Evening hairstyles for medium hair: features, options, creation and decoration

Gathering for a solemn event, every woman completely chooses for herself a spectacular and memorable image. First of all, he finds a suitable suit or dress, then he selects shoes and accessories. Then he starts choosing the right makeup. But the most important thing is the correctly chosen festive hairstyle styling.

A distinctive feature of medium length hair is its versatility, it is very difficult to choose a festive styling for such a head of hair, and all because of the huge variety of options. Moreover, each individual styling allows you to emphasize the individuality and beauty of the female image.
Another distinguishing feature of medium length hair is the ability to style it yourself, without the help of specialists. And yet, in order for the selected image to look harmonious, you should know the individual nuances of creating a solemn hairstyle.

In search of a suitable option for festive styling, women flip through many fashion magazines, carefully look at the hairstyles of movie and music industry stars, making an informed choice in favor of one or another hairstyle. Quite often in magazines you can find variations of styling in the Hollywood style, as well as the famous flagella and retro curls. By the way, Hollywood-style evening styling is ideal for women of fashion with short and medium hair.
Large curls of curls, gently sloping to one side, are complemented by extraordinary hairpins with a bright shine, due to which the styling is ideally combined with any evening outfit.

When creating styling, flagella are used exclusively on medium hair. The finished hairstyle looks special and very modern. Retro style has been popular for the past few years. For owners of medium hair length, such styling is very useful. An important feature of the presented hairstyles is neat curls, beautifully styled together.
The only thing is that you will have to spend quite a lot of time to make this unique styling of past years.

When choosing the right hairstyle, remember that medium hair length is the most suitable for creating any evening looks, and accordingly has a fairly large number of advantages.
- Medium hair length is ideal for girls with any type of face and hair structure.
- Medium-length hair is quite easy to style, and the hairstyle itself will last for a long time. In addition, shoulder-length hair allows you to emphasize an extraordinary feminine image.
- Even turning to a beauty salon, the master will be happy to start creating a hairstyle for medium hair, since styling will not take much time, and the client will be able to pay a small amount for services.

The only drawback of these hairstyles is the impossibility of creating great styling on fine and lifeless hair. But even this problem can be dealt with, and all thanks to overhead strands made from artificial and natural hair. The main thing is to choose the color of the false curls that are in harmony with the natural shade of the hair. Otherwise, you will have to tint both the overlay and the native hair, adjusting everything to the same shade.

Fashion trends
Over the past few years, world fashion has argued that naturalness is the hit of the season. This statement applies to makeup, and, accordingly, hairdressing. Famous stylists call on their clients give up artificial curls and hair extensions... And to create a festive evening styling, it is advised to choose loose styling options, the tips of which are slightly curled. To create such a hairstyle, you will need curlers or hairdressing tongs. In this case, the size of the curls will entirely depend on the thickness of the tools used.
In order for the curls to turn out to be elastic, they must be treated with styling products, thanks to which the styled hairstyle will surely last the entire festive evening.

Hairstyle with loose curly ends associated with ease, sophistication, playfulness, fascinates and attracts enthusiastic glances. This styling suits any smart look - both an evening dress and a stylish suit.

They look quite bright and impressive high styling, which are based on a French braid, laid along the entire circumference of the head. Fashion stylists claim that such hairstyles frame the oval of the face, emphasizing all its advantages, and hide flaws. They soften harsh and rough features when needed.
Based on the description presented, the most suitable hair styling for medium lengths is Babette.

But even this fashion stylists do not stop there. As a variety, it is suggested to perform on medium length hair. hairstyles with an inflated bun. On the one hand, the name of the styling can be a little scary, but the finished result is majestic, sophisticated and aesthetic. The selected image is not overloaded in any way, but only complemented by splendor and brightness.

As everyone knows styling "spikelet" all the time at the peak of popularity and when creating a fashionable festive hairstyle, he is not bypassed.Weaving styling can emphasize the beauty of the neckline, complementing the image with lightness and sexuality.

Everyone knows that with each season, the fashion for certain items changes, some trends are a thing of the past, and some, on the contrary, are returning. That is why it should not be surprising that the hairstyles worn by women half a century ago are again at the peak of popularity.
Retro styling acts on others like a magnet, she attracts enthusiastic glances and allows the woman to be the center of attention of the entire festive event. It is worth noting that retro hairstyles are very popular today among famous Hollywood actresses. They frame the ends of the hair with curls, make bouffants, and lift the collected tail up using a donut.

American actresses claim that in a huge variety of styling retro style is considered a win-win. It suits all looks, is able to emphasize the femininity and sophistication of the owner of the hairstyle. To perform retro styling, there is no need to contact a master, it is enough to have in your arsenal hot rollers, a comb with rare teeth and hairspray, preferably medium or high fixation.

In addition, modern fashion is ready to offer owners of medium hair length an extraordinary styling option. in antique style... The finished hairstyles turn out to be very beautiful, and if you add them with decorations, for example, combs or hairpins, it will turn out gorgeous. In this case, antique styling can be done at home.

Recently, on the steps of a fashionable pedestal, it is quite common to find styling in the form of a hair bow. Unfortunately, not everyone can use this variation of the hairstyle, since it is not suitable for all women, and the creation process itself is rather complicated. A hair bow can be made at the crown or at the back of the head, or even from the side.
In this case, you do not need to use any additional accessories, since the finished hairstyle looks very bright and catchy.

But even this does not stop fashion. If earlier it was relevant to wear ordinary braids or spikelets, now special attention is paid to styling with complex weaving, due to which even the finest hair gains additional volume. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to create such beauty at home, but if you practice, the result will be amazing.

In pursuit of fashion, many girls are ready to experiment with their hair, embodying the most daring ideas into reality. For such representatives of the fair sex, stylists offer styling in African style. This season they are a trend, and you can create it at home.
African styling will add boldness and emancipation to the female image. It will emphasize all the advantages, hide the flaws, focus on the expressiveness of the eyes and, in general, will attract the enthusiastic glances of the fans.

How to choose?
Choosing an unusual and beautiful hairstyle for yourself, you can not always be guided only by taste. It is impossible to find ideally harmonizing options for festive hair styling with medium length, focusing only on personal preferences and tastes.
Any styling will look impressive on the pages of magazines, as it was created by a professional. Attempts to do the same hairstyle yourself may be in vain. Especially if you have no experience in hairdressing. But after all, not all representatives of the fair sex have the opportunity to visit the master or call him at home, so you have to trust your hands. And in order for the styling to be of the highest quality, you should pay attention to several important factors:
- hair structure;
- hair thickness;
- the density of the hair;
- natural color;
- the presence of gray hair.

Studying the features of the hairline is the first step in the selection of the most suitable styling for a festive evening. Next, you should carefully study the type of face, since the selected styling should emphasize the advantages and hide possible disadvantages.

So, for example, women with an oval face shape can choose any type and method of styling. The oval shape is considered ideal and any hairstyle suits it. Still, stylists advise focusing on simple and easy styling.
Women with a rounded face should avoid hairstyles with prominent bangs, especially straight curls. If, nevertheless, bangs are extremely necessary, then you can consider options for a cascading fall or an oblique descent.
In addition, owners of a round face should remember that the hairstyle should be with volume in the area of the crown, otherwise all beauty will fade on the sagging strands.

Owners of square faces need to pay attention to asymmetric styling. No straight lines, partings are strictly prohibited, ends cannot be aligned. Women with a square face will look very impressive, complementing the curls with wavy curls and making bouffant on the roots.
Wearers of triangular and rhombic faces should avoid wide bangs. You should not shift the side strands back, since it is these curls that are able to correct the angular structure of the face on the cheekbones.
Stylists recommend that you familiarize yourself with tidy styling, especially if your hair is short and dark.

For those with a rectangular face and shoulder-length hair, you should abandon hairstyles with high tops. Bangs when creating styling are allowed, but it should cover most of the frontal lobe, due to which, at the visual level, the height of the face becomes smaller. Accordingly, the image prepared for the celebration will acquire a special femininity.

Having figured out the basic rules for the selection of holiday hairstyles, you should pay attention to the most important factor. For any occasion, formal medium hair styling should be ideally matched to the suit or dress of your choice.
How to do it?
A festive look cannot do without a special hairstyle. Owners of medium hair will have to make a rather difficult choice, since a huge variety of styling can make the fair sex confused. Basically, stylists offer quick romantic curls, or a Greek style. You can use intricate weaving of a spikelet or a bunch of retro style, complemented by a spectacular fleece. The main thing is to remember that the style of the selected hairstyle must fully and completely correspond to the prepared outfit.

Women's gathering for a gala event is not always a long time spent in the salon. There is a huge number of styling that you can do yourself with your own hands, without leaving home.
First, you need to figure out the classic way of styling medium-length hair, so that every girl will be able to get acquainted with the basics of hairdressing. After that, it will turn out to create hairstyles of more complex modifications.
It is important to follow the step-by-step instructions impeccably.

For work, you will need to prepare several items:
- comb;
- fixing varnish;
- hair mousse;
- curling iron.

Having prepared the necessary equipment, you can get to work.
- First, the hair must be rinsed and dried thoroughly.
- Comb. Collect the ponytail and pin it at the top of the head. Leave a small strand at the bottom of the head. It is with her that the curling of curls will begin.
- First, we separate a strand with a maximum thickness of 3 centimeters. A little mousse is collected in the hand and evenly distributed over the hair, then the strand is combed.
- The curling iron should be held vertically, wrap a curl treated with mousse on it, support for about 7 seconds, then remove the tool.
- This is how all the ends of the hair should be treated. It should not be forgotten that each selected strand should be treated with mousse. At the end of the work, the hairstyle should have structural vertical curls.
- To prepare the base, the curls must be thrown to one side and fixed with invisible ones.
- The final step in creating a classic styling is to fix the hair with varnish. As a decoration, you can use a small hair clip with a flower.

Having mastered the classic method of styling, you can start performing hairstyles with little difficulty. That is why it is suggested that you familiarize yourself with the evening styling, which is done exclusively for straight curls of medium length.
To create it, you will need to prepare several tools and accessories:
- comb;
- fixing varnish;
- elastic bands, invisibility, hairpins.

Having prepared the instrument, you can start playing.
- The hair must be combed, collected at the top of the head in a ponytail, but not tightened too much.
- The prepared tail goes up and is fixed with an invisibility, which should be placed just above the elastic. To lightly secure the structure, the hair must be sprayed with varnish.
- Now the tail can be lowered down, gradually forming a kind of shell out of it.
- The tips should be tucked inside a complex structure and secured with invisible pins or hairpins.
- Finished styling must be treated with a fixing varnish.

You should know that on liquid hair, you will have to use much more fixing composition. When creating this hairstyle, you can release several thin strands from the sides and twist them with a curling iron.
Due to this addition, the styling will acquire a softer and rather cute image.

Having familiarized yourself with the two variations of festive styling, it becomes clear that the work does not require much effort and it is quite simple to make a bright hairstyle at home on your own. Further it is proposed to get acquainted with the festive styling, which is based on bouffant. It is worth noting that such hairstyles are made not only for wedding parties, but also for brides for a wedding, as well as graduates for a prom. To work, you will need several tools:
- comb;
- curling iron;
- invisibility;
- fixing varnish.

With the tools ready, you can get to work.
- Brush clean, dry hair.
- The ends must be wound with a curling iron, having previously collected a bun of hair on the crown. Sprinkle the tail with varnish and make a bouffant.
- The prepared bouffant is laid back. After that, you need to take a wide strand of hair just above the base of the hairstyle and cover the fleece with it.
- The prepared structure of hair from the back is fixed with invisibility. There should be free space on the sides for work.
- In the temporal region, a small curl should be grabbed and twisted into a flagellum. On the other hand, a similar procedure is required. Connect them invisibly at the back of the head. In this case, the curls should be wrapped inside the fleece.
- The finished hairstyle needs to be fixed with varnish.

Styling in the Greek style looks very impressive and fashionable. Of course, independent work will differ in many ways from the work of a master. And yet, after spending some time, you can create a spectacular image. To create a styling, you will need several tools and a step-by-step execution:
- comb;
- curling iron;
- elastic;
- invisible hairpins;
- ribbon.

Now you can start creating your hairstyle.
- Hair must be rinsed, dried thoroughly and combed.
- Leave small curls on the sides, collect the rest of the hair in a tail just above the occipital zone.
- A curling iron is required to wind the tail and fluff the strands.
- Pick up small curls from the tail and lay them up in random chaos, thereby creating a kind of curls, fixed with hairpins or invisible pins.
- When the work with the ponytail is finished, it is necessary to raise the side strands and lay their common armful of hair.
- The finished hairstyle is fixed with varnish. A ribbon is tied over it as a decoration.

The presented styling options are quite simple to perform, any woman can handle them. The main thing is to prepare the necessary tools for the job.
Something, of course, can be replaced, but the fixing varnish should be used as long as possible so that the hairstyle does not get tousled throughout the holiday.
How to decorate?
Of course, having created an unusually bright hairstyle, it is imperative to complement it with some adornments. This is not a requirement of fashion trends, but the rule of experienced stylists. Thanks to the decorations, the festive look takes on an extra zest.
Some women prefer to decorate their hairstyles with various elongated hairpins with rhinestones and sequins. This accessory is perfect for an evening dress that has hints of shine.

To emphasize the lightness of the festive styling, the hairstyle can be supplemented with a thin rhinestone headband. A beautifully assembled spikelet can be additionally decorated on the crown with a comb with a beautiful pattern at the tip.
It should be noted that you can decorate the styling not only after its completion, but also during the reproduction process, for example, with beads that are woven into curls or satin ribbons. In any case, each individual type of hairstyle decoration depends on the purpose of the festive event, as well as the season.

For the cold season, hairpins, hairpins and combs with a rich shine in the form of rhinestones, which symbolize snowflakes, are relevant. And if the holiday is held on warm days, ribbons, beads and headbands should be considered as decorations.
The main requirement for holiday decorations is the number of accessories used. In no case should you oversaturate your hair with a huge variety of bright elements, harmony should be felt in everything.

Beautiful examples
For every woman, the process of gathering for a solemn event causes a storm of positive emotions. Of course, because where, no matter how on a holiday, you can show off your beauty and irresistibility. Special attention is paid to all the details of the image: dress, makeup, accessories, shoes and, most importantly, hair.
Not every woman will be able to go to a beauty salon to cut her beautiful curls, especially if such bright changes are required only for one evening. The solution to this issue will be festive styling.

In this case, the hairstyle is perfectly matched to the shape of the face. The color saturation of the hair is just enough for the soul. The volume is visually created on the crown. On the sides, the face is framed by curled strands that emphasize the perfect cheekbones, expressive eyes, and the graceful line of the lips.
With this styling, you can go to any festive event, especially as a hero of the occasion.

This styling model is ideal for summer festive evenings. The hairstyle visually seems light, airy, attracts the admiring glances of others. As a decoration, a mesh with beads is presented, ideally in harmony with the general hairstyle.

Quite spectacular styling, emphasizing the femininity of its owner. Feels a kind of lightness and smoothness. The bunch, neatly gathered at the back of the head, blossomed like a flower after hibernation, spreading its petals. The graceful decoration only emphasizes the beauty of the curls. And the spreading oblique bangs highlight the mysterious look of a beautiful stranger.

Medium dark hair allows you to create the most unusual styling options, which can be complemented with various decorations. By itself, the dark color quite vividly emphasizes the peculiarity and beauty of the female image. Neat curls, smooth lines, no abrupt transitions - this is what is at the height of fashion trends.

For information on how to make an evening hairstyle for medium hair without a curling iron, see the next video.