Evening hairstyles for long hair: features, selection, styling and decoration

Any girl who has long hair can take pride in its beauty. However, their main feature is that long curls require special attention and care, without which they will simply turn into a lifeless head of hair. Since now the beautiful half of humanity works on an equal basis with men, there is less and less time for styling hair. Therefore, many people prefer to say goodbye to such beauty. However, the most persistent try to find a way out of this situation, that is, they learn to do styling quickly and beautifully, even at home.

The main advantage of evening hairstyles for long hair is a large number of possible variations. You can start with regular curls and finish with the most difficult styling. They will allow any girl to look gorgeous. However, all women's holiday hairstyles can be divided into several types. They may be:
- gathered in a ponytail or in a beautiful braid;

- made using weaves of different complexity;

- loose, curls or straight hair;

- high hairstyles.

Each of these options has both positive and negative sides. Therefore, before choosing one of them for yourself, you need to think about which one is suitable for your type.
To cope with evening styling, you will need to work a little, that is, find the right approach so that with their help you can emphasize only the advantages of beauties, and hide all the shortcomings. In addition, you need to know what will help to emphasize the beauty of the hairstyle:
- the right dress and jewelry;
- combination of face shape and figure with a hairstyle;
- hair density;
- age category;
- styling can be done both in the salon and at home.

Fashion trends
Evening hairstyles for long hair can be made different. For example, they can be braided or bagel, stylish or simple, high and low, for a holiday or for a normal day. However, in any case, the girl will look elegant and sophisticated.
First of all, you need to understand that braids are not always simple and boring. After all, beautiful hairstyles with various weaves only add festivity to the image. Very often they are chosen by brides, weaving ribbons or flowers into them. This makes the girl more gentle and romantic.

Curls are also considered universal styling, which can be made both large and small. It all depends on the girl's style. Another popular hairstyle is the bun. It can be used both for work and for going to a restaurant. In addition, it looks very stylish if the girl puts on a beautiful evening dress and complements it with some jewelry.
In addition, hairstyles made in the Greek style look quite elegant, which are suitable both for a big holiday and for a cozy romantic evening.

How to choose?
When choosing evening hairstyles, it is worth remembering that they can all be both light and simple, and solemn, for which you can choose a variety of outfits. In addition, they need to be matched to your face type. To look not only beautiful, but also stylish, you need to follow some rules.
For women who have chosen elegant dresses with open shoulders, a hairstyle with both beautiful curls and weaving elements is suitable. However, styling with hair pulled up will look best, which will perfectly emphasize a beautiful chiseled neck and regular facial features.

For those who have chosen a side-styled hairstyle, whether it be curls combed to one side or a beautifully styled braid, you can choose a dress with one open shoulder. If the dress is completely closed, then tall styling is perfect.

In addition, hair color is considered important. It is worth remembering that girls with blonde hair seem to be more sensitive and delicate. Wearers of dark or black hair look sexier, but those with too bright hair want to draw special attention to themselves. Choosing an evening hairstyle, be sure to take this fact into account.
Also, the choice of hairstyles by face type is considered quite important. After all, this will help both hide your flaws and show your advantages.

For an oval face
In this case, you can choose any hairstyle, because this face shape is rightfully considered ideal. The only exception is considered to be very high styling, which will visually stretch the face even more.

For round
Here, on the contrary: it is necessary to do higher styling, which can visually stretch the face. In addition, hairstyles with a side parting or with a pile on the very top of the head will look beautiful. You can also let your hair down to frame your face completely.

For square
A hairstyle for a face with this shape should soften its features a little. Therefore, it is best to opt for high hairstyles or loose hair in whole or in part.

For rectangular type
In this case, styling should help make the girl softer and more feminine. To do this, you need to collect the curls and lift them up a little, but you need to do this not so high. In addition, several strands released on both sides will look very beautiful.

For triangular shape
For this type of face, any hairstyle that will be done based on the curls is best suited. They add volume to the lower part of the face by smoothing out the features more gently. But it is better not to do smooth styling, as this, on the contrary, will draw attention to a sharp chin.

For pear-shaped
In this case, it is necessary to divert attention from the large jaw, that is, the hairstyle should be with a side parting, as well as more voluminous. Do not use styling with completely smoothed hair.

Styling nuances
Very often a girl needs a beautiful styling, but there is absolutely no time to go to the salon. In these cases, you can try to make it at home, with your own hands. You need to follow some rules, as well as have on hand special tools and styling products:
- a curling iron or iron to straighten hair;
- hairdryer with various attachments for drying hair, as well as styling;
- curlers for large or small curls;
- several combs, a comb and a massage comb;
- a few invisible hairpins or hairpins, as well as hair clips;
- suitable jewelry for the chosen hairstyle;
- styling product: mousse or foam;
- spray for thermal protection, so as not to damage hair after a hairdryer or curling iron;
- serum for dry hair ends;
- varnish of various fixation;
- wax or gel to create the effect of wet hair.

In addition, one must remember that it is necessary to use cosmetics of the same line. It is worth considering step-by-step instructions for various hairstyle technologies.
Such styling is used both for special occasions and for an ordinary day. To style your hair for yourself, you first need to do a side parting. Then you need to tie a tail on the side. After that, it must be rolled up into a beautiful bundle and secured with hairpins of the required length. In addition, often such bundles can be decorated with a small tight braid. To do this, you first need to separate a small strand and make a pigtail out of it. At the end, wrap the finished bundle with it.

Beautiful curls
The fastest styling is curls. They can be done both along the entire length of the hair and at the very ends. For this, an ordinary curling iron, and curlers, and a pigtail simply braided for the night are suitable. They can be done in a variety of ways. For example, lay the curls on one side and secure them with varnish.

To perform it, you first need to wash your hair well, then dry it with a hairdryer or in a natural way. Then you need to separate a small strand at the very top of the head and secure it with invisible ones. Then you can start weaving a French braid. You can fasten it with a beautiful bow or a regular elastic band.

Bow of your own hair
When your hair is loose, you can decorate it with such a bow. To do this, it is necessary to separate it by a lock at the very temples, and then tie them with a thin elastic band. The result should be a loop. It must be divided into two parts, and then well secured with hairpins so that they resemble a bow in shape. The hair that remains can be curled with beautiful curls.

This hairstyle, where some weaving elements are present, is perfect for any celebration. To do it at home, you need to consider everything in stages. First you need to separate 3 identical curls at once near the forehead. One of them should be the bottom, the second - the middle and the third - the top. From these strands it is necessary to weave a very loose braid, adding a little hair at a time, of the same thickness. You need to weave it to the required length, after which you can fix it with beautiful hairpins, and curl the remaining hair with a curling iron.

Laying on one side
In order to do it, you need to distribute the hair to the side part. Then you need to take a small strand near the ear and make a nice bouffant. After that, it must be rolled up into a small tourniquet and fixed in the direction of the parting. The second side can be decorated with either a beautiful decoration or a large flower. Then they can be fixed in a separate strand and fixed with varnish on the back of the head. The strands are taken one by one and are also fixed at the back of the head. At the end it is necessary to spray with a strong fixing varnish.

This hairstyle can be classified as retro.She's perfect for a romantic date. First, you need to separate a small strand resembling a crescent moon, and then secure it with a hair clip. The hair that remains must be collected in a high ponytail. After that, it must be divided into small strands and made into rings. To do this, you need to wind them directly on your finger and secure them with a small invisibility. All rings must be distributed evenly in a circle and secured with strong fixation varnish.
The remaining hair can be curled and left in this position, or can be secured with a beautiful wide ribbon or bandage made of plain fabric. In this case, it is better to use a bright drawing.

Spanish knots
It is both simple and stylish hairstyle at the same time. With her help, the girl will look irresistible. In order to do it, the hair must be collected on the sides and secured with an elastic band. Then the hair must be pushed a little higher than the elastic itself. In the hole that has formed, you need to stretch the tip of the tail twice, and then fix it also under the elastic band. This can be done by invisible. After that, the beam itself must be straightened so that the desired volume is obtained. At the end, the installation must be secured with the strongest fixation varnish.

Greek motives
This is probably the prettiest of all evening hairstyles and is the easiest to do at home. In order to do it, you will need a special bandage, which is necessary to create such a styling. The first thing to do is wash your hair well, then dry it with a hairdryer or naturally. Then comb thoroughly and comb at the very top of the head.
The hairstyle can be secured with a bandage. Then take a small strand and twist them around the elastic. First on one side, and then on the other. The final touch is to secure the styling with the necessary fixation varnish.

Easy roll-up
As before starting any styling, you must wash your hair well and dry it. After that, comb them, and then tie a ponytail at the very bottom. Next, you need to loosen the elastic. Then make a small hole between the elastic and the head and thread the tail through it. The next stage is twisting into a bundle, which must be laid in the groove that has turned out. The tip of the tail must be hidden in the depth of the bundle and secured either with hairpins, or with invisible pins, or both for better fixation.
The main thing is not to overdo it with the styling product.

Roman style
It is done with the help of curlers, a bit reminiscent of boomerangs, they are also called papillotes. Hair must be wrapped around them and held for the required time. Then the hairstyle can be completed according to the principle of Greek styling, or stabbed in a completely arbitrary design.

Jewelry and accessories
Beautiful jewelry and additional accessories are suitable for any evening hairstyle. So, for example, you can secure loose hair to one side with a beautiful decorative detail, which will make the girl look a bit like a snow queen. It is worth considering several options for such decorations.
- Invisibles and hairpins. They can be regular or with a white mother-of-pearl bead at the very edge. Most often they are used to create beautiful and complex hairstyles. Neutral and decorative hairpins are also suitable.

- With the help of clips, you can fix individual curls and bangs. They can also be with some decorative elements.

- Decorative hairpins. Most often they are decorated with multi-colored beads or stones.

- For special occasions, jewelry such as a diadem is used. They can be not only of different shapes, but also have different stones, both real and artificial.

- A highlight in any hairstyle can be such a beautiful decoration as crest.

To summarize, we can say that long hair is the most beautiful piece of jewelry a girl can get.However, in order for them to always look stylish and well-groomed, you need to make every effort, as well as master the basics of at least the simplest styling. Then any beauty will be able to look different every time and combine her hairstyle with her favorite outfits.
For information on how to do an evening hairstyle, see the next video.