Women's 60s hairstyles: features and tips for choosing

Gorgeous retro images continue to enjoy incredible popularity even now. The 60s of the twentieth century gave a lot of ideas to modern women of fashion. Haircuts created according to the canons of that time are still in trend, because this historical era cultivated natural femininity in fashion. Then, as now, fashion was set by world movie and stage stars. Their hairstyles automatically acquired the title of the unconditional standard, which women all over the world tried to imitate.
In the USSR, despite the condemnation of everything Western and the persecution of the so-called dudes, women also tried to keep up with fashion and showed miracles of resourcefulness, creating magnificent images. The features and various fashion hits of hairdressing in the 60s of the last century will be discussed further.

The rebellious 60s of the twentieth century questioned all the generally accepted foundations of world fashion, forcing the beautiful half of humanity to radically change their views on beauty. Then, the main components of a good and stylish haircut were considered volume and waves. Wigs have become popular, making the problem of "runny" or painful curls practically meaningless.
The wide demand for tall styling has arisen thanks to the famous painting Babette Goes to War starring Brigid Bardot. The hairstyle, named by contemporaries in honor of the main heroine of the film, is a fleece, decorated in a shell, which was then decorated with all kinds of accessories - ribbons, brooches. A bun of hair, adored by a huge number of women, appeared on the fashion horizon just in the distant 60s.This is the simplest and most stylish styling of curls.

Complex massive hair designs impressed with regular geometric lines. The bright accent on the eyes and the "beehive" hairstyle are a characteristic feature of the 60s. Sparse hair was combed, curled and lifted up. Another characteristic detail that distinguishes the 60s from other eras in fashion history is the incredible demand for brushed hairstyles.
What women didn’t do to create volume on their heads: they hooked hairpieces, used pads for curls, a huge amount of means for fixing.

It didn't matter how long the strand was, most importantly, she had to curl effectively... Because of this, curlers or a curling iron were then simply vital to any fashionista. The hair ends pointing outwards were considered a particularly fashionable touch. And ribbons, headbands and bows were generally a real squeak of fashion.
Retrostyle is now widely popular, this also applies to the revolutionary 60s, imbued with the spirit of freedom and rock and roll. The era of industrialism and militarization in fashion (which was characteristic of 40-50 years) passed, the cult of femininity and sexuality began, which women sought to emphasize in any way. After all, it was during this period that the "sexual revolution", which changed the world, began.

Of course, in the USSR, all these trends penetrated with some delay (thanks to the "Iron Curtain"), however, domestic fashionistas also put a lot of effort and went to various tricks to look stylish and feminine. Naturally, the cult of sexuality, which reigned in the West at that time, was censured by the state in every possible way, but Soviet girls and women, despite the lack of a wide variety of professional tools for creating spectacular hairstyles, still looked for ways to emphasize their natural beauty, keeping up with fashion trends ...

Interesting options
In this era, marked by many great events, was especially popular legendary "babbet" loved by many. This hairstyle allows you to visually lengthen the neck and accentuate a variety of jewelry, such as a necklace or earrings. This hairstyle was decorated with bows, ribbons, brooches and other interesting decorative elements.
Many domestic and world celebrities made babette, thus setting an example for simple ladies.

Also at that time, a spectacular haircut was in wide demand. bob-bob. She looks youthfully bold, but at the same time adds romance to the image. The popularity of this hairstyle has increased thanks to Twiggy with her slightly avant-garde bob.

Then women very often did all sorts of bunches on the head. Similar solutions are often used by modern stylists. One of the most effective varieties of such a beam is the so-called "nest". Despite the not very sonorous name, this hairstyle can be a great addition to a formal, business or elegant look.
To build a similar hairstyle on your head, you need to collect a ponytail in a bun by wrapping curls around the base of the tail. Hairpins are used to secure the hair of the bun.

They are retro-fitting both at an official celebration and at family celebrations. Brushed hairstyles are not intended for daily wear, as this is a rather serious test for the health of curls. However, for a special occasion, this is ideal.
How to choose?
At that amazing time, it was fashionable to wear hair of absolutely any length, because then there were many stylish ideas, both for very short hair (for example, garcon or pixie), and for the longest. In those years, curls were curled with curlers, papillots, curling irons or perm. Nowadays, long-term styling can become a more effective alternative to these methods.

For short hair
One of the hallmarks of the 60s is what is now commonly called androgyny. An example of this direction is the Twiggy model, known at that time. Her calling card has become ultra short haircut Garson, which is translated from French as "boy". The same haircut was a calling card legendary Hollywood actress Audrey Hepburn. Despite the short haircut, which used to be more typical for the male style, her heroines, embodied on the screen, looked very feminine and sophisticated.

A short bob or bob is another trend of the 60s. Styling these haircuts, women created a voluminous pile on the back of their heads. In addition, straight bangs and lush pile became a characteristic feature of women's haircuts of that time. The stylish look was completed with a necklace and voluminous earrings.

On average
The "cold wave" haircut became an indisputable symbol of the 60s. It was done both with a parting and without it.

For long
So that in the 60s a girl, with long curls, could look fashionable, she absolutely needed to curl them. For this, good old curlers, curling irons, papillots were used. In addition, you could turn to professional craftsmen and make yourself a so-called chemistry, which ensured the presence of curls for a fairly long time.

Hairstyles in the style of the 60s are perfect for our contemporaries with any type of appearance. For example, a square face will "soften" the flowing side strands. Ladies with an oval-shaped face can safely experiment with retro looks - absolutely any form of vintage haircuts of this era is perfect for them.
The subtleties of styling
Indeed, in the 60s of the twentieth century, the styling "babette", the cult of which was created by the inimitable Brigitte Bardot, was in incredible demand in the 60s of the twentieth century. This hairstyle is still widely popular all over the world, while creating this masterpiece on your head in the same way as a sexy blonde did is not difficult at all. Here, the density and structure of the hair is not decisive. Babette goes well with bangs.

For girls with medium hair to create the required volume chignon should be used - many women of fashion from the 60s did the same. However, instead of a chignon, you can use hairpins "twister" or the well-known "donut". In the classic version, "babette" is created on the basis of fleece, which is not the most beneficial method for hair health. At the same time, in order to stay within the bounds of the style, you should not use means that have an overly pronounced fixing effect.
Remember, the style of the legendary "Babette" presupposes the presence of grace and lightness. You shouldn't notice the imprint of hours of sitting in a beauty salon.

To make this spectacular hairstyle, you need to follow a simple algorithm step by step. Girls with thin and naughty curls you will need to prepare large-diameter curlers, with the help of which you can give your hair a dizzying volume.
- First, wash your hair and dry it thoroughly with a towel.
- After that, the curls must be treated with foam or mousse, distributing the product well over the entire surface of the hair.
- Using a comb, it is necessary to mark the hair with the forehead and curl it.
- The same must be done with the strands that are in the area extending from the forehead to the crown of the head.
- Next, curled curls should be allowed to dry.
- When the curls are dry, it’s time to add volume to the hair on the crown - a characteristic sign of "babette".
- After that, fix the curled curls at the back of the head.
- Arrange the strands that have remained unused as close as possible to the crown zone in the tail.
- If you decide to make a "babette" for a solemn event, then it is better to use overhead strands here.

This hairstyle and its various modifications, developed by innovative stylists who created in that wonderful era, and modern masters who are looking for new forms, relying on a classic base. "Babette" is the best option for weddings, and it doesn't matter - a beauty acts as a guest or a bride.
Beautiful examples
As in the 60s, so now, the fashion for retro-style is spread by world celebrities. Exciting their admirers with elegant and unexpected vintage looks, they often appear at various festivals and awards ceremonies, giving preference to this particular trend. Loyal fans of 60s-style evening looks are inimitable Jennifer Lopez, Scarlett Johansson, Salma Hayek, Jessica Alba, Lady Gaga.
Opening up their beautiful faces and emphasizing the beautiful line of the neck, the hairstyle makes the silhouette more sophisticated... Of course, tall retro pads add age (after all, at that time there was no such cult of youth as now), however, they make a woman's look more elegant.

See the next video for how to style your 60s hairstyle.