
What shouldn't be done in a leap year?

What shouldn't be done in a leap year?
  1. Peculiarities
  2. Pros and cons of the year
  3. What is better not to do?
  4. Basic signs
  5. Can prediction be avoided?

There is an opinion among people that a leap year is special and imposes many restrictions on certain actions and actions. It is generally accepted that at such a time a person should be more careful and attentive. In this article, we will learn what is not recommended to do in a leap year.


For the first time, the concept of a leap year appeared during the reign of Julius Caesar. He developed a new type of calendar in which one more day was added to the shortest month. Through this simple change, Caesar was able to get rid of inaccuracies in timing. True, the Romans immediately began to believe that such a year was unfortunate.

For Christians, February 29 is considered the day of St. Kasyan, who became famous for his difficult character. On this day, there was a superstition among people that one should not leave the house on the street. This was due to the fact that outside the native walls, a person runs the risk of being exposed to the negative energy of the sun, which can have a bad effect on future destiny. In the old days, on this day, they tried not to even touch sharp objects, not to take them in their hands, since there was a belief that such actions could save one from misfortune. Thanks to so many accepts and superstitions, leap year quickly began to scare people away... It was considered a period of troubles and serious disasters. Oddly enough, starting from statistical data, global catastrophes really most often occur precisely in a leap year.

Despite the rapid passage of time and constantly evolving new technologies, many of today's people still desperately believe in the danger of an extra February day.

Of course, everyone decides for himself whether to believe in various beliefs or simply not pay attention to them, since a lot depends on the person himself and his actions.

Pros and cons of the year

Leap year scares many, because it has a sufficient number of disadvantages, the lion's share of which alarms a person and makes him think bad. Let's look at a few of the main drawbacks attributed to this period.

  • It is believed that at this time it is impossible to marry. According to Saint Kasyan's legend, such a year should not begin with especially important, fateful deeds, to which a wedding celebration may well be attributed. There is a belief that people who get married at such a time will either not be faithful to each other, or the wife will quickly become a widow. It so happens that young people find out about these superstitions after painting in a leap year. If the newlyweds really believe in this, they cannot immediately run away and file for divorce. In a leap year, this event will have to be postponed for another time - we will talk about this in more detail below.
  • Serious disadvantages include the fact that construction work cannot be started during this period. We are talking not only about a private house, but also about a bathhouse and any other building. Even the foundation is not recommended to be poured. According to legends, all fresh constructions will subsequently burn down. The same applies to repair work.
  • In a leap year, people who believe in the danger of such a time should tell others less about their plans. It is in a year with a long February that any undertakings can easily be jinxed.
  • If a person has planned to give the pet into good hands for one reason or another, it is not recommended to do this in a leap year. There is a belief that in this way, from his home, together with the animal, a person gives up his own luck.
  • You do not need to start doing business during this period. Superstitious novice businessmen are forced to postpone their plans (often grandiose ones) in order not to tempt fate.
  • You should also not change your place of work in a leap year, because in a new place a person will still not be able to hold out long enough, and even with colleagues there may be problems. This is a significant disadvantage for those superstitious people who have long dreamed of changing jobs.
  • In the years of Kasyan, it was not allowed to change his hairstyle and even just dye his hair.

Based on the prohibitions listed (not all in a leap year), we can come to the conclusion that the main disadvantage of this period is that people have to postpone their plans for a while. This is a waste of time, which often ruins the mood, forces them to show tolerance and restraint. Of course, this only applies to those who really believe in all the signs and warnings of a leap year. Despite the impressive list of minuses, in a leap year, you can reveal its pluses, which many people do not notice at first glance.

  • It is during this period that many people try to behave as calmly as possible, do not take risks and do not put themselves in danger. Moreover, some turn out to be so careful that even on February 29 they do not leave their homes, as people did in the distant past.
  • Many astrologers claim that in a leap year, inspiration can often haunt a person. Often people experience a noticeable surge of strength and energy. It is often possible to achieve success in creativity or work.

Considering all the pros and cons of a leap year, each person is free to decide for themselves whether to believe in them or not.

What is better not to do?

The leap year imposes a lot of prohibitions on people. Above, we have already considered some of the actions that it is better not to commit during this period. Let's take a closer look at what this can entail and what is best to avoid in a year with a long February. A leap year is considered especially dangerous for the stronger sex. You need to try to protect your men from dangers to the maximum, take care of them. It is advisable to pay more attention to men's health. If you believe the signs, the strong half of the population during the period under review should not go on various trips, since some serious trouble may occur there.

Many couples in love ask a reasonable question: is it possible to propose and get married in a leap year? It is believed that such plans should be postponed until another time. In a family created in a leap year, strife and strife will reign. The likelihood of betrayal is high. Newlyweds will often quarrel and seriously conflict, gradually overwhelming with enmity, irritation, and distrust. Ultimately, such a union will soon fall apart, as people simply cannot stand each other.

Long-term observations of experts on those couples who nevertheless decided to marry in a leap year, lead to the conclusion that such marriages still break up a little more often. But it often happens that a couple has been dating for a long time, and when planning a wedding, it just so happened that it fell on such a year. In this case, do not be intimidated. Some signs should help - they will help maintain the union.

Do not forget that there are so many couples who got married in a leap year and did not face serious relationship problems. If there were initially tense relationships and misunderstandings between young people, then it makes no sense to blame the year of Kasyan for everything. It is believed that it is better not to file an application for divorce this year. There is a belief that it is impossible to divorce during this period, since this promises loneliness for former spouses.

Many people believe that in a leap year it is impossible not only to get married, but also to have children, to become pregnant. This opinion has been around since the days of paganism. Although it is believed that the birth of children still does not entail any troubles and misfortunes. In ancient times, it was believed that pregnancy and the birth of a child in a leap year can bring a lot of problems to both the baby and his mother. They were prone to serious illness, danger, and other troubles.

Besides, some people to this day are confident that children born in the year of Kasyan will live a difficult life filled with trials. As practice shows, in fact, these delusions do not justify themselves. Many children who were born in a leap year grow up healthy and happy, receive a good education, build a happy family / personal life, so you should not intimidate yourself with unnecessary fears. People also believe that babies cannot be baptized in a leap year. In fact, this is not the case. The Church does not take into account any of the existing prohibitions at all.

For a child, as in other cases, it is better to be baptized 40 days after birth.

In a leap year, legends are not advised to build. This can end up with the construction being delayed for a long time or an accident. However, these beliefs have come down to us since the days of paganism. If you believe the prejudices, then it is undesirable to move, buy new housing, sell an apartment, and even make routine repairs. There is no specific justification for this. If you do not believe in such beliefs, just act consistently, be careful when making transactions, try not to save on materials and, of course, observe safety precautions in everything.

You should also not look for and get a new job if you listen to leap year beliefs. It is believed that in a new place a person will either not last long, or will be deceived, or other workers will plot against him. Along with changing jobs, it is not recommended to run your own business. It is better to postpone any undertakings at such a time for later, since they are doomed to failure.Of course, if you do not believe in all these prejudices and you are offered an excellent job, you should not give it up, because there is actually no clear and reliable evidence for such signs.

There is another controversial ban - on the sale of jewelry. It is advisable to postpone major transactions where you are a seller until next year. This means not only real estate, but also vehicles. Popular wisdom says that it is very risky to rush into such transactions - in the future, this can be seriously regretted. Well, common sense should be everywhere and in everything: an extra rush can really significantly harm such cases (both in relation to the car and the living space).

Many summer residents are surprised by the fact that In a leap year, nothing is sowed or planted... It is unlikely that a large number of gardeners-gardeners listen to this strange prohibition. It is possible to "bypass" it if you follow the lunar calendar and the weather forecast, so there is no need to be intimidated. Many owners of their summer cottages continue to plant their favorite crops, not paying attention to any extraneous factors, and they end up with a rich harvest, especially if they take care of the plantings correctly.

In the year of Kasyan, it is not allowed to go into the forest and pick mushrooms, various herbs or berries there. This ban is most relevant on the day of Ivan Kupala. This prohibition can also be circumvented. Entering the forest, a person should say: “Leap year, keep the bad for yourself, and let me take the dear. Amen". Although many superstitious mushroom pickers prefer to abandon the natural products listed in this prohibition for one year, for fear of harming their health.

Our ancestors considered a wedding held in a leap year to be a bad omen. People have long argued that to decide on this sacrament in a year with a long February, only those couples who are not afraid to face serious problems in their future family life decide. It is believed that a married husband and wife will scandalize a lot, swear, betray each other and even assault each other. The church itself is more than skeptical of such superstitions. The wedding ceremony in a leap year is not prohibited, along with the baptism of babies. The Church says that family relationships depend only on the spouses themselves, and not on some numbers and accepts. If you are too superstitious and are still afraid to get married in a leap year, then it makes sense to postpone this important event for "later". There is nothing terrible or dangerous in this - you just feel calmer, more confident. Beforehand, you can talk with the ministers of the church, who will help you make the right choice of the wedding date.

In a leap year, it is also not recommended to radically change your image. Problems run the risk of arising at almost any stage associated with new changes. For example, fresh dyeing can have a bad effect on the health of the hair, and beauty operations can seriously disappoint girls with not very good results, which will have to be dealt with in a separate order in the future.

In the old days, it was not allowed to change your appearance in a leap year, because people believed that luck simply might not “recognize” them in a new image, which means it simply passed by.

Basic signs

Leap year brings with it many different signs that many people believe in and listen to. Let's take a look at the main good and bad omens.


Leap year is literally "full of" bad omens, in which many people believe and do not expect anything good from them. Let's sort them out "on the shelves" by selecting the main points.

  • In a leap year, it is not recommended to make repairs - this is a bad omen. For example, if you glue the wallpaper, in the future they may begin to become covered with bubbles or peel off the walls. If it is paint, it will begin to crack and crumble.
  • According to ancient beliefs, celebrating an anniversary in a leap year is also a bad omen.Perhaps it is due to the ban on celebrating the 40th anniversary.
  • In the year under review, it is not allowed to prepare clothes for death for oneself or loved ones - this is a bad omen, and death can indeed come much earlier.
  • A bad sign is the barking of dogs, it must be feared. If you heard this, then you need to say: “The whole family is with me (and then list the names of family members). Amen."
  • A bad sign in a year with a long February is the case in which a person picks up any round objects from the ground. Such an event threatens with trouble.
  • If it was in a leap year that a girl first began her period, it is forbidden to declare this to any female (meaning friends, sisters, and grandmothers), otherwise they may “steal female happiness”. Mom is one of the exceptions, this news can be shared with her.
  • A pregnant woman does not need to cut her hair until after delivery. It is believed that in this way the mother shortens the life of the unborn child.
  • If the child was born on February 29, it is better to put a different date in his birth documents, namely February 28 or March 1.
  • A leap year is the period in which carols are not allowed (and at the same time it is undesirable to wear kutya) - this is a bad omen.

These are some of the most serious and well-known bad omens that apply during a leap year. To listen to them or not - each person decides for himself. There is no exact evidence that all of these events really entail troubles and misfortunes.

We must not forget that a lot depends on the person himself.

Good ones

There are also good omens, which are due to the period in question. People do not know about many of them, paying more attention to the negative qualities of Kasyan's years. Let us examine in more detail what the main good omens take place during the period of the "formidable" leap year.

  • As strange as it sounds, going to jail in a leap year is not as scary as in a normal year. The longest time to return home is at the end of the year. Even an inveterate criminal can be acquitted or shortened, or released under an amnesty. To do this, relatives will need to attend church and light candles there, pray in front of the icons for health.
  • Being under the first rain of the year is a good omen that promises a person good profit, success in business. True, it is possible to be in the rain only by accident, not deliberately.
  • It is a good omen to see a rainbow, even when there is not the most favorable calendar period outside the window.
  • If you were presented with a round piece of jewelry, this is a good sign. It will make a wonderful talisman that will protect you from evil in this difficult (in terms of superstition) time. You can purchase a similar piece of jewelry on your own, but its effectiveness will be much less than that of the donated option.

Can prediction be avoided?

According to many psychologists, all troubles lie in the head. It all depends on how we are able to tune ourselves, whether we start thinking more about good than bad. If you set yourself up correctly, then you won't have to wait for bad consequences. Moreover, the church believes that all our fears associated with a leap year are ordinary superstitions that we instill in ourselves.

However, there are experts among astrologers who say that negative energy intensifies many times during a leap year. Because of this, people often have a worsening general condition and well-being. Each person decides for himself which version he should believe in, and which one should not. But it is still worth listening to some simple advice, with the help of which many predictions can be avoided.

  • To protect yourself well at the energy level, it is worth burning the page from the calendar on which the date is printed - February 29. At the same time, it is necessary to say the following words: "leave evil, dashingly disappear, help good, illuminate a clear path and a bright path for me."Some people do it easier - they cover this date on the calendar with a pen or felt-tip pen.
  • It is recommended to often wear a cross or amulet around the neck - each person chooses for himself which solution he likes best.
  • You can go to church more often. It is believed that in this way you can strengthen your own defense.

Remember your own mood. If you sacredly believe that a leap year will be negative and expect only problems from it, then perhaps it will be so.

If you relate to this easier and do not wait for the negative, the year may well turn out to be successful and happy, but caution and vigilance must be exercised always and in all cases.

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