Hairstyles with elastic bands

An elastic band is the simplest accessory that each of us uses, from little girls to adult women. There are many different types of rubber bands: small silicone and fabric, large, voluminous and decorated with various stones, beads and other elements. To complete the hairstyle, you can use elastic bands with bright colors, and if you want to hide them, you need to select accessories to match your hair.
Hairstyle ideas for short hair
It has become popular to do hairstyles for little girls using a large number of colored elastic bands. To get started, comb your child's hair and keep him busy while weaving, for example, watching cartoons. Let's take a look at some quick options for creating simple hairstyles.
To create a Chess hairstyle you need to take 3 small strands at the forehead and temples, tie each with a small elastic band. Separate the next hairline, divide them into 4 even strands in a checkerboard pattern. Tying the first tail near the ear, add half the stripes from the upper tail to it, tie with an elastic band. In the second ponytail, add the remaining strand from the first top plus half of the second top. So tie up the remaining tails. When you're done with this row, separate the next one by tying the tails in the same way until you reach the end.
This weaving can be done not only over the entire head, but also up to half, on one side or bottom, then simply collecting all the hair in a ponytail.

For the next hairstyle, make a parting, it can be either even, or a little sideways or zigzag. Then tie one side so it doesn't get in the way. On the free part, take a small strand and tie it with a silicone rubber band, separate the next strand and, together with the upper one, tie a common tail.So get to the top of the head, do the same with the second side.
Attach the bows to the last two tails. This method can be used in other interpretations, for example, having reached the crown, go down the back of the head and move up in this way. At the end, tie into two common ponytails, start braiding from the side and move in the direction of the opposite side, creating a rim.

The next option. Divide the hair into 2 parts, a large and a smaller one, we will work with a larger one. After separating a section of hair from the forehead, tie the first small ponytail to one side. In a row with it, make another 3-4 tails, then in each, in turn, slightly above the elastic, make a hole and twist the tail into it. The hairstyle is ready, if you wish, you can attach small hairpins or crabs with flowers to the rubber bands.

Weave two back braids. Comb your hair and part it in half along the entire length of your head. At the forehead line, take 3 strands and begin to weave them, placing one of the side strands under the middle one, then the second side strand under the middle one. Continue this order, adding hair to the sides, and when finished braiding, tie the ends with elastic bands. Such hairstyles are also suitable for adult girls. Instead of the final tail, you can make bunches by twisting the bundles, secure with hairpins.
If you have fine hair, use a donut to match your hair.

Girls with "short" hair is very suitable a French braid braided on one side, an ordinary twisted plait or spikelet, weaving can also be up. Here we also include a subspecies of the Malvina hairstyle - this is when the upper part of the hair is gathered, and the bottom is left untouched. From this collected hair, you can make a bun, weave a pigtail, or twist bundles on each separate side and connect with one elastic band.
Attention! It is necessary to remove silicone rubber bands without harming your hair correctly. Gently pull back one turn and rip or cut it.

Waterfall with elastic bands for loose hair
To do this, comb your hair and part in the middle. Take a lock from your forehead and tie it back. Divide into 2 parts and insert a small lock taken from the common hair on top between them. Tie those 2 pieces back into one with an elastic band. Repeat this way along the head, moving towards the back of the head. Secure the last ponytail and decorate with a bow.

How to style your long hair?
There are many options for hairstyles for long hair using various accessories. The ponytail is a versatile hairstyle that can be done on all hair lengths. It also has several variations:
- classical;
- with weaving;
- with a fleece.
For all of them, we need a hairbrush, an elastic band and two invisible ones. In the classic version, comb your hair and tie a high ponytail, after smearing the hair with foam or mousse - this is to keep the hair manageable. Then take a thin curl from the tail and wrap it around the elastic, secure the tip with invisible ones.
Classics can be performed at the top, crown, bottom, or even in the middle. Weaving can be different: top, bottom or side.

For top braiding, take a lock of hair from your forehead, divide it into 3 sections and start braiding. Add hair on the sides, and you can cross hair underneath (twisted braid) or upward. You can also finish braiding in different ways: at the top of the head, collecting all the rest of the hair in a high ponytail, or weave to the very bottom, and also tie the tail at the bottom. This kind of braiding can also be braided to the side, adding tufts of hair on both sides, and only on one side.
For another option, take a lock from the forehead and weave a spikelet, plait or braid. Pull the remaining hair into a ponytail, tying it with an elastic band, wrap the braiding around it, secure it with invisibility. The third option is weaving from the bottom. Comb all of your hair back, grab 3 thin strands at the bottom of the back of your head, and start braiding in a reverse or regular braid. Braid, moving up, add hair on the sides. Finish the braiding at the crown by tying a high ponytail.

Brushed weave looks like this. Foam your hair and comb it back out. Take a mop of hair from your forehead and comb through it with a comb. Pull up the remaining hair and tie it in a ponytail. Carefully lay the combed strands by wrapping the remaining lower part around the elastic, secure with invisible ones.

For a ponytail with elastic bands First, comb your hair and tie the ponytail at the top of your head. Divide it in half, twist two bundles and tie them together with one elastic band.
To hide the top of the elastic, before halving, take a small strand from the tail and wrap it around the elastic, secure the tip with an invisibility.

For the "flashlight" we need at least 5 more rubber bands. Take the tail and tie an elastic band 5 cm from the base, then tie the remaining elastic bands at the same distance. When finished, gently stretch your hair with your fingers, making it look like a flashlight.
Take a strand from the ponytail and wrap it around the base, secure with hairpins. Divide the tail in half, take a thin strand from each half and throw it on the other half (spikelet weaving technique). Braid a third of the ponytail and tie with an elastic band. Do the same again, leaving a small ponytail at the end.

With rim
To use a woven headband (the principle of the Greek hairstyle), you need to put the headband on your head and turn the strands around it, first from one side and then the other. Headbands, like hoops, are different, made from different materials: rubber, fabric, plastic and even metal, decorated with artificial, ribbon flowers, stones and beads.

You can also use a scarf or light scarf as a headband.
Recently, girls have begun to use a rubber band in the form of a spring. Most often, a high or low tail is tied with it, the made bun or bun is fixed. And a lush bun is made out with an auxiliary accessory. As it you can use a bagel, a collapsible bagel, or a hairpin-twistor. Make a high ponytail, then put a donut over your head, sticking the tail through it.
Spread your hair evenly over it and put an elastic band over it, from the remaining hair, make 2 braids or plaits. Hide the gum with them, twisting and pinning with hairpins. A collapsible bagel or a hairpin twist has a similar twisting principle, you need to twist your hair upward. Connect the ends, fastening them together, fix with a pair of pins.

Options for medium length haircuts
Owners of medium length hair are lucky, absolutely all hairstyles will suit them. Let's consider several variations.
- We use one elastic band and several pins for securing. Following the step by step instructions, as shown in the picture, collect and tie a small ponytail at the ends of your hair. Then turn it inward and secure with hairpins, carefully picking up the fallen curls. Fix the hairstyle with nail polish.
- We need 5 rubber bands and a comb. Comb through your hair and apply the foam. Take a strand from the forehead to the crown of the head and make a ponytail, then separate the hairline from the ears and tie the ponytail again, including the previous one. Gather the remaining hair, tying it, tie the other 2 elastic bands along the length of the tail (in the case of the "Flashlight" hairstyle). This hairstyle will look good both for training in the gym and as an evening one.
- Inverted tails: tie the tail with a simple elastic band, as for the Malvina hairstyle, then, having made a hole above the elastic, twist the entire tail into it. Part the hair at the back of the ear and tie the ponytail, including the top one, making a hole again and twist the hair. Tie the last ponytail at the bottom and twist it as well. Secure the hairstyle with varnish, the fluffy tail can be wound, and hairpins with pebbles can be inserted into the elastic bands.
- Openwork braid to one side. Pre-roll the curls, then dividing the hair in half, separate a section of hair from one side.Divide it into 3 strands and weave them down, add strands on both sides, move along the edge of the head down the back of the head. Finish braiding on the opposite side at the bottom, tie with an elastic band. Taking a lock from the tail, wrap it around the base and secure with an invisible one.
- The use of a net has become a popular accessory among ballerinas and not only. Most often, it is put on an already made bun so that the hair does not stick out. Also, the net can be seen on the hairstyles of Hollywood stars and models.
- A hairstyle with a bandage is distinguished by its simplicity and ease of implementation. If you do not have a special bandage, then you can use a homemade one from a scarf. Part your hair in half at the back, and place a scarf so that the ends hang down evenly. Divide the hair in half on one side again, twist a tourniquet from them together with a scarf, fix the end of the tail there. Do the same with the other side, connect both sides at the top, tying the ends of the scarf together. Twist the scarf, attach it to the head, slightly above the forehead, tie at the back of the head and hide the ends. Take a lock of hair from your temples and twist it through a homemade headband, twist all the strands on both sides like this. When you reach the back of your head, twist the remaining hair, secure with a couple of invisible hairpins, sprinkle your hair with varnish to fix it.

Beautiful examples
Inverted braid with elastic bands. The hairstyle is suitable for both little girls and adult girls, the main thing is that the curls are long. For this hairstyle, we need a lot of small elastic bands, be they regular fabric or silicone. Step-by-step instruction:
- on well-washed and dried curls, apply a little mousse so that they are obedient;
- comb and separate 2 strands on both sides, fastening with an elastic band, pin for a short while from above, so as not to interfere;
- separate a strand of hair a little lower and tie it into a ponytail, lower the upper tail, tie an elastic band on it slightly below the level of the second tail, making a hole, stick out the lower tail, lift it and secure it with a crab;
- separate the strands of hair again on both sides and tie with the hanging lower tail, release the hooked tail, divide in half and tie under the lower tail;
- continue this way until the end, until you run out of hair, gently pull the strands of hair, creating volume, fix the hairstyle with varnish.

Braided spikelet
Weave a spikelet, following the instructions in the figure, before that you need to wash and dry your hair, only then start performing the hairstyle. This type is suitable for long and medium curls.
When finished, use nice hairpins or small crabs, symmetrically positioned. The end of the tail can be tied with a ribbon.
Three-row braid with tape. For this weaving, we need a thin ribbon of any color, then follow the instructions:
- tie a high ponytail and divide it into 3 equal strands, fasten the ribbon to the middle strand;
- put the left on the middle strand, turn the tape over the left, and then under the bottom of the center strand;
- repeat until you reach the end, making sure that the tape always runs over the left strand;
- tie the end of the tail with an elastic band or wrap and tie with a ribbon, gently stretch the strands of the braid, adding more volume to it.

Simple braiding with multiple braids or plaits:
- comb your hair and smear it with mousse, divide the hair at the back into several strands;
- weave or twist each strand separately, tied with a transparent elastic band, stretch them, making them a little "disheveled";
- start twisting the weaving together, securing it with invisible ones, decorate with beautiful hairpins or a couple of small clips.

For information on what kind of hairstyles there are, see the next video.