Hairstyles with side curls

Modern women of fashion are faced with a huge selection of various hairstyles. Many young ladies are very fond of feminine and playful solutions, in which beautifully curled curls are laid to one side. Such hairstyles harmoniously fit into many images and adorn women's combinations of stylish clothes and no less stylish makeup.

How to do it at home?
It's no secret that even at home you can implement many interesting solutions.
Classic styling
A hairstyle in which the curls are tucked away on one side is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.
It will fit perfectly into many ensembles. You don’t have to go to the hairdresser to give the strands such a beautiful shape.
We will analyze step by step how you should form the most common version of this styling with your own hands.
- First you need to thoroughly wash your hair, and then dry it.
- Apply a small amount of styling mousse all over the surface.
- Treat your hair with a heat protectant.
- Make a side parting on your head using a fine comb. The beginning of the parting should be done in the temple area.
- Pin a large part of the strands with a hair clip, without affecting the curls in the lower half of the back of the head.
- Using curlers or a styler, start curling the curls of the desired diameter. The hairstyle can be either small or large curls.
- From the entire head, select another small section of hair. Screw it on gently. These steps will need to be done until the curls run out.
- Now you can shape your hairstyle. To do this, you will need to prepare a good set of invisible pins or hairpins.
- Use a fine comb to create attractive, voluminous ends.Do not touch the upper half of the strands yet.
- Sprinkle the resulting fleece at the ends with varnish.
- Now, by hand, meticulously collect the resulting curls and move to the planned side. After that, you can proceed to fixing the charming curly locks with hairpins.
- If you want to make more durable, but no less light curls, then you will need to collect all the curls in an impromptu tourniquet, and then secure it with invisible hairpins.
- Sprinkle varnish on the beautiful styling.

Wet look
Beautiful wet waves, tucked to one side, look original and stylish on fashionistas. It is easy and simple to form such a hairstyle at home, it will take very little time.
- First, you will need to apply the fixing agent to the strands while they are still damp. After that, you will need to dry them using a hair dryer. At the same time, you do not need to use a comb or brushing.
- The resulting "wet" curls will need to be carefully stabbed onto one side.
- Spray high hold hairspray on your hair.

With fleece
Many ladies, when creating spectacular evening ensembles, resort to sexy and chic hairstyles with a comb that gives the styling a more voluminous look.
We will analyze step by step how you can make beautiful curls on the side with your own hands, complemented by fleece.
- Never comb wet hair. You can start such procedures when the head is completely dry.
- It is necessary to form the volume from the very roots using a fine comb. Do the movements carefully if you want to style the strands without loss and injury to your hair.
- Now you can start curling.
- Using a large massage comb, gently and lightly comb through the curled curls and treat them with a quality varnish.
- Using the studs, start securing the curls on the left or right side.
- The resulting composition can be supplemented with a beautiful and exquisite ribbon of a suitable shade, a flower or other appropriate accessory.

With braids
Side curls look great in other, more familiar combinations for ladies. For example, it can be a stylish tandem with a ponytail or beautiful braids. Let's take a closer look at how you can build the second option yourself.
- First, separate the small strand in the temporal zone. Next, braid a small amount (only one is permissible) of ordinary braids. Their ends will need to be carefully pulled together with barely noticeable rubber bands.
- The strands that remain must be wound using curlers or a styler.
- Braided braids should be tied along the side of the temple. It is advisable to carefully hide the ends of the braids under the curls and secure them with invisible ones.
- Place the formed curls on the chosen side, and then secure with hairpins.
- Spray the styling with a high hold varnish.

In the next video, you will find another version of an interesting hairstyle from curls woven into a braid.
Trendy curls, carefully tucked to one side look much festive and brighter when supplemented with suitable accessories. Most often, young ladies use charming headbands, hairpins, cute flowers to decorate their hairstyles. Such compositions with curls look no less attractive and delicate if they are supplemented with rhinestones, multi-colored beads, feathers or tiaras.

If you want to choose bold and noticeable accessories for your hairstyle, for example, hoops, headbands, ribbons or tiaras, then you need to consider that such details can greatly overload your image. It is advisable to give preference to more modest and restrained elements that will not "pull" all the attention. This is especially true for serious and everyday ensembles, where there is no need for bright details.
Headbands, tiaras and similar items in matching colors will be the perfect solution for a festive setting. For example, it can be a graduation ceremony or a wedding celebration.In such conditions, there is no need to be afraid of expressive and bright accessories.

Many young ladies today choose ultra-fashionable jewelry: beads, feathers, rhinestones and flowers of different sizes. These accessories are sold in many stores and are great for everyday ensembles.
The main thing is not to forget about the sense of proportion in choosing these jewelry - there should not be too many such inserts on the side curls.

Helpful hints and tips
The appearance of the final hairstyle with curls laid to one side largely depends on the direct length of the lady's hair. In addition, the width of the curling strand should be determined by their length: the longer the hair, the thinner the strand you need to choose for curling.
Since the curls in such hairstyles are thrown to one side chosen by the lady, an imitation of their spectacular density is involuntarily formed, in which it will be possible to freely hide almost any fasteners - invisible or hairpins. Do not be afraid to hide these details behind curls - the image will not become overloaded from this.
If you don't have much time left, and you want to form a spectacular hairstyle, then you can first make a side ponytail, and after that curl the unoccupied loose head of hair, using the tongs.
Women's aesthetic hairstyles with side curls and bold brushes can be the perfect solution for a retro theme party.

Curled hairstyles, pulled to one side, are amazingly "worn" on strands of different lengths. For example, on medium hair, such a solution will look great if it is "supported" by medium strands, gathered in a bun, or by French weaving. If we are talking about a spectacular wedding hairstyle, then it is better not to forget about the use of suitable accessories and jewelry. Pearl beads and decorative hairpins look especially attractive in such an environment. Strings of pearls can become expressive details.
To increase the strength and elasticity of sexy curls, it is recommended to use high-quality mousses and foams to style them, and at the end fix the curls with varnish. If for such styling you are going to use a curling iron, tongs, iron or other similar elements, then it is recommended to treat the strands in advance with a thermal protective compound. This product will protect hair from the damaging effects of high temperatures during styling.

Beautiful examples
A hairstyle with wavy large curls, collected from all over the head, and then pulled on one side, looks amazing on girls and women. Styling will look especially harmonious in tandem with a side parting. But you need to keep in mind that in this case, the temporal part of the opposite side will be as open as possible.

In search of unique and unusual solutions, bold, daring and self-confident young ladies resort to styling side curls "in union" with a shaved temple on the opposite side of the head. Such options look very stylish and modern, but women of more respectable age are rarely suitable for them.