Chinese style hairstyles

Chinese culture is one of the oldest in the world that has managed to preserve its traditions. The female hairstyle has been an important part of the culture. The hairstyle was used to determine family and social status, religious adherence.
Complex hairstyles began to be done from about the age of 14, after the ceremony, which marked the transition of the girl to the status of a girl of marriageable age. A historical feature of styling can be called their lightness and grace.

Chinese women paid a lot of attention to their hair. Long, sleek hair was a pride. The girls' hairstyles showed their hair in all its glory. But women preferred to completely remove them. Asian hair is coarse in texture and ranges in shades from dark blond to jet black.
A lot of embellishments are used when creating a hairstyle. Now they are used exclusively as a decorative element, but until the middle of the twentieth century, they indicated the wealth of the family and social status. As a shampoo, a soapy solution of algae was used.
Time has passed, but even now Chinese women use a large number of herbal masks and oils that make their hair manageable.

Traditionally, and at the heart of modern Chinese-style hairstyles is the bun. To create more complex hairstyles, rollers, hairpins (decorative and ordinary) are used. Don't forget about styling products. Modern Chinese-style hairstyles are versatile. The same styling will be appropriate in the office, at a party or at a formal event.
Hairstyles are designed for long and medium-length hair. The styling has clear, strict lines. The negligence inherent in European fashion is not welcome here.Asian women have a thin, graceful profile, so styling is done in an effort to emphasize this. Consider your facial features when doing Chinese-style hairstyles.

Styling nuances
Let's look at a few simple styling options. Modern hairstyles no longer have such complexity in design. As a rule, these are hairstyles like buns or non-standard braids, decorated with hairpins. Consider the type, stiffness, and length of your hair before choosing your favorite hairstyle. To make it easier, we will introduce a classification of hairstyles by purpose:
- on every day;

- business style;

- to an official event;

- for stylized events.

Everyday hairstyles
The first option has quite a European roots, but is stylized as an Asian hairstyle. This makes it both easy to perform and unusual. The technique is as follows.
- We comb all the hair to the top of the head and bend over so that all the curls are in a hanging position.
- Weave a reverse braid from the neck to the back of the head, picking up all the strands in that part of the head.
- At the top of the head, the braid is “detached” from the head and braided separately.
- Then you need to lay a braid in the form of a flower on your head and secure with hairpins.
- The hairstyle is ready. It remains to decorate it to your taste.
You can use sticks (they are fixed crosswise), decorative hairpins with pendants or hairpins with flowers.

The second option involves partially loose hair. Let's consider the execution technique.
- Comb your hair and part it to one side.
- Our hairstyle will be located at the back of the head. To simplify the situation, visually divide the hair in this part into 4 squares.
- We collect the strands from the left squares to the middle and fix them with invisible ones. Then we form a small bundle of them.
- We twist the strands from the upper right square into a loose bundle and lay them around the bundle. We fix it with hairpins.
- Lay the strands of the lower right corner with varnish on top of the beam, hiding it. Outwardly, it looks like a wave. We fix it with pins.
- To strengthen the hairstyle and give it oriental shades, we complement it with one decorative Chinese stick. Our hairstyle is ready. It remains to comb the remaining hair.

Business style
The very same hairstyles that can be done in the office, at work. These hairstyles have a predominantly classic look and do not allow loose, untied hair. For the popular "Shell" you need to do the following.
- Comb the hair thoroughly and collect it in a ponytail approximately in the middle of the head.
- We take 2 Chinese sticks and use the winding method to collect the entire tail. To do this, grab the tip of the ponytail with the chopsticks like a clip and curl your hair. Make sure that you get a stretched roller. If everything is done correctly, then the roller will lie in place of the tail.
- We fix it with hairpins and varnish. Decorate with a pair of decorative hairpins with pendants.

For the second option, we need a Chinese long hair clip that works according to the clamping principle. The technique is as follows.
- The hair is carefully combed, an offset parting is done (use mousse or gel to keep the styling).
- All strands and bangs are collected in a ponytail at the back of the head, while maintaining the parting. On top of the elastic (preferably small) it is pinned with a hairpin.
- Next, we divide the ponytail into 2 parts and wrap the hairpin and the base of the ponytail with the resulting strands like a figure of eight. We fix each turn with pins.
- Carefully take out the hairpin, pin it over the weaving.

To the official event
It could be a concert, a reception, or a meeting at a restaurant. For the first option, we will take a low beam as a basis. As a decoration, we will use decorative hairpins in the form of birds and flowers. The technique is as follows.
- Our hairstyle is closer to the neck. All curls from the frontal and temporal parts must be carefully combed, leaving a small offset parting.
- Divide all hair into 3 equal parts.
- From the middle part we form a ponytail, which we turn into a bunch with the help of a small donut. We fix it with pins.
- Curls from the remaining two parts are casually laid around the base of the bundle and at its top to hide what we took as a basis.
- We fix everything with varnish and hairpins. On one side, at the base of the bundle, we fix decorative flowers and a hairpin with a bird.

The second option is done like this.
- Our hairstyle is located at the back of the head. We comb the hair there without leaving a parting. To add volume, put a special sponge on the crown of the head.
- We visually divide all hair into 3 parts: right, left and top (already removed).
- From the right side we form a bundle, like a shell (we make a tail, use a roller or sticks to twist it and fix it).
- We comb the left part to the shell and fix it with invisible ones. Lay the tail over the shell to hide it. We fix it with hairpins. Curl the rest of the tail with a curling iron.
- You can decorate such a hairstyle with sticks with pendants and strings of pearls.

For a stylized event
You need to come to such a party "fully armed". You can't get off with variations of beams. But this does not mean that the hairstyle should be difficult to perform. The main element will be the braid. We need a set of two sticks and a comb (or a large two-toothed hairpin).
The technique is as follows.
- We collect all the hair from the frontal and occipital parts into a high ponytail.
- We pass 2 sticks with pendants through the base of the tail so that the pendants are on different sides.
- Then we divide the resulting tail into 8 equal parts.
- We will weave the braid as follows: take 2 strands from the tail and wrap them around the sticks on opposite sides of the tail, the third strand will be from the hair left.
- Each pair of ponytail strands (we have 4 pairs) must be symmetrically wrapped around the sticks and woven into a braid. The entire mass of hair must be weaved. To make the structure more stable, fix the strands with hairpins.
- The braid remaining from the bottom can be laid as a flower.
- We fix the comb at the base of the ponytail to hide it.

The second option for a theme party is very simple. We need one Chinese hairpin.
The technique is as follows.
- We collect all the hair in a ponytail at the back of the head, but do not intercept it with an elastic band.
- We wrap the hairpin attached to the tail from above. Then we wrap the hairpin again from the bottom.
- We remove the tip of the tail inside the resulting structure. We fix it with small hairpins. We take out the large hairpin and re-pin it so that it is horizontal relative to the head.

How to decorate?
National jewelry in China has a long history. Each ruling dynasty had its own style and its own "totem" image. For example, the Ming dynasty was remembered for the fact that it provided for a clear delineation of rank decorations. The emperor and the nearest circle wore dragon decorations, and the empress and concubines wore phoenix decorations. In addition, the style of jewelry was different depending on the province and the traditions of the family.
Generally speaking, hairstyles were decorated with literally everyone: fresh flowers, feathers, strings of pearls, pendants, decorative hairpins, combs and large two-toothed hairpins, ribbons, tiaras, hairpins, spider webs made of precious metals, crowns and figures carved from bones and stones. All this can be used to create hairstyles today.
A variety of jewelry will make your hairstyle original and feminine. And innovative materials will significantly lighten its weight.

Interesting examples
The hairstyle is based on the classic Greek style. The hair is gathered at the base of the head and curled up. A roller was used to add volume. The styling is done rather carelessly. The hairstyle is complemented by a small diadem and hairpins with pendants.

A casual hairstyle with a headscarf and a Chinese hairpin.This hairstyle is simple to perform, reliable and unusual. It is quite possible to replace the scarf with a ribbon, followed by weaving it into a braid.

In a traditional Chinese wealthy family, girls were taught to dance. It wasn't just art within the home. Colorful competitions were held between the dancers. Then the best girls danced at the festivities for the emperor. Thus, the dance was a peculiar way of the family to show the girl. Accordingly, slightly different requirements were imposed on hairstyles. They were simpler, more reliable and more durable.
As a rule, some of the hair was left unkempt. Pull-back hairstyles have traditionally been complemented by the years. You can take a braid, a bun or 2 buns as a basis for a modern Chinese-style hairstyle. In this case, the main emphasis is placed on rich jewelry. But do not overload the hairstyle with stones so that the girl is comfortable.

The hairstyle is based on two three-strand braids. The hair is divided with a clear parting. The hair is treated with styling products necessary for specific curls. The braids are laid in a circle. The hairstyle is not completed with decorations, but you can add them if you wish.
When weaving braids, it can be supplemented with pearls and ribbons.

Another example using a beam. A large donut is taken as a basis, which is entwined with a scythe. The tip of the braid is tucked away under the bagel. Hair is treated with mousse. The hairstyle does not require additional decorations.

See below for a quick and easy hairstyle master class for every day.