How to make a bun using a donut?

There are situations when you just need to look elegant, but, unfortunately, there is no time at all. Or I wanted to find an alternative to everyday styling. In this case, hairstyles created with a hair donut are ideal.

What is a bagel?
A hair donut is a ring made of sponge, foam or other soft material. There are also varieties of this device. For example, a roller, which is a soft elongated segment made of the same materials, as a result, it also rolls up into a ring, forming the same donut.
As you can imagine, the difference when using a donut, roller or other varieties of these items is small, and often depends on which one is more convenient for you to use.
Creating a hairstyle with these items is a fairly simple process, which, however, can be difficult for inexperienced people. There is no need to be afraid of this, abandoning the case halfway through - when you get your hands on it, the difficulties will be significantly less or not at all.

As already mentioned, the bagel has several varieties. The main types of beams vary in size - large, medium and small.
The most common soft bagel. Can be made of any soft material. It has 3 sizes - small (up to 7 centimeters), medium (from 7 to 12 centimeters) and large (from 10 to 20 centimeters and more).
The size classification is taken into account when choosing a bun - so, it is unlikely that it will be possible to use a large donut on short, thin hair. Consider this when buying a donut.
And also the final volume and type of hairstyle will depend on the width of the donut.

The diameter of the roller will also determine how tightly it will fit to the head and how tightly it will hold in the hair. The larger the ring, where the hair will need to be passed, the weaker the fixation will be, and vice versa, the smaller the ring, the closer the hair will be pressed to each other, and the stronger the bagel will be pressed to the head, fixing it much more tightly.
Rollers (or classic bagels, whichever you prefer) come in a variety of colors. The most natural are shades of yellow, brown and black. In general, you can find a donut that will not differ in color from your own hair color.

With scallop
Most often, there are ordinary rollers with a comb, which allow not only to create volume, but also to fix it more tightly on the hair. In some cases, these rollers can curl into a ring, forming a classic donut, but you need to look for them in specialized stores.

With hair
Hairballs are a great option for situations where natural hair is scarce or just barely enough to cover the base of the bun. Bagels of this variety are covered with artificial hair on top of the main soft material, which can be matched to your natural color. This type of donut can also be used when creating complex hairstyles, when it is necessary not only to lift part of the hair, but also leave enough to create a lush bottom part (for example, loose curls).
If you are going to use a donut with hair, then you need to stock up on a sufficient number of invisible hairpins in advance.

Sophist Twist
The material is very similar to the classic bagel. Accessories are often made from the same material. They are in the form of a regular roller, but there are fasteners on both sides that help form the roller into a ring, that is, in the usual shape for a donut. First, you wind your hair on a straight roller, and only then shape the hair together with a bun into a ring.
For some, this method is more convenient, therefore, in some cases, the sophist-twist is preferable.

There is a variety of rollers that do not have fasteners that allow you to connect the roller into a full-fledged bagel. In this case, the desired shape is given with the help of invisible hairpins.
But this has its advantages, for example, if you wish, instead of the usual bundle, you can braid the bundle in the shape of a heart.
One of the peculiarities of using a sophist-twist is that you can simply wind the opened accessory around the hair, starting from the ends and going up to the crown, and then fasten the roller and fix it with invisibility.
There are also options for bagels of various shapes, so you can definitely find what you like.

How to make a beautiful bun?
As in any business, there are tricks here, with which you can greatly simplify your life, and using useful advice in practice will help you put together a beautiful bundle on your head with a minimum of time, nerves and effort.
The step-by-step instructions will always be the same:
- tie the most neat tail without roosters;
- put a roller on the tail, placing it as close to the head as possible;
- evenly distribute hair over the entire area of the roller;
- tuck hair under the roller.

The difference in creating the right bun will only depend on the length of the hair.
Remember that we are styling a classic bagel, and if you are interested in other types of buns or other hairstyles using a donut, then you can always bring them to life.
Remember that if you are lucky and you are the owner of frequent small curls, then for some time you will have to get rid of them, since the bun assumes either straight hair or light large curls, and small curls will knock out of the overall composition of the hairstyle, breaking her. And it will be already difficult to remove all the strands under the donut, and difficulties may arise already in the first stages of creating a hairstyle.Fortunately, if you dreamed of making a bun, then you can always use a hair straightener and get straight hair for a while that can be easily braided.

On short hair
On short hair, braiding a voluminous bun will be quite problematic (but you can ask for help from a donut with hair and invisibility). The minimum hair length at which, in general, it is possible to curl a donut hairstyle is the length at which you can tie a ponytail, since the ponytail is the basis for a hairstyle. If you need to create as much volume as possible, then before starting your hairstyle, you need to curl your hair into curls.
The principle of creating a bun on short hair will be the same as for any other length. There are only recommendations. For example, a high ponytail at such a length is inappropriate, since overgrown strands that do not have enough length to enter a full-fledged tail will knock out of the hairstyle and spoil its overall appearance and aesthetic impression.

Difficulties may arise at the stage of "hiding" the tips under the roller. In this case, it is necessary to straighten each strand separately and as carefully as possible, and apply an additional portion of any styling product to the ends.
If your hair is too thin, and you are afraid that the hairstyle will fall apart, then use invisibility to fix the bun to the head, and spray the finished hairstyle several times with varnish.

On medium hair
Medium and long hair can frizzy very much, and if on short hair this only added volume, then in this case it can only add unnecessary complications. To make your hair slightly frizzy, do your hair either on the second day after washing your hair (but make sure that the finished hairstyle does not look greasy and unkempt!). Alternatively, spray your hair lightly with water to reduce hair magnetism on hands and other objects.
At this length, you can already tie a base ponytail at any level, even at the level of the "perfect tail" (calculated using the lines extending from the cheekbones up and can be located at the crown of the head) or a high ponytail.

If the length of the hair is still not enough to mask the roller, then you can gently tousle the strands so that the hairstyle takes on a more natural look.
Some can wrap a strand in a donut just once, and then a completely natural question arises - what to do with the rest of the length. In this case, it is necessary to twist the hair through the donut until either there is no free length, or until there is a small tip that can be easily hidden under the bun.

On long
Real works of art are created with the help of long hair and a donut. If you have rather long, albeit thin hair, you can choose any location for the hairstyle - at the crown, on the side, lower or higher than usual. To do this, simply braid all your hair in a ponytail in advance in the place where you think is necessary.
Long hair, like medium hair, can sometimes get too frizzy, magnetic and tangled, which will undoubtedly interfere with creating a hairstyle. In this case, you need to slightly moisten them with plain water, any spray or hair conditioner.

Too much hair can make the hairstyle very heavy, and some strands can start falling out, giving the hairstyle an overly tousled look. Sometimes the invisible ones do not help either. Don't be upset! When you have already disguised the donut and removed all the hair, simply put another thin elastic band on top. It will not be conspicuous, but it will hold the hair tightly and will not let the hairstyle fall apart.
In general, to create any hairstyles, it is recommended to use only new and unstretched elastic bands, and those that are held too loosely should be left for an everyday home ponytail.

If you are the owner of long, but thin hair, and want to give your hairstyle even more volume, then you can carefully pull the strands out of the already finished bun with caution, while walking in a circle so as not to violate the overall symmetry of the hairstyle.
With thick hair, it often happens that the hairstyle is too heavy, or there is too much hair, and it simply does not fit under the bagel. In such situations, you can select a separate strand that will cover the hairstyle in a circle, forming an additional circle.
This strand can simply be wrapped around the bundle, or it can be braided with a tourniquet, any kind of pigtail or fishtail.

How to decorate?
You can decorate a bun created with a donut in different ways. This will depend on the place you are going to visit, the nature of the event, and your desire and mood.
The main accessories suitable for this hairstyle are headbands or hairpins, which will be lost in the total mass, so you need to take hairpins with large bright tips in the form of beads, flowers or pearls. But you can use whatever you want, whatever you see fit.

One of the adornments of a ready-made hairstyle is your own curls. You can curl your hair slightly in advance, and then pull it out of the bun a little, which will add a slight carelessness and immediate charm to your image.

There are also very festive varieties of buns, in which different types of braids seem to be woven into the main part of the hairstyle. They are a little more difficult to make, but if you fill your hand, then you can create real masterpieces on your head. In addition, colored ribbons can be carefully woven into such hairstyles, which will make the hairstyle unusual.

If you need a hairstyle for a festive event, then you can beat the bun with a tiara or a metal headband, decorated with stones or metal patterns and casting. Thin metal headbands decorated with rhinestones look very beautiful on the hair.
Their only drawback is that they can be heavy, but they can always be easily removed without damaging your hair.
Hairpins do not have this advantage, and if you pull the hairpins out of the bundle, do so at your own risk.

A fairly popular decoration for a smooth bun is hairpins with large ornaments (for example, in the form of flowers, stars, animals and other objects, the options are too diverse to list at least most of them). Sleek hair and a bright hair clip that sparkles in the sun - and you have a beautiful look.

The hairstyles that can be created with the donut are very practical and easy to create, which gives a huge advantage over complex hairstyles, which can take many hours to create. A bagel can add volume to hair, can be easily combined with a wide variety of accessories, and is suitable for almost any event. Such a hairstyle can be quickly unraveled if an unexpected change of image is suddenly required. Simple hairstyles with a donut are winning the hearts of more and more people, which is not surprising at all.
In the video below, you will see three ways to create a bundle with a donut.