What does a cashier-seller do and where to study for a profession?

Almost every day we are faced with the work of sellers, visiting grocery or other stores. This profession has its own characteristics. Today we will talk about what a seller should be able to do, as well as about job and functional responsibilities.

Who is that?
It is worth noting that the very word “seller” appeared in everyday life in the 19th century. During this period, enterprises began to open in Russia and other countries, which were engaged in trade. In 1810, when the First Practical Academy of Commercial Sciences was opened in Moscow, training of specialists in this industry began. The job of a salesperson can hardly be called easy. It may seem so only from the outside. The store employees are presented with considerable requirements, which consist not only of selling goods and receiving money for them.
If you look at the description of the profession, then it indicates that a seller is a person who works for a trading establishment and provides a range of necessary services to a buyer. Its main functions are making a skilful and high-quality sale, consulting about products, determining its value and weight. This employee is obliged to know the presented product and be able to clearly and easily tell potential buyers about its advantages, as well as about possible disadvantages.
He must actively promote the product, help with its choice, show products, presenting the most successful characteristics of the selected product.

The seller-cashier, in turn, must have computer skills, be able to understand programs (if any in the company), and also be able to work with bank or credit cards. His duties are also checking the timing of product sales, controlling the correctness of prices on price tags, as well as taking part in inventories... This profession provides for its division into qualifications. Trying to improve your professional level, starting from a junior salesperson, moving to a salesperson and a senior salesperson, you can reach the managerial position of an administrator, head. department or the head of the given trade enterprise.
Taking into account the specifics of this profession, the seller must have a number of necessary qualities. Their absence will not allow a person to stay at this job for a long time. The necessary qualities for the applicant include:
- emotional stability and poise;
- willingness to take full responsibility for a decision or action taken;
- the employee's readiness for development and improvement in terms of personal growth;
- the ability to establish contact, benevolence.
Also important criteria are high concentration and good memory... Many people find it difficult to start working as a salesperson without proper experience. After completing the necessary training, having studied all the necessary requirements for the job, having learned about the job responsibilities and having a desire to do such work, you can safely write a resume for a job in a store you like.

Overview of responsibilities
The profession of a seller today can be called one of the most widespread. Like any profession, it has certain advantages and disadvantages. This work can be a start for climbing the career ladder. There are several subspecies in this profession - from the seller of food or non-food products to the manager or person in charge of negotiations with various suppliers.
Having engaged in this business, a person begins to feel more confident and sociable, he begins to improve his communication skills with strangers, to understand the goods and services on the market. The advantages include stability and demand for the profession. Even when a sales outlet is closed, a good experienced employee will be able to quickly find a new, suitable job for himself.
Among the disadvantages are high fatigue, as well as the need to communicate with sometimes very unpleasant and nervous people, therefore, stress resistance is one of the most important qualities for a modern trade worker.
Whether he works in a grocery store, cafe, bakery or pastry department, he must have excellent communication skills and be able to win people over to him.

The specialization of an employee of a trading enterprise depends on the type of product that he sells. These include:
- sellers involved in the sale of food products (foodstuffs);
- sellers of non-food products who sell clothes, shoes, equipment, books, jewelry, etc .;
- cashiers accepting payment for goods, giving change, issuing a check, handling certain documentation;
- sales assistants who help visitors to make a choice, telling about the product they like, about the promotions held in the store;
- controllers-cashiers who track demand and replenish the assortment of products that are missing in the hall.
The controller, like the cashier, works at the cash desk, and also draws up reports on the goods. In-store sellers are the link between products and customers. They perform certain functions that are stipulated in the job description. Their job is not simply to dispense a certain product.There is a long process from product acceptance to sale.
The responsibilities of sellers can also include:
- computer skills at the proper level;
- knowledge of the basics of cash registers, scanner, terminal, having practical application skills;
- he must be well versed in the properties of goods of different groups;
- have the skills of marketing and merchandising, warehouse management.
Computer skills are sometimes a prerequisite, the rest of the skills can be learned in the learning process or during trainings or classes.

The official growth of store employees is usually as follows.
The store employee can get started:
- cashier or consultant;
- senior salesperson;
- head department or head of department or shift;
- manager;
- administrator;
- director.
The ascent of an employee up the career ladder usually depends on the personal qualities of the person, his dedication, professionalism. Job responsibilities in each individual enterprise may differ, which depend on the profile of the given enterprise.
The instructions of the sales clerks for working in grocery and non-grocery stores are basically the same. They differ in the characteristics of the goods and the storage conditions of these products.

Based on the job descriptions, cashiers-sellers should perform the following functions.
- Serve customers well. An employee of a trade enterprise must be able to convey to buyers the necessary accurate information about the product.
- Maintain cash (fiscal) documents. He must be able to keep accurate records of funds, make transactions at the cash register, service a transaction through the terminal (bank cards), and make daily accounting of funds.
- Perform funds reconciliation in cash register.
- Monitor the presence and correctness of codes on the product. Any type of product on the shelf must have a price tag that allows the buyer to get complete information.
- Manage balances, as well as comply with their limit, control the amount of inventory and its replenishment.
- He must control the correct and timely placement of price tags with correct information. The seller is obliged to put up-to-date information on the price tag in a timely manner. Similar work is done during the receipt of goods, before they are put on the shelves. When updating the price, the employee is obliged to inform the buyers about this and re-stick the new price tags.
- Keep track of consumables.
- Help buyers about the availability of goods in the form of quality consultations.
The employee's duties also include taking an active part in carrying out inventories, auditing funds.

One of the responsibilities of the store employees is to communicate politely with customers. He should try to create a comfortable environment when choosing products. When a queue arises, store employees must take immediate action to prevent this.
The main functions.
- Place goods, replenish them. An employee of the store, before opening it, checks the availability of goods, their quality, makes additional display of products. Provides free access for buyers to the exhibited products. During the working day, he must monitor the availability of products and replenish them if necessary.
- Ensure the safety of material assets.
- Help visitors in the choice of goods.
- Promote sales. The seller determines the types of products that require early implementation. Draws attention to the selected products by placing them in the most viewed places, the so-called "hot spots", and also additionally advises visitors about the benefits of such products.
- Make a reception and subsequent placement of the accepted goods. When placing products on the racks, the store employee must provide free access to products that require quick sale.
- Paste price tags... Working in the sales area, sellers should monitor the presence of codes and price tags on goods with the correct indication of weight, price, etc. They are glued after the receipt and placement of new products, when the price is updated, as well as when there is a discrepancy in the cost of the goods.
- Participate in inventories. After receiving the statement from the chief, the seller enters into it the number of products in stock. After finishing the recount, the sheet is transferred to the commodity specialist or administrator (director).
- Control the timing of the sale of goods... At the workplace, store employees must do everything for the normal operation of the trade enterprise. This also applies to checking the timing of the sale of products. If an item with an expired date is found, it is withdrawn from sale. Information about this is transmitted to the merchandiser.
- Serve customers at the checkout. Be able to keep cash records.
Also, the seller should actively participate in the offered trainings, regular classes, improving his professional level. He should get acquainted with the features of merchandising, as well as learn other skills necessary in the work. A store employee should not shy away from meetings held in a team and inform about possible non-standard situations during the work process.

Rights and responsibilities
A consultant is not only a good advisor, well aware of the advantages and disadvantages of products, but also a representative of the company. Every employee of the company should be motivated to fulfill the plan by increasing sales.
Sellers have certain rights, which include the following.
- Access of employees to reliable information, documents that are necessary in the process of work.
- They have the right to make proposals for changing the daily routine, schedule and other innovations leading to an increase in labor productivity.
- According to the Labor Code, they have the right to provide an equipped workplace.
- Have insurance.
- Receive damage compensation.
- Trade enterprise employees have the right to receive their wages in accordance with the staffing table. If he does not agree or if the payment is incomplete, the seller can ask for help.
In accordance with consumer protection law, the seller should be responsible for providing accurate information... He must provide information in full so that the buyer finds out about the properties of the goods, service life, etc. It is important to remember that providing false information about the product will result in inevitable losses for him, because the deception will soon be revealed, and the buyer will go shopping elsewhere.
Sellers are collectively responsible (materially) for the goods at the point of sale. They are also responsible:
- for the timely display of goods on the shelf and for its quality;
- for the presence of price tags on the product;
- for the sale of products within an acceptable time frame;
- for the correct execution of documentation, incoming and outgoing documents;
- for a polite and correct attitude towards visitors.
The cashier-seller is a financially responsible person. Initially, this position assumes responsibility for the material values entrusted to him. The cashier is obliged to compensate for the damage in case of a shortage of funds at the cash desk.

The seller-cashier must have certain skills and be responsible for the insufficient or low-quality performance of his direct duties. Personal qualities have a positive effect on the work process. With key professional skills, each salesperson will be able to achieve the desired result much faster.
There are certain requirements for work:
- the seller must know and respect laws of the Russian Federationregarding the rules of trade, as well as be familiar with the rights of consumers;
- store or commercial worker must not divulge trade secrets or violate the corporate ethics of the enterprise;
- applicant must know the basics of trading, merchandising, as well as learn the principle of sales efficiency;
- He must comply with fire safety rules, labor protection requirements;
- do not break discipline and routine requirements within the enterprise;
- regularly keep clean the workplace and the entire store.
You need to know that working in a grocery store is different from working in other enterprises. There is a certain standard, thanks to which an employee of a grocery store must not only monitor the cleanliness of the workplace, but also check the safety of products, take into account the commodity neighborhood.
He must clearly know the requirements of SappiNs and not allow violations.

Cleanliness in the grocery department is not only an aesthetic component, but also an absolute must, which is monitored by the sanitary service. The seller must have a health book with marked timely medical examinations or procedures. The employee must also be responsible for his behavior during the working day. The absence of bad habits has recently become one of the necessary qualities when applying for a job. It is unacceptable to appear drunk at work. The seller should not be rude to buyers, weigh them, steal.
The seller must comply with labor discipline according to the contract or employment contract, as well as comply with oral or written orders from the administration that relate to work. In case of violation of the job description, the administration can apply disciplinary action to the employee, up to and including dismissal. After the conclusion of the contract, the employee must be responsible for compliance with the conditions. When assessing the qualifications of employees, a professional standard is used. This document is also used to create job descriptions, documentation and other regulations within the institution.
If the employee does not fully meet the requirements of the professional standard, then the employer can transfer him to a position that requires less qualifications, or recommend him to take the necessary measures to improve his labor qualifications.

To work as a seller, it is desirable to have a special education. The preference is given to people who have graduated from the university. Most often, employers choose to work people with an accounting education, as well as those who know the basics of merchandising. Many people prefer to choose employees who have completed training, sales courses, and also trained in psychology courses.
The candidate for the position must have:
- appropriate education;
- work experience in the profile (preferably at least 6 months);
- communication skills with modern technology, including a cash register, special programs, a terminal.
To obtain this position, it is advisable to complete training in colleges or technical schools.
You can get an education:
- at the Krasnodar Trade and Economic College - here you can study the specialty "Seller", "Controller-cashier", as well as "Commodity expert";
- at the Samara College of Industrial Technologies - specialties "Seller", "Cashier", training period 2 years and 10 months;
- at the Omsk College of Trade, Economics and Service - you can study here after the 9th and 11th grade in the specialty "Commodity Science and Expertise of the Quality of Consumer Goods".
To work as a seller, it is often enough to have a document on graduation from a technical school or college with you. You can also master this profession in the specialties "Commodity Science" or "Management" in many universities.

The salary
The salary of a seller usually consists of a rate and a certain percentage of the sale of an item. It may be irregular and fluctuate depending on the type of product, season and other factors. Also, the average salary may vary depending on the region. So, in Moscow, the average salary of a sales assistant is about 30-32 thousand rubles, while in Samara it is 19-20 thousand rubles.
It is worth noting that the salary often depends on the percentage for the fulfillment and bonuses for overfulfilling the plan.