Decorative clothespins

Clothespins are a subject familiar to everyone from childhood. It would seem that an uncomplicated design for attaching drying clothes is certainly far from art. But fashion designers and experienced needlewomen have proved that decorative clothespins, when used correctly, can revive and decorate even the simplest interior.

What are they?
The first clothespins, according to research data, appeared in primitive times and consisted of two connected chips tied with a dried animal dwelling. They fastened flaps of skins in the dwelling and on themselves, used them as hair clips and fasteners for clothes while drying them over a fire.
Modern clothespins are not far from their ancient design in terms of design, no matter whether they perform an economic or decorative function. It is either a bifurcated cylinder or a two spring-loaded design. The main difference between decorative clothespins is their size: such clamps are usually either very small or purposely larger than usual. There are such mini-versions that in size they resemble, rather, jewelry, and large ones can be longer than an A5 notebook.

Also decorative clothespins can be made of various materials.
- Made of plastic. Colored plastic clothespins always look very bright, fit well into the design of a child's room and are suitable for creating a variety of crafts with a child. They can be made in the form of various plants or animals or have figurines or pictures attached to one of the strips. Plastic clothespins with themed patterns look interesting. For example, snowflake-patterned clips are great for securing Christmas socks over a fireplace.

- Wooden. Clothespins made of wood look more strict, but very stylish. Perfect for Scandinavian or Provence style room decor. They can have a pronounced wood grain with veins and lines, or be covered with various paints.

- Made of metal. Metal decorative clothespins are less commonly found in handicraft stores, but they are ideal for decorating a high-tech room or for decorating metal nets and other structures. They, like plastic clothespins, can have different shapes and be supplemented with figures on top.

It is worth remembering that wooden and metal clothespins do not like high humidity.
Wood darkens and swells from water, and metal oxidizes and rusts. Plastic, on the other hand, is not friendly with direct sunlight, quickly fading under them. Any clips are suitable for indoor decor, but on the street it all depends on the weather and the region. Where there is frequent rain, it is better to opt for plastic, and where it is sunny most of the year, it is better to take wood or metal.

How to use for decoration?
Clothespins can be used as decoration in different ways.
- Place them around the edge of the flower pots and complement the bouquets.

- Tiny wooden clothespins can be placed on postcards. On sale you can even find a ready-made set of cards and a pair of mini-clips for its decoration.

- For the design of photo books and albums, various notebooks, planners and diaries.

- On all kinds of containers, jars and bags with bulk products: spices, tea, cereals and the rest.

- To fasten napkins and towels for guests for a holiday with decorative clothespins. On a children's birthday, small personalized clothespins with figures of birds, butterflies or stars will look great, with which a cloth napkin will be fixed.

- Collect beautiful wreaths or frames for mirrors and paintings from them.

- Decorate with their help photo and New Year's garlands.

- Arrange and secure wires from the computer, speakers and charger on the table.

Such a do-it-yourself decor looks original, and it is very simple to make it. Even a child can handle the creation of a photo collage or a wreath from clothespins. You can add all kinds of stickers, sequins, feathers and patterns to your clothespins as you wish.
Beautiful examples in the interior
Photo collages with clips on simple threads or in picture frames placed on the wall look quite stylish and concise. Above the desk, you can hang a special metal mesh, on which you can also hang photos, clippings from your favorite magazines or motivating pictures. And for the New Year, instead of a living tree, build a beautiful panel of a luminous garland with clothespins and photographs of family and friends.

An old mirror or photo frame can be easily revived by replacing it with such a simple decor. And on New Year's or Christmas, you can even make a wreath on the door from clothespins.

You can replace an ordinary flower pot with such an unusual fence.
And stunning handmade bonbonnieres with tiny wooden clothespins will decorate even the most sophisticated wedding.

Not only tiny decorative clips, but also huge wooden clothespins will fit well into the interior of a modern apartment. With their help, you can fix children's drawings, school schedules and even small baskets with little things on the wall. And in the hallway, they can replace the clothes hanger. This decor will definitely not leave guests indifferent.