Beautiful hairstyles with a bun and loose hair

Psychologists state that a change of image comes after a subconscious desire to change a boring way of life. Who doesn't know that the best way to get a new image is to change your hairstyle? It seems that with the huge variety of proposals of modern luminaries of hairdressing, it is simply impossible to create something new. But turning to retrospective returns to us the “well-forgotten old” in the form of new images. This happened with the new trend of the current season, the hairstyle of Han (Hun is translated as a half-bunch). As many as five centuries ago, many people in Japan of both genders walked with buns on their heads, and Japanese samurai wore such a hairstyle for practicality. In the early 90s of the XX century, such a hairstyle was called "malvinka".

The new image this season quickly gained wide popularity not only among the female half of the population, but also among modern men - many of them wear long hair.
Khan is a bun on the top of the head with loose hair.
The creation of such a hairstyle fits into one phrase - comb the hair and collect about half of it at the crown in a careless bun, the rest remain loose.

Various options are able to give the image a bold femininity and freshness, combined with romance.
Maximum simplicity, practicality, naturalness and minimum time to complete - these are the main features that attracted the attention of our contemporaries living in a constant rush.
The ability to quickly make an original hairstyle by yourself without going to beauty salons with a busy schedule allows you to get significant savings in personal time, which is a significant plus of the Hun hairstyle.Study, walk, party, nightclub, family celebration, even a wedding or prom - such a hairstyle will be appropriate everywhere.

How to get your hair done?
To get your Hun hairstyle done as quickly as possible, you should always have a must-have set of essential accessories on hand. This is a thin elastic band of hair color, hairpins and one of the styling products (foam, varnish, spray, gel - whoever likes what). If you are planning an elegant option, you can prepare a special hair accessory.

The basic steps for doing Han's hairstyle are the simplest:
- the prepared hair (washed, dried, combed) is divided into two parts horizontally approximately in half;
- we collect the upper part, fix it with an elastic band in a "ponytail" (do not touch the lower hair - they will remain loose);
- we twist the "tail" into a tourniquet (tighter, weaker - at your request);
- we fold it into a bundle, fix it with hairpins;
- we grab one thin strand, wrap an elastic band in a circle, fix the tip under the beam;
- we fix the hairstyle with a spray (or varnish, gel - whatever you have chosen) - and the image is ready.

The rest of the options are various elements of the main one. How to position the bundle on the head - high, low, at the back of the head, at the crown of the head, closer to the forehead - there is always a wide choice.
You can choose options with two small bundles, with curls, with straight hair, with a pigtail.
How many knots to make -1 or 2, how to twist them - with a tourniquet or a loop - the decision is yours. A well-chosen universal hairstyle with the simultaneous presence of gathered and loose hair always looks stylish, and a slight negligence gives it a special charm.

Casual and festive options are not much different from each other. Instead of careless styling of everyday style, more neatness, splendor is added to the festive one, various additions can be used.

Jewelry and accessories
Currently, their assortment is so diverse that the originality and exclusivity of hairstyles for each girl is guaranteed. Stylists conventionally divide all accessories into two categories:
- functional - stylists use them to fix the hair;
- decorative - the decoration itself, give the styling uniqueness and additional attractiveness.

Among the jewelry and accessories, there are several of the most common.
- Hairpins (combs, hoops, invisible hairpins). An extensive group of accessories that can serve as both a fixture and a decoration. For everyday hairstyles, hairpins are selected modest and restrained, for evening - luxurious and elegant.
- Bandages. The simplest head ornament. In the form of a bandage, you can fold a scarf or headscarf and tie it around your head - you get a very practical everyday option. Ribbon, chain, lace, strip of fabric or leather can also become a bandage. For special occasions, the headbands are decorated with rhinestones, flowers, pearls.
- Hair ties. Essential for literally every fashionista for everyday use, and for a smart style there are elastic bands that are almost "works of art".
- Invisibles and hairpins. They are used both as a functional and as an accessory decorated with decorative elements (beads, flowers, rhinestones).
- Bezel. The most favorite accessory for young girls and not only. A headband decorated with flowers is a great addition to a romantic dress.

Correctly selected hair accessories can add new elements of sophistication, style and luxury to the simplest hairstyle.
Beautiful examples
You can endlessly admire the images created by the hands of stylists.
Here is some of them.
- For the first time, a bun with her hair down was made by American actress Ashley Olsen before going to the ball. According to the assurances of her stylist, Ashley invented her herself in order to somehow hide the slightly overgrown hair roots, and the stylist only designed the image and added volume to the hair.

- How amazing the famous Jennifer Lopez looks with just such a hairstyle!

- The knot on the crown of the thick hair of actress and singer Zooey Deschanel is simply incomparable.

- Not only well-known personalities can look amazing, but also the most ordinary girls.

- The male options for such a hairstyle look no worse.

As you can see, the bundle on the head is a "lifesaver" of our contemporaries who are always in a hurry in the high-speed rhythm of life. It is only important not to be mistaken with the choice of your style.
See beautiful options for hairstyles with a bun and loose hair in the video below.