How to do beautiful Greek hairstyles?

All girls and women strive to look neat, well-groomed and beautiful. To create a modern and unique look, it is necessary to choose not only clothes, shoes and makeup correctly, but also a hairstyle. Rich hair is the adornment of the bow, and the quirky curls in the styling add a twist.
Owners of long hair, as well as curls of medium and short length, can complement with appropriate styling both a business or everyday look, and an evening bow of a femme fatale. But to look like a luxurious intellectual will help a hairstyle in the Greek style. She perfectly emphasizes the dignity of appearance, combining severity and lightness, femininity and extravagance.
The Greek hairstyle can be called versatile, as it goes equally well with luxurious evening dresses and with everyday simple looks. This option will be an excellent solution for a wedding. Any bow in the style of a Greek goddess can be unforgettable if historical descriptions are to be believed.

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that to create an impressive hairstyle, you need thick curls. Therefore, owners of thin or short hair are advised to add additional strands to the styling. They will help create the necessary splendor and density. In this case, straight hair should be twisted at least slightly with a curling iron.
Hairstyles in the style of a Greek woman bring a touch of romance to the look. In addition, they allow you to feel comfortable in any situation. This is achieved by attaching the strands in such a way that they do not cause unnecessary trouble and inconvenience throughout the day.A distinctive feature of this type of styling is that the best curls remain in sight.
Typical features of Greek style styling include:
- straight parting;
- pomp and volume at the back of the head;
- hair-free forehead and temples;
- curls falling from the temples;
- slight negligence in weaving braids.
Any girl can choose a suitable variation of this type of hairstyle, since there are a lot of their varieties. This allows you to choose an option for any oval of the face and cheekbones of varying severity.

Who are they suitable for?
It is hard enough to find a girl who would not want to have one or more options for perfect hairstyles in her arsenal to complement a romantic look. The Greek style is exactly what you need in such a situation.
This styling is suitable for almost all fashionistas, however, ladies with slightly curly hair are in a better position. After all, it is these curls that this technique assumes. That is, curly hair can be quickly assembled into a hairstyle without preliminary styling.
Owners of straight hair will first have to use curlers or curling iron to create a light wave on them.

It is also worth noting that some varieties of this hairstyle require a headband, which is not suitable for all face shapes. So, chubby women should abandon this decorative element. A hoop or ribbon encircling the head inevitably makes the face more round, and only long curls can "save" the situation, and even then not in all cases.
If, on the contrary, it is necessary to slightly round the elongated oval of the face, then braids braided along the contour of the head can be combined with bangs. At the same time, the weave should not be too tight. This will give the Greek hairstyle the necessary volume and slight negligence.

Girls with a massive, clear chin are recommended to combine a pinned back and slightly raised bangs with loose flowing curls.
Styling is great for young girls in the form of a Greek knot. It can be worn every day, as it is quite tight and strict, but at the same time light and unobtrusive.
As for the hair length itself, it can be any. On short hair, they also successfully create hairstyles in the Greek style. They also look romantic and naturally casual. But the most convenient option is considered to be curls up to the shoulders and below. Styling on them allows you to look not only gorgeous, but also more youthful and innocent.

Required tools and accessories
In the process of creating a hairstyle, every detail is of great importance. First of all, you need a familiar hairdressing set. But it is worth preparing some additional attributes as well. These include:
- tiaras;
- bandages;
- openwork headbands;
- flowers;
- jewelry with rhinestones;
- hairpins and invisible hairpins.
These small additions serve not only as decorative elements, but also as a reliable fastener for hair. They allow you to look neat even in windy conditions. Using, for example, invisibility, the hairstyle will keep in its original form, not only indoors, but also outdoors.

But the main tool when performing styling in the Greek style, as in other types, is a comb. It is used for the initial combing of strands, as well as for creating additional volume with the help of bouffant.
A headband or elastic band will help style curly hair, creating a uniform surface. In the future, it can be used as a basis. Hairpins, hairpins and bobby pins are used to secure the curls as needed. They help to give the Greek hairstyle any desired shape and fix the strands in the most advantageous and comfortable position. The tiara is attached at the last stage as a decoration. She emphasizes the femininity of the bow.
All parts used must be pre-selected in size and color, creating a harmonious impression. So, for example, it is better to choose a bandage or headband a few tones darker than the color of the hair itself. The width of this element is also important. A wide detail will draw more attention to the hairstyle, and vice versa - a narrow rim will allow styling to become just an addition to the main image.
It is also worth noting that harnesses and rollers can be twisted in different ways. Weaves of various shapes are only welcome in creating a Greek look.

Execution technology
There are several options for modeling a Greek hairstyle. Features of work directly depend on the length of the hair.
Most girls consider the short length of curls to be a significant obstacle to creating a Greek style look. It should be said right away that this is a delusion. This type of hairstyle is quite versatile and available to any lady. It can be easily created at home. Of course, short hair reduces choices, but interesting solutions do exist.
If your hair is 10 cm or more, you can make a spikelet out of it around your entire head. In other cases, to create a Greek styling, you will need a curling iron, with which curls are made. They can be stabbed with invisible ones in the direction of the parietal part or the back of the head. In this case, the strands should not be tightened tightly.
It is better to make them looser to make the hair look light.

Also, curled curls can be stabbed with a tourniquet with an elastic band. This will allow the wavy ends to create some sloppiness in the remaining head space. This composition can be supplemented with various hairpins, ornaments, which will add femininity to the image.
But if you have short hair, you can make more complex styling in the form of a bun or lush braids... This will require overhead strands. With the correct attachment of such an addition, the appearance of the hairstyle will not suffer at all. It should be borne in mind that to hide the fastening points, it will be appropriate to use medium and wide bands, hoops and braided headbands. False braids look great in combination with bangs.
But most modern women still prefer medium-length strands, as they are easier to care for. On such hair, you can quickly make a fashionable styling for any occasion. Greek styling options exist for different types and colors of hair.

The simplest type of styling for such hair is antique knot. This unusual and easy-to-execute option can be done without a lot of practice. Here's how to do it right:
- first, create a wave in the hair with a curling iron;
- then divide the curls into a parting (straight or angular) and take them back;
- the ends of the hair are collected in a bun in the form of a cone or trapezoid and fixed with invisibility in the middle or lower part of the back of the head.

This hairstyle can be complemented with a ribbon or headband. The decoration can also be created with the help of hair. To do this, part of the side strands is not taken into a bun, but braided in the form of a braid or simply left to fall in elegant curls.

Another great option for a Greek hairstyle would be styling in the form of melon slices. In order to do it, you first need to form large curls with a curling iron. Then, dividing them into strands, fold back and secure with tape at the back of the head. As a result, vertical "lobules" of hair are obtained. This styling can also be decorated with a bandage.
A simple and beautiful option is and loose, curled hair. In this case, the strands from the face are removed back and fastened with hairpins. This hairstyle looks natural and romantic, so flower decorations are perfect for it.

The more complex type is the hairstyle. offset to one side. It has several varieties:
- braids;
- weaving from plaits;
- ponytail.
This styling does not take much time and will help you change your look every day. To such a hairstyle, you can easily add any decoration in the form of hairpins with rhinestones or braids with Greek patterns. But at the same time, the color scheme of the accessory should be in harmony with the bow. Otherwise, the image based on femininity will lose its charm.

On medium hair length, the Greek braid also looks great. This type of styling is distinguished by a variety of options. The simplest of them is considered to be weaving from strands twisted with bundles. Its step-by-step execution looks like this:
- the hair is combed and thrown back;
- side strands on both sides are twisted into bundles and tied at the back with a small rubber band or hair clip;
- then they take the next two strands from the sides, they also twist and fasten with an elastic band in the girth of the previous ones - several bundles are obtained, tied in tails, one under the other;
- this operation is repeated along the entire length of the hair.
This braid looks interesting and unusual. In order for it to correspond to the peculiarities of the Greek style, it can be fluffed up a little by pulling the strands to the sides. It is better if the weaving is light, contributing to the creation of volume.
It is recommended to decorate braids with ribbons, plaits with woven flowers.

Not the last place in the list of comfortable and interesting styling for medium hair plays hairstyle "waves of Aphrodite". She looks great with a business suit, as well as with a long evening dress. To perform it, a braid or plait in the form of a braid is used.
Step by step, this installation is carried out as follows:
- hair is divided with a side parting;
- fasten the braid around the head with an overlap;
- starting with most of the hair, divide them into strands and twist them by hand into loose bundles;
- each tourniquet is wrapped around the braid;
- the finished styling is fixed with a styling agent.

As for hairstyles for girls with long hair, here at the services of women of fashion are all the variety of options for Greek styling.
With a large length, the tail-type option looks especially gorgeous. To complete it, you must first form curls with a curling iron. Then the hair is divided with a side or even parting. In this case, several small strands near the face can be left to fall freely.
The remaining curls are shifted to one side and stabbed with invisibility on one side of the back of the head. You can also use an elastic band, tape or decorative thread to fix it. Using a regular elastic band, it is better to hide it with a strand of hair.

In the case when it is necessary to add additional volume to the hairstyle, you can first make a fleece on the top of the head, as well as braid the hair in a braid or form a tourniquet on one side. For decoration, you can use a hair weave with a ribbon or beads.
Long hair allows you to create high evening hairstyles, such as "Lampadion" on one's own. To create such an evening style, you first need to wind your hair and parse it. Then a strand on the back of the head is selected and fastened with an elastic band. The remaining curls are thrown back and attached to the main tail. Then a knot is formed from the free ends, which can be diversified with several small pigtails.
From above, the hairstyle can be decorated with flowers, a hoop or a tiara. Such decoration will highlight the hairstyle and create an impression of luxury.

If we talk about universal Greek styling for long hair, then first of all it is worth mentioning simple hairstyles with a braid encircling the head. Loose hair with a braid in the form of a hoop looks great both with an everyday simple bow, and for going out. At the same time, the hairstyle looks neat and modern.

Successful examples
The Greek hairstyle is the best way to emphasize women's fragility. She is chosen not only by ordinary girls, but also by celebrities. Most often, beauties focus on two options: a braid or a knot.
These styling are varied, so that any of them can be supplemented to help individualize the image.
For example, the Greek knot can be complemented with small braids, ribbons or flowers. In addition, it is placed not only on the back of the head, but also at the level of the neck. This option will perfectly accentuate a long neck.

As for the hairstyle in the form Greek tail, then its potential is also great. This styling can be done on both slightly curled hair and curls curled from the roots. In the first case, the tail will be less fluffy and more suitable for a daily bow.
The second option will go well with romantic style and evening dresses. The ponytail can be complemented with various braids and strands of hair.

The style of a Greek woman is a worthy decoration for a girl and a woman at any age. This hairstyle will complement even a strict business bow, making it feminine and unusual. With the hairstyle of the Greek goddess, any fashionista can see herself in a new light and create a unique image.

For information on how to do beautiful hairstyles in the Greek style, see the next video.