Beautiful brushed hairstyles

Hairstyle is one of the most important components of a beautiful and harmonious look. There are many different options for how to cut or style your hair aesthetically. Many young ladies prefer spectacular brushed hairstyles. Such decisions are rarely ignored, since they focus on the bright personality of the fashionista. Today we will take a closer look at these options and find out what types of brushed hairstyles exist.

What it is?
Every lady at least once in her life has heard of brushed hairstyles. This is a very popular technique for giving hair extra puffiness and thickness. It is used both on short and on medium or long curls - there are no restrictions on the length.

Advantages and disadvantages
Competently executed brushed hairstyles look very attractive and effective. With their help, you can transform a female image. It will become more expressive, bright, and the fashionista herself will become self-confident. Many young ladies nowadays prefer just such stylish solutions, but you need to keep in mind that they have both their pros and cons. Let's take a look at the pros first.
- Correctly executed bouffant makes the hairstyle more lush and voluminous, even if earlier outwardly it seemed sparse and "liquid". Moreover, the type of hair does not play any role here - the strands can be anything.

- The fleece can be used as a basis for creating more complex and original hairstyles for celebrations, holidays and parties. With such spectacular styling, it will be possible to create incomparable and luxurious images that will fall in love with you at first sight.

- Many fashionistas are pleased that a well-made bouffant seamlessly holds its shape for a long time. It does not have to be constantly corrected, applying more and more layers of styling products.

- With the help of one or another type of fleece, it will be possible to effectively correct facial features, if necessary. Moreover, many young ladies turn to these hairstyles to visually appear taller.

- Fleece is a universal solution. It can be used on hair of any length. It can be either short or medium, as well as long chic curls, difficult in terms of styling.

- In performance, bouffant cannot be called too complicated. And it usually does not take too much time to form it. It will be possible to build a bouffant with your own hands at home, without contacting an experienced hairdresser.

- Ladies with a large complexion, hairstyles with pile will be very useful. Thanks to this solution, the figure will visually appear more balanced and proportional.

- Hairstyles like this can harmoniously fit into a wide variety of styles. At the same time, the stylistic direction of the outfit can also be anything. The main thing is to choose the most suitable styling option, and the image will turn out to be incomparable.

- Fleece is a solution that young ladies of all ages often turn to. It can be both young girls and women of respectable age.

Yes, there are plenty of advantages to this spectacular styling. However, it also has its weaknesses.
- Unfortunately, bouffant is not for everyone. For example, for women of fashion, who by nature have a narrow face and miniature cheekbones, it is advisable to refuse from fleece, since it will only emphasize and highlight the indicated features of appearance. As a result, the appearance will seem disharmonious.
- Another of the most important disadvantages of fleece is the high probability of damage to the strands. It is for this reason that chic and lush, like whipped hair, it is recommended to do it only on special occasions, for example, for celebrations or major holidays.
As an option for every day, it will not work, because healthy strands cannot withstand such an effect for a long time.

What to choose for every day?
There are many options for beautiful and eye-catching brushed hairstyles. Sometimes it is difficult for women of fashion to dwell on a particular look because of the chic choice and the variety of possible solutions.

Let's take a closer look at what aesthetic and neat brushed hairstyles you can choose for every day based on the length of the hair.
For short hair
Many ladies are sure that only happy owners of straightened long or medium hair can afford a luxurious pile. In fact, fashionistas with short haircuts may well turn to these stylish solutions.

So, one of the most popular and attractive hairstyles is charming "malvinka". It is done very easily and quickly. Before proceeding with its formation, it is advisable to carefully wind the strands. Next, you need to act like this:
- you will need to highlight the strand in front of the forehead;
- it needs to be combed well and collected in a flagellum with an overlap;
- fix the prepared flagellum with invisible pins or pins - as it is more convenient for you;
- then you need to properly fix the resulting styling, especially in the place of the fleece.

It is not always convenient to use various tools such as a curling iron or curlers on short hair. This is where it comes to the rescue spectacular bouffant. So, the next hairstyle can be built in just a couple of minutes. To do this, you need to stock up on a comb with frequent teeth, a hair brush, styling mousse and varnish.
You need to act as follows.
- First, the hair will need to be thoroughly washed and then dried.
- Next, you need to determine where exactly in your haircut you will need to form additional volume.It is usually organized at the top of the head or asymmetrically, especially when the haircut is of the same shape.
- On short hair, fleece looks great in the back of the head. Here you can combine both voluminous and smooth strands.
- In this case, the bangs, lateral and temporal curls can be made very neat and smooth by simply combing the hair.
- Part your hair in a part. Select a strand that is not too wide from there. Pull it gently, moving perpendicular to the parting.
- Make a small indent from the roots, trying not to harm your hair, comb the taken lock. In this case, you need to move from the ends of the curl to the roots. In order to form the desired volume on any short haircut, it will be enough to carry out processing literally 3-4 strands.
- Then iron the curls with a brush. In this case, you will need to form a neat and soft outline. The remaining hair will simply be combed or straightened slightly.
- Spray the bouffant with enough polish to set the finish.

For medium length
A truly luxurious bouffant can look on medium length hair. Many young ladies resort to these interesting solutions if they want to add a unique flavor to the image. For example, the favorite hairstyle of many women of fashion is cute "Malvinka" with curls. It will be possible to build it with your own hands, without spending too much free time.
For medium lengths, this styling is done in stages like this.
- First, the strands are pulled back and placed above the forehead line. To this end, two horizontally directed partings separate the hair at the crown. The closer the partings turn out to be, the more visually the oval of the face will be extended.
- It will be permissible to prepare the strands directly above the forehead or in the area of the crown, depending on the type of hairstyle being formed. However, you will need to be sure to gently smooth the curls using a brush. Then with your fingers you need to give the hair the desired shape.

It looks very nice on curls of medium length lush and feminine babette. This styling is done both with and without bangs. In both cases, the hairstyle is feminine and charming. To make such a styling for yourself, you need to step by step do the following:
- first you will need to wash your hair, and then dry it with a hairdryer;
- then on the line slightly below the crown, you will need to carefully separate them with a horizontal parting;
- the upper part will need to be divided into 2 more parts;
- the zone, which is located just below, is collected in a tight flagellum and attached to the rest of the heap on hairpins;
- after that, a fleece is formed on the half that is in the front closer to the bangs;
- then the flagellum is covered with a fleece, and the strands will need to be slightly smoothed with a comb;
- the next step, the curls will need to be collected under the flagellum and fixed with an invisible one, and at the end the hair should be sprayed with varnish.
The result is a very beautiful and high pile. It will look perfect and harmonious not only in everyday ensembles, but also in the setting of any holiday, be it a graduation, birthday or wedding.

Long strands
Especially expressively well-made bouffant "worn" against the background of chic strands of great length. Such decisions are never ignored, because they look sexy and feminine. So, one of the most trendy and popular everyday brushed hairstyles is considered good old tail. This styling is formed in several main stages.
- First, as in other situations, you will need to thoroughly wash and dry your hair.
- Comb the strands and divide them horizontally in the temporal zone, and then separate a little hair above the forehead. The latter will need to be tightened into a tight flagellum so that they do not interfere with further actions.
- The curls on the back of the head, on the top of the head, temples should be carefully combed, and then moved back and smoothed a little.
- Then the shock is collected in a tail, the flagellum is untwisted over the forehead, and the strands are laid back.
- The same strands will need to wrap the elastic at the base, and then fix the ends with hairpins.
- A neatly collected mop will definitely need to be sprinkled with a sufficient amount of varnish so that the hairstyle keeps its shape longer.

Of course, this is not the only styling method. beautiful female tail with a fleece. It will turn out to be created in a different way. Below we will consider how to form a chic voluminous tail with a fleece in the crown area according to all the rules.
- The first step, as always, is to rinse and dry your hair.
- Then you need to take the upper part of the strand and form a bouffant, fixing it with varnish at the very roots.
- Then collect the tail carefully but securely. Separate one curl, wind it at the base to hide the elastic.
- After that, it is permissible to start curling the strand at the ends. Of course, you can do without curling, and resort to straightening the ends - as you like best.
In these circumstances, pile on long curls, gathered in a ponytail, can give the styling volume and unique airiness.

Gentle, light and flirtatious on many girls with a long shock of hair, chic solutions look with both fleece and impeccably curled curls. Loose strands, coupled with fleece, have always remained in trend and looked incomparable if done correctly. To create this charming styling, you need to collect the strands from the upper surface of the head, and then comb and style them.
The fleece will make the hairstyle more voluminous and noticeable. In the case of combined hairstyles, the rest of the strands in the lower part will need to be processed using a curling iron or tongs. You need to curl the curls to the middle of the length in order to get a more attractive result.
In this case, many girls remove curls in one direction. It is advisable not to comb the mop, but to disassemble it by hand, beat it and comb it with a brush. This simple but insanely beautiful styling will take quite a bit of free time. This option is good not only as everyday, but also as a festive one.

Wedding and Party Ideas
As mentioned earlier, brushed hairstyles are very good solutions if you want to form a harmonious look for a festive event. It should be noted that many everyday styling of this type can easily fit into a festive atmosphere.

It is worth considering a few of the most spectacular and luxurious options that ladies prefer to make for holidays or weddings.
Feminine can be an adorable holiday option. bouffant in the Greek style. It looks gorgeous, but it is done quite simply.
- First, the hair will need to be divided into zones, forming even partings. If you want, you can prepare the parting and do the bouffant from the top of the head.
- It is permissible to make the parting both perfectly straight and zigzag. Usually it is formed using a special bobbin.
- A strand is selected on the crown and placed perpendicularly on the head. Please note - the curl must be tightly pulled.
- Further, at the roots with a brush, you need to comb the strands. For all hair, you need to comb at the roots and fix the result with invisible ones.
- The hair in the area of the temples will need to be carefully collected in a low ponytail. The strands should not be tightened too much, they should be loose.
- Curl the ponytail using a medium-sized curling iron, or pick up strands and make a neat bun out of them.
- Place one or more headbands over your head. They will fit seamlessly between the hair. At the end of all procedures, the hairstyle should be fixed using varnish.

Another incomparable festive brushed solution is shell. This hairstyle looks very original and stylish, so many young ladies choose it. You can do this at home. Let's analyze in stages how to act.
- First, the hair will need to be combed with a small-toothed comb.
- Then the strands are neatly pulled back and collected in a full-length tail at the back of the head.
- The tail will need to be wrapped so that it is, as it were, directed in one direction - to the left. Then it will need to be fastened with invisible ones.
- It is advisable to sprinkle the resulting styling with varnish so that it lasts longer.

You can prepare a very beautiful festive hairstyle in the following way.
- In the front half of the head, select a small section of the hair. Tighten them with a rubber band.
- The hair below the crown should be well combed with a fine-toothed comb. Iron the area gently.
- Pull up the combed half of your hair slightly. Fix them with invisible ones.
- The front half that you separated will need to be carefully divided into a parting. It can be either side or in the center - whichever you like best.
- Secure these strands with invisible ones.
- Twist the strands at the bottom into a small bun. Secure it with hairpins.
- As a decor for such a hairstyle, you can use a variety of hairpins.

The so-called evening looks rich and elegant on girls royal styling, also providing for a small fleece. These solutions are perfect for weddings or proms. You can make a beautiful royal styling like this.
- First, you need to tie a ponytail on the crown.
- Then a roller is laid on top and fixed. The tips will need to be divided into two halves and attached to the head for invisibility.
- In the front half of the head, you will need to carefully separate a strand of hair and comb it a little. Lower it over the roller to completely cover it.
- Gather the strands in a ponytail. Screw it onto the curling iron, and then arrange the curls correctly, what you get.
- Complete this hairstyle with a matching accessory like a crown or tiara.
- Lay your bangs for a harmonious and attractive styling.

How to comb your hair after styling?
Combed strands need not only to be laid correctly, but also to be properly unraveled.
- First, very carefully remove all installed invisibility pins and hairpins from the head.
- It is recommended to wash combed strands a couple of times with shampoo. At this time, the hair should be divided into strands. This should be done very carefully.
- When the shampoo is washed off, you will definitely need to use a balm or a good mask. Leave these compounds on your head for the time indicated on the package.
- Strands treated with balsam should be gently combed with a sparse-toothed comb. This should be done until they are even. Then you will need another wash with warm water.

Useful Tips
- In no case should bouffant be done on wet and damp hair - the head must be completely dried. Otherwise, you can seriously injure the curls.
- The entire length should not be brushed. It is not recommended to touch the ends of the curls in any case.
- Before doing a beautiful styling, you need to decide in advance exactly where the bouffant will be. The entire hairstyle as a whole will directly depend on its specific location.
- To visually narrow the face, you should do a high bouffant above the forehead line. It can be collected at the top of the head.
- It is not recommended to comb too often to avoid damaging your hair. Otherwise, they will be seriously damaged.

For information on how to make a bouffant, see the next video.