
What gifts cannot be given?

What gifts cannot be given?
  1. Attitude to superstition
  2. Unwanted gifts
  3. What can not be given to a man
  4. What can not be given to a woman
  5. What can not be given to a child
  6. What can not be given to a loved one or beloved
  7. How to clear a gift

Many of us love to receive and give gifts. There can be innumerable reasons for presenting a present to someone: birthday, anniversary, anniversary, wedding, christening, professional holiday and much more. Such a concept as a gift for no reason, just to make a person pleasant, is not alien to us. But at the same time, it is better to take into account which gifts cannot be given.

Attitude to superstition

All superstitions about gifts are rooted in paganism. Nowadays, everyone decides for himself - to believe in all these signs or to treat them with irony. But even if the giver does not believe in all these negative prejudices, this does not at all exclude the possibility that the one who is planned to be pleased with the gift believes in them. In order to avoid embarrassment and not turn joy into disappointment, you can familiarize yourself with those gifts that, according to some superstitions and omens, cannot be given.

By the way, there is a list of things, accepting as a gift, you need to give a coin. It will also be useful to remember this.

Unwanted gifts


It would seem like a common household accessory. Soft, comfortable slippers will please anyone. However, they are often associated with funeral paraphernalia, because people are usually buried in shoes, often in slippers. That is why they evoke disturbing associations.


In the case of this gift, it should be noted that it is not recommended to give watches not only in our country, but also in many others. If this is a wristwatch, then they say that their mechanism is capable of influencing human biorhythms.

Someone associates a watch worn on a hand with handcuffs.

However, there is a way to neutralize the negative impact of this presentation. It is only necessary after the donation process to immediately put them on a plush toy, as if you presented a watch as a gift.

As for wall clocks, there is a belief that, depending on the reason for which they are presented, they can have a negative impact. Thus, given to the wedding, they will count down the hours of the marriage, which will ultimately lead to divorce. If you give them for appointment to a new position, then the person will not stay long in this position and will soon lose it. Having presented a watch on the occasion of the anniversary of a love relationship or friendship, you can provoke an early discord or even parting.

Scarves, towels

These harmless accessories are also not worth giving away, as they, along with slippers, are associated with a funeral theme. At a funeral, it is customary to give a towel to those who carry the coffin, and to everyone else - scarves. A presented handkerchief - to tears.

But you can give them in pairs. Thus, if you present two handkerchiefs or a pair of towels, the omen will not work.

Stuffed birds and figurines

There is a belief that a bird that has flown into a house is a sign of bad news. Therefore, a gift in the form of a stuffed bird or a figurine of a bird can serve as a harbinger of bad consequences.

Health related items

Inhalers, devices for measuring pressure or temperature, walkers, crutches, bandages, etc. - all a person needs when he has health problems. If you give them to a healthy person, then they will attract diseases, helping to ensure that these items are useful in practice.

Sharp objects

Piercing and cutting attributes are also prohibited. Given as a present, they bring quarrels, disagreements, family disagreements to the house. Even furniture is best presented with rounded corners rather than sharp ones.

Some flowers

The fact that you cannot give a bouquet of an even number of flowers is known to many. But there is also another peculiarity. For example, it is not recommended to give carnations, even if an odd amount. It is believed that they harbor negative energy.

Also banned is a bouquet in black and red tones. Such shades are associated with mourning themes.


In general, there are no signs that categorically prohibit giving a purse. If we take into account several features, then there will be nothing wrong with such a gift.

First, you need to pay attention to the color of the accessory: the best option would be red. They say the red wallet attracts money.

But the blue version should be avoided. The fact is that blue is the color of the water element, therefore, money from such a wallet will flow away like water.

The second aspect to consider when donating a purse - you cannot present a completely empty wallet. It is necessary to put a bill or a coin there, even the smallest one. This will help attract money to the wallet.

It should be noted that this superstition applies not only to wallets, but also to bags and backpacks.

What can not be given to a man


There are many anecdotes about the fact that the only thing a woman can give her man is socks. However, not everyone knows that this particular wardrobe attribute should never be given as a gift. There is a belief that the one who was presented with such a present will soon leave the family.


It is not recommended to give such an element of an intimate wardrobe, otherwise - get ready to survive the betrayal.


As paradoxical as it may seem, the saying “The best gift is a book” does not work here.

It is believed that the donated book will lead to an early separation.

Animal figurines

In general, some figurines are not meant to be gifted. As for a gift for a man, here you should avoid the figurine of an elephant with a lowered trunk. Allegedly, this can lead to problems with potency.

What can not be given to a woman


It is better to exclude this incredibly beautiful piece of jewelry from the list of possible gifts. Superstitions say that pearls used to be the tears of mermaids. That is why such an adornment can only bring misfortune.


There is a belief that, admiring the presented mirror, a girl loses her youth. There are many superstitions associated with mirrors. They are said to serve as a portal between our world and another dimension.

Also, superstitious people believe that a mirror never forgets what it once saw, all information and energy is stored inside it.

Among the popular signs, there is one associated with this attribute: breaking a mirror - to death.

Based on existing signs, many refuse to choose such a gift.

What can not be given to a child

Many signs agree on one thing: nothing can be given before the baby is born. When the newborn is born, you can please the parents with a generous gift. But here you should also be careful, because there are things that are not recommended to give according to some signs.


We are not talking about dolls in general, but about beauties made of porcelain. There is a possibility that this sign is due to the fact that dolls were often used in Voodoo magical rites. Also, a porcelain doll is always handmade, therefore, its creator puts all his energy into the creation. Therefore, if such a present has already been presented, it is better to immediately cleanse it of negative energy.

What can not be given to a loved one or beloved

  • Mittens - will lead to a breakdown in relations.
  • Comb - some may not keep their promises.
  • Casket - they will hide something from you.
  • Alcoholic drinks - drunk immediately, will ruin the relationship.

How to clear a gift

If a gift is presented that, according to signs, cannot be given, you should not fall into despair: such a present can be cleaned, thus saving it from negative energy. There are several ways to do this.


If you give a coin in response to the donated thing, then the negative impact will be neutralized. Naturally, we are not talking about the total cost of the thing. You just need to symbolically “pay” the donor.


Water can save a thing from bad energy. It is enough to wipe the item with a damp cloth or rinse it under the tap.


Another element - fiery - will also help in such situations. It is necessary to light a candle and walk with it around the donated thing.


In the case when the present cannot be brought to water or fire, salt will help. You can place the item in coarse salt and leave it overnight, provided it is fine.

If the gift is large, you can simply sprinkle it with salt and gently shake it off after a while.

If you have doubts about the donated item, you can always neutralize the negative impact of the gift by buying it back. Just give a coin to the donor and not worry about anything. The traditional list of unwanted gifts is sometimes updated with new items. But everyone can decide for himself whether this or that item is suitable as a gift or not. Despite the existing signs, you always need to please family and friends with pleasant gifts.

For more information on gifts that cannot be gifted, see the video below.

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