How to brush your hair back: options for beautiful hairstyles

Beautiful hairstyles with hair pulled back can add a unique charm and charm to an image. We will tell you more about how best to comb your curls back to get a bright and memorable look.

Hairstyles when the hair is styled back appeared a long time ago, and to this day they remain quite popular. And this is no coincidence. The peculiarity of hairstyles with curls combed back is that they are suitable both for important special occasions and for everyday life.

For hair that is styled back to look nice and tidy, certain cosmetic products are required. So, to make the curls smooth, a fixing gel is needed. This product not only makes curls smooth, but also helps to securely fix the hairstyle. To give Lokonan a beautiful shine, you will need to use a special hair spray containing fine shiny particles. The tool will help you create a hairstyle for a festive event, even at home.

You can make a beautiful and simple styling when the curls are combed back, you can do it yourself. First, wash the curls. If you plan to create a hairstyle with smooth and shiny hair, then in this case you should choose shampoo and conditioner balm, which gives the curls shine.

Such products should be selected taking into account the type of hair. After washing, the curls should be dried. This will require a hairdryer and brushing (large or medium diameter).

If you need a little fleece, you should use a special fine comb. Women with fine hair usually need extra volume.After the bouffant is ready, the top strands need to be combed a little to make them look smooth - this will give more naturalness. After creating the styling, it should be fixed with fixing cosmetics - gel or varnish.

Style your hair back strand by strand. To do this, a strand of hair of the required thickness must be applied to the brushing, and then dried with a hair dryer. In this case, with brushing, you should comb the curls from root to tip, moving in the direction from the face.

Styling short hair in this way is quite simple. Long curls take longer to style. It is better to dry wet hair with a towel first. Stylists recommend doing this so that the curls become almost dry. Then the strands are combed with a comb with rare teeth. This should be done in the direction from the forehead back. After that, styling products are applied to the curls. To make the ends look well-groomed, you can apply special nourishing products, such as nourishing oil, to the ends.

Strict styling options
Laying the hair back at home is not difficult at all if the curls are short. "Licked" sleek hairstyle looks beautiful and romantic. Stylists point out that she helps the "rebel" girls look pretty and elegant. This hairstyle is also suitable for owners of fashionable haircuts, for example, pixies.

Tucked back hair can also save in a situation when there is no time to wash the curls. In order for the styling to look better at the same time, the hair must be additionally combed at the roots. It is better to lay strands of medium length or long in this way.

For many years now, slicked-back hair, tied in a ponytail, has been the undoubted favorite when creating the images of many Hollywood stars. This hairstyle looks amazing when the hair looks "sleek". Moreover, this styling can be combined with almost any clothing. It will also be appropriate as an addition to an evening dress. In order to give the image a zest, it is imperative to apply a varnish with a shine effect to the hair pulled back.

Another adorable ponytail is the tiered ponytail. An easy way that any girl can handle. A tiered ponytail is usually suitable for long hair. To create it, locks are sequentially taken from the lateral parts of the head and connected together. Rubber bands are used to fix each part of such a tail.

A hairstyle where the hair is gathered in a low bun is great for the office. In order for the styling to last all day, it is fixed with foam or hair mousse. For a stronger fixation of the low beam, it is necessary to use "invisible" ones.

To give the image a natural look, you can release several thin strands on each side of the face. This hairstyle is suitable not only for work, but (in combination with an evening dress) and for a ceremonial exit.
Sloppy female hairstyles
Combined hairstyles help create a whole palette of unique looks. Styling with careless curls can be done by any girl on her own. To do this, clean hair should be dried with a round brush at the roots. To create large curls, you should use a curling iron with an average diameter.

Braided hairstyles are great for young girls. To do this, the "licked" styling can be decorated with a pigtail. A thin braid looks beautiful next to the side parting. In this case, the pigtail can be woven in a way that will be more to your liking. To fix the braid, you need "invisible" ones.

How to choose?
To properly create a beautiful styling with hair tucked back, you should consider the original length of the hair. Quite often, such styling is resorted to by women who have curls about shoulder length.However, if you wish, you can also style your hair back for owners of very long or short hair.
Hairstyles that involve combing the hair back usually tend to draw special attention to the face. That is why, when choosing such styling, stylists recommend that their clients focus on makeup. At the same time, it is advisable to mask any visible defects on the skin, as they will become more noticeable.

Also, experts recommend abandoning such hairstyles if there is such a problem as a violation of the normal hair growth along the forehead. For girls with sparse wavy curls of medium length, these hairstyles may not work. Combing back with the "opening" of the temporal zones of the face should be abandoned even if the auricles are too protruding.

For girls with a square face and straight shoulder-length hair, combing the hair back may not work. This hairstyle will visually distort the proportions of the face, making the chin more massive. Styling with hair pulled back, perfect for those with an oval face.
Some women of mature age who have pronounced wrinkles on their foreheads refuse to hairstyles when their hair is pulled back. In their opinion, styling by opening the forehead makes wrinkles more noticeable. Stylists agree with such beliefs and recommend that women who have pronounced age-related changes on their faces give their preference to alternative styling.
When creating a fleece, it should be remembered that it will make the hairstyle taller, and the forehead, accordingly, visually wider. So, it is better to refuse it for women with a high forehead. Moreover, if you make a fleece from the sides of the face, then in this case the face will become visually wider. That is why pile on the temples when creating voluminous "licked" hairstyles is not suitable for girls with a round face.
Ladies with thin hair should first decide what kind of bouffant they will do. In this case, the uppermost part of the curls must be left intact - it is she who will cover the created fleece from above. To create additional volume, curls should be combed from the roots a few centimeters down. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the strands.

Hair care professionals advise against combing your hair too often. They also do not recommend going to bed with such a hairstyle, as it can damage the curls. Subsequently, combing the combed strands after sleep without damaging them will be extremely difficult.
Beautiful examples
For lovers of the classic style, a hairstyle with straight, pulled back hair is perfect. This styling is also well suited for the office. Moreover, she looks equally good on both dark and light curls. Stylists note that this hairstyle looks best on medium-length curls. It is quite easy to create a truly memorable look with such a strict hairstyle. So, it goes well with a classic pantsuit. In this case, make-up can be done with an emphasis on the lips - it is recommended to emphasize them with red lipstick.

An alternative is a hairstyle in which the hair is pulled back and looks a little messy. This styling can be done both for work and for everyday activities. This hairstyle also goes well with a business suit. In order for the hair to look beautiful during the day, when styling it should be fixed with a gel, and slightly raised at the roots with your fingers.

A beautiful look can also be created when combing back using the side parting. Styling fits perfectly on medium length hair. Stylists note that this hairstyle can "refresh" any bow. Moreover, it is suitable not only for young girls, but also for older ladies.In order for the hair to look more well-groomed, after creating the hairstyle, a special spray must be applied to it to make it shine. This hairstyle is one of the most beloved by many Hollywood stars.

Combined styling with a mix of different textures helps create a very fashionable look. In this case, the hair at the roots should have a "wet" effect, and the ends should look natural. This styling looks great on hair dyed, for example, using the sizing technique. In order to create such a hairstyle, the hair at the roots, combed back, should be treated with a special gel to give it a "wet" effect. For general fixation of the hairstyle, hairspray is also quite suitable.

For owners of long hair, hairstyles are suitable where the hair is slicked back and tied in a ponytail. You can decorate the curls with beautiful elastic bands. So, on dark hair, fixing elastic bands with rhinestones look good. In order for the created image to look elegant, it is recommended to select elastic bands taking into account the original color of the curls. So, for dark hair, it is better to choose black or golden elastic bands, and for light hair - for example, silver.

When creating a hairstyle, strands should be smooth, so such styling is perfect for owners of naturally straight hair. Girls who have wavy curls, before creating such styling, should first "stretch" them with an iron.

How to comb your hair back, you will learn from the video below.