Hairstyles for medium hair: features, selection, creation and decoration

Average hair length is considered universal. Happy owners can afford a wide variety of hairstyles. Various weaves and romantic curls, bumps, buns and more. We will present the most relevant and uncomplicated options that you can easily repeat at home.

Each hair length has its own characteristics. It should be understood that it is easier to make volume for short hair, and long hair constantly needs additional protection from brittleness and damage. But they also have a lot in common.

Let's take a look at the main features that must be considered when creating hairstyles for medium hair.
- Any hairstyle should be done on clean hair. In various sources, you can find a lot of tips on how to style stale curls. In certain situations where there is no other choice, they can be helpful. But any master will tell you that hairstyle or styling is done only on clean hair. For some hairstyles, it is necessary that the hair is still a little damp, while others can be done completely dry.
- Medium hair is considered to be about shoulder length. But this is not a constant, the value can change up or down. It is worth considering the individual characteristics of the body. The same length (for example, 20 cm) will look completely different on tall and short beauties. Both the physique and the shape of the face matter. Therefore, when choosing hairstyles for medium hair, you should focus not only on the length of your own strands, but also on the recommendations of stylists for your type of figure and face.
- Despite the variety of existing hairstyles for medium hair, their owners are most often limited to two or three popular options - these are loose hair and tail options. This is largely due to the stereotype that a beautiful styling or hairstyle can only be done in the salon. Having considered in detail the options presented below, and with a little practice in front of the mirror, you will understand that everything is very easy and accessible. You can get an elegant hairstyle even in 10 minutes, getting ready for work or school in the morning.
- At all times, there have been trends for certain hairstyles. But we have already said that the average length is universal. It is easy and pleasant to work with, so you can create almost any style. Currently, there are several trends in hairstyles, but this does not mean that you cannot do something different, completely unique and author's. This will only highlight your personality.

Fashion trends
The hairstyle plays a huge role in the formation of the image. Even the perfect makeup and well-chosen suit won't look good if you don't pay enough attention to your own hair. Let's present the main fashion trends that exist at the moment.
Whether to follow them or not is a purely personal matter, but every self-respecting fashionista should know about them.

They have long and firmly entered the life of modern beauties. Their huge plus is that they are suitable for both blondes or brown-haired women and brunettes. They add mystery to owners of dark hair, and light curls look very romantic.
There are many ways to bring this hairstyle to life. We will talk in detail about the technology of creation a little below. Here I would like to note that every girl should definitely try to make this beauty.

If in the 90s of the last century elastic even curls curled on a curling iron were in fashion, today the situation has changed. Loose curls are in trend. When you look at them, it seems that the hairstyle is already slightly unraveled. Much attention is paid to and root volume. Without it, the curls would not have looked so impressive.
The main feature is that they should look as natural as possible.
Think of the Disney princesses: the artists of many of them were awarded the perfect curls. But no one would ever think that they sat for hours and wound them. Everything looks as if nature itself has endowed them with such wealth. So modern beauties strive to achieve the same effect.

Braids and weaving
One of the main trends that has been in the top for several years. If earlier pigtails were considered exclusively the hairstyle of schoolgirls, today women and girls can freely braid them in the office, and even with an evening dress. It's all about how you bring the braids idea to life.
There are many types of weaves, as well as hairstyles based on them. With the help of fixing agents and invisibility, you can create a real masterpiece, or you can create a beautiful everyday hairstyle. Here are the main types of braids that are relevant in our time.

French braid
It looks very unusual. The thing is that with a special method of weaving, it is, as it were, turned back to us. Try making your own braided French braid (or several). To do this, you just need to understand that strands when weaving are stacked not from above, but from below.
That is, you do not throw them one on top of the other, as with ordinary weaving, but wrap them in and out.

Their volume adds a special chic to this type of braid. It is artificially created. In the process, it is necessary to stretch the strands a little so that they do not lie tightly to each other, but create the appearance of a thick lush braid. There are a lot of variations in hairstyles with this type of weaving. You can braid one large or two smaller braids.
Another option would be to braid on one side only and form a bump or basket of hair at the back of the head.

Weaving method, familiar to everyone from childhood. Its main advantage is the stability of the hairstyle. You will have to spend a little more time on the weaving itself, but the styling will last all day without problems. As for the variations, there are no less of them than the previous version.
You can create a voluminous braid by loosening the strands a little while creating the hairstyle.

The option looks interesting spikelet, braided on one side. In this case, the braid can move from one side of the head to the other. Or the other side can be left unbraided. Thin spikelets made from a small strand of hair can serve as a full-fledged decoration or accent for hairstyles. They will beautifully shape a bun in a circle or weave into a voluminous bump, creating a beautiful pattern of hair on the head.

Bumps and bunches
We all remember the tightly tightened bumps on the heads of ballerinas. But the latest trends call for abandoning such perfect smoothness in hairstyles. Free options are in vogue. It's okay if some of the hairs break out. This will give the image a natural and romantic look. While giving preference to this option, do not strive to make your hairstyle slick. On the contrary, first of all create volume from the roots, and only then make a bump.
The peculiarity of the cone is that depending on the configuration and the selected accessories, you can adapt it both for sports activities and for an evening dress.
Remember to use fixing agents as well. They significantly prolong the life of the hairstyle.

The described trends do not carry something radically new. These hairstyles have been known to everyone for a long time. But not many people dare to bring them to life, even on a special occasion. This is largely due to the fact that girls simply do not know how to make an original hairstyle on their own. Below we provide detailed schemes for creating a particular hairstyle. Boldly take them into your arsenal, surprise those around you with new images every day.

Simple styling for every day
In the morning there is catastrophically little time to construct complex multi-stage hairstyles on the head. But you always want to look stylish and interesting. Let's see what you can do in a short time on your own hair.

Even if you have just washed and dried your hair, this does not guarantee the appearance of the fantastic volume that shampoo manufacturers promise us. In most cases, you have to create it artificially.
It is worth noting that it is the lack of volume that in many cases makes the hairstyle uninteresting. Let's consider several ways to create it.

Hair dryer
You can dry your hair in different ways. With one approach, you just get strands hanging down, which will not decorate you at all. In another case, volume will appear on the head, and the strands will lie one to one. The easiest way to achieve this is to blow dry your hair upside down.

Lean down, grab a hair dryer and start drying the entire mass of hair, moving from one end to the other. The direction of the air stream must be strictly from top to bottom. That is, you begin to dry the hair from the roots, moving downward. This approach provides a more careful treatment of hair.
It is useful to apply a thermal protective agent before drying.
When the hair is dry, straighten and fold the hair in the direction you want, form a parting.

Now you need to take care of the ends as well. If they are a little fluffy, take a brush and use a hairdryer to go over the desired areas again. By rolling the comb inward, you will achieve a slight curvature at the ends. This will give the hairstyle a complete look.

Fluted pliers
Irons and tongs with a wide flute attachment are great for creating fine waves. But not everything goes well in situations where you need to make volume from the roots.
The fact is that a wide plate covers a fairly large area and it is impossible to avoid this.As a result, the volume, of course, is obtained, but these waves are visible at the roots.

Today you can find special corrugated tongs with a narrow plate. There will be only 2 or 3 waves on it. They are very easy to use. One has only to separate the strand, hold it between the plates for a few seconds and release. You will get good volume that will last for a very long time. In this case, no creases and waves will be visible.
If you are still wondering which tongs to buy, then we definitely recommend the latter option. With it, you can also create fully corrugated strands, if necessary.

Craftsmen very often choose this method. During the creation process, you can independently adjust the resulting volume. In addition, no additional funds are required here, except for a fine comb. Comb through the entire mass of hair to create a long lasting fleece. Peel off the top and secure it to the crown with a clip. To get an impressive volume, you will need to work through all the strands.
If you need to lift the hair a little from the roots, it is enough to process the upper separated part of the hair.

We will move from bottom to top. Separate a thin strand in width, pull it perpendicular to the head with one hand. Now use a fine comb to make intermittent strokes from the middle of the length to the roots. As a result of this manipulation, the hair at the roots will be a little tangled and tousled.
Do not be afraid that you will not be able to comb them later. Correctly styled fleece can be easily removed with a comb if necessary.
Moving up, stack the strands one on top of the other. Do not try to smooth or untangle them.

When all hair has been treated in this way (both sides and back), you will see that the hairstyle has become very fluffy and voluminous. A hair brush with bristles will help to give it an aesthetic look (it is better if it is natural). Smooth down the styling slightly on top, paying particular attention to the hair along the parting.
If the volume is very large, smooth it with a brush until it is optimal.
In other cases, it is enough to give an even look to the strands along the parting.

Large curlers
Yes, curlers are not only made to create naughty curls. If you take the option with a large diameter, then there will be no hint of curls, but a good volume is provided for you. The advantage of this method is that, when you wake up, you can apply a little lather on your hair, wind it up (it only takes a few minutes) and go about your business. Before leaving, you need to remove the curlers and hit the road.

Girls with naturally straight hair are trying to make beautiful curls in different ways. While the owners of cute curls, on the contrary, try to make them perfectly smooth and even. This problem exists and will always exist. However, there are many ways to solve such problems, both the first and the second.
Not all girls are ready to stand at the mirror for a long time every morning and twist their curls. But this is not necessary at all. There are methods to achieve the desired result, spending a minimum of time and effort on it.

This method appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to win the hearts of fashionistas. With its help, very natural half-open curls are obtained, which are at the peak of popularity today.
Apply a styling product (mousse, foam, or lotion) to clean hair. Separate the strand and clamp it between the ironing plates close to the roots. Now you need to turn the iron 180 degrees. Keep it parallel to the floor. In this position, lower the device to the end of the strand. Use your hands to help the curl to lie down correctly and fix it with varnish.

Curling iron
This method is known to everyone. But it is worth noting that today curling irons have become much more convenient and safer for hair. Special coatings do not burn hair, and the variety of shapes and sizes of the device allows you to find your ideal option. If you have not yet decided on the choice, then we advise you to take a closer look at the conical curling iron. Its diameter decreases towards the end. This allows you to create curls of different sizes. One has only to wind the strand on one or another part of the curling iron itself. It makes no sense to describe in detail the process of wrapping strands on a curling iron, since this process is known to everyone.
But there is a little secret here, which many do not even suspect. If you want a voluminous look, twist the strands in different directions. This will make them look natural and very neat.

Using accessories
Even the most casual styling can be transformed with accessories. The stores offer a wide selection of jewelry for our hair: headbands, headbands, hairpins, combs, invisible crystals with rhinestones, elastic bands, scarves and much more.
Bright massive jewelry with stones, rhinestones and beads is perfect for an evening out.
For everyday looks, you should choose quieter options. For example, a tail assembled with a crab or crocodile will look much more interesting than with a regular elastic.

The use of various accessories in a hairstyle is limited only by your imagination. But make sure they look appropriate. After all, even the most beautiful diadem will be absolutely superfluous if you are going to a business meeting. It is worth considering your own hair color. So, on dark curls, black jewelry will be barely noticeable.

How can hair be collected?
Loose and styled hair is beautiful, but not always comfortable. That is why many women and girls choose to collect them in various ways. This allows you not to be distracted by the hairstyle during the day, correcting strands constantly falling on your face.

One of my favorite hairstyles. Many people think that making a beautiful ponytail is very simple - lick your hair back, gathered it with an elastic band and you're done. Adhering to this approach, you only risk worsening your appearance. Beauties who go out on the red carpet with the usual "horse" or high tail, pay special attention to it.

We will also consider the main stages of creating an elegant tail.
- Dry your hair for volume. We described how to do this just above.
- Comb the hair on the center of your head back.
- Moving from the forehead, separate the strand one by one and do a little bouffant.
- Comb the sides of the hair towards the back of the head.
- Take a rubber band (you can also use a crab) and shape the tail. Make sure to maintain volume. If necessary, straighten the top strands slightly with your hands or a knitting comb.

This is the simplest version of the tail, but it doesn't stop being interesting because of this. Braids will help to diversify the hairstyle. They can be braided from the forehead towards the back of the head, or they can be formed into a kind of rim, framing the forehead and one side.

A hairstyle with two ponytails is considered childish. After all, everyone remembers those mischievous two tails of little girls who jump so merrily with active movements. If you want to add a little of this playfulness to your image, then make exactly two tails.
But do not rush to attach the elastic bands to the sides or close to the temples, as in childhood. So you really run the risk of looking ridiculous.
Part your hair with a straight longitudinal parting. The tails will need to be shaped quite low in the back of the head. It is important to ensure that volume is maintained on both sides of the head. This option will be very comfortable to wear and will give the image the desired playfulness and spontaneity.

Bumps and bunches
There are many variations of them. Hairstyles with hair tied up in a bump look always up-to-date and elegant. After reviewing the detailed instructions for creating them, presented below, you will understand that there is nothing complicated here.

Bundle of braids
Comb your hair and divide it into three equal sections. On the central part, make a small fleece and fasten at the back of the head with a thin elastic band.From the resulting ponytail, braid a pigtail and put on another thin elastic band. The hair remaining on the sides is also braided into braids, but without elastic bands at the base. The braids should start at the free length of the hair. Although, if you wish, you can make weaving along the temples.
We twist the central braid with a shell at the base and fix it with invisible ones. We take the braid from one side and wrap it around this shell. We do the same manipulation with the other braid.

If your hair is not very thick and long, then you can use a bagel (or roller).
Then you don't need to make a braid on the central part, but braid this accessory. It is worn over the elastic, and the hair from the ponytail is distributed in a circle and secured with another small elastic band on top. In the absence of accessories, such a hairstyle will look modest and elegant, but it is worth adding a bright hairpin or comb and it will instantly turn into an evening version.

Twisted tail
We comb the hair a little on the central part of the head, form a tail. It shouldn't be too low. Divide the hair into two parts with your finger. This must be done over the elastic to form a hole. We pick up our tail and drag it inside the resulting hole. Pull down and weave a spikelet from the tail. To add dynamism and volume to the hairstyle, we slightly weaken the strands in the braid, pulling them towards ourselves.
The final part of the beam formation begins. We lift the braid up, tuck the end in the same place where the tail itself was threaded. We fix it with invisibility. Once again we correct the strands in the braid, so that they lie beautifully and evenly, but at the same time not very tight.

This hairstyle belongs to retro style, but does not lose its relevance. It is very simple to make it. Having previously given volume to the hair, it will be necessary to wind it slightly. Use a curling iron or iron for this.
Next, we make a tail at the back of the head. Leave the tip tucked into it the last time you thread it through the elastic. That is, you just need to not completely pull out the tail. In this case, the ends of the hair should be on top. Then we take them, set them aside a little, twist them one or two turns around ourselves (as when forming a tourniquet) and put them around the elastic band. We hide the tip under the base of the tail and fix it with an elastic band. We straighten our hair shell, fix it with varnish.

There are countless options for styling hairstyles with braids. But it makes no sense to list them all. Knowing the basic models, you can make your own unique author's version or give preference to the classics.
Note that any weaving holds up and looks better on hair that has been twisted into curls in advance.

The variations are as follows.
- Basket. To complete the hairstyle, you will first need to wind the hair a little to get airy curls. Further, moving from the forehead, we begin to weave braids in one and the other direction. At the back of the head, connect both pigtails (one by one). We hide the ends under another pigtail, fix it with hairpins or invisible ones.
Hair length plays an important role. If it is very small, then at the back of the head the hair can be not woven into a braid. They can then be removed under the "basket", also securing with pins.

- Wreath. In this case, you should start to weave a braid from one of the temples. Part your hair so that it falls over the entire circumference of the head from one central point. Now you can weave the braid, moving along the circle. Hide the end of the braid in the base of the braid and secure it with invisibility. Such a braid is both an independent hairstyle and decoration. For a festive option, you can weave beautiful ribbons or other accessories into it. Give preference to reverse weaving. This will create the illusion that the braid is on top of the head.

- Waterfall. Very feminine and delicate hairstyle. In order for the strands to lie as they should, pre-treat the hair with foam or mousse.Then you need to create small curls. You do not have to curl all the hair, but process only the ends. Part your hair with a parting to one side. Start braiding from the forehead (beginning of the part of the head where most of the hair is). When you reach the temple, start releasing one of the three strands down. Instead, it will be necessary to pick up another strand that has not yet been woven into the braid. When you reach the other temple, secure the end of the braid with an elastic band.
The version of this hairstyle with a woven ribbon looks very interesting. It can be in a contrasting color with the hair or to support the color scheme of the outfit.

One of the weaving options are plaits. With them, you can repeat all the same hairstyles as with braids. They differ in the way the strands are laid. The tourniquet looks like a rope, not a classic braid. The easiest way is to simply twist 2 strands together, moving in the right direction.
Lack of experience in weaving will greatly complicate this process. This is due to the fact that the braids easily disintegrate, in contrast to the classic braids.
But with a little practice even an inexperienced fashionista can surprise everyone with a beautiful hairstyle with unusual harnesses.

Hairstyles for loose hair
If you want to show all the beauty of your hair, then you should choose options for hairstyles with loose hair. There are not so few of them as it might seem. We have already discussed how to create an actual hairstyle called "curls" above, so let's talk about other popular options.

Experimenting with parting
One has only to shift the usual parting to one side or the other, and a different image is obtained. This should be done at the stage of drying the hair so that it lies in the right direction. And you can also refuse parting altogether. A great example of a non-parting hairstyle is a retro hairstyle with a headband or headband.
- Comb your hair and wind it a little with a curling iron or iron.
- Comb your hair back. Starting from the forehead, separate strand by strand, do the bouffant.
- When you get to the back of your head, throw all your hair back. For a neat look, brush over it with a hairbrush.
- Sprinkle with varnish. Slip the headband so that all the hair is underneath. Do not place it close to the growth line. Let some of the hair around the forehead be visible.
- Adjust the strands behind the headband if necessary.

In addition, you can easily comb the entire mass of hair to one side or the other.
To prevent the hairstyle from falling apart, fix it with varnish.
Besides, you can combine it with weaving. In this case, the braid is braided on the side where the smaller part of the hair remains, and goes to the back of the head. There it can be hidden under loose strands and secured with invisibility.

Straight strands
It seems that there is nothing easier than making simple straight strands. Indeed, in most cases, it is enough to dry your hair with a hairdryer. In fact, it turns out that the strands hang down sadly and do not decorate their owner at all.

It takes a lot of effort to make your hair look like a shampoo ad or a glossy magazine cover.
- Wash your hair and rinse with balm (you can also make a mask). Apply heat protectant spray to the strands and blow dry. To do this, arm yourself with a brush and pull each strand. And do not pull them down - the strand should be directed perpendicular to the head.
- If it was not possible to achieve the desired smoothness and evenness, additionally go over them with an iron.
- Specialized products will help to enhance the shine and structure the strands. If you often do just this kind of styling, then you should think about purchasing them.

Evening options
Above, we have given many options for women's hairstyles for medium hair length. Many of them can be easily transformed into evening wear simply by adding jewelry in the form of hairpins with stones, scallops with rhinestones and tiaras.For example, look at how festive a regular volumetric bump with additional decoration looks.

As for chic curls, they look great in any context. If at work there is no strict dress code, then with such a hairstyle you can come to work, and in the evening go to a gala event.

The same rule applies to straight, loose hair. Remember how many times you've seen beauties on the red carpet with this simple yet luxurious hairstyle. In this case, the hairstyle completely adapts to the outfit of its owner.

Below you will see a master class on creating hairstyles for medium hair, with which you will always and everywhere look stunning.