Hippie hairstyles: types and design options

The hippie subculture owes its appearance to the American youth of the 60s of the last century. “Children of Nature” called for living in harmony with nature and with each other, and their motto was the phrase “Make love, not war!”. The hippie appearance was always recognizable: ripped or frayed jeans, loose bright shirts with ethnic patterns, handmade jewelry, knitted bags and, of course, hairstyle - long hair, carelessly loose or braided in a special way. Today we will talk about hippie-style hairstyles, consider their types and design options.

Specific traits
As you know, the hippie youth led an almost nomadic lifestyle, preferring to spend the night in tents in the bosom of nature. In such conditions, it was difficult to maintain daily hygiene and often wash your hair, therefore the stereotype is firmly entrenched in society that hippie-style hairstyles are dirty matted curls tied with a ribbon. Perhaps it was originally so, but in the 21st century, things are a little different.

Of course, the most striking characteristic of hippie hairstyles - negligence - has been preserved, but styling can be made more complex and modern:
- curls can be either straight or curled;
- braids have not lost their relevance;
- to give your hair the effect of a strand burnt out in the sun, you can go to the salon and make a fashionable coloring: shatush, balayazh, California highlighting;
- a hippie hairstyle will not be complete without accessories, which we will talk about in more detail below.

Let's get acquainted in more detail with modern variations of "hippie" hairstyles.

The following solutions are suitable for short hair:
- "Boyish" haircut can be played up with some deliberate disheveledness and decoration with a ribbon or bright scarf;
- hair slightly longer (square) can be tied with a "malvinka" in the back of the head, bringing there strands from the temples, twisted with flagella or braided in pigtails.

For medium hair, you can use the following solutions:
- create light curls with a curling iron, iron or curlers, lightly beat them with your fingers, giving a casual look, and then decorate the hairstyle with a rim or ribbon;
- lovers of braids can braid any number of them, completing the look with feathers or bright laces woven into their hair.

For long hair, you should use the following options:
- the simplest option is loose curls, which can be supplemented with any jewelry that suits the style;
- classics of the genre - parting in the middle, disheveled hair, a ribbon-lace on the forehead;
- do not forget about braids: you can braid French, "fishtail" or ordinary braids, only their negligence and decoration with hippie accessories will become a prerequisite;
- a more modern version - a voluminous bun or "ponytail" on the top of the head, supplemented with braids or plaits running along the temples.

Men with short hair can be advised of only one variant of the hippie hairstyle - tying a scarf or a lace along the forehead. If your hair is long enough, you can do a side parting or comb it back. The curls that cover the ears can be cut with a ladder or cascade, braided into a braid (or several braids), made dreadlocks, decorated with a bandana, lace, colorful scarf and suitable accessories - in general, do not be afraid to experiment and be bright.

Who are they suitable for?
In fact, loose and carelessly disheveled curls suit almost everyone, and with the help of braids and additional jewelry, you can style them more interestingly. It is advisable to adhere to the hippie style in clothes: outfits in boho, ethno and eco-style are suitable.
Do not leave your attention and casual: simple blue jeans, a plaid "cowboy" shirt and Cossack boots, coupled with a hippie hairstyle will make your image original and complete.
With the help of styling in a hippie manner, you can correct the oval of the face, namely:
- chubby girls are recommended to have voluminous braids on the sides of the face with careless strands released from them;
- the face in the shape of a triangle will be decorated with braids, braided from the crown;
- a narrow face will be transformed if you complement the hairstyle with a wide ribbon running along the forehead.

As for men, they are encouraged to pay attention to the quality and volume of their hair. If they are naturally "liquid", thin, there are bald patches, then it is better to refuse a hippie-style hairstyle. Facial features and proportions also play an important role. For example, a large nose "will not tolerate" a tightly braided braid, as well as protruding ears. In this case, it is better to choose styling with loose curls, complemented by a scarf or lace.

Now about the age. In principle, both a teenager and a person "well over 50" can do a hippie-style hairstyle. However, the integrity of the entire image of the "carrier" is very important here.
Therefore, men and women who prefer a business style of dress, as well as are forced to comply with a strict dress code, should abandon the idea of wearing hippie styling.

Hair ornaments
Now is the time to say a few words about jewelry that can complement a hippie hairstyle. Here is a list of them:
- various hairpins;
- rubber bands;
- bandanas, scarves;
- ribbons, bright laces, baubles, ropes;
- feathers;
- flowers;
- beads (preferably wooden).

Beautiful examples
Photos will help to illustrate all of the above. Watch and be inspired.
- The classic look of the modern hippie girl: parting in her messy hair, a bright elastic band along the forehead, decorated with a beautiful flower.

- Long curls, voluminous braids - and you can even go for a walk, at least to study, at least to shopping.

- A fishtail braid, braided to the side and complemented by a bright braided cord. Both comfortable and beautiful.

- Disheveled hair, which is woven with colorful laces, reminiscent of American Indians. The look is very successfully complemented by a handmade bracelet and a ring decorated with feathers.

- The male version of the hippie style: long hair with burnt strands, beard, mustache. Woven bracelets are on the hands.

- Another successful male look, now with medium-length curls. See how beautifully they are complemented by a scarf. The hippie style is also supported by beads-beads on the neck.

- Brave men who are not afraid to experiment can opt for dreadlocks. They can be adorned with feathers, brightly colored laces, or crude wood beads. A mustache and a beard will complete the image of an urban hippie.

- And, finally, how do you like this option: hair of medium length, artificially lightened at the ends, braided in pigtails and tied in a ponytail in the parietal part. This hairstyle can be "tried on" even with a business suit.