Retro hairstyles: history and rules of creation

Retro in hairstyles is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for anyone looking for a flavor of style and novelty. Each decade of the twentieth century gave something of its own. Based on these ideas, you can create spectacular images, especially since modern tools and styling products allow you to achieve results much faster and with less effort than in the past century.

A bit of history
The history of women's hairstyles, which is now classified as a retro style, is inextricably linked with the historical events of the twentieth century, the development of cinema and hairdressing opportunities. Waves were a distinctive feature of the hairstyles of the 1920s and 1930s. Moreover, in the 1920s, there was a tendency to shorten traditionally long strands. The impetus for this was the First World War, when many girls were sent to the front as nurses. It was inconvenient to handle long hair in war conditions and there was no time.
- Inherited from the era of the 20s of the twentieth century there remained the so-called cold waves, when the hair all over the head was laid in this way, partly located on the forehead and covering the area of the temples. Hairstyles were done based on different haircuts. Then, for example, styling based on a short square with clearly defined lines was in vogue. Long-haired women laid their hair in waves, collecting the bulk of the strands in a bun.

- In the 30s of the last century, medium-length hair became popular, bringing refined femininity back into fashion, but making the handling of hair more comfortable than with a long length. It was customary to pick up hair, emphasizing the beauty of the neck and shoulders.
In addition to the waves, curls appeared in the course, which were neatly laid on the forehead and temples.

- In the 40s styling with a roller over the forehead has become fashionable. The bulk of the hair was often tucked under a net. From the front curls, they formed something like tubes, dividing the hair into two parts. Short haircuts were no longer as popular as they used to be.

- 50s became a period when ordinary people tried to banish the hardships of war from memory. Styles appeared in the Soviet Union, striving to follow the Western way of life with the "local" manner of dressing and combing their hair. And the women of Europe and America sought to turn themselves into beauties at any cost. Smooth hair, short haircuts, waves, and the volume created thanks to a chignon and bouffants were in use. Headbands were used to decorate and support the hair.
The ladies who drove the car tied their heads with kerchiefs, preventing the styling from getting disheveled in the wind.

- Among the characteristics of 60s fashion XX century on hairstyles - the predominance of volume and pile. Then the famous babette appeared, for the creation of which a roller was used. The fashion for such styling arose thanks to Brigitte Bardot, who appeared with her on the big screens. At the suggestion of the actress, the hair began to be styled in a ponytail. And also the phenomenon of the hippie movement affected the hairstyles of the 60s. Women, according to their convictions, went about with simple hair.

- The hippie phenomenon also affected the fashion of the 70s... Loose hair was decorated with flowers. In the same years, the hobby for perm began. In the 80s, styling based on a cascade haircut became fashionable. The ladder-style haircut was a reference to the punk fashion of the 70s. Unlike those disheveled hair, the cascade is an elegant extension of it. And also a square turned out to be in fashion, which was laid in different ways, for example, by twisting the ends of the hair outward or inward.

How to create a modern, retro look?
Modern styling tools allow you to create a retro hairstyle so that it does not look like a relic of the past, but attracts attention and makes the look interesting. It is appropriate to appear in a retro look at a themed party or at a wedding played in the style of a particular era. In a casual look, it is enough to reproduce a small detail in the spirit of the fashion of a certain decade to remain stylish.
It is enough to make a reference at one time or another with the help of a curl on the bangs, a small fleece or a wave on the hair. The features of creating full-fledged retro styling depend, among other things, on the length of the hair.

For short hair
On your own, it is easy to make a cold wave from the 20-30s of the last century for a short hair length. Some people use their own fingers to create their hairstyles, holding their hair to form waves, but it is much easier to equip with clips or invisibility. To obtain the desired result, a foam (mousse) for hair is applied to the strands. When creating styling, the hair is divided with a side parting, pinching the strands at an equal distance. Then you need to fix the waves and remove the available means. To emphasize the reference to the past, it remains to supplement the styling with a hoop or ribbon.

Quite short hair - not reaching the shoulders - can be retro styled with a 40s headband. The work progress is as follows:
- on clean hair, highlight the front part of the strands at the forehead;
- curl into curls;
- fix them with varnish;
- make a light bouffant;
- create a roller of curled curls with the forehead, placing their ends in a ring;
- fix with pins;
- curl the remaining hair;
- sprinkle with varnish;
- lift curls from the sides and secure at the level of the crown with the help of invisible hairpins;
- lift the back strands up and fasten;
- fold a thin scarf several times to make a wide bandage;
- tie their head - the knot is located at the top and slightly to the side;
- form a bow from the ends of the scarf;
- sprinkle hair with varnish.

Limited lengths are the best base for creating a Marilyn Monroe style hairstyle. It is worth doing the following:
- wash hair and pat dry with a towel;
- apply foam;
- part hair with a parting;
- wind it with a curling iron, fixing the resulting curls at the head with clamps or invisibility;
- curl hair in one direction;
- remove the clips;
- hands to give the hairstyle the necessary outlines;
- sprinkle with varnish.

Medium length
In the spirit of the second decade of the twentieth century hairstyle for medium-length hair is done as follows:
- divide the hair into three parts: the front hair - with a side parting, and the back - from ear to ear;
- apply foam to side hair;
- create waves on these strands with long hairpins;
- twist the hair into a tourniquet and lay a low bun at the back of the head;
- secure with hairpins;
- fix the hairstyle with varnish.

In the spirit of the 40s and 50s, you can make a hairstyle with voluminous bangs. Medium length hair works best for this. The following algorithm of actions should be adhered to:
- separate the bangs from the bulk of the hair;
- wind it on a roller;
- distribute hair evenly over the entire surface of the auxiliary item;
- fasten the ends with invisible ones;
- tie a scarf or ribbon on your head.

The style of the 60-70s corresponds to a hairstyle with volume in the parietal zone and loose hair, which can be done like this:
- separate several strands in front and comb at the root;
- sprinkle varnish on them;
- collect in the tail so that the volume in front is preserved;
- in the occipital zone, curl the hair with a curling iron;
- decorate the tail with a bright ribbon.

Hairstyle with a hint of the 70s is quick and easy, adhering to this algorithm:
- comb the hair and part it depending on the type of face;
- comb on top of the head at the root;
- curl hair, directing it outward;
- give the hair a shape with your hands, beating the strands at the temples;
- fix with varnish.

Another styling option involves the use of an elastic bandage. It is worth following these steps:
- put an elastic band on your head, placing it in front of the hairline;
- on one side, select a strand and wrap it around the elastic, directing to the back of the head;
- so wrap several large strands around the bandage;
- collect the rest in a weak roller;
- direct the end of the hair up under the bandage;
- if necessary, secure with hairpins;
- an elegant, messy hairstyle is ready.

Long hair
Long hair allows you to recreate the style of the 40s classic hairstyle of the time. You should perform such actions as:
- curl the strands on a curling iron, making curls of the same thickness out of them;
- lightly comb at the root to "build up" additional volume;
- on both sides of the forehead, twist the hair into tight rollers and lay in flat bundles-shells;
- secure with hairpins;
- leave the rest of the strands loose.

The Babette hairstyle, which does not lose its popularity, can be performed using a foam rubber overlay. The step-by-step process is as follows:
- dry washed hair and comb thoroughly;
- separate the front strands and at the temples, fix with clamps;
- make a high tail from the remaining mass;
- throw it forward, towards the forehead, stab it with invisible ones;
- install a roller at the base of the tail and also fix it with invisible ones;
- fold the tail back, distributing the strands along the roller to close it entirely;
- tuck the ends under the bottom and stab;
- make a side parting in front, dividing the strands into two unequal parts;
- create a light bouffant;
- the less voluminous part, leading behind the ear, send back and secure;
- the one that is often larger, lay so that it slightly covers the forehead, and direct it to one side, secure it with invisibility;
- fix the hairstyle with varnish.
With the help of babette, you can create an elegant evening look, and if you decorate your head with a tiara, you get a festive styling, for example, for a wedding or graduation.

Elegant 60s hairstyle can be done in this way:
- collect the front of the head of hair and hair from the upper occipital zone into a bun at the back of the head;
- fix for a while with a clip or crab;
- fasten the remaining strands with a thin elastic band at the neck;
- twist the resulting tail inward, forming a roller;
- secure with invisible pins and pins;
- Dissolve the hair from the bun and, separating the layers, make a bouffant on them;
- fold back and gently smooth with a comb so that the volume is preserved;
- collect hair over the roller and secure it with invisible ones;
- lay the ends over the roller and hide;
- secure with hairpins;
- lay the bangs to one side;
- release thin strands on the temples and curl with an iron;
An elegant look has been created.

A woman with long blonde hair can easily get a 70s hippie look... The hair should be parted in a straight part. From several thin strands highlighted on the side, weave a pigtail and put it around the head through the middle of the forehead, pinned at the back of the head - your own hair replaces the ribbon. It takes no more than 5 minutes to create an image.
If desired, you can imitate this style with more complex weaving. To do this, in the center of the head from the crown to the forehead, a thin layer of hair is separated with two partings, which are braided with a narrow spikelet. Having brought the weaving to the forehead line, the pigtail is divided in two and the remaining length is braided into two very narrow pigtails. Their ends are hidden under the bulk of the hair and fixed with invisibility. Braids can be pulled over loose hair if desired.

Long hair make a graceful simple styling with a reference to the past for everyday wear as follows:
- wind all the strands on the curling iron;
- separate part of the front hair and twist it with a tight tourniquet closer to one half of the face;
- fix tightly at the head with hairpins;
- leave the rest of the strands to flow freely over the shoulders.

To accentuate retro style, you don't have to style your hair with an emphasis on a particular decade of the past century. Hairstyle with retron done by simple means and very quickly:
- use hot tongs to create tight curls on the hair;
- fasten the resulting rings with clamps so that they cool for 3-5 minutes;
- comb your hair to get waves at the ends of the strands;
- fix the styling with hairspray;
- if desired, lay the entire mane on one shoulder.

Beautiful examples
- Hairstyle in the style of Marilyn Monroe will again and again return to the list of relevant. Blondes with short and medium length hair, she always serves as an example to follow.

- Styling with two rollers was part of the fashion of the 40s of the last century. The hairstyle looks great at themed parties.

- Styling in waves in the style of the 20s can still be very effective today, giving its owner an exceptional femininity.

- The spirit of the 70s gave the world a carelessness and naturalness that suits any girl.

For information on how to do retro hairstyles, see the next video.