Hallway for a narrow corridor: design options and tips for choosing

The entrance hall is an important area of any apartment. Here people change when they leave the house and return. Therefore, the space should be arranged as conveniently as possible for users. If the corridor is narrow, the task becomes more complicated, because it is quite difficult to place all the necessary furniture in a limited area. Let's figure out how to competently furnish such a hallway, making it beautiful and functional.

A very narrow corridor is not easy to furnish. We have to choose small-sized furniture so that there is enough space for free movement.
In addition to compactness, mini-structures must meet a number of requirements, including practicality, attractiveness and ease of use.
However, if you listen to the advice of experts, you can not only successfully equip the hallway, but also visually expand it.
- Give preference to laconic interior design items without an abundance of catchy decor and protruding details.
- Choosing a wardrobe, cabinet or chest of drawers, pay attention to the depth of the product. It should be small. When choosing designs with open shelves, consider their width.
- Use room height as efficiently as possible. Items that you rarely use can be cleaned in the mezzanine.
- Remember that swing doors require free space to open them. The best option in this case is a coupe model with a sliding mechanism.
- Don't miss the chance to visually enlarge your space with optical effects (light colors, glossy or mirror surfaces).
- Think in advance about the purpose of each piece of furniture. Ideally, there should be all the basic elements (shoe compartments, clothes hangers, hat shelves, seating).

It is worth mentioning the need for good lighting in a small hallway. If it is dark in the corridor, even the most fashionable and high-quality headset will look inconspicuous and cumbersome.
It is also worth paying attention to the compliance of the furniture design with the interior style of your home.

Depending on the design features, there are several types of hallway furniture.
If the owners prefer to hide wardrobe items and other things, they install a wardrobe in the hallway. Inside the structure there are various compartments for clothes, shoes and accessories. Manufacturers also offer laconic modular kits made of closed blocks in a minimalist style. They are often hung on the wall, making them appear even more compact and lightweight.

The opposite option to the first: a set consisting of open top and bottom shelves, as well as hooks for outerwear.

This is the most popular type of hallway, which is a wall with closed and open elements. There are a lot of variations of such furniture. For example, this could be a wardrobe combined with a chest of drawers, drawers, a seating area and a panel with hooks. Or it could be a compact design that includes a shelf, a hanger, and a closed shoe rack.

There are also 2 types of furniture sets, depending on their location.
- Angular. This option is not always possible to place in a narrow space. However, if the layout allows, and the length of the corridor is small, the corner structure can be a good choice. For example, it can be a small locker, combined with a panel for outerwear and a mezzanine.

- Linear. Such furniture is located on one line. If the corridor is long, it will be possible to place all the necessary blocks against one wall. Closer to the front door, you can place open hangers and a soft cabinet. Next, there will be shelving, a chest of drawers or a system of sliding wardrobes.

When choosing furniture for the hallway, it is important to decide in advance what elements you need. To do this, it is worth considering the main options in more detail.

As already mentioned, the best solution in such a situation would be to buy a model with sliding doors. An even more rational choice would be a built-in hallway.
Due to the absence of the back, and sometimes the side walls, the interior space of the furniture increases. Of course, you cannot move such a cabinet, but when buying, you can save on material.
The inner filling of the cabinet can be anything. For a small size, it is wise to consider modern moving systems, consisting of sliding rods, metal baskets and other compact elements.

Open hanger
If the room is too narrow, the cabinet cannot be installed even with the smallest possible depth. In this case you can purchase a design with a wall panel that has hooks. Often the panel is combined with a curbstone. Another option is a metal floor hanger. Despite the fact that the clothes in such cases are in sight, such designs have a plus - being in the open air, things are ventilated.

Shoe compartments
Shoe racks are open and closed. The most comfortable options are those that combine a place to store shoes and a soft seat located on the upper surface. Such an element can replace a bench or a pouf. Seating is an extremely important part of the hallway, as this piece of furniture allows you to comfortably put on and take off your shoes.

Storage systems for small items
This can be a tall shelving unit, a chest of drawers, or a design with a mirror and drawers at the bottom. In such pieces of furniture, you can store bags, umbrellas, accessories, hats, as well as any other small things.

This element in the corridor is a must. Before leaving the house, everyone can examine themselves, adjust their hat, evaluate how the chosen clothes look as a whole.
If a wardrobe is chosen as a piece of furniture in the hallway, the ideal option would be to place the mirror directly on its door.
If there is no closet, you can hang this element on the wall or choose a set for the hallway with a mirror built into the panel.

Materials (edit)
Most often, hallway furniture is made from Particleboard and MDF. The materials are similar to each other, but the second is slightly more expensive and of better quality. In the production of the first option, substances harmful to humans are used. Although it is officially believed that the fumes from such furniture do not cause significant harm to the health of the inhabitants of the house, most consumers are still trying to purchase MDF products.
Such furniture is more durable. In addition, the aesthetic values are higher here.
Thanks to modern decorative finishes it becomes possible not only to imitate natural wood, but also to recreate the texture of the stone, giving products an iridescent gloss or metallized shine. This allows you to choose a furniture set that fits perfectly into the existing interior.

Color gamut
As already mentioned, light colors for narrow spaces are the most successful. White furniture is a great option... It looks good on any background and has a unique optical effect. Whiteness seems to fill the space with air and light.
No matter how large the headset is, in this design it will seem light and compact.

Whiteness can be combined with any tones to achieve the desired result. White and gray combinations look perfect. Bright touches can add expressiveness to a white hallway. If this color seems too cold to you, combine it with beige and brown shades. Such a hallway will seem spacious, light and cozy.

The beige color is suitable for those who find white furniture impractical. A neutral pastel tone creates a homely warmth. Such furniture, unlike the first option, is not striking, but seems to dissolve in space. The best companions for beige are caramel, coffee, chocolate shades. Often, two colors are combined in one product.

Completely brown furniture is a risky choice. In a narrow space, it can appear massive and gloomy. However, if the headset is small, and the decoration of the room is made in light colors, this option is also acceptable.

Black furniture for narrow corridors is rarely taken. In extreme cases, it can be a mirrored wardrobe in a black frame, an elegant console, open hangers on a small panel. In this case it is important to pay special attention to high-quality lighting of every corner of the room. It is also advisable to make the walls white or milky. This will create a dramatic contrast and avoid the feeling of being cramped.

Bright headsets for the hallway are not very popular... Of course, yellow, turquoise, blue, pink and other juicy tones cheer you up. However, in confined spaces, a riot of colors can backfire. To avoid this, it is better to include juicy tones in the interior of the hallway dosed. For example, it can be a yellow niche in a snow-white wall or red stripes framing a milky cabinet.

As a last resort, you can take colored furniture of a muted, not flashy color (light peach, pale mint, etc.).
Of course, wall and floor decoration in any of the listed options should be done in neutral colors.
Style solutions
Furniture design is chosen depending on the style of the apartment interior. If you are a supporter of minimalism, a snow-white modular design, consisting of matte or glossy blocks, would be the ideal option in your case. For hooks in these models, chrome-plated metal is used. The design is as laconic as possible, there is no decor. Many options are not placed on the floor, but mounted on the wall, which makes the setting graceful and airy.
You can purchase a combined version (for example, white-beige, white-gray or white-brown). Contrasts and vivid details are acceptable. Built-in lighting is appropriate.
The mirror on the wall may not have a frame at all. It is also good to fit into such a hallway a wardrobe. The doors can be laminated, made of frosted glass or mirrored.

If you prefer a classic or neoclassical direction, choose a milky or beige set with a wood-like texture. Bright colors are unacceptable here. The gamma should be calm and noble. Combinations with brown are possible. Natural or artificial leather can be used for trimming the panels and seat. Carving is often used as a decoration.

The fittings must have a vintage shape. At the same time, the metal imitates bronze.
If you adhere to a strict reading of the classics, the wardrobe will be inappropriate.... Doors should be hinged, because the whole environment should recreate the atmosphere of past years. If you prefer neoclassicism, the number of design options increases.
You can decorate the mirror structure of the coupe with gilding, graceful patterns, or you can limit yourself to an open set with a soft leather seat and a large wall mirror in a twisted metal frame. Also in this case, the possibilities of color design are expanded. You can combine white furniture with pale purple, light yellow or muted mint tones.

Provence is another great vintage style. Here, white, beige or light gray furniture with a painted wood texture is preferable. There is no gilding and exquisite decor, as in the classics. The design is as simple as possible, sometimes the technique of artificial aging of surfaces is used. The upholstered seat is made of foam rubber upholstered in fabric (often with a floral print or striped).
It is impossible to harmoniously fit a wardrobe into Provence. Only models with hinged doors are allowed. Therefore, home owners often limit themselves to a chest of drawers, an open hanger and a shoe cabinet. By the way, some people choose forged metal kits for the hallway in the style of a French village.

Such models are also good, although their advantages lie more in aesthetics. The functionality of such furniture is usually low.
Modern is a cross between minimalism and classic... There are no hard and fast rules here. The headset can have an original shape and color. Often, buyers choose models that combine beige and chocolate shades. A good solution would be a combination of an open structure with a wardrobe (if the area of the corridor allows).
The wardrobe can be decorated with photo printing or sandblasting, but you should not be zealous with the decor. Remember that in a narrow space, the abundance of even beautiful details can create a sense of chaos.

Dimensions (edit)
The task of choosing furniture for a narrow hallway is often complicated by the small footage of the room. In this case, there are restrictions not only on the length of the headset, but also on its width. The maximum depth of dressers and cupboards in this case is 50 cm. The same applies to the width of the open shelves.
If the corridor is completely miniature, it is better to find an even more compact design.... It is good that modern manufacturers take into account the peculiarities of small-sized apartments and produce modules of 35, 30, 28 and even 25 cm in size. These are wall panels with shelves, drawers and a built-in seat, as well as minimalist blocks mounted on the wall.
If you can't find a suitable option among the finished products, you can order a set according to an individual project. This solution is very convenient, because you can not only get furniture that fits perfectly into your hallway in size, but also choose the material, color, design, equipment.

Of course, there is also a minus. The price in this case will turn out to be higher than what you would pay for a similar finished model in a store.
Where to place?
It is not enough to find the necessary elements of the hallway. It is important to place them correctly in the room in order to use them as conveniently as possible.... It is advisable to put a soft bench or pouf at the front door. This will allow you to take off your shoes immediately upon entering the room, without spreading dirt along the corridor. You can also put heavy bags in the seating area when returning from the store.
An open hanger should also be located close to the entrance so that you can quickly remove and hang your outerwear. The mirror should not be too far from the door, because it performs not only an aesthetic, but also a practical function. Although if space is limited, this element can be located in any free space.
Other items (chest of drawers, console table, wardrobe, shelving, etc.) can be placed after the items listed above. If your hallway has only a wardrobe in which all your clothes are hidden, of course, it should be placed next to the door. In this case, it is important to think over the internal content in advance.

The bar for coats, jackets and fur coats should be the first from the entrance.
Selection Tips
There are several points to consider when choosing furniture.
- Design... Think about what type of headset you would like to see in your hallway. It can be a laconic strict model or an unusual design option. In any case, the furniture should correspond to the style chosen for the decoration of the room. It is advisable to purchase all the elements as a single set. Then they will make the perfect composition. If you buy items separately, carefully select them taking into account the design, color, appearance of the fittings. All elements must be compatible with each other.
- Colour. As already mentioned, it is better to give preference to light colors. Choosing between white and beige, you should think about which colors are closer to you (cold or warm). You can also take into account the furnishings of other areas of the apartment.
- The size. Estimate how much space you have for installing furniture. Keep in mind that there should be enough space for free movement.
- Appointment. Decide which items you need more than others. Add the rest of the elements in descending order of importance. If there is very little space, try to choose multifunctional modules.

Interesting examples
This sleek neoclassical set includes an open hanger, padded shoe rack, mezzanine and narrow console table. Opposite the hooks there is a mirror in a beautiful decorative frame. A mirrored wardrobe visually expands the space.
Also, this is helped by the white and beige color scheme of the interior, which is ideal for narrow rooms.

The combination of beige and brown is also a good option. The main thing is that the light tone prevails, as in this example. The corridor is decorated in a minimalistic style. All things are hidden from prying eyes in the wardrobe. A comfortable seating position is provided by the door.

The austere industrial style is highlighted by graphic black-and-white wallpaper and an unusual-shaped mirror. Wooden shoe compartments were chosen as furniture, combined with a wall panel on which hooks are located.
A black wardrobe is an unexpected addition to a light color scheme. However, this is what makes the furnishings original. The blackness is repeated in the design of the ceiling spots, the decoration of the entrance door and the mirror. Therefore, the composition looks harmonious and complete.

Many fans of modern interiors like white gloss. The whiteness harmonizes beautifully with the tint of the walls and the lacquered leather upholstery. Paintings and decorative pillows are nice bright touches.

Beautiful two-tone set for a narrow hallway includes a compact hanger, chest of drawers, cabinet, mirror and pencil case. Chrome-plated metal, glass and gloss make the kit even more sophisticated. At the same time, the design is rather laconic, which allows the furniture to fit into almost any modern interior.

How to properly plan a narrow corridor, see below.