Hair Loop Hairstyles

Most girls regularly face the dilemma regarding their own hair: spend a lot of time and energy on an unusual hairstyle to look fresh and new, or hastily put together a simple and unassuming hairstyle that others see, at best, once a week. The vast majority of the fair sex always wants to look impressive, but sometimes there is simply no time for it - these are the realities of modern life.
However, the inventors are actively working on a solution to this problem, and therefore such a special tool as a hair loop has appeared.

The hair loop has many names - this device is called a styler or topsy tail. Visually, it looks like a pointed stick made of plastic, at the end of which an elastic loop is threaded. As a rule, the styler is available in one of two overall options: 19 cm or 14 cm in length, therefore can be used on strands of different thickness.

If you did not have to use such a device before, then both should be taken for a sample in order to understand which one is better suited. At the same time, more complex designs come across, for example, with two loops. But such a variation will be of interest to those who have passed the first level and are ready for further experiments.

The hair loop is specially made to make it easier to create twisted ponytail hairstyles. You can experiment with such solutions for any length of hair, as long as it is not shorter than the shoulders. Of course, you can do a similar styling without any styler, but in a hurry and without outside help, the result may not look too neat, because sometimes the hair does not obey at all.Thus, such a device allows you to save time on creating an unusual and rather complex hairstyle, and also helps to replace the "girlfriend", which is so necessary for complex weaving.
In operation, the device is considered very simple - even children can use it without assistance.

You can purchase a similar tool in any department of hair care products, not to mention specialty stores. In addition, the widest assortment is available on the Internet with delivery in any convenient way.
Advantages and disadvantages
The high popularity of the styler is due to the fact that this device has continuous advantages.
- Compact size - the thing is always with you. This is not a hairdryer and not a curling iron - the loop can even be shoved into a large wallet and carried with you at all times. This allows you to have a proper strict hairstyle in the office, but when you leave work for a walk, it will be transformed in the blink of an eye.
In addition, when collecting for a trip, it is enough to take a styler and a few elastic bands to come up with a new hair solution every day and not look the same in all photos.

- Ease. Topsy tail was invented precisely for the case when a person does not have time to learn new tricky tricks. This device does not offer a unique result after learning the instructions - on the contrary, it extremely simplifies the creation of hairstyles that would have to be disassembled step by step without a styler.

- Versatility. A special device for creating hairstyles with an inverted tail may scare off some girls as not universal enough, because all styling, at first glance, seems to be the same. In fact, the presence of imagination in the young lady and such a cunning hairpin will help to appear in a new image every time.

- Saving time. Building an unusual hairstyle with a styler does not always take a lot of time, even if it seems that the curls have been worked out a lot. Sometimes you can slowly make an original styling in just 5 minutes, to which those around you definitely did not have time to get used to, and after all, calm gatherings without haste in the morning is priceless.

- Universal accessibility. Hair loops are not a novelty or a gimmick; you can buy them at any hair supply store. From the point of view of price, such a device is available for every young lady, so there is no need to delay with its purchase.

The styler actually has no significant disadvantages. The only thing that can be said is that it is not a panacea, because apart from variations of an everted tail, it has nothing to offer. However, as already mentioned, women's imagination is capable of squeezing out the maximum even from limited opportunities, and even a low cost allows you to buy such a hairpin without a twinge of conscience, even if, apart from a few options, it is no longer possible to come up with it.

Interesting hairstyle options
The number of different hairstyles that you can try using the styler can be overwhelming. It is extremely difficult to consider all of them. Below are some examples of how to make your own hairstyle step by step. without outside help.
This is a fairly popular solution for hair above average. Well-combed hair is pulled into a high ponytail, after which a styler is threaded vertically over the elastic, leaving a loop at the bottom. Then it is necessary to separate the strand from the medium-sized tail and thread it through the loop, and then pull it through the top. The extracted strand should be divided in half and decorated with two thin pigtails. It remains to turn them out in the shape of a heart, and tie the ends from below, hiding under the tail and stabbing them with small Chinese hairpins - the openwork heart is ready.
This solution usually looks great on young romantic girls.

Collected hair
If you use a styler, you can simply collect long hair using an unconventional method, without any braids or tails.The instruction begins with the fact that a free tail is usually formed along the line of the ears from the outer part of the curls, tying it with an elastic band. The loop is threaded from bottom to top and the assembled tail is passed through it, after which the tool is removed through the top. Then the remaining hair below the ears is also collected in a ponytail, now low, and the whole procedure is repeated once more.
Part of the hair will still remain free - they must be lifted and wrapped, securing them closer to the crown with hairpins. The resulting design usually requires additional decorations - large hairpins or flowers. If everything is done correctly, you will get another styling option for a very delicate young lady.

Hairstyle a la Grace Kelly
The styler is designed to create not only gentle and romantic images, but also for more strict hairstyle options. If you need just such a decision, then you get the image of the famous Hollywood actress, in whose honor it is customary to call such a styling.
It all starts with diligent combing - hair must either be combed back or parted. At the back, they need to be collected in a low tail, after which a styler is inserted over the elastic band - not from bottom to top, as in the two previous solutions, but from top to bottom. The collected hair is pulled through the loop, but not all the way, while the tool should be gently pulled down, forming a curvature of the tail.
Those hairs that have not yet taken part in creating the hairstyle rise and hide inside the described rounding.

Inversion on loose hair
Hair does not have to be tightly gathered at the back - the styler allows you to come up with an original hairstyle even on those curls that are loose, rather than gathered. If there is no good reason to hide your hair, but you want to do something unusual and worthwhile in literally 3 minutes, you can try another very simple solution.
A side parting is made on the combed hair, after which some part of the upper layer of hair (at least from the back, at least from the side) is collected in a small free tail. Then standard procedures are performed with a loop - it is inserted into the hair above the elastic, after which an eversion is done. The originality of this styling lies in the fact that the rest of the hair no one collects in anything and does not pin up anywhere - they remain loose, but decorated with an inverted tail.

Unusual weave
In this form, the hair will not interfere, regardless of the occupation. First, part of the hair is separated according to the same principle as it is done to form the popular Malvinka styling. As close to the neck as possible, they are tied with an elastic band, after which a styler needle is inserted from above. Then you should select a small strand from the free hair on one side and stretch it through the loop of the tool, slightly pull it down and repeat the procedure with a similar strand taken from the opposite side. The number of strands used depends solely on the wishes - usually 2-4 pieces are used on each side.
The result should be half braid and half tail, as in the photo.

Option to the side
The above options offer almost no alternative to collecting the hair from the back, but in fact, you can use the loop from the side, and the result will be at least as good as it gets. For many romantic natures, such a hairstyle will be a real boon.
Since hair operations will take place on one side of the head, then all (or almost all) of the hair is combed to one side. A small part of the hair is collected with an elastic band, after which a styler needle is threaded into the resulting tail from above, and a strand is turned inside out. After that, a little lower, another strand is selected and all the above procedures are repeated with it. Such inverted tails are made as many as required.
The ends and remaining hair are fixed in any convenient way - they can be collected in a side ponytail or pinned.

Ponytail with inversion
This is one of the simplest topsy tail hairstyles that can be done in a matter of minutes. Such styling may not seem extremely original, but it still looks much more complicated than the same option, only without eversion. This solution will be quite practical for an office or school.
The hair pulled back must be collected in a loose and wide ponytail, after which the styler is threaded over the elastic from top to bottom. After that, the entire volume of the collected curls is passed through the loop, and it is neatly pulled out from the bottom.
In the example in the photo, this was limited, but in practice it would be better to additionally decorate the place where the hair was collected - just use a large and beautiful hairpin.

Beautiful examples
The above are simple solutions that may be of interest to novice styler owners or are just suitable for quick everyday styling.
In practice, only fantasy limits the owner of the hair in creating a unique hairstyle, and if you have time left, you can create a real masterpiece.
The first photo shows that the "multi-storey" structure of twisted tails can turn out to be truly beautiful without creating the impression of an unnecessary heap. Oddly enough, it begs an easy comparison with the curls, which have always been a sign of a real lady.

The styler is not at odds with the curls themselves; if you twist the remaining free part of the tail a little, it can turn out to be very interesting. As you can see, the tool is suitable for all hair types and can be considered universal.

The last photo, or rather the dress on the girl, shows that styler-based hairstyles, despite their extreme simplicity, can be a great addition to an interesting look.

For elegant hairstyles with a hair loop, see the next video.