, not the neat little bunch is created low. It is permissible to place it asymmetrically and tie it in such a way that not only individual hairs are knocked out of it.
Interestingly, a similar bunch looks in combination with whole strands released, but the latter must necessarily be thin and graceful, otherwise it will not work to create a beautiful and sophisticated image. Often, when forming such an interesting bun, the hair is not collected in a ponytail using an elastic band, but is immediately wrapped around its axis, but not too tight. Thanks to this solution, the hairstyle can look more natural and slightly sloppy.

With a bagel
A charming bundle with a so-called donut "sits" on the young ladies in an original and playful way. A bagel in this case is a special small foam lining made in the shape of a neat donut or bagel. Thanks to this detail, the ladies have the opportunity to form a beautiful and high beam of regular and clear shape. The bagel can be of different shapes and sizes. The choice of its optimal type primarily depends on the size in which it is planned to make the beam itself. Here it is necessary to take into account both the length and texture of the hair itself. Nowadays, most girls make a large bun with a donut, which is quite high on the head.
To form this flirty hairstyle, use the donut itself, matched to the color of the curls, a pair of elastic bands, a brush with bristles, and also the varnish required to fix the hairstyle.

An attractive lush bun looks aesthetically and feminine on girls. Today, the specified hairstyle is in trend and is considered fashionable. It is done quickly and easily, so it is chosen by many ladies who want to create an elegant look. However, it must be borne in mind that healthy and thick curls are best suited to create a voluminous bundle. It is ideal to prepare the specified hairstyle 2 days after washing, since the freshest strands can begin to crumble, and with them the bun itself. If the strands are still too clean, then it is permissible to use good styling products, for example, a high-quality texturizing paste.
The easiest way is to make a lush bun without resorting to fixing with an elastic band. If it is used, then there is no need to tie it too tightly.Many young ladies resort to using one interesting "trick" - they use invisiboble rubber bands in the form of a piece of cord from the phone. This detail does not tear off the hairs and makes it possible to remove the hair into a ponytail (not the tightest).

The bun is effectively worn in a wedding hairstyle. This decision belongs to the old traditions. With such an element on the head, it is much easier to fix a beautiful tiara or a wreath with an attached veil. This look looks incomparable and focuses on the girl's tenderness. To achieve a flawless look, the wedding bun must be secured as securely as possible. So the bride will be insured against accidentally falling out curls during the celebration.
Important! Often, ladies make bunches for wedding hairstyles, collected from beautifully curled curls. They are gently lifted, making the sides smooth.
The result is a very beautiful solution that fits perfectly into the wedding dress.

With roller
A good bunch can be made using a foam roller. With such a detail, a beautiful hairstyle is done very quickly and easily. The main thing is to choose a roller that is most suitable in color to the shade of the hair. At the ends, this element is equipped with a clasp in the form of a button. To get a beautiful hairstyle, the strands are simply connected into a ponytail, after which they are carefully wound on the roller itself, starting from the bottom and pressing the ends of the hair with your fingers.

With fleece
A bun with a fleece is the best solution for ladies who naturally have thin strands. With such a structure, it can be extremely difficult to get an aesthetic hairstyle without resorting to bouffant hair. If you do not do the bouffant, then the "bun" can get too small, especially if there is not much hair. It is advisable to form the specified hairstyle with your own hands very carefully so that the combed sections are not striking, and the bun itself is neat and neat.
If you act hastily and carelessly, the hairstyle can turn out to be ugly and even old-fashioned.

"Fish tail"
If making a simple and light bun is no longer so interesting, you can resort to the formation of an interesting hairstyle, called "fishtail". There are two flavors of this solution:
- from the tail with 1 oblique "fish tail";
- from a tail with two or more braids.
If a braided hairstyle is made of several braids, then it looks much more interesting and richer. Of course, this is not to say that the single braid option is less attractive. He's also pretty, but less dramatic. The last option is suitable only for ladies who naturally have thick curls. In this case, the braid will need to be made as voluminous as possible.

The exquisite French bun is especially charming. Otherwise, it is called a shell because of its characteristic shape. Such a solution can make the lady's image more graceful and neat. A fashionable French bun is ideal for girls with long or medium hair. The structure and thickness of the hair is practically not important here. It does not matter the age of the young lady who wears a French shell-beam. It suits even little girls.

The shell bundle is appropriate for all occasions and is in harmony with almost any clothing - it can be restrained business ensembles, and solemn evening dresses. Simply put, the feminine look can be either classic or more modern. There are the following types of such a beam:
- classical;
- from Chinese sticks;
- horizontal;
- mirror;
- from invisibility;
- with a twister;
- with a loop;
- with bangs and fleece;
- from the tail.

A spectacular Greek bun looks really luxurious and attractive on young ladies. Usually they collect it from long strands. At the same time, you can braid a tight, beautiful braid. Such a bundle is made very quickly, but because of this it does not look sloppy or sloppy. This way you can collect both medium and long hair.
The Greek version is often made low, and not on top. It is collected at the back of the head or even at the level of the neck. This hairstyle looks especially catchy if you make it from pre-curled curls. Such a bundle is often made voluminous. To do this, they additionally put on a special elastic garter, twist the strands into flagella, fix the hair with hairpins and hairpins.
To make the hairstyle even more interesting and brighter, it is permissible to turn to jewelry in the form of flowers. They can be woven or natural.

How to do it yourself?
Hair styling does not always have to be done exclusively in a salon. So, it is quite possible to form a beautiful bundle at home. Moreover, this procedure will not take a lot of free time, and you will not need a lot of styling products.

Consider how you can independently collect hair of various lengths into a flirty bun.
On short hair
Short hair is not a hindrance to an attractive bun. Even if the length of the strand is not the greatest, you will still be able to create an attractive hairstyle. First, for this you need to stock up on all the necessary devices, namely:
- thin comb;
- 6-8 invisible;
- bandage for curls;
- bulky elastic band;
- wide elastic band;
- narrow and tight elastic band.

Having prepared all the necessary items, you can proceed directly to creating the hairstyle itself. Let's consider step by step how it should be done on short hair.
- First you need to thoroughly comb your hair. After that, all the hair will need to be carefully collected from the back - at the back of the head. The result is a normal tail. Make sure the curls are collected as smoothly as possible. If you cannot achieve sufficient smoothness, then you can turn to applying mousse or a special styling gel.
- Next, you need to take the prepared thick rubber band. Pull the resulting tail through it. The elastic should be at its base. Thanks to this, it will be possible to form a good volume, using the additional things listed above.
- Now you need to separate a not very large strand from the formed and fixed tail. Bend it gently at the top of the elastic. Fasten the strand using the invisibility. Similarly, you need to act with the rest of the strands. Thus, it will turn out to make a bundle, while hiding the elastic under the strands.

After that, the hairstyle can be considered finished. Only the final touches remain. Another elastic band will come in handy, which will be required very carefully so as not to touch the fixed strands, to tighten the base of the beam. To make this hairstyle more neat, you need to correctly fasten the ends of the hair. To do this, you need to do the following:
- wind the strands around the base; do it consistently;
- fix the ends using invisibility;
- in conclusion, you can wrap the bundle with a thin handkerchief - with its help it will be possible to hide other styling imperfections, if any.

Medium length
A beautiful bun is obtained on hair, the length of which reaches the shoulder line. Consider how on such a head of hair you can make a beautiful low bun that suits many young ladies who do not have the longest and most graceful neck. The classic version is very simple to perform, following these steps:
- first you need to distribute the upper part of the hair in two halves along the parting;
- further, each strand will need to be twisted inward, but only symmetrically;
- secure the strands using an elastic band;
- now stick your fingers at the bottom and stretch the tip of the resulting tail between the two bundles;
- straighten the resulting knot, and then fix it well.

If you want to make a beautiful evening hairstyle on medium hair, then here you can turn to a low bun. You can make it for a celebration, holiday or cocktail as follows:
- you need to divide the hair into three parts;
- the temporal area, divided by parting, should be fixed using special "ducks";
- build a tail from the bottom, lift it up and secure it with invisibility;
- you will get a rather voluminous and solid tail, the tips of which will need to be carefully folded, attached with pins;
- hair from the temples can emphasize the sophistication of evening styling;
- fix the resulting hairstyle with varnish.

On long hair
A spectacular bun can be made on luxurious long hair. On such a head of hair, it is possible to do almost any type of the specified hairstyle. The main thing is that the selected bun is suitable for the shape and features of the girl's face. To independently make a spectacular hairstyle with a graceful braid, you should follow these steps:
- the first step is to make a neat side parting on straight hair;
- on the right side of the head, separate the strand from the crown and to the middle of the neck; the remaining head of hair will need to be collected in a neat low ponytail;
- based on the selected strands, you should braid a beautiful French braid - for this you will need to separate the strand, divide it into three parts, and then braid the braid, constantly picking up additional bundles of hair with the strands;
- the ends of the resulting French braid need to be braided into simple braids;
- further, you will need to wrap an elastic band with the tip of the braid, which is responsible for fixing the tail; pick up everything with hairpins;
- after that you will need to take another gum; pull off the bottom of the tail with it, while the hair at the tip does not need to be pulled to the end;
- fold the resulting tail into a ring, then turn the resulting ring to the back of the head; the resulting beam should be secured using invisibility;
- in the end, it is permissible to decorate the resulting bunch with a decorative flower of a suitable color; it is best to secure it with a hairpin.

How to choose jewelry?
A bun is such a fashionable and attractive hairstyle that can be made even more interesting and brighter if you turn to various jewelry accessories. There are a great many beautiful and original additions that can liven up and brighten up the bundle. With such elements, even the simplest hairstyle can sparkle with new colors. Consider what accessories for the beam exist, for which cases they are suitable.
- For a charming bridesmaid hairstyle, kanzashi are perfect beautiful studs discreet silvery, white and crystal tones. It can be exquisite flower twigs, decorated with round beads, shining rhinestones.

- Very popular today elastic bands on bun with various decorations. The most common are inserts in the form of small woven flowers of different colors and sizes. Such jewelry can be used even when it comes to drawing up an image for a school-age girl. For schoolwork, of course, it is better to choose more discreet and less flashy things.

- Many ladies choose to decorate the bundle bows... The bow can be part of an elastic band, scallop, hairpin, or wreath. Accessories with a bow suit both little girls and older girls.

- Beautiful and expressive are no less in demand wreaths on a bunch... For example, to create an original summer look, you can use a wreath with large daisies, framing the bundle in a circle.

- They look neat and flirty accessories on stiletto heels... You can decorate a variety of images with such details. For example, an accessory on a hairpin made in the form of several medium-sized light flowers diluted with crystal beads will be appropriate for an evening dress.

- You can add charm to the image by decorating the bun ribbons or rhinestones. Such details will be the perfect additions to a festive ensemble.

Choosing the right piece of jewelry is not difficult.The main thing is to choose accessories that best fit into the compiled image in style and color. That is why it is important to pay attention to the color scheme of your outfit. And also we must not forget that in a business and restrained image, too colorful and large decorations on the beam should not be.
Of course, decorations are acceptable here, but they should be neat and discreet. Large, lush and bright colors should be discarded.

Beautiful examples
A bun is a very beautiful, albeit simple hairstyle that suits many girls and women. With this solution, you can transform the image, making it more original, expressive and graceful.
So, a high and voluminous bun in an ensemble with a long braid or bangs laid to one side looks very bold and sexy on girls. It is advisable to do this hairstyle for straight and smooth hair. The strands should not be knocked out of the bundle or side sections. This solution is suitable when it comes to a variety of looks, from business to festive.

A small bun on the very top of the head, collected against the background of loose hair, looks unusual. This solution looks impressive on both medium and long hair. This hairstyle will look especially attractive and playful on light brown or light milled strands.

A low bun looks great in combination with a thick and large braid. Weaving, smoothly turning into a volumetric bundle at the bottom, can be done at the crown. In this case, it is permissible to leave knocked out strands.
It is desirable that the latter are thin and wavy. This hairstyle will look slightly casual, but feminine and romantic.

A high expressive bun looks interesting and playful on girls (at the very top of the head). You can supplement it with loose thin strands near the face. Such a decision will be appropriate with and without bangs. At the same time, the bunch itself may turn out to be slightly careless, but this will not spoil the image of the girl. The main thing is that its excessively high position matches the facial features and the length of the fashionista's neck.

A spectacular textured bunch looks amazing on ladies. In this way, an elegant French hairstyle can be styled that will look great in all conditions. This can be not only a solution for every day, but also a festive or even a wedding option.

For how to make 10 sloppy bunches for every day, see the next video.