How to quickly and beautifully make a bun for medium hair?

For medium-length hair, there are many options for beautiful and original hairstyles. One of them is the bundle. Girls and women wore it back in Ancient Greece, which is confirmed by the frescoes of that period found there. Each owner of shoulder-length hair and a little lower can create an image for herself using this simple technique of fixing curls. In addition, the beam has several different types and models.

This hairstyle has the following benefits:
- a great option for summer, when falling strands and curls often just get in the way;
- opens shoulders and neck;
- suitable for any type of hair, including wavy and curly;
- in most cases, does not require the use of styling products, or they are needed in very small quantities;
- you can create an image yourself; the simplest models will take no more than 10-15 minutes;
- the bun perfectly masks stale hair and those that tend to oily.

Simple option
This is perhaps the easiest and fastest way to create a bun for medium hair. The process looks like this:
- comb the curls with a comb or fine-toothed comb to make them smooth;
- with your hands, collect the tail at the back of the head, and then twist the tourniquet along the entire length;
- style the curled hair in a spiral, secure with hairpins;
- for better fixation, the hairstyle can be supplemented with invisible ones.

Creating a high option
This is a very versatile, classic version. It is suitable both for a business style and for an evening romantic look. This hairstyle suits any face shape. It is only important to correctly position the bundle itself on the head.For women with a rounded or square face, it is better to place it on the very top of the head. And for those who have an oval or triangular face, on the contrary, shift it slightly lower to the back of the head.

It is not difficult to make a beautiful high beam if you adhere to the following scheme:
- gather in a ponytail and tie with an elastic band;
- loose hair is styled around the base of the tail; they must first be twisted into a weak tourniquet;
- the hair in the ponytail can be braided and put in a spiral;
- the hairstyle is fixed with hairpins.

Using a donut
For those who do not have too thick hair, you can also make a beautiful and very lush bun. For this, an overhead round foam roller is used. The execution process looks like this:
- make the tail at the desired height, where you plan to create a bun; secure it with a thin but strong elastic band;
- the bagel must be put on a tail made of hair and lowered to its very base - the roller should be located on top of the elastic;
- evenly distribute the curls around the roller so that they cover it;
- using a second thin elastic band, fix the strands around the donut; you should get a uniform bunch;
- the ends should be laid in a circle at the base of the bundle, securing them with pins.

We use a twister
The twister is another handy tool for creating different hairstyles for long and medium hair. With it, you can make a bundle in a matter of minutes. The accessory is a foam strip with a hair cut in the center. Inside it is a flexible frame.

The beam shaping process includes the following steps:
- comb all the strands back with or without a parting;
- gather all the curls into one ponytail and pass it through the central slot of the twister;
- bring the accessory closer to the ends of the hair, leaving 4–5 cm; gently twist your hair on a twister, creating a roller of hair;
- at the very base of the tail, fold the twister into a ring - this is easy to do thanks to the flexible base inside; distribute hair evenly all over the circle;
- secure the resulting hairstyle with hairpins.

From the tail
This option looks very stylish. It is necessary to adhere to the following algorithm of actions:
- comb your hair and tie it in a ponytail at the back of your head;
- pull the elastic a little down through the hair, and braid the tail into a loose braid;
- make a parting between the elastic and the base of the hair with your fingers; try to keep it in the middle;
- Lift the braided pigtail and hide the tip in the parting at the base of the hair that you made earlier;
- fix the result with pins and invisibility.

From several braids
This option attracts attention with originality. To embody a bundle of three braids, it is worth following steps such as:
- remove all strands back and divide them into three equal strands;
- braid a pigtail from each strand and secure the tip with an elastic band;
- wrap each of the braids in a spiral and fix.

The second type of such a bundle is the version of two braids. It is worth adhering to the following sequence of actions:
- as in the previous case, divide your hair into three equal parts;
- braid the side strands, and leave the middle one loose;
- connect two braids and a medium strand in a ponytail at the back of the head and tie with an elastic band;
- weave a lush braid from all hair and wrap it up to the base of the tail;
- fix the hairstyle.

How to make a beautiful bun hairstyle for medium hair, see below.