Chicago hairstyles

The style of "Chicago" of the 1930s has been haunted by fashionistas for many years. It is extremely in demand at themed parties and corporate events - who doesn't like to appear in front of the public as a Hollywood diva in an iridescent evening dress, scarlet lipstick and a "cold wave" on her head?
The modern office style does not allow a woman to look like a queen, and the nature of work, coupled with the rhythm of life, does not imply arctic fox coats and long mouthpieces. Well, who, in fact, will go to pick up a child from kindergarten in veils and pearls? But this does not mean at all that at least once a year a representative of the fair sex does not dream of becoming the most beautiful. And for that occasion, 1930s gangster style is the perfect find. It will allow you to demonstrate all your advantageous features, emphasizing and even slightly emphasizing them.

Specific traits
To understand what is unique about the decade of the 1930s, you need to look at a slightly earlier period - in the 20s of the twentieth century. In 1929, the Great Depression hit America. The First World War is over. On the one hand, many rich people instantly lost their fortunes, on the other, people wanted to forget about the hardships of war and have fun. Many fashion houses went bankrupt and closed, and people drew inspiration not from fashion magazines with their often far from reality models, but from Hollywood films, where Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich shone in those years in simple and elegant dresses and suits, made not by famous fashion designers, but by personal dressers.

Fashion has become simpler and more natural, silhouettes have lost their fantasy and began to emphasize the figure, presenting it in a winning light. Silk, jersey, diagonal cut - these are the foundational pillars of 1930s fashion.If in the “roaring” 20s, beads and fringes (in evening dresses) and the cylindrical silhouette of “garcon” with a low waistline and not accentuated breasts reigned in fashion, then in the 30s even a very emancipated woman could not be confused with a man. , the clothes have become so feminine. The gangster style is nothing more than the same style of the 30s, but in a slightly more hypertrophied, pretentious, "screen" form.
Distinctive properties of "Chicago" of the 30s of the twentieth century are thin arched eyebrows, bright red lips, long silk dresses, cut diagonally and hiding nothing in the curves of a woman's body, long cigarette holders with thin cigarettes, strands of pearls hanging from the waist, fancifully embroidered hair accessories.

Let's talk about Chicago hairstyles. The first thing to note is that those with long hair will not be able to show them off. All 1930s hairstyles are short: either it is a haircut to the chin, or hair is styled under a hoop or ribbon. The neck should be open - this is one of the main conditions.
Only three shades of hair are permissible - coal black, platinum blonde or fiery red.

Hair can be either smooth or wavy. If you choose the first option - only a side parting or comb back. If you want curls - they should be voluminous and lush, no tight "springs".
What haircuts were basic for adherents of the gangster style? First of all, of course, "page". The hair length of the "page" modification of the 1930s reached the jawline, although there was also a shorter variation - to the middle of the ear. The bottom line in the haircut should be perfectly flat so that each strand has the same length. Often complements the hairstyle - thick and straight bangs.
As for the hair of medium length, then most often it was the same "page" or "square" up to the shoulders. No hair was worn below this level in the 1930s. Women of those years cut their hair without regret, remaining no less feminine and attractive.

Laying technology
To do this hairstyle, you need to either style the existing haircut, or pick up the long strands upwards. It is quite easy to do this at home.
If you have a bob-based haircut in different modifications, you are very lucky. You can make a spectacular "cold wave" and look absolutely authentic in the style of "Chicago". To do this, you need hair clips, a comb to form an even parting, a styling product (gel is best) and, of course, a varnish to fix the resulting result. So, semi-dry hair is parted (always oblique, but perfectly straight).
After that, the gel is successively applied to the strands. With the help of hair clips, the desired waves are formed. After the hair is completely dry (you can dry it with a gentle jet of cold air from a hair dryer), the clamps are removed, and the hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

If you want a lush styling, an iron with a "wave" attachment will help you. With its help (and the obligatory use of thermal protection), you can create wavy strands even faster. In this sense, modern women were much more fortunate than girls in the 30s, because now everyone has an "arsenal" at hand in the form of a hairdryer, tongs, styling products for different occasions, and in those days, not every girl even had curlers ... Therefore, the "cold wave" was made by winding wet hair on a finger, pinning it with a hairpin and drying it naturally.

If you want to create lush waves on short hair, you need to use a curling iron., form waves, ruffle them slightly with your fingers and put on a headband. The hairstyle must be fixed with varnish. Long and semi-long hair will have to be hidden under a ribbon. This is done like this: a round hoop is put on the head, the strands from one temple to another through the bottom are successively laid under it. You can use pins and varnish to fix the result.
It will take more effort to make waves on medium length hair. It is necessary to wind them on the tongs in this way so that the resulting curls are not "springs" and at the same time open the neck. To raise the head of hair to the desired level, it is recommended to use hairpins, invisibility and rims-ribbons. Use hairspray, but in moderation, to avoid turning your curly curls into an immovable monolith.

Using accessories
Accessories are an important factor in creating a 30s-a-la-style look.
- A headband worn on the forehead. There are no and cannot be any excesses in its decor - it is laid out with rhinestones and sparkling stones, embroidered with beads and sequins, and decorated with one or more feathers. All this is not only permissible, but also necessary. A woman in the style of "Chicago" should shine and shine.

- The second accessory that will come to your aid in creating the image of a gangster's girlfriend is a small hat. Most often, its fields are either very narrow, or they are absent at all (the so-called pill-caps). Everything is also acceptable in the decor of this element - stones, ribbons, feathers, rhinestones, beads, sequins, or all together. In addition, the hat can be decorated with a small veil - the maximum length is up to the chin. The veil is placed both in the hair and lowered onto the face. It can also be decorated with beads or rhinestones.

Hair accessories can be combined with both sleek styling and lush hair.
There are a lot of options for creating hairstyles, you just have to experiment - and you will become the star of any party.

The following video will tell you about the technology of creating a hairstyle in the style of "Chicago".