Sideboards in the hallway: varieties, advice on selection and location

For each room in the dwelling, there is a certain list of pieces of furniture needed in this place. As for the hallways, such rooms are most often equipped with pedestals presented in a wide variety of styles, sizes and options for interior filling.

In order to rationally equip a small space of hallways in apartments or private houses, in most interiors special cabinets are used, represented by structures of various configurations. Thanks to the presence of such furniture, it will be possible to place all the necessary things in the hallway, hiding them behind the attractive front of the nightstand.

Functional furniture of this kind will allow you to store things inside, performing a decorative function in the room and complementing the interior of the corridor, regardless of its area.
The main feature of the cabinet is its versatility, in light of which it is possible to store inside it not only things, shoes and accessories, but also other useful items, which is not always possible with shelves or stands. Most often, seasonal shoes are stored in the cabinets, as well as small things; the top cover of the structure can be used as a seat or a surface for placing decor items, a telephone, etc.
Some models have umbrella holders, tall bedside tables can be equipped with special holders for outerwear.That is why buyers will be able to choose any suitable cabinet model, taking into account the features of the hallway, its area, as well as personal taste preferences.

The decorative component is also considered to be an important feature of the curbstones, since most of the offered products are distinguished by an interesting exterior finish.
Species overview
Commercially available furniture models can be classified into two large groups:
- suspended structures;
- floor stands.

Hinged varieties will need to be additionally attached to the wall surface and, as a rule, even large-sized versions do not come into contact with the floor surface. Such designs are relevant for small hallways, because thanks to such functional furniture, it will be possible to additionally put a pouf under it, place a shelf for shoes, drawers or any other useful structure, saving valuable meters of space.

Floor tables can be stationary (on legs), as well as mobile (on wheels), which, if necessary, can be quickly rearranged to another place.

All of the above models of pedestals can be roughly divided into the following subcategories:
- open structures;
- closed pedestals.

The first option implies the absence of doors, while the interior space can be divided into horizontally arranged shelves in several tiers or square shelves dividing the cabinet into several separate compartments. In such bedside tables, it is most convenient to store seasonal shoes, they will dry out quite quickly, since there will be good air circulation inside.

However, things stored inside open-type cabinets will be unprotected from dust, in addition, all contents will be in sight. This option will not always be suitable.
Closed bedside tables are most often purchased in spacious corridors for storing not only seasonal shoes, but also other necessary things, care products, etc. As for the systems for opening and closing doors, modern designs can include not only ordinary doors, but and sliding boxes, other equally functional compartments for things of different sizes.
There are options for standard designs and configurations, as well as unusual designs that consist of asymmetric compartments with different opening systems. The main advantage of this type of pedestal is considered to be the content of all things inside, hidden from prying eyes, as well as the absence of dust during long-term storage of things.

The next criterion on the basis of which the pedestals are classified is the form. On sale there are standard configurations represented by straight rectangular options, as well as interesting models made in a semicircle, corner structures. The latter type is subdivided into the following subspecies:
- pedestals in the shape of a triangle;
- U-shaped furniture for hallways;
- curbstones with rounded edges.

As for the equipment, the range of products presented may include options with a minimum configuration, which implies the presence of several closed shelves, as well as pedestals with a seat placed on the top cover. Usually, soft seats are initially included, they can be different in size, there are varieties with a hinged lid... A rather demanded design in terms of equipment is a low pedestal with a mirror. This type stands out for its practicality.

The mirror itself can be different in size and shape, attached to the wall or fixed to the base of the cabinet.
Materials (edit)
As for the raw materials used for the manufacture of such furniture, it is worth highlighting the following options.
Natural raw materials that are very popular. Wood products are remarkable for their durability and environmental friendliness. In terms of surface variations, the sideboards with matte or glossy finish can be noted.

This option does not stand out for its strength, therefore, small open-type cabinets are usually made from polymers, in which only seasonal shoes are most often stored. Synthetic raw materials are remarkable for ease of care, do not absorb foreign odors, but such products cannot withstand heavy loads.

Metal alloys
Quite a heavy material, which nevertheless found its application in the manufacture of furniture. As a rule, alloys are usually combined with other types of raw materials. Lattice shelves, forged decor, frame, etc. are usually made of metal.

Chipboard, fiberboard and MDF
Such slabs are notable for their composition, which allows you to make various design surfaces from the material used to decorate the facade. The raw materials stand out for their more affordable cost, however, thanks to such a material, it will be possible to imitate expensive natural options.
Among the disadvantages of pedestals made of chip-type boards, it is worth highlighting short service life, instability to moisture, the ability to absorb foreign odors.

In addition to the above materials, corridor cabinets can be made from combined raw materials, where glass, natural and artificial leather, textiles, etc. are used as components.
Dimensions (edit)
The dimensions of the furniture for the hallways are selected individually based on the dimensions of the corridor itself. The standard sizes for most manufacturers are as follows:
- width - from 30 to 160 cm;
- height - from 60 to 150 cm;
- depth - from 20 to 60 cm.
For narrow corridors, the optimum depth will be a minimum border of 20 centimeters. Moreover, the height of such a product should be about 1.5 meters. It is these sizes that are considered the most comfortable for operation, as well as for placing the necessary things.

The depth of the pedestals exceeding 30 centimeters will be most suitable for spacious rooms. These can be designs with drawers or swing doors. Tall cabinets will become relevant when placed together with mirrors and hangers, deep cabinets will allow you to experiment with the shapes of furniture, using non-standard ideas for implementation.

Mini-cabinets, shallow and low models will be functional in hallways, provided that the internal structure is as spacious as possible, and the furniture itself does not become an obstacle in the room. but even large-sized structures can look light and airy together with mirrors or glass decor on the facade.

Manufacturers also offer products with non-standard sizes.
Design options
Arrangement of the hallway is an important nuance in the design of living quarters. For to make it easier for consumers to choose a model for installation in the corridor of an apartment or house, today products are offered in the following stylistic solutions.
Classics and Baroque
Among such structures, it is worth highlighting the baroque sideboards, which are notable for their special luxury in the design of the facade. For such designs, expensive materials are usually used; rich colors are welcome. Furniture in this stylistic direction will look solid and expensive. The decoration may contain gilding, forged metal elements.

No less popular direction, which includes a versatile finish, national features can be observed in the design. An interesting feature can be a vintage finish. In the English version, natural wood tones are usually present in the design.

Sideboards in this style can repeat the design in the Asian or African version. Prints and unusual patterns prevail.

Hi-tech and modern
Sideboards in the hallway must have the correct shape, they can contain futuristic decor. To decorate furniture in ultra-modern stylistic directions, combined raw materials are used for the design of facades. It can be glass, polymers, mirror elements. As for the color scheme, the recommended shades are tones from a calm palette.

Notable features of this style of furniture are the correct geometry and calm colors. The design of external structural elements stands out for its simplicity and functionality.

Selection recommendations
To make the right choice of pedestals for hallways, the following nuances should be taken into account.
- First of all, it is necessary to consider the proposed models based on the number of family members living in an apartment or house. For small families, simple and functional designs with a minimum of shelves or drawers can be used.
For a family with more than 4 people, it is worth choosing cabinets combined with equally functional elements such as a mirror or a hanger.

- Also, in the selection process, it is worth taking into account the dimensions of the hallway, so that the chosen design can harmoniously fit into the interior and the passageway space in the dwelling.

- Even small cabinets, which in most cases are used to accommodate several pairs of seasonal shoes or, for example, cosmetics, will attract attention to themselves, so their choice should be approached thoroughly, taking into account the style of the entire room.

- In terms of durability, structures made of wood or metal should be considered. Plastic structures will require a thorough calculation of the mass of things and other items stored inside.

- It is also worth taking into account the purpose of the pedestals. Such designs can be universal or used to store specific items. Depending on this, the interior filling of the furniture will vary.
Versatile options will be more suitable for placement, as they will allow you to store most of the necessary wardrobe items.

Subtleties of location
To harmoniously place the cabinet in the hallway, it is worth adhering to the following recommendations.
- Structures, the depth of which will be more than 40 centimeters, should not be installed directly near the front door, as this may complicate their operation and opening the sashes.
- The best option for a harmonious arrangement of furniture in the corridor will become the option of using the corner of the room or the wall opposite from the entrance.
- If the layout involves the installation of a curbstone right next to the entrance, then it is best to stop the choice on not too deep structures made of lightweight materials. It is best to choose models with free top space to place small items on them, such as gloves, keys, etc., if necessary.
- For narrow corridors, it would be more correct to choose the placement of corner pedestals near the entrance or against the opposite wall. As a rule, such structures will be of an open type, which will facilitate access to the necessary things.
- Regardless of the type of construction and dimensions of the room installation of non-functional products with a large number of unused boxes and other surfaces should be avoided.

Beautiful examples
An interesting functional solution will be the use of pedestals with a seat located in the middle. Such furniture will be a good option for arranging hallways, in addition, the drawers and shelves on the sides will help to store the necessary things in immediate access.

Tall and shallow options in a classic style will be appropriate in hallways in any design. Such structures will become a decoration of the room, as well as a functional piece of interior.

Closed cabinets with a soft bench seat will complement the corridor, at the same time, they will allow you to hide inside not only shoes, but also larger things, such as an umbrella or other essential items in everyday life.

For information on how to make a do-it-yourself cabinet out of wood, see the video below.