How to braid a fishtail yourself?

Any girl who has long hair loves interesting hairstyles, and especially options with braids, because they transform the image in such a way. Hairstyles with braids have been very popular since ancient times, today they are chosen by both ordinary women of fashion and representatives of celebrities. The fish tail can look especially advantageous. Below we will take a closer look at how to braid it yourself, as well as get acquainted with the advice of specialists and their secrets.

"Fishtail" is a kind of French braid familiar to everyone, which many have been able to weave since childhood. Braiding a fishtail is not always possible the first time, especially on your own, since this technique is slightly different from the usual one. That is why, before starting weaving, it is advisable to consider some ready-made schemes and familiarize yourself with video tutorials.
- Fishtail is equally well suited for casual and festive looks. Such a braid can be one and located in the center, or there can be 2 of them on the sides. There are a lot of location options, because you can braid such a braid in a circle.
- You can even braid a fishtail on shoulder-length hair, but these braids look best on medium-length hair.
- If you have some skills in weaving, you can weave the "fishtail" yourself, without resorting to the help of hairdressers.
- This hairstyle looks very sophisticated. Weaving from just two strands, it creates a complex, like a lace pattern that distinguishes its owner from the crowd.

This hairstyle has many more names, you can also hear the familiar "spikelet" and even "herringbone".
Advantages and disadvantages
Since the "fishtail" is considered very popular and in demand among many fashionistas, consider its advantages and disadvantages.
- This hairstyle is very comfortable to wear, it does not weigh down the hair. Moreover, you can walk with it for an unlimited amount of time, since it keeps its shape perfectly. If the braid is well fixed, then nothing will happen to it even for a whole day, especially if it is fixed with varnish.
- "Fishtail" is ideal for any everyday look, for example, for work, or solemn - for a corporate party, wedding or graduation.
- If a girl's hair is not very thick, then with the help of a fish tail, you can slightly add volume to them, which is also a significant bonus.
- This type of hairstyle is ideal for all the fair sex, at whatever age they may be. Moreover, the fishtail blends perfectly with any hair color. But, of course, it should be noted that the most memorable hairstyles with braids are those that are woven with ombre, gradient or the usual highlighting.
- When braiding not too tight braids, you can get a delicate and sophisticated image, which can be an excellent solution for any photo shoot.

As for the cons, there are not so many of them. For example, a “fishtail” is difficult to braid for ladies with short haircuts and squares. But they should not be upset either, because in order to weave such a wondrous braid, they just need to buy false hair, which are called tress, and the problem will be solved.

Master classes
To quickly learn how to weave a "fishtail", consider several master classes that will help you master this simple technique. First, you need to prepare a few combs, hairpins and elastic bands to fix your hair.

Option number 1
- The hair should be thoroughly combed along the entire length and divided into 2 equal parts.
- Next, you should carefully separate one strip of hair from the top of the left side.
- The separated strand should be connected to the right side of the hair and then connected to the left.
- Repeat the same until the end of the hair. Fix the end with an elastic band.

After mastering this simple weaving pattern, we will move on to the next master class, in which we will learn how to independently weave a voluminous "fishtail".
Option number 2
- Well combed and parted hair should be braided into a fishtail in a comfortable and familiar pattern, and should not be made too tight.
- Then, for each loop of the braid, you need to gently pull and loosen it, this can also be done with a parting comb.
- Finally, the braid should be secured.

Option number 3
"Fish tail" to one side.
- Gently comb the hair and divide it into 2 equal parts.
- Then we transfer all the hair to one of the parts, for example, to the right.
- Then, using both hands, take 2 strands of hair and separate the thin curl from the edge using your index fingers, transferring the curl to the second strand.
- We repeat the same on the left side.
- The general pattern of weaving looks like this: we separate the curl - we shift it - we capture it - we separate it - we shift it and we capture it again.

A slightly loose "fish tail" looks especially advantageous from the side. Therefore, after the end of weaving, you can slightly dissolve it.
Tips from the masters
Before you start braiding at home, we recommend that you read the advice of professional hairdressers.
- For those who are just learning to weave a fishtail, it is better to do it in such a way that the hair is gathered to one side. So the whole process will be more visual than weaving a braid from the back, when you cannot see your own hands.
- If it is assumed that the "fish tail" will begin as a classic spikelet - at the back of the head, then it should be started from there. Well-combed locks of hair should be crisscrossed at the crown. But they should be positioned so that the right curl is on top of the left.
- To get the perfect braid, you need to use your hands correctly.With your free hand on the opposite side, you should take a new strand of hair and intertwine it with the already obtained braid, and then you just need to repeat these steps until the end of weaving.

- To create a very unusual hairstyle, for example, based on ancient Greek motives, a "fishtail" can be braided around the head in the form of a wreath. To do this, you should use the usual weaving pattern. You can decorate such a hairstyle with decorative hairpins with flowers and even ribbons.
- Do not weave fishtail on freshly washed and dried hair, as it will crumble. According to many stylists, it is best to braid the braid on the second or third day after shampooing.
- To create a voluminous hairstyle, you can first do a small comb on your hair. You can use hairspray for fixing, and mousse at the braiding stage.
- If the weaving of the braid will go from the forehead and parts of the back of the head, then this should continue until the very end. All hand grips should be done from the side parts, and not separate them from the separate strands.

Summing up, it should be said that having familiarized yourself with the basic patterns of braiding and small secrets of the masters, braiding a “fishtail” for oneself will be as easy as for the most ordinary braid.
For information on how to braid your own fishtail, see the next video.