Collected Hairstyles: Casual and Evening Options

Many of the fair sex like hairstyles in which all the hair is gathered into skillful weaves, tails or bunches. Such options are popular not only as everyday styling, but also suitable for special occasions. However, not all ladies know how to choose the right hairstyle for their hair length, what accessories can be added to the collected hair, and how to make various hairstyles on their own. The answers to all these questions will be presented in detail in the article.

Styling assuming the absence of loose hair, have a number of characteristics that distinguish them from other hairstyles.
- Hair length is not a determining factor in creating these hairstyles. They are versatile for short, medium or long curls. And also versatility is inherent in relation to texture, since there are hairstyles for both wavy and obedient straight strands.
- Collected hair exposes the neck and décolleté area. Those options that are created at the top of the head increase growth by several centimeters.
- Conventionally, the assembled options can be divided into 3 types: based on the tail, based on the bundle and based on weaving. The first option includes simple interpretations of the tail, the second - beams of various performance techniques, the third - braids. But you can often find combinations of several options. They are typically used to create sophisticated evening hairstyles.
- Hair can collect in different parts of the head.In addition to creating a hairstyle on the top or back of the head, young ladies may prefer the original asymmetrical or side-mounted version.
- Casual options for gathered strands usually do not require additional accessories in the form of headbands, hairpins or decorative hairpins. In evening counterparts, these elements are welcomed, since such high styling should attract attention.
- The collected hairstyles for every day should assume the minimum amount of time to create them - no more than 10-15 minutes. And options for ceremonial exits usually take much longer to create. Sometimes such hairstyles are done even for more than an hour, so you should take this time into account when preparing for an official event.
- Due to the fact that there are a huge number of options for compositions from collected hair, such hairstyles are suitable for ladies of any age, from the smallest to solid ladies.
- Compared to loose strands, curls taken upstairs provide greater comfort, since they most often cannot be tousled due to weather conditions. And also high hairstyles are the most rational option for hot weather. In the process of everyday life, hair in such a style does not interfere and does not bring discomfort.
- The complexity and beauty of such a hairstyle is largely determined by the original thickness of the hair. To create painstaking weaves and combine many elements and techniques in one hairstyle, a sufficient amount of hair is initially required. Additional overhead strands sometimes help to correct the situation.

Thus, the collected hairstyles have much more positive characteristics, so every lady at least once should try to embody an interesting hairstyle of this type from her hair.
Hairstyles for medium hair
Average hair length is most common among the fair sex. It is convenient to make both evening and everyday styling from it with tied hair. Several options can be cited as examples for each day.
- To make the original tail at the bottom of the back of the head, braid the lower part of the hair into a simple braid, and collect the rest of the mass in a tail. Then the pigtail needs to be wrapped around the base of the tail and carefully secured underneath. If you can't fix it under the tail, you can hide the fixation area using a small original hair clip.
- An excellent office option, which at the same time will not look trite, is a French bunch. The hair for its creation is collected not in the middle, but a little on the side at the back of the head, and then with the help of special sticks, it is twisted inward, forming a so-called shell.
- A popular and convenient hairstyle is "bumps", which are bunches located at the back. They form a vertical row and are adjacent to each other. To create them, the entire head of hair is divided into horizontal parts corresponding to the number of beams. A tail is made from each part, all elements are located strictly one above the other at such a distance that beams fit into it. Then the tails are twisted around the bases and fixed with hairpins.

For parties, you can find many options for women's hairstyles for medium length hair.
- Hair collected in retro style will adorn the look at the theme party. One of the popular hairstyles of this type is the babette. It is done on the basis of a high ponytail. It must be divided into 2 parts, one of which is 3 times thicker than the other. A volumetric bundle is created from a thicker strand, then it is covered with the rest of the hair mass, the ends of which are tucked inside the resulting bundle and fixed. It is appropriate to complement the image with a hair clip at the bottom.
- An interesting relief can be created from medium length hair using the inside out ponytail technique. In the upper part of the back of the head, a tail is first made and turned inside out.Another tail is made under it, which also includes the lower part of the previous tail. The rest of the tails are made using the same technique, and the last end is tucked and secured with hairpins.
If you have the necessary accessories, this hairstyle will work even for a bride.

How to collect long hair?
The largest number of hairstyle options is typical for long hair. A few easy styling for every day, using gathered and semi-gathered strands, is especially popular.
- Classic French braid - a hairstyle that is easy to do with your own hands, beautiful, but at the same time quite satisfying to any dress code. It is created from three strands from the crown or back of the head, with strands gradually interweaving from the rest of the hair mass. And you can also braid the braid "inside out" according to this principle, changing the direction of intersection of the strands, as a result, it will acquire a more voluminous relief. Often, strands are pulled in such braids so that they look more lush and airy.
- Volumetric beam will be a convenient option for girls with naughty long curls. The result will not look sloppy, since in such a bundle the ends of the strands are securely fixed with hairpins, and thanks to a small additional fixation with varnish, they do not knock out throughout the day.
- To keep the hair out of the way during work or study, you can make bunches at the back of your head based on three braids. To do this, the entire head of hair is divided into three parts, then a braid is woven from each, starting from the back of the head. The lower parts of the braids are twisted into bundles and fixed with hairpins. Due to the fact that the bundles are located close to each other, no border is visible between them, and the whole hairstyle looks very coherent and elegant.
- Ponytail never goes out of style and is successfully used in many everyday looks. To make it even more elegant, leave a strand of hair and gather the rest at the top of the nape. Then wrap the left strand around the base of the tail. This will give the hairstyle even more neatness and severity.
- To go out sometimes it is enough to decorate the daily hairstyle with the collected hair with a suitable accessory. An example would be a ponytail that is braided with a ribbon. The end of the ribbon, decorated with a decorative element, is fixed under the bundle, giving the image of tenderness and solemnity.
- One of the hardest evening hairstyles for long hair is a bun made of braids... It is often used in images of brides or graduates. The main part of the hair is collected in a ponytail at the crown of the head. In this case, strands are left unassembled, from which braids are subsequently woven on the back of the head and on the sides of the head. These braids can be of different thickness and number of strands. Then all the hair is collected in a lush bun and fixed. The great thing about this hairstyle is that you can create many different interpretations of it by experimenting with the amount, position and thickness of the braids.
- As another evening option, a bun is suitable, complemented by a small fleece and a rim of braids. To create it, braids are made from the strands located at the temples on both sides. A high tail and bun are created from the rest of the hair mass, while a small bouffant is made in front. Then two braids are laid horizontally in front of the fleece towards the opposite temples.
You can also leave small curls on the sides to frame your face.

How to style on short hair?
Even if you have curls that are shoulder-length or taller, you can still get festive and casual hairstyles at home. For this, it is important to follow the algorithms for their creation step by step. Several options are most relevant.
- Small low tail. It is the simplest everyday hairstyle for short strands.Smoothly comb the hair back, leaving a side parting or not leaving it at all, and fix the spicy ponytail with a discreet elastic band.
- If your strands are a little longer, then you can create a ponytail inside out. To do this, fix it from behind with an elastic band, not close to the head, but leaving a couple of centimeters in front of the elastic band. In this area, divide your hair into two sections and thread the ponytail through the hole between them. This hairstyle can also be used on longer hair.
- On short hair, a Greek-style hairstyle with a headband will look great. The headband is put on the head, and then the strands are tucked under it through the top. It is more convenient to implement this option on slightly curly curls, since due to such a texture, the risk that the strands will be knocked out decreases.
- As styling for the evening for short wavy hair, combed up and varnished options can be suitable. And also some ladies create small light buns that attract attention and look very extravagant.
- Owners of short, straight hair often find it difficult to collect it at the crown., so they are simply combed over the back of the head and fixed with a decorative hair clip with clips.
It is the hairpin that, as a rule, acts as a decoration, which classifies such a hairstyle as an evening one.

Unusual options
For those of the fair sex who want to attract attention with their appearance, There are a number of extravagant hairstyles with collected curls.
- A rose-shaped bunch will become a real work of art, which will adorn the image of any bride.

- A creative option is the contrast between slicked-back strands and lush curls at the top of the head, combined in one hairstyle.

- For very thick and long hair, a crown option is suitable, made on the crown of the braids located one above the other.

- Another curly option is to create a bow from curls. It can be used as an additional element to the main beam or as part of the main beam.

- For those who are not really afraid to shock, this version of the hairstyle that has been taken away, such as a braid, passing from the lower part of the back of the head into a bun, is suitable. In this case, the bun itself should be done carelessly and be closer to the front border of hair growth.

Beautiful examples
Ladies who find it difficult to independently decide on the choice of a suitable hairstyle with collected strands, it is recommended to use ready-made examples suitable for a formal event or for every day. The most successful of these are the following:
- a braid braided in front along the hairline and turning into a bun, also made on the basis of a braid, looks very gentle and harmonious;

- a flat bun on the top of the head looks doubly effective if the hair around it is perfectly smoothly combed, and the tourniquet itself is framed with a thin pigtail;

- a braid twisted at the back of the head looks more impressive on short hair in combination with a fleece and a headband or ribbon in bright colors.

For information on how to do 3 quick and unusual hairstyles for every day, see the next video.