Fishtail: how to make two pigtails?

A well-groomed, neat and beautiful hairstyle is a necessary attribute of the external image of every girl. Even if a fashionista is dressed in stylish and modern clothes, but her hair looks untidy, the overall impression of the bow will definitely deteriorate.
One of the most versatile hair styling methods is braiding. However, simple braids are not suitable for everyone. It is for this reason that in the current season stylists recommend paying attention to a non-unusual styling option - fishtail braids.

Weaving technique
Fishtail is a fairly popular hairstyle. That is why hairdressers and stylists have invented a variety of ways and methods of weaving such a braid. However, the principle of weaving remains unchanged. Let's consider two traditional options.

With pickup
Weaving with a catch usually starts from the very top of the head.
- To begin with, in the parietal region of the head, you need to separate three strands and cross them together (as if you are weaving an ordinary braid).
- Now you have 2 strands. Of those three that were separated earlier, the upper and lower should form one whole, and the one that we missed between them - the other.
- Now, from the bundle of hair that is below, you need to separate a small part of the hair, to which a free curl should be added on the same side. The single strand obtained in this way must be moved to the other side on top and connected to the opposite strand (the latter must be taken in and down).
- Now we move to another part of the head. Here we separate two thin strands of hair from the base: the first from the already formed, and the second from free hair. Now you need to cross it in the same way (as in the previous paragraph).
- Continue this process until all loose hair is braided. After that, you can collect them and leave a long tail, or you can braid them to the end of the hair (along the entire length).

If this technique seemed too complicated for you, then the second, lightweight, option will suit you.
Without pickup
Weaving a braid without pick-up begins in the back of the head.
- The first step is to split the entire head of hair into two equal parts. This can be done by eye with your hands, or you can make a clear and even parting with a comb.
- Now, from the upper outer edge, you need to take a small strand and draw it over the separated half, starting the other under the bottom.
- The same manipulation should be carried out on the other side of the head.
- We continue to weave to the desired length.

In both cases, there are general rules that need to be paid attention to.
- Before you start making a fishtail, you should wash and dry your hair, and then comb it. Thus, the hairstyle will be more neat and tidy.
- Weave should be tightly holding the hair.
- All parts of the hair should be the same size.
- The thinner the strands you take, the denser the braid will turn out, respectively, the hairstyle will hold for a longer time.

Despite the fact that most often when decorating hairstyles, professional hairdressers, as well as those who like to create unusual hairstyles with their own hands at home, use these two design options, there are many other ways.

For example, women of fashion often make a fishtail from a ponytail, leaving part of the hair loose, weave a braid on the side or around the head, use reverse weaving, constrictions or other author's elements.

In any case, the basis of the weaving technique remains basic. Therefore, having mastered it, you can create real masterpieces of hairdressing with your own hands on your head and on the head of your friends.

How to braid on both sides?
First of all, you need to make a parting, dividing the hair into two equal parts from the forehead itself. The weaving procedure itself is carried out in the same way as in the classical scheme. However, the process will have to be done twice with each section of the hair.
In addition, it is worth considering that there are several options for weaving two braids in the fishtail style.

Symmetric method
In this case, the final hairstyle will be two symmetrical braids, which will be located on both sides of the head (to the right and left of the face). Using this method, it is advised to start braiding from the bottom of the ear or temple.

From the temples
The hair, divided into two halves, is braided into braids, and then (in the back of the head) is connected with an elastic band. The remaining tail is carefully combed.

Who is it for?
In general, this hairstyle is a universal option for all occasions. It can be used by the fair sex of all ages: from kindergarten pupils to mature ladies. In addition, the fishtail fits perfectly into any dress code - it can be braided for a girl at a children's matinee or a businesswoman for an office work.
Ladies - owners of various face types (round, oval, elongated, and so on) can use a fishtail for hair styling. The main thing is to choose the most suitable weaving method.

The only requirement that is put forward for the hair on which the fishtail will be created is length. So, curls should be of medium or long length, and this hairdressing masterpiece cannot be created on short hairstyles.

Difficulties may arise with weaving this type of braid on curly hair, therefore experts advise to straighten the curls in advance using a special iron. You can also pre-wet your hair a little.

At first glance, the fishtail braiding procedure may seem quite laborious, but once you learn the basic braiding technique, you can create an unusual stylish designer hairstyle almost daily in a fairly short period of time. A big plus is the fact that this hairstyle does not require any special additional devices - just take an elastic band and a comb.

For information on how to weave a fishtail, see the next video.