Who is a salesperson and what does he do?

People are not always accurate about who the seller is, what he does according to the job descriptions prescribed in the instructions. The description of the profession cannot ignore such a moment as the variety of its specializations and an indication of what a successful salesperson should be like. You should also describe the training of salespeople and the salaries they receive.
Who is that?
If you ask most people about the essence of the work of sellers, then most often they will indicate that they "accept money and give out the goods." However, this superficial description of the profession, although true, still does not exhaust its content. The seller is an intermediary, without which the interaction between consumers and producers is impossible. Maintaining the smooth operation of even "just" a department in a store is not as easy as it seems. It is very important not only to do your job in a narrow sense, but also to create optimal conditions for buyers.
The development of trade is ongoing. Therefore, the demand for sellers among various organizations is consistently high. It is imperative to control the behavior of buyers and react to their actions. Employees of trade structures are financially responsible.
They also have to follow a large number of orders from the management and draw up quite a few reports.

Categories and job responsibilities
The main specializations of sellers are related to sales:
- bakery products;
- food products in general;
- shoes;
- clothes;
- underwear;
- cosmetics;
- industrial goods;
- building materials;
- household appliances and electronics;
- electrical goods;
- costume jewelry and souvenirs;
- jewelry;
- household goods.

The station wagon seller, contrary to popular belief, is not always the one who sells a variety of products. They are engaged in:
- loading and unloading of goods;
- work at the checkout;
- setting price tags;
- tracking expiration dates;
- control over the actions of buyers (so that they do not spoil or steal anything);
- execution of other orders of the administration of the trade establishment.
The job descriptions unambiguously indicate that the position of the seller implies subordination to directors of outlets and merchandise managers, being controlled by them. If we are talking about a specialist who works with large volumes of goods, then only the subordination changes. In addition, wholesalers are predominantly narrowly specialized. Usually, their field of activity involves the mastery of only one commodity item or a rather narrow category.
Yet a much larger number of salespeople are those whose work takes place behind the counter.

In this case, the provisions of the standard job descriptions usually apply. These instructions may differ from store to store. But if you generalize, then you can see the following basic functions:
- initial placement of goods in their proper places;
- as needed - replenishment of their loss;
- assistance to consumers;
- control of the safety of goods;
- activation of sales of individual items, the list of which is determined by the administration.
In both small and large retail outlets, sellers often work on accepting newly arrived lots, checking their completeness according to the lists. As already mentioned, there are many other things to do. So, the usual functional duties include putting up price tags (replacing them as needed), and taking part in inventories. Additionally, you will need to draw up cash documents. Everything that a salesperson does in the workplace does not just happen, but in strict accordance with official schedules. Coming to work, even before the arrival of the first visitors, you need to check whether there are enough goods, if necessary, submit an application. Such control and filing of applications is carried out continuously throughout the entire shift.

Simply putting the goods on the shelf just haphazardly will not work either. It should fit neatly there. Any commodity item should not be empty for a long time. If any of the visitors tries to steal the property of the outlet, then the sellers should detain it until the arrival of representatives of the competent authorities. In relation to all conscientious buyers, it is supposed to behave politely and correctly. In all retail outlets that do not surrender to security at night, the obligatory function of employees is personal security with full responsibility for all material values.
Stimulating sales usually means drawing the attention of buyers to promotional products. It also includes moving them to the most popular points in the store. It is supposed to arrange all imported products and other items so that buyers can take goods with expiring dates in the first place. Another responsibility of sellers is to process returns and refusals from purchases in cases directly prescribed by law or internal documents of the store. The position also assumes:
- notification of management about all abnormal and atypical situations;
- registration of a sanitary book and other relying documents;
- passing medical examinations;
- execution of other orders that are justified by the logic of the trade profession and practical necessity.

Much also depends on the ranks of the sellers. So, the 2nd category involves packing and weighing various types of goods. Additionally, it is supposed to check the names, qualities, varietal accessories and serviceability of packaging, related accessories and accessories. Sellers of the 2nd category prepare the workplace themselves. Everything that is not implemented, as well as the container, they clean up personally.
Specialists of the 3rd category should already be ready to advise visitors about individual properties and characteristics of goods, about the possibility of replacing one purchase with another, as well as about possible risks and difficulties in application. Another additional responsibility at this level is window dressing. Finally, you will have to deal with the primary analysis of demand. For salespeople of the 4th category, such duties are added as:
- assessment of the condition of commercial and technological equipment;
- filing applications for its repair and replacement as needed;
- resolution of simple disputes with consumers if it is impossible to call a representative of the management;
- taking samples for examination of clearly problematic and questionable goods in laboratories;
- preparation of acts for defective, damaged and become unusable due to force majeure goods.

Primary requirements
Personal qualities
Of course, a successful salesperson must be friendly and able to connect with most people. However, there are still other important positions that cannot be ignored. In particular, purposefulness is very relevant, without which it is difficult to achieve any result. Necessarily required and the ability to adequately assess yourself, your capabilities and achievements - without narcissism and self-deprecation. The need to endure stress is also obvious: the trading work consists of almost one continuous stress.
Sellers are obliged to strive to develop and build up their skills, expand knowledge about the products sold and other subtleties. An extremely significant feature in some cases is the ability to take initiative. In addition, modern trade is unthinkable without the ability to find mutual understanding with other people and act in a team. Those who are focused only on their own personal success, rejecting cooperation with others, have no place there. In relation to consumers, you need to be patient and show gratitude, be clearly aware of when to offer help and when it is not needed.
Additionally, it is worth mentioning the following points:
- neatness;
- keeping yourself in good physical shape;
- the ability to count verbally;
- the ability to analyze various situations.

Knowledge and skills
But to become a good seller, appearance and communication skills, other personality traits are not enough. A number of key professional points are also required.... So, you will need to study the features of the entire product being sold, even those items that are not in great demand or are sold only occasionally. You should certainly also master the art of persuading other people, individual elements of oratory. Such a simple aspect as the demonstration of this or that product also turns into a kind of performance, and it is supposed to act out it flawlessly.
Since almost all sellers work at least periodically at the checkout, they have to learn how to operate the device, scan barcodes, and maintain documentation. Pre-sale preparation of goods and maintenance of cleanliness are also not as easy as they seem from the outside.
Importantly, all basic actions must be done quickly and clearly. You must be able to plan both your day as a whole and individual operations. With all that said, it's not hard to see why qualifications are so important for salespeople.

Extensive responsibilities are inconceivable without certain rights. They consist in:
- access to work according to the contract and instructions;
- receiving all the necessary information and explanations;
- timely payment of labor;
- obtaining overalls, other funds and resources necessary for work;
- compliance with labor law norms by the employer;
- compliance of the workplace with hygiene and labor protection standards.
Many large trading firms offer to master the profession of a seller directly in the workplace. But preference is given to those who have completed at least the courses. Better yet, college or technical school. Having received such an education, one can apply for the position of head of the department. But if there are even greater career intentions, then it is more correct to choose training in a university with a solid economic education.
You can enroll in:
- OmSTU;
- Nosov Magnitogorsk University;
- economic university in Samara;
- University of Economics and Management in Novosibirsk;
- Plekhanov Russian University of Economics;
- University of the Pacific;
- KemSU;
- Siberian Federal University;
- Russian University of Cooperation.

Secondary vocational education can be obtained in:
- Moscow Humanitarian College of Economics and Law;
- Talalikhin Moscow Educational Complex;
- Izhora College;
- Ural State College named after Polzunov;
- Kazan social and humanitarian technical school;
- University College OmGPU;
- Trade and Economic College named after Zuykova;
- Samara and Ufa College of Trade and Economics;
- Perm Trade and Technology College;
- Khabarovsk Technological College.
You can often find reasoning that the professional training of a salesperson is highly dependent on specialization. And to some extent this is true. Physics is clearly more needed in a radio store than in a food pavilion or supermarket. However, both physics and chemistry describe in one way or another all objects of the material world. Therefore, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to these subjects even at school.
For obvious reasons, it is worth "leaning" on mathematics as well, as well as a decent knowledge of the Russian language - very good if you also need to master the English language properly.

The salary
The stable demand for sellers may differ from region to region. And workers of trade in different localities earn not the same amounts at all. It is also worth considering that the role of specialization, and the scale of the trading network, and the success of the company, and the percentage of sales play a role. Therefore, even sometimes in two adjacent points of the same profile, sellers receive different income. Finally, in retail outlets, a sales plan is usually established, depending on the fulfillment or overfulfillment of which bonuses are awarded.
More and more often there are positions for which there is no salary. These vacancies are related to the sale of goods that are not subject to seasonal fluctuations in demand. On average in the Russian Federation, the seller receives an income of 17,000 rubles. The food trade is paid very poorly. Most retail chains have 15-18 thousand (excluding the capital). When selling household goods and other specialized goods, including flowers, income can be 20,000-25,000 rubles.
A special category is sales consultants. They are well versed in the peculiarities of the goods being sold and are able to find contact with visitors. The rate depends on both the specialization and the policy of a particular company. The sale of furniture and branded clothing can be rewarded with payments ranging from 40 to 45 thousand. For a cashier-seller in a supermarket or hypermarket, the average income is 30 thousand rubles, it has a role and category.
In the markets, income can reach 30,000 rubles a month, even in the food segment. But one must understand that this is often associated with a significant share of "gray" cash turnover. Often income is paid daily. The specific payment scheme in trade is always set by the local regulatory act of the organization. You also need to remember that almost everywhere deductions are prescribed for any omission, therefore it is impossible to say exactly how much the seller gets.

Career and prospects
The very combination of the words "salesperson" and "career prospects" may seem meaningless. However, there are still certain opportunities for professional growth. A very important role, according to the reviews of those who have gone this way, is played by a clear specialization. Only in this case it will be possible to thoroughly study positioning and other aspects. Gradually you can become:
- senior shift;
- the head of the department;
- deputy director;
- director.
Lack of experience is not too important. Much more important is the willingness to learn new skills and help choose products. Career growth for a salesperson who knows the whole “kitchen” of trading activity from the inside is even more likely in many companies than for a manager who mastered his profession at the university according to standard templates.
Even after the post of director, there is room for development - for example, for the position of regional network manager.