How to get your hair done in 5 minutes?

In the frantic rhythm of modern life, sometimes there is not enough time to weave complex braids or create intricate styling. In this case, hairstyles will come to the rescue, which can be built in literally 5 minutes, while your image will remain invisibly attractive, stylish and effective throughout the day.
Fast and easy hairstyles
Let's dwell on quick styling for hair of different lengths - believe me, even the most capricious beauty will find an option for herself that will help her attract men's looks every day at school, at work and at meetings with friends.

For short hair
Some representatives of the fair sex believe that short hair is a certain obstacle that does not allow imagination to turn to its fullest in creating bold and spectacular images. However, this is completely untrue - for short hair, unless, of course, you have a hedgehog on your head, stylists offer a large selection of all kinds of styling.
The easiest way to do your own hair is to simply lubricate your hair with foam and curl it with a curling iron inward or outward, and then sprinkle it with varnish to fix it. This hairstyle will change your look beyond recognition. But this option is far from the only one.

For example, consider the option with weaving. In order to make a stylish styling, you need to take a couple of strands from the right side and braid a pigtail. Then repeat the same steps on the left side, cross both weaves and secure with an elastic band. Then you need to select two more strands just below the first, braid the braids again and secure with an elastic band.When both weaves are ready, you just need to pass the top through the bottom and slightly loosen the braids in order to give the hairstyle a slightly messy and more voluminous look.
In general, it should be noted that almost all styling for short hair is done in a slightly sloppy style - in recent years it has become one of the leading trends in the world of hairstyles.

Medium length
For medium curls, you can make a huge number of a wide variety of styling, which are romantic and creative.
Romantic styling
To create a delicate feminine look, you need to divide your hair into three equal parts and braid the most ordinary pigtail, and then fix it with a small elastic band. The end of the weaving is folded exactly under the base and slightly loosened, giving the styling a little disheveled look - this will add a certain piquancy to the image.

A bundle of two strands
The hairstyle is the best match for the office style, since it gives the image austerity and efficiency. The hair on the head is divided into two halves and a tight knot is braided from them. The strand that remains below must be raised so as to go around the base, and go around it with the top strand from the back side. It turns out a rather spectacular basket, which will only have to be fixed with pins and sprinkled with varnish.
If desired, the center of the created figure can be additionally decorated with artificial flowers or other accessories, so even on an ordinary weekday such a hairstyle will look irresistible.

Weaving on curly curls
This hairstyle for medium length hair makes the look more feminine and harmonious. The process of creating this styling is as follows. On the right side, near the temporal region, you should start weaving a pigtail of three strands, while cross weaves, adding all new hair.
The same steps must be repeated from the second side, while weaving should be directed to the occipital region. When both braids are done, all that remains is to twist them and secure.
This hairstyle is performed quite quickly and easily, it looks especially impressive on the owners of a medium square - the look is very refined and delicate.

Fish tail
This is a fairly simple braid that looks great on medium-length hair, and this styling is appropriate both in the office and on walks. It is very easy to create it. To begin with, the hair is thoroughly combed and distributed in two halves along the parting, after which a spike is woven from two batches of hair. To do this, take a thin curl from each side and throw it to the other side, and then repeat the steps from the back side.
Weaving is carried out to the end, and from below the hair is strengthened with an elastic band, preferably silicone, the ends are curled. The finished fish tail is additionally fixed with varnish, so that a careless look does not turn into an unkempt one, and if you get used to it, then such a hairstyle will take only a few minutes, and you can do it even without helpers.

Long hair
The variety of quick styling on elongated curls is truly impressive - these are braids, buns, weaves and hairstyles using ribbons and hoops. However, the tail was and remains the simplest. However, here, too, various techniques of its execution are possible.
- The easiest option. In order to collect a simple but effective hairstyle, you just need to curl the ends of the strands a little, collect the curls at the back of the head and fix it. After that, it is necessary to make a gap in the hair and thread the entire tail into it. And to make the styling look more voluminous, you can additionally separate the curls with your fingers.

- The following technique is suitable for owners of straight, smooth curls. Here the hair is divided into two parts from above and below, then the top is connected with a transparent silicone rubber band in the occipital region from either edge.A braid is weaved from the bottom on the other side, the thickness of which depends solely on the girl's own preferences. Finally, you need to secure the braid and tail with an elastic band.

- An example of a more refined and noble tail. To create it, you need mousse or wax. First, you should form an even parting in the center or on the side, then collect the entire shock from one side. After that, foam is applied to the strands, then a knot is tied twice and fixed with invisibility right under the weave - and the styling is ready.
To create a more feminine look, the tips are additionally slightly twisted or a little bouffant is made.

- Quite a delicate hairstyle that looks especially impressive in summer. To collect it, you need to divide the curls into two halves along the parting line and braid rather tight pigtails on both sides, which will start from the temple area, and then converge at the back of the head, where they should be fixed to each other. After that, one strand is carefully separated from the tail, a braid is woven from it and fixed, fixing the tip on the back of the elastic band.
It is advisable to lightly comb the tail and curl with tongs.

- According to this original technique, the curls must be divided into two parts along the horizontal parting. Then, from a part of the hair distributed on the crown, a braid is braided, collecting all the strands in it exactly along the forehead line so as to reveal the face as much as possible. Such a braid should end at the back of the head, after which it is necessary to pull all the other strands to it and collect them with a tight elastic band.

- The next option is a great way to transform the most ordinary ponytail into a stylish hairstyle in a couple of minutes. To do this, the entire head of hair is fixed on the back of the head, then a thin strand is separated and wound around the elastic so as to properly close it. After that, the second elastic band is fastened a little lower - 8-10 cm from the first and again wrapped in a thin strand. The number of sections directly depends on the length of the hair, it is advisable to twist the ends a little so that the styling looks the most effective and natural.

Many other hairstyles with long curls look no less stylish.
Creative braid
Its implementation step by step is as follows.
- Hair is well combed, wound back and divided into 4 identical rows.
- For the convenience of describing the technique, we will call the right strand the first, and all subsequent ones, respectively, the second, third and fourth.
- The right strand is threaded under the second - this is done with the right hand.
- With the left hand, take the third strand, place it above the first.
- The fourth is placed under the first - thus, it is in the very center of the resulting weaving.
- The second strand is placed on top of the third, and the fourth is placed on the second.
- In the same way, the first spinning wheel is placed on the second, and then the third on the fourth.
- Next, the most difficult thing begins - the first strand is wound on top of the third, and then the third is placed on the second.
According to this scheme, further weaving is continued throughout the entire volume of the hair, after which the ends are fastened and slightly curled.

This is the simplest, very quick installation, which for several years now it has been in the TOP of hairdressing trends for everyday wear. To obtain this styling, you need to build a tail, divide it into two identical parts, and then twist each of them into a tourniquet. A pigtail is then woven from both twisted strands, and when the weaving reaches the very end, you need to fix and roll a standard bun.
In such a simple way, you can independently make a truly flawless styling.

With fleece
Quite a lot of unusual styling can be built using simple bouffant.
- For several decades, hairstyles a la Brigitte Bardot have remained invariably relevant, they visually open the face and neck, and to create them will take only 2-3 minutes, as well as a comb and hairpins.First, the curls need to be sprinkled with varnish of weak fixation and lightly combed on the top of the head. The combed strands are carefully collected and fixed with hairpins so that the upper part of the styling turns out to be voluminous.

- From one side of the parting, you need to take a thin strand and braid it into a pigtail. At the top of the head with a comb, a small fleece is made and a high tail is collected so that volume and the necessary splendor are created at the top. The hair is fixed in a loose braid and wrapped around the base, masking an elastic band.

- Another interesting styling option with fleece can be done by combing the curls, dividing them into equal parts and collecting them in two high tails. The ends are wrapped around the base, masked with hairpins, or transparent silicone rubber bands are threaded over it. This is the best styling option for young girls.

- The simplest technique using fleece is performed like the first, but here the hair is not fixed with an invisible back, but is left hanging down, framing the face. Thus, the look is flirtatious and slightly mischievous.

- Hairstyles with a Greek elastic band-rim look invariably impressive. To do this, comb the whole shovel, collect it on the back of the head, put on an elastic band and begin to thread the hair through it, and then ferry it with your hands to make the styling more neat.

Options for the holiday
For a festive outing, you can always make a hair bow, it works especially well on elongated curls. To create such a styling, you need to comb your hair, form one tail at the back of the head and fix it with an elastic band.
The trick is in order to pull the strands through the elastic for the very last time, pull them out not completely, but leaving the tip a few centimeters. After that, they divide the formed donut with their hands, divide it into two "petals", and pass the tip through the center of the resulting bow.
The bow itself is a self-sufficient styling, therefore it does not need any additional decor.

Straight from the office, you can go to a holiday, having built an understated tail with harnesses on your head. To do this, separate the crown half of the hair into a ponytail. The strands remaining on the sides are folded into tight flagella and fixed with small hairpins so that the left one lies on the right half of the head, and the right one, respectively, on the left. With a similar styling, you can go to the office and study in the morning, and then, adding decorative hairpins or flowers, it will not be a shame to appear at a gala event.

An ordinary bunch, assembled in the form of a flower, looks stylish. To collect such a simple, but insanely beautiful hairstyle, you need to separate the upper half of the hair and put it in a high ponytail, fasten it, and then divide it into equal strands. Each of them is twisted into bundles and intertwined.
The most difficult thing is to lay out the resulting weaving in a spiral near the base and fix it.

Another festive beam technique is bun inside out. To collect it, you need to put your hair in the lower tail, and then make a hole in the shock with your fingers. The tail is turned into it, hiding the elastic band. The remaining half of the mop is combed, rolled up with a snail and fixed with small hairpins.

An interesting hairstyle called "Playful curl" dearly loved by girls for its ease of performance and at the same time originality. You will need to make an asymmetrical parting, and then separate a small strand near the forehead, twist it on a comb with a separator so that a curl is formed and fix it. In the same way, you need to make several waves, and then feel free to go to the party.

Looks invariably elegant a basket of long hair. First, you need to make a parting vertically, after which each half of the hair is braided into a French braid in the direction from the back of the head to the front side.The ends of the weaving are fixed with elastic bands, and the resulting braids are lifted, wrapped around the head and fixed with small hairpins.
This hairstyle effectively complements a cocktail dress and is always appropriate at any social party.

Interesting ways to quickly style
If you do not have enough time at all, and you are in a hurry to an event where you need to look spectacular - styling options that can be built in just half a minute will help you.
- Loose curls always look harmonious, and in order for them not to fall on the face, you can take a small strand on both sides and twist them on the back of the head with the most ordinary bow. It is also advisable to fix the bow with a hair clip so that it holds better. If you are afraid that the curls will get tangled, you can collect the ponytail and pull out a couple of hair loops from under the elastic.
- Loose curls can be decorated with additional accessories, for example, a headband, ribbon or an exquisite chain.
- Hair can simply be combed to one side and fixed on the side with a spectacular hair clip with decorative elements. This hairstyle has a long history, but it always remains glamorous and in demand even among Hollywood beauties.
In order to quickly curl your hair into curls, there is a little life hack - just pull them into a high ponytail beforehand. Creation of curls in this case will take much less time.

When creating quick hairstyles, it is worth placing special emphasis on accessories - even using ordinary linens and scarves you can turn the most ordinary styling into a real work of art. Some believe that hairstyles with scarves are associated with the style of collective farmers in the days of the USSR - this is a common misconception, even famous secular lionesses flaunt in branded scarves tied to their hair by the hands of a master. By the way, this accessory has a great advantage - it effectively masks sebaceous processes and roots, gray hair or too rare parting.
The easiest way - this is to loose the hair and comb it well, then tie a decorative knot in a scarf and put it on the forehead in such a way that the knot made is slightly on the side. I fix the end of the scarf from below, and hide the ends behind the base of the material.
For creating female pin-up bow it is necessary to divide the hair into two halves - the front (forehead) and back (top of the head with the back of the head). The hair on the back is formed into a bun, and in the front, it is twisted into a bundle, laid in the form of a donut and fixed with small hairpins, after which a scarf or thin scarf is tied between them.

Beautiful examples
In our article, we have collected the most popular hairstyles for medium, long and short hair, to create which you will spend no more than 3-5 minutes, and each of them is easy to do on your own without helpers.
Modern fashion leaves quite a lot of room for imagination, therefore you can choose your style of styling for any hair - thick and thin, straight and curly, lush and smooth.
Do not be afraid to experiment with your image, so you can get a very useful experience that will be useful to you and can help out in the most difficult moment.

Rest assured that when you become a real "guru" in this matter, you will have many students with whom you can share your ideas for constructing fast, but at the same time stylish styling.
In order to look perfect in any situation, you do not need special skills and tools, and it is also not necessary to devote a lot of time to creating a spectacular image. There are many interesting options for everyday styling that will look appropriate in the office or at school.

But you can also spend a minimum of time for a festive hair design - just look at what interesting evening hairstyles you can create in 5 minutes.

Please be aware that all kinds of fashion accessories can become indispensable helpers at home - headbands, ribbons, hoops and scarves that can make an image spicy and sophisticated, highlight the owner of the hairstyle from the crowd and attract admiring glances.

By the way, many socialite divas and stars have also been seen with "fast" hairstyles! This is not surprising, because such styling can look spectacular in any situation, maintaining the impeccable image of its owner throughout the day.

For information on how to do your hair in 5 minutes, see the next video.