
All about the senior salesperson job

All about the senior salesperson job
  1. Description of the profession
  2. How is it different from a regular seller?
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Rights and responsibilities
  5. Requirements
  6. The salary

If you are looking for a job in the service industry, then you should look into the position of a senior salesperson. This profession is somewhat different from the work of an ordinary consultant. In our article we will consider the features and specific features of this vacancy.

Description of the profession

A senior salesperson is a higher-level employee than a regular sales assistant. The work of a specialist is associated with an increased level of complexity and responsibility. Respectively, to a person who applies for this position, high requirements will be put forward by the employer (primarily regarding his professional training).

In the course of performing his job functions, the senior salesperson not only fulfills the tasks of the ordinary salesperson, but also performs managerial duties. For example, most often in large stores, a senior salesperson is an employee who is in charge of a department and performs a wide range of disparate powers. Like any other area of ​​professional activity, the work of a sales assistant is characterized by individual characteristics. Moreover, they are both positive and negative.

The advantages of being a senior salesperson include several characteristics.

  • No need for specialized education. Despite the fact that some employers may require a diploma from an applicant for the position of a senior seller, the vast majority of employers are not interested in the level and specialization of education of the candidate for the position.The main thing is that you graduate from school (grades 9 or 11).
  • Career prospects. Generally speaking, the position of a senior salesperson itself is a senior salesperson. Nevertheless, if you want and have a sufficient amount of personal ambition, you can continue to move up the career ladder. For example, over time and gaining enough experience, you might become a store manager or director.
  • High level of demand. If you analyze the existing open vacancies in the modern Russian labor market, you will notice that most of them are vacancies for positions in the field of trade.

However, in addition to the pluses, there are a number of minuses.

  • High stress levels. The work of a senior salesperson is directly related to constant communication with people, which means that you cannot avoid conflict situations. In order not to lose your position, and also not to shatter your nervous system, you must have stress resistance and emotional stability.
  • Low salary. With the exception of a few isolated cases, the majority of senior salespeople receive relatively low wages, which is a source of frustration for many in the position.

Thus, before making the final decision as to whether you want to associate your life with the profession of a senior salesperson, you should evaluate all its advantages and disadvantages, so as not to regret your choice in the future.

How is it different from a regular seller?

In contrast to the average salesperson, the senior employee has leadership authority. Moreover, in the absence of the former, the senior seller can also perform his functions. Most often, people who are already experienced in this field apply for the position of a senior seller.


When employed as a senior seller, each person must strictly familiarize himself with the official documents that govern the duties of such an employee. These documents primarily include job descriptions, as well as professional standards. They indicate all those functions and tasks that the seller solves on a daily basis. In the process of studying the documents, you should carefully assess how competent you are, whether you will be able to fully fulfill all the duties that the employer imposes on you. Remember that you may be held liable for failure or incorrect performance of your work tasks.

So, the duties of a senior seller include:

  • sale of goods;
  • informing buyers about the current state of goods, about their shelf life;
  • control of the availability of all the necessary assortment;
  • management functions in relation to subordinate employees;
  • control over the correct use of commercial equipment (for example, cash registers);
  • preparation of documentation (accounting and reporting documents);
  • guidance on the placement of goods;
  • use of advanced world experience in their work;
  • calculation of proceeds;
  • acceptance of goods;
  • consultations and recommendations for both buyers and ordinary sellers and much more.

It should be noted that the above list of functional responsibilities of the senior seller may be changed and supplemented. Adjustments can be caused by the personal wishes of the employer, as well as by the specifics of the immediate place of work. Thus, the duties of an employee will vary depending on whether he works in a grocery or non-food store, in a cosmetics salon, in a boutique with clothes, or anywhere else.

Rights and responsibilities

The job description, in addition to describing the responsibilities of the senior seller, contains information that relates to the rights and responsibilities of the employee. So, the list of employee rights includes:

  • to put forward proposals (both their own and outgoing ones about subordinates) regarding the improvement of the enterprise's functioning process;
  • coordinate with the senior management issues related to material remuneration;
  • report to the store administration about problems and conflicts in the workplace;
  • report theft of goods;
  • require proper working conditions (the working environment must necessarily comply with all safety standards).

On the other hand, the person holding the position of senior salesperson is liable in the following cases:

  • non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the functions assigned to him;
  • causing financial harm (directly to the store or its employees, as well as customers);
  • workflow, schedule and schedule disruptions;
  • non-observance of safety measures and labor laws;
  • violations of ethical norms and norms of business communication.

Thus, the importance of carefully familiarizing the employee with all documents regulating his professional activity before officially accepting an invitation for employment is emphasized once again.


In order to be a successful senior salesperson, you must have extensive theoretical and high-quality practical training. Let's talk in more detail about what a professional should know and be able to do.

Personal qualities

It is important to know that when hiring, employers pay attention not only to the study of the professional achievements of the candidate for the position, but also to the analysis of his personal characteristics and properties. This happens for several reasons. First of all, the work of a senior salesperson is connected with constant communication with people. In order for a store employee to make a good impression on customers, he must be friendly and tactful. On the other hand, a senior salesperson must fit in well with an established team and become a valuable member of it.

The most important personal characteristics of a senior salesperson include:

  • stress resistance and emotional stability;
  • non-conflict;
  • tact;
  • friendliness;
  • positive attitude;
  • attention to detail;
  • leadership skills;
  • a responsibility;
  • the desire to constantly develop and improve.

Only with the optimal combination of professional and personal characteristics can you become a successful and sought-after senior salesperson.

Professional knowledge

Despite the great importance that personal qualities play, professional knowledge and skills still take priority. These include:

  • understanding the specifics of the store and the work of a particular department;
  • the ability to work with specialized computer programs;
  • skill of working with a cash register;
  • knowledge of the basics of consumer psychology;
  • knowledge in the field of marketing and merchandising;
  • knowledge of safety regulations and labor laws.

However, this list is not final. The more professional competencies you possess, the more competitive and in demand you will be in the labor market.

The salary

The salary of a senior salesperson depends on a number of factors:

  • work experience;
  • field of activity;
  • place of work;
  • region of residence and others.

If we talk about average indicators, then the material remuneration for the work of a senior seller is approximately 30,000 rubles.

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