
Why is attachment to a man dangerous and how to get rid of it?

Why is attachment to a man dangerous and how to get rid of it?
  1. What is it and why does it arise?
  2. What is fraught with?
  3. How not to get attached?
  4. How to get rid of attachment?
  5. Psychologist's advice

Any woman wants to meet the man of her dreams. When this happens, she feels boundless happiness. However, not always everything happens the way you want, and the relationship ends quickly. In this case, melancholy and depression sets in. These feelings are very dangerous. Therefore, the fair sex needs to get rid of attachment as soon as possible in order to move on.

What is it and why does it arise?

Affection is a feeling where love and a special relationship to another person is manifested. There is attachment that is considered unhealthy. It comes when a person tries to completely master the will of another person, that is, to take control of all his thoughts, feelings and actions. It should be noted that love and affection, although in most cases have rather similar factors, however, these two feelings are still different from each other. A person's love inspires and makes it possible to develop, and attachment makes both partners unhappy due to the fact that in this case there is a certain dependence. And addiction is a negative manifestation that you need to get rid of in time. Relationship psychology is very complex. Therefore, when we talk about the attachment of a woman to a man, we mean sincere feelings and love. However, unhealthy female attachment is common in life. Let's consider its options.

It's all about habit. It is convenient for a woman to be close to her chosen partner. She wants to be loved and not alone. But often such desires overwhelm her own inner feelings.A woman realizes that she is next to a despotic person, and nothing good happens in her life. However, she is afraid to change the course of events so that "it doesn't get worse." Therefore, she does not try to get away from the annoying person. Otherwise, a woman may be sexually attached. For example, the fairer sex is dating a younger person. The adult partner is afraid of losing the object of her adoration. Therefore, she has bouts of depression. Against this background, conflict situations arise. Inequality in relationships dictates its own rules: a woman tries to take control of all the feelings and actions of a friend. As a result, the relationship breaks down.

There are other reasons as well. For example, age. When both partners are in advanced years, one of them is afraid of becoming lonely, and therefore begins to patronize his other half with special zeal. The venerable age of jealousy is not a hindrance. Naturally, such manifestations cause conflict situations.

There are other reasons as well. For example, problems coming from childhood, lack of will and much more.

What is fraught with?

It is not for nothing that psychologists believe that unhealthy love can cause the same sensations as taking drugs or alcohol. If feelings quickly subside, then they are replaced by emotional psychological dependence. As a result, the woman thinks that the man she has chosen is the best in the world, and finds herself in a difficult situation. Then she can act in this way:

  • enters into intimacy with his partner even at the most inopportune moment for her;
  • watches every step of his partner and gets very upset when his actions slip out of control;
  • a woman forgets about her pride when it comes to her man;
  • cannot imagine herself happy without her man;
  • is very afraid that the chosen one will commit adultery with another woman and leave her, therefore, a dependent woman very often makes scandals;
  • loses its individuality, can no longer belong only to itself;
  • shows aggression.

Naturally, it is difficult to call the feeling of excessive attachment love, as it causes painful emotional sensations. If a woman continues to harass herself, she may eventually get sick. First of all, a mentally dependent woman will begin neurotic attacks, and her usual life will collapse before our eyes. As a result, the fair sex may lose touch with loved ones, even forget that she has children.

She will be completely absorbed in her problems, she will no longer be able to fully work. This will affect the quality of her duties. As a result, she will lose her place of permanent income, and the aforementioned troubles will be replenished with one more. And the main thing is that the man on whom the woman depends will quite possibly begin to despise her for her weak character. As a result, he will definitely go to another partner. His departure can be the last straw for aggravating an already difficult situation.

How not to get attached?

To fulfill such a condition, a woman needs to have self-esteem. No matter how good a man is, the fairer sex should remember that she has her own life and her own tasks. You need to be a little selfish, and then you can keep your right state in the "right channel". If you feel like you are starting to become addicted, there are a number of steps you need to take. First of all, stop thinking about your loved one all the time, learn to distract yourself from your sad thoughts. If you do not leave the thought that your husband is in the company of unfamiliar women, then cope with the surging jealousy. Try not to call him or text him. Overpower yourself.

The first time it will be very difficult to do this, but the next time it will not be so painful. Moreover, most likely, all your suspicions were and will remain in vain. Treat your husband like a friend.Explain to yourself that he, too, may have things to do and want.

A person cannot be kept under control all the time, otherwise he will begin to offer some kind of resistance. For example, to seek understanding “on the side”.

How to get rid of attachment?

When a person experiences attachment, he ceases to see himself in the future, he lives only in the present. At this time, he is able to perform such actions that are not at all characteristic of him. A dependent person in such a difficult time does not even understand that an unhealthy feeling will bring more and more disappointments.

Before proceeding with the elimination of the problem, you need to understand why exactly you are in such a difficult situation. You will most likely be able to determine the cause yourself. Let's take a look at some of them.

  • You may be looking for a benefit for yourself. Maybe you enjoy being around a man because you are a dependent person. You are very afraid to be left alone with life's problems without a "strong shoulder".
  • You suffer from low self-esteem. Perhaps you think that you are unworthy of the man who is next to you. Therefore, it seems to you that you can no longer be happy.
  • Perhaps you had a difficult childhood. You are used to tyranny by adults, and therefore do not even try to become independent. You seek protection from your partner.
  • You are not experienced enough, and therefore you are "led" by false emotions.
  • You are simply afraid of becoming a completely lonely woman.

When you realize that you can no longer live with pain in your soul, try to remove attachment. The sacrifice in relationships is bad for everything around you. Therefore, try to break the "heavy bond".

You can forget a man to whom you are strongly attached with the help of your favorite business. For some, this is work (immersed in work, you can make a dizzying career), for others - some kind of hobby. Knit. This activity will bring you moral satisfaction and income. If you've never been into anything before, then start doing it. Sign up for a course where experienced craftsmen will show you all the secrets used in art. There are many cases when a person, starting with a small one, became a famous master throughout the country. Then came personal happiness.

It also happens: a woman suffers from the fact that she is ashamed to admit to herself and those around her that she broke up with her partner. Such abnormal feelings make the fair sex think about the past all the time. To remove addiction, you must first of all not show others that you feel bad. Try to combat your feelings and start thinking positively. Ignore the sidelong glances, and on a subconscious level, pull yourself back if various memories come into your head.

Sports activities will also help to wean oneself from the past. Jogging in the morning or evening will relieve stress and fatigue. Finally, start going to the gym. Take the first lesson with special zeal.

You will gradually get used to this lifestyle. Your figure will acquire the correctness, you will feel confident and will find friends. And then a new meeting will take place.

Get rid of bad habits. You need to quit smoking and drinking (if you are addicted to alcohol during separation). Whether you like it or not, you need to be in public all the time. Therefore, constantly communicate with one of your friends or colleagues: go to visit, to the cinema, to concerts. So you can avoid loneliness and show everyone around you that you have no time to suffer.

An unhealthy feeling is addiction. It is necessary to get rid of addiction in time so that this feeling could not bring colossal harm. So work on your thoughts every day.

  • Learn to switch from bad emotions to good ones.
  • Do not refuse help from outside.
  • If you can't seem to forget your partner, start looking for flaws in him. It's not easy to do, but remember that there are no perfect people. Trust me, your partner isn't perfect either.
  • Start helping stray animals, or get a kitten. Communication with cute creatures is sure to get you out of a bad state.
  • Think of your attachment as a disease to be treated. Start to fight it in all available ways.

Psychologist's advice

A dependent relationship is a complete fixation on a partner. A person forgets about his "I". Therefore, you must show perseverance and courage. Then you will find the root of the problem. To get started, analyze your personality on the following points:

  • you understand that you have become dependent on another person;
  • you understand that you are dependent on your partner's opinion;
  • you understand that you cannot define your psychological boundaries and "enter" someone else's territory;
  • you believe the partner should change the behavior, not you.

If you answered yes to all the points, then start fighting the addiction. To do this, first of all, you need to understand that the love that an addicted person experiences is involved in fears, jealousy, control, manipulation, even on unjustified expectations. And true love is freedom of personal choice. In this case, nobody and nobody belongs.

If you feel that instead of love, you are experiencing attachment, retire to the room. Take a piece of paper and write down the following questions:

  • What happens when I am or am not around my man?
  • What is attractive about him to me?
  • What are our similarities?
  • What do I value in our relationship?
  • Is there a mutual spiritual connection between us?
  • Am I really happy if my man is next to me?

Next, answer these questions in writing. Then reread all your answers carefully. Consider: Are you deceiving yourself? You may be surprised that your honest answers run counter to your far-fetched feelings if you realize that you have invented an image of someone who is not worthy of you.

When you realize that you want to let go of the attachment, take action.

  • Meditation. Very good help to find your own "I". Plus, your health will improve.
  • Affirmations. This method is very effective in getting rid of obsessive thoughts. Speak pre-prepared phrases. Thus, you will be distracted and will be able to "get away" from the unhealthy feeling forever.
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