All about style hairstyles

Stylish style is a bright retro, extremely popular today. It has a lot from the post-war luxury of a new look and even more from the emphatically seductive pin-up. A woman dressed and combed in this style will never go unnoticed, because its characteristic features: red lipstick, black arrows on the eyelids, fluffy skirts with petticoats, a thin tight waist, prints (peas, a cage, a strip or small flowers), heels a glass, comfortable shoes for dancing with a membrane and elaborate hairstyles.
Pin-up girls are out of a fashion magazine picture they are so bright, catchy, elegant, flirty and beautiful. We will tell you all about style hairstyles.

What is meant by the era of dudes? This is the period from the mid 1950s to the mid 1960s. At that time, hair styling was one of the most important components of a lady's image. Curls and strands were laid in intricate designs above the forehead, on the crown, on the back of the head - depending on the chosen hairstyle. Today, such compositions are suitable both for the office (albeit without a strict dress code) and for a party.
Stylish hairstyles very feminine, because by itself the new look style is aimed at emphasizing the female figure favorably, making the girl flirtatious and attractive. At the same time, the styling has a slight retro touch and looks interesting and intricate. The most popular of these hairstyles:
- "Babette";

- "Fluffy tail";

- "The crown of the world";

- "flying high";

- curls of Marilyn Monroe;

- "shell".

Who are they going to?
Stylish hairstyles are performed on straight hair, which is why owners of curly hair will have to pull them out with an iron. And girls with straight hair most often need additional straightening of the strands, because they must be flawlessly even and smooth... Only then will the hairstyle be truly stylish if it is done perfectly. There are no tousled bunches, strands that have come out, structures that have moved to one side - everything must be fixed in such a way that even dancing until you drop will not damage the styling. As for the length, there is no limit here - both short and long hair can be styled in a “babette” or other complex design.
Highlights for styling styling:
- lush voluminous hair;
- natural color, healthy shine;
- clear smooth lines;
- straight strands;
- bright yet sophisticated decor.

Most authentic hairstyles will not lose their relevance if reproduced in their original, classic form. However, modern modifications are also good, however, this is no longer a style of dudes. Perhaps the most expressive styling for long and medium hair in the style of dandies is the "babette". If you do not do a strong pile, it will organically fit into the daytime look, and for the evening you can create a classic "babette". It will accentuate a beautiful neck, expressive cheekbones, a clear lip contour, big eyes.
Owners of round faces and curvaceous shapes should choose a different styling, as "babette" with its smooth rounded lines will add unnecessary volume.

When this hairstyle first appeared, whatever the girls did to achieve more volume - they mercilessly combed their hair from roots to ends, fixed the strands with beer and sugar water, put socks, foam rollers and even cans! It's much easier now. Mousse and foam will help to achieve root volume, and smoothing agents will give a mirror shine to the strands.
Professional hair dryers with different attachments will style your hair the way you want it. The iron will make the strands perfectly straight, and the thermal protection products will protect the curls from overheating. You can fix the result with varnish, which will not glue the hair like a helmet, but will leave the hairstyle alive and mobile.

Choice based on hair length
Since retro style hairstyles are incredibly popular with pin-up fans, there are more than enough instructions on how to make them at home on the Internet. Guided by them, you can create any, even the most complex-looking styling step by step.
Hair longer than the shoulder blades will make a wonderful babette. It does not even have to be strongly combed, since due to the length and amount of hair, the hairstyle will have the required volume. If the hair is heavy, thick, you need to take care of a good fixing agent and a large number of studs.
Spiral hairpins are well suited for this type of strand, they hold more reliably than ordinary ones, and do not knock out of the hairstyle in the manner of hedgehog needles.

The Peace Corolla is another stylish pin-up hairstyle that is appropriate during the day and in the evening, and on the beach and in the city. To create styling, a wide strand is separated from the face (like a bang), and the rest of the hair is twisted into a voluminous bun. A large curl is formed from the strand above the forehead using a curling iron and carefully secured with invisibility and varnish. If you have a bang, then the semblance of a curl needs to be made from it. After that, the back of the head is covered with a scarf, which is tied with a beautiful knot on the forehead - between the bun and the "bangs".

"Lush tail" of long strands will look very impressive if curled into tight large curls, which are well fixed with varnish. The hairstyle can be decorated with a bright scarf or ribbon. Long hair can be crafted into beautiful Victory Rolls with the knack. Having screwed the rest of the strands onto the tongs and creating curls, the rollers are separated from them with a scarf or tape.
Victory Rolls can also be decorated with a bun, and the same scarf tied with a beautiful knot will complete the hairstyle.

If the hair is longer than the shoulder blades, Victory Rolls can be laid not forward, on the forehead, but twisted back like horns. The hair is divided into a parting (most often not ideally symmetrically), a "horn" is formed from each half. At the same time, the hair on the crown and back of the head can be left loose, curling into tight curls, or it can be collected in a bun or shell.
Any combination will be very effective, provided that it is done carefully.

Stylish hairstyles are often decorated with a ribbon, scarf or headband. In most cases, this is one element that matches the outfit in color. For styling on short hair a ribbon or hoop is a must-have element that softens the harshness of the image and gives it additional femininity.
The ribbon can be tied with a knot at the top, creating a semblance of a turban. This styling is suitable for haircuts with or without bangs. Instead of a ribbon, you can use a scarf, then the hair on the back of the head will completely hide under it. The strands at the top of the head need to be combed and fixed so that they look voluminous. The crown area is separated from the bangs using a horizontal parting. If the haircut does not imply the ability to wind the crown strands on curlers or tongs, fleece will come to the rescue.
The ends of the hair can be curled in or out, both for a retro look.

Medium-length hair can either be put in a "babette", decorated with a beautiful silk ribbon, or in a spectacular "high flight". This styling looks best at the medium length. It is done in this way: a fleece is formed on the top of the head and fixed with hairpins, invisibility and varnish. The strands around the face are fixed back, under the "babette", and on the back of the head they are curled with tongs in large curls. It is also desirable to fix them with varnish.
It is important to remember that for this hairstyle, the hair must be carefully stretched with an iron, it must be perfectly straight.

Also for hair of medium length, all styles that are recommended for long hair are suitable. And there is even a plus - it will be much easier to make them, since the strands are shorter. Babette will be easier to wear on your head, a fluffy tail will not pull your neck back, and the "corolla of the world" will hold perfectly.
As far as Victory Rolls are concerned, mid-lengths are best for shaping them, they come out with the right diameter and hold very well.

At this length, Marilyn Monroe's hairstyle will look great. To make the curls, which have become a kind of "trademark" of this style icon, you need curling irons, hairpins, invisible hairpins, a means for fixing. The hair needs to be divided into 4 parts: frontal, middle and two lateral. First you need to curl the strands on the frontal part: each in a tight curl, securing it with invisibility. After that, the hair in the middle part is curled in the same way.
The side parts must be divided into a straight parting and curls should be wound. After that, the entire hairstyle is fixed with varnish, the hairpins are carefully removed and each curl is disassembled. They should not remain "rings". Once again, fixing the styling with varnish, you can go out.

Combining the ponytail with Victory Rolls creates some interesting styling. Firstly, the curls on the forehead can be styled in completely different ways, and secondly, the tail also varies - from fleece to tight curls. In addition, the fluffy tail is in perfect harmony with the "corolla of the world." It can be decorated with a ribbon, scarf, thin scarf.

We should not forget about such a feminine and sophisticated styling as the "shell". If you combine it with a voluminous fleece on the top of the head, it will acquire the features of a dandy style. An ordinary "shell" does not imply a large volume, but the variant for dudes should be super-volumetric. Therefore, starting to create it, take care of a significant supply of hairpins and invisible hairpins, styling to create root volume, as well as strong hold hairspray.
The "shell" can be combined with fancy curls on the forehead. It will look even more stylish. You can also decorate it with a large hair clip, ribbon or headscarf.

If you have not yet learned how to make complex hairstyles with your own hands, there is one styling that will not take more than 10 minutes even for a beginner. This is a bundle. You need to prepare a beautiful shawl, hairpins, curling iron and a comb. Use a comb to separate the frontal section or bangs, if you have one, and pin. Comb the hair of the crown part, form a beautiful roller and securely fix it with hairpins.
Make sure the bunch has the shape you want and secure it with varnish. With the help of tongs, make a beautiful curl from the bangs and also fix with varnish. Tie the scarf beautifully, separating the frontal curls from the bun with it.
The knot should be on top.

Beautiful examples
"High Flight" is one of the most effective styling in the style of dudes.

With Victory Rolls, every girl is guaranteed success!

The "crown of peace" adorns a woman in any situation.

Who said that style of dudes is not suitable for girls with short hair?

Babette stands for elegance and chic.

A lush tail will adorn even a bride.

Curls in the style of Marilyn Monroe have been a role model for many years.

The classic babette can be flirty or austere. It all depends on the outfit and makeup you wear it with. And from the mood!

The quick hairstyle technique in the style of the dandies is given below.