All About Jewelry Sellers

Most of our fellow citizens visit shops selling jewelry on special occasions. And this is quite understandable, because when we come to such a place, we spend large sums of money on the purchase of jewelry. That's why Sales consultants in jewelry stores must have a list of certain qualities, thanks to which the organization will be provided with a stable income, and customers will be satisfied with their purchase and the level of service. Everything about jewelry sellers will be discussed in this article.
What kind of work is this?
Jewelry has always been considered the most appropriate gifts for any special occasion. However, choosing the right jewelry that meets the requests of the hero of the occasion and the thickness of the buyer's wallet is not an easy task. In this case, a competent sales consultant will become a real "lifesaver" capable of helping the client to make the choice of the product and remain satisfied with the purchase. So, the main functions of a jewelry seller include the following:
- high-quality customer service of the outlet;
- providing the most complete and truthful information about a particular product;
- adherence to the sales plan;
- ensuring the safety of goods and preventing the waste of funds received from the sale of jewelry;
- maintaining internal documentation;
- control of the cost of products and the availability of price tags with up-to-date information.
There is a widespread belief that high-quality jewelry does not need an active presentation, because a truly worthwhile item will be bought anyway. However, practice shows that the statement is fundamentally wrong.

Among ordinary people there are not so many specialists who can appreciate the quality of this or that jewelry, so for most of us the help of a professional sales assistant in such matters is simply necessary.
The professional skills of a sales assistant in a jewelry store should cover the general level of basic concepts of sales technologies, however, in addition to this, he is required to know and narrowly specific information, namely:
- a full range of store products;
- properties of precious metals (gold, silver, platinum, etc.) and their alloys;
- basic concepts of the characteristics of stones (precious, semi-precious, synthetic), types of cutting;
- types of diamonds;
- ways of weaving chains, their characteristics;
- types of fasteners on earrings, chains and others;
- new items of fashion trends in the world of jewelry.

Depending on the level of the jewelry salon, the requirements of the organization's management to the sales consultant may contain the obligatory knowledge of a foreign language, as well as the experience of working in stores of a similar orientation. In most cases, personal requirements for the seller of precious products consist of the following points:
- external attractiveness (presentable appearance, neatness, etc.);
- good command of the language;
- emotional stability;
- responsible attitude to work;
- sociability;
- politeness;
- discipline.
In addition to all of the above, a jewelry seller must have a good memory, because he will have to keep in mind a large number of prices, product characteristics, and also control the storage conditions for expensive jewelry.

The jewelry sales assistant belongs to the category of technical performers and is directly subordinate to the head (director) of the salon. It follows from this that such an employee is hired and dismissed by order of the director of the company. Such an employee must know and follow the following rules:
- internal labor regulations of the organization;
- customer service;
- records management;
- safety engineering;
- fire safety.
In his work, a sales assistant to a jewelry store is obliged to follow, in addition to corporate standards and direct orders of his superiors, the legislative norms "On the Protection of Consumer Rights."
The job description of a jewelry sales consultant includes the following functions:
- high-quality consulting of the store's customers and the sale of goods;
- product supervision;
- regular inventory;
- drawing up an order for household and office supplies;
- reception and preparation of precious items for sale;
- delivering information about promotions and advertising information to buyers;
- window dressing;
- resolution of conflict situations in case of claims from the client;
- timely provision of the "Book of complaints and suggestions" at the request of the buyer.
Among other things, a sales assistant in a jewelry store must timely inform the management of all emergency situations, as well as attend meetings of the work collective. A professional salesperson can come up with personal improvement suggestions that can improve store performance and increase revenues.
In addition, he has the right to demand from his superiors to provide all the necessary conditions for the quality performance of his duties.

The training of a professional jewelry sales assistant consists of two components:
- getting a trade education general orientation, which can be obtained at a college, technical school or vocational lyceum;
- obtaining additional qualificationsallowing you to work in the field of jewelry sales; most often, the seller undergoes such training at special courses, after which he is issued a corresponding certificate.
How much does he earn?
The salary of a seller in a jewelry store depends on the following factors:
- salon level;
- degree of professionalism;
- region.
In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the salary of sellers-consultants of precious products varies in the range of 45-85 thousand rubles. In the regions, the salaries of such specialists are approximately 25-50 thousand rubles.
For information on which sellers are better for recruiting in a jewelry store, see the video.