All about Afrokos

Such an option for hair styling, like African braids, is still relevant and in demand. This is a practical and stylish hairstyle that suits many women. Weaving can be supplemented with bright strands, ribbons, threads.
A bit of history
According to experts, the history of Afrokos goes back several millennia, or more precisely, more than 5 thousand years. Historians note that in the era of Ancient Egypt, residents braided their hair in dense bundles, reminiscent of African braids. This weaving method had a practical purpose. In conditions of constant heat, hair was difficult and problematic to care for, given the lack of cosmetics and conditions of normal hygiene.

In some countries, weaving thin and strong braids was considered a ritual and had a sacred meaning. Thus, in the distant past, people protected themselves from evil spirits, troubles and diseases. Certain peoples who preserve and honor age-old traditions still have similar rituals.
The name "African" spits received as a result of migration. The white-skinned inhabitants of the hot continent brought with them fashion trends associated with curly and braided hair. After that, this style began to be copied by the indigenous people, imitating the appearance of the Europeans.

Advantages and disadvantages
Such a popular and widespread hairstyle has certain advantages and disadvantages. You should definitely familiarize yourself with them before decorating yourself with a large number of tight braids.
Let's first look at the benefits of this kind of hairstyle.
- Appearance. A neat weave looks stylish. Everyone has a different opinion about beauty, however, most girls and women find this hairstyle attractive.
- Care. Afrokos owners do not need to spend a lot of time washing their hair, unlike girls who prefer to wear loose hair.
- Hair length. This is a versatile weave for any length. Even if you have a square, you can decorate yourself in an original way. African zizi braids can be woven with a minimum length of 5 centimeters.
- Diversity. There are many options for weaving braids. Each technique has a different look and feel.

However, there are several drawbacks.
- Face shape. It is advisable for chubby girls to refuse such a hairstyle. There are many haircuts and styling for a round face, but African braids are not a good choice.
- Hairstyles. Once you decorate yourself with this type of braiding hair, your choice of hairstyles will be significantly reduced. You will have to give up wavy curls, curls and a variety of images for romantic meetings. However, a certain number of hairstyles for African weaving are still available.
- Hair condition. In the state of a tight bundle, the hair is greatly weakened. If you have dry and fine hair, it can go bad after afrokos. Remember that in this condition, the strands do not receive the necessary care.

Who are they suitable for?
To look great and attract the eyes of others with stylish and fashionable pigtails, you need to determine exactly who they are suitable for. From a visual point of view, this hairstyle will appeal to young and cheerful girls who prefer an original and modern style of clothing.

If you have recently dyed your hair, carried out highlights or did a perm, it is recommended to refuse this type of braiding. It is also not the best choice for those with brittle and weak hair.

If you are going on a vacation at sea, be aware that due to the salt water, you will have to significantly reduce your sock. Moreover, salts will constantly accumulate in the pigtails.

As soon as the fashion for African braids came to the CIS, only teenage girls initially adorned themselves with them. Now they are chosen by older girls, however, this style is not suitable for adult women.

Experts strongly do not recommend choosing the option with curled strands if the hair is longer than 10 centimeters, otherwise the braids will constantly get tangled. When using extra fake curls, keep in mind that attaching them to short hair can be tricky or nearly impossible.
Most often, African braids are woven for long hair, however, on short haircuts, they can also look appropriate. The main thing is to choose the right technique.

Required tools and materials
If you are going to braid your braids at home, you need to choose special tools and materials for the job.
The following attributes are required:
- plastic comb with soft and sparse teeth;
- various elements for fastening (special compounds, thin elastic bands, etc.);
- artificial strands of various colors (if you want to decorate braids with threads, prepare them).

Bright and original braids are obtained by weaving kanekalon strands into the hair. These are curls made of artificial threads, which in appearance and structure resemble natural hair. They contain substances obtained from seaweed.

The colors of this material can be varied: from natural and natural tones to catchy and flashy options. The choice is very large, you can choose the perfect style for a specific idea or image.

The price of the strands may differ depending on the quality, manufacturer and composition.It is necessary to change the strands as soon as they begin to lose their attractive appearance.
Types and techniques of execution
Given the growing popularity of African braids, many varieties of braids have emerged. Let's consider the most popular options.
The first is the most common and popular option. In this case, neat, even and strong pigtails are obtained, which retain their shape for a long time. This style is great for further hairstyling experiments. Weaving them is easy. The technique is the same as for ordinary braids, only their sizes are much smaller, and the number is larger.

In appearance, such pigtails look like spikelets. They are also called French braids. Their number varies from 10 to 30 units, depending on the thickness of the hair and the creative concept. Weaving of this type retains its beauty and integrity for about 2 weeks. If artificial curls were used in the creation process, braids can decorate a girl for about a month.

Recently, this option is rapidly gaining popularity. Weaving of this type not only looks stylish, but also saves time. It takes 4 to 6 hours to decorate your head with 600 pigtails. The more experienced the master, the faster the work will go.
Due to the fact that artificial strands are applied over natural hair, the length can be different. Zizi braids are suitable even for short hair. As a result, dense bundles are obtained, which retain their shape remarkably for a long time.

Senegalese braids
In appearance and weaving technique, this design option looks more like a tourniquet. In the process of weaving, several strands (2 or 3) are twisted and fixed. As for the quantity, it is close to the classic and zizi-type braids.
When choosing such a hairstyle, it is necessary to carry out the correction at least once a month or as needed. Several hundred braids can be made on the head. These can be thick bundles or small and thin bundles in large quantities.

This decoration option can retain its beauty for 4 months, with careful wear and gentle care. Outwardly, this style is very similar to the classic one, however, there is still a significant visual difference. At the end of each braid, a long and free curl remains. This adds tenderness and sophistication to the image.
Due to the fact that not all hair is woven into a braid, the process of grooming and styling is complicated, but the final result is worth the effort and time spent.

Thai weaving
This style is often confused with the popular version of zizi or braids, however, Thai braids are woven exclusively on natural hair. Artificial strands and other additions are not used. This style can only be chosen by girls with long and strong hair.

If you arrange a lot of braids on your head in the above style, you get an effect reminiscent of a perm. When creating a hairstyle, curly, artificial curls are attached to the native hair. The result is a lush head of hair. You will have to spend from 2 to 3 hours to work, depending on the density and length of natural hair.
Despite the fact that there are a large number of different styles of African braids, weaving techniques are practically the same.

If you choose weaving of three curls, then the following options are available to you:
- braid the side strands inside the braid, through the top;
- braid the side strands inside out, gently twisting;
- arrange a tourniquet of three strands, twisting each curl separately, and then together.
If you have chosen Senegalese braids, you can use the two-strand plait technique. It is similar to the technique of three curls, the only difference is in the quantity.

The classic arrangement of the parting involves placing braids side by side, without indents, covering the entire head (except for the forehead area, if hairstyles with bangs), including on the temples and the back of the head.
Popular colors
Colored African braids are perfect for bold and catchy youth looks. When designing hairstyles with colored strands and threads, a wide variety of colors and shades are used. Let's consider the most popular ones.
- Pink. This color is perfect for young girls with a cheerful character. You can choose any shade - from delicate and pastel to rich and catchy.

- Light green. This gentle tone is perfect for girls with dark skin. The result is a contrast effect. The color will stand out noticeably against the background of black or white clothing. It will also perfectly complement a multi-colored look.

- Black and white. Classic colors are always in fashion. They look stylish, spectacular and simply beautiful. Owners of long black hair who want to diversify their appearance often adorn themselves with African braids. The same applies to blonde fashionistas. Wearers of white and bleached hair can weave black strands for a dramatic contrast effect.

- Red. If you like to draw attention to yourself, opt for red braids. Red strands are perfect for those with red hair.

- Purple. This mysterious and enchanting color remains relevant from season to season. Strands in this color look especially good with dark hair.

You can create an ombre effect using strands dyed in several colors. This style is also achieved by dyeing natural hair and further braiding.

How to care?
With proper care, Afrokos can last for several months. It is a simple process that includes certain rules. It is enough to wash your hair only once a week. In winter, the frequency can be reduced, and in summer, it can be increased due to hot weather. It is best to use a sponge and use it to thoroughly rinse the hair at the roots, getting rid of grease and dust.
During this period, the use of masks, balms and other similar compositions is not recommended. They fluff up the hair, as a result of which the braiding loses its elasticity and neatness. Rinse your braids thoroughly several times as you wash to prevent shampoo particles from accumulating between the strands.
If you feel discomfort while wearing, rinse your braids in chamomile broth. This will help relieve unpleasant symptoms such as itching and irritation. Remember that this scalp reaction is quite natural, especially if this is your first time wearing African braids.

Classic braids can be worn for up to three months. If you want to extend the wearing time, it is necessary to carry out braiding correction in the area of \ u200b \ u200bthe temples and crown.
Afrokos hairstyles
Although braiding limits the number of possible hairstyles, some of them remain available.
- Big braid. Collect the braids into one large and thick one. This can be either a standard weave or a French version. You can also arrange 2 braids, on both sides.

- Gulki. Collect the braids into one or two buns. As a result, you will get a stylish and practical hairstyle for every day. You can also use not all braids, leaving part to hang freely.

- Tail. African braids, gathered in a high ponytail, look spectacular and stylish. This option is best for long hair.

- Wreath. If you like feminine looks, check out the African braid wreath. Braid some of the braids into a spikelet and tuck it neatly at the top of your head.

African braids are a popular and stylish decor suitable for hair of various lengths and thicknesses. The network has collected many opinions regarding this type of weaving.Given the fact that the fashion for them is returning, many modern women of fashion recommend trying out such an image on yourself and experimenting with the appearance.
Among the advantages of the fair sex, they highlight the original appearance, practicality and simple care that does not require much time and costs. As disadvantages, they note the fact that prolonged stay in tight braids weakens the hair. They need time to regain their strength. It is also advisable to undergo a recovery course using cosmetic preparations.

For information on how to braid African braids at home, see the video below.