Hairstyle-waterfall: weaving options and beautiful examples

Any girl sometimes wants to change, including in her image, which consists of the style of clothing, makeup and hairstyle. This is a woman's nature: to constantly change, never ceasing to amaze others and especially your loved one with new roles.

What it is?
French Falls is a hairstyle that is simple to perform, but at the same time capable of dramatically changing the look of a woman. It is a horizontal or diagonal braid with flowing curls that break out of the knots and gracefully fall over the shoulders.
This is a great option for both everyday life and for special occasions like a date or a party.

The very history of creating a hairstyle is quite romantic. There is a version that the French hairdresser invented it under the impression of the beauty of the real Gavarnie waterfall. This natural wonder is located in the French part of the Pyrenees and reaches an altitude of almost 500 meters. However, skeptics are of the opinion that this hypothesis is just a myth, in fact, the hairstyle was invented by French women when they were tired of braiding ordinary braids and wanted to add variety to them. Which of these assumptions is correct is not so important, because this hairstyle really deserves the utmost attention.

Who is it suitable for?
Hair length
To perform this braiding, you need hair from the chin and below, while it can be either smooth or curly. This length will be long enough to engage the top strands and extend their ponytails.
It will not be a problem if your hair is framed in some kind of haircut, for example, a long bob or a cascade. But best of all, of course, it is suitable for long curls that can be wound or that curl themselves. Thanks to the flowing hairstyle in waves, the hair looks very festive and natural at the same time.

If the strands are painted in different shades by highlighting, linen, ombre, shatush or others, then after winding such a waterfall will look even more interesting. The hairstyle will receive additional volume and "sparkle" with flowers.
Particular attention should be paid to the waterfall for those who want to grow bangs - sophisticated weaving allows you to remove short strands from the forehead. But even without one, face weaving is worth a try. With it, your luxurious head of hair will look neater, because the "hair wreath" will help to keep loose hair behind your back and save you from the need to constantly remove them. Leaving the strands on your face, you will look more mysterious and flirtatious, which is also sometimes needed by girls.

Face type
This hairstyle creates a light and smooth contour that gracefully frames the face and makes the image more feminine and harmonious.

It softens even large or harsh features, giving them charm, especially if the hair is not naturally wavy or curled in a curling iron. But it is a little easier to braid straight curls, and the knots turn out to be very neat.

The waterfall can be recommended for girls with any type of face: triangular, round, rectangular and even square, for which short haircuts are not suitable.

Weaving options
Weaving a waterfall has a basic version and many subspecies, among which every girl will certainly find her own.
The braid can be one-sided, two-sided or wrap around the entire head, go in the direction to the right or left, closer to the face or to the back of the head. For lovers of complex options, hairstyles with several braids at once are suitable, then they will resemble a thin mesh. Tails, tufts, bouffants and weaves will transform your braiding into a work of hairdressing. The main thing is to find a good master and explain to him what result you want to get or show a photo of the hairstyle you like.
And how many accessories adorn such hairstyles: hairpins, flowers, ribbons, elastic bands, decorative hairpins and so on. One thing remains unchanged - the strands that come out of it fall beautifully on the shoulders or back, like water flowing down from the top of a rock.

The most famous version of the waterfall is a horizontal French braid that adorns loose hair. Most often it is located at the occiput level. You can see a detailed diagram in the photo.
The principle of braiding the braids looks like this in stages:
- comb your hair, paying special attention to the root area; if your hair is curly, then it will be useful to lubricate it at the base with wax;
- take a strand from the temple on either side; its thickness will correspond to the thickness of the pigtail;
- start to weave a braid, but after the first step, leave the bottom strand, and instead start up a strand of loose hair;
- act on this principle until you get to the other side of the face;
- tie the resulting pigtail with an elastic band.

With curls
Sometimes, when creating this hairstyle, you want to get not just natural flowing waves, but elastic curls.
The waterfall will look even more spectacular and will become the highlight of the festive look if you curl your hair with a curling iron. In order for this masterpiece of hairdressing to keep its shape as long as possible, do not neglect good styling products, otherwise the curls will fall apart on the way to the place of celebration.
Treat each strand with varnish and sprinkle over the entire finished hairstyle.

With a bang
If you love bangs, then you don't have to braid them. On the contrary, she will make this hairstyle even more feminine and mysterious.In addition, do not forget that it allows you to adjust your appearance. For example, to make an elongated face more harmonious, a long straight bang to the level of the eyebrows helps, and a long oblique bang is more suitable for a wide face.

For girls who want to grow bangs, we recommend using it in weaving.
The technique may seem a little more complicated than the basic hairstyle, but it should be easy to master over time.
It is worth sticking to the following option:
- divide the bangs into a parting;
- pulling a small strand out of it, add it to your hair and start braiding;
- moving from face to ear, use the entire half of the bangs, continue to weave it to the back of the head;
- repeat these steps on the other side;
- connect the two pigtails at the back.

With ribbon and bun
A thin ribbon will make the waterfall hairstyle even brighter and more unusual. Just add it to the middle section at the beginning of the weave. Tuck the tail of the tape into your hair. When finished, trim off the excess end or leave it hanging nicely.

More originality will add a ponytail or a bun of hair to the waterfall. Braid the braid diagonally, and after it's done, secure your hair with an elastic band. Now you can knit a ribbon like a rim.

A bun hairstyle will look even more impressive. Do not add the strands that passed through the braid to the main tail, but connect over it with invisible ones. Comb your hair well in a ponytail, and then use hairpins to fasten all the hair, twisting it into a bun.
Spray your finished hair with varnish. Alternatively, decorate your head with a bow or flower.

This type of waterfall is good for thin and not very thick hair, since you don't have to weave many strands into a braid. The principle of weaving in this case is somewhat simpler.
Since it differs from the classic one, it is worth considering the process of creation in stages, namely:
- draw a parting in the middle or on one side; take two thin strands from the side on the right side;
- cross them so that the right is over the left; curls will be taken from the face;
- cross them again, while twisting each strand clockwise to obtain flagella and cross them counterclockwise;
- now you need to separate the lock from the main hair and thread it between the crossed ones;
- put the right strand on the left again, scrolling them clockwise;
- again we take a strand of loose hair and place it between the crossed ones, twist them and cross them again;
- continue to weave them straight or diagonally; at the end, secure the resulting "pigtail" invisible;
- Pull the hair slightly from the top for more volume.
When you learn how to make a regular waterfall with a twist following these step-by-step instructions, you can make it more difficult. For example, having completed one weaving from right to left, start the second below - in the opposite direction.
This is possible if the hair is long enough. Or start up two such "pigtails" from different sides towards each other and fasten them with an elastic band in the middle.

With curls
As we already said, the waterfall looks much more interesting and expressive on curly hair. If nature has not given you such curls, then do them yourself.
Long hair is easy to curl after braiding is complete, but short hair is better to curl even before styling.
Fixing varnishes and mousses will help you maintain the result.

This variation differs from the classic one in that the hair is picked up not only from above, but also from below. For a hairstyle to look beautiful, the hair must have sufficient thickness. As a result, the head will be framed not by an ordinary pigtail, but by a spikelet.
Begin to weave a thin three-piece braid from your temple. Weave the upper and lower strands into it, while the side should go over the middle. Don't forget to leave hair at the bottom, which will fall over your shoulders.

You should pay attention to the following recommendations from professionals:
- even if you prefer to avoid styling products, in this case you should not give up on them, because they will fix the curls for a long time, and the weaving process itself will make it easier; when using varnish, keep the bottle at a distance of at least 15 cm from the head - as a result, the hair will not look stuck together, wax and mousse will help to better separate the strands and avoid the effect of stray hairs;
- to create a natural and relaxed look for every day, make the knots of the braid looser, and for a special occasion, tighten them tighter so that the hairstyle retains its shape even at the most incendiary party;
- graceful hairpins, small bows, decorative flowers on clips will help to make the waterfall even more spectacular; for young girls, you can advise to weave a thin ribbon into the braid to match the color of the outfit, which will make the image complete and become its finishing touch;
- of course, making such a hairstyle for yourself is not as easy as a ponytail or an ordinary braid, but learning to weave a basic version on one side or from two small braids is quite real; just for a start, try to do it on someone else's hair, so that the principle of weaving becomes fully understood;
- for owners of thin and sparse hair, it is better to first comb and smooth them, then the hairstyle will turn out to be a little more airy and voluminous;
- to make the waterfall look truly flowing and airy, weave it on freshly washed curls; clean hair will not frizzy if you use mousse or water to separate the strands when braiding.

Beautiful examples
The fantasy of hairdressers allows you to create real masterpieces based on the waterfall. They can include several elements at once, such as braids, buns, curls, tails. With them, any girl will shine and attract everyone's attention.
We bring to your attention more complex options for this hairstyle.
- Bunk waterfall consists of two diagonal parallel weaves. The hairstyle looks modest, but not trivial. It is suitable for girls with smooth hair, who appreciate a discreet style of dress, but at the same time love to add a twist to the image.

- And here is an even more complex hairstyle that braids by the twisting principle. The hair looks like it is decorated with a mesh of fine strands - a stylish and sophisticated option. It will suit slender girls who do not like too flashy outfits and massive jewelry.

- This evening hairstyle is difficult, but well worth the time and effort. Ornate weaving is her main accentso it is best to keep your hair perfectly straight. It will be a spectacular addition to a wedding look, it will be appropriate at a solemn ceremony or at a solid buffet table. The waterfall complemented by a lace braid with a loop knot will make you the queen of the evening.

- In this example, the pigtail of the waterfall has a sinuous shape. In addition to a ribbon or braid, the color of which can be of any color, it looks even more original. In addition, this hairstyle allows you to slightly fix the loose hair behind your back, which is very convenient - you do not need to constantly move them back from the face.

Braid-based hairstyles remain at the height of fashion from season to season. They endow the image of a girl with femininity and romance, which makes her attractive to the stronger sex. The good thing about the French waterfall is that not all hair needs to be braided, but only part of it. At the same time, luxurious curls do not hide anywhere, but, on the contrary, attract even more attention.
Perhaps every woman should try this hairstyle at least once.

See the next video for a master class on weaving a waterfall braid.