
All about the profession of line producer

All about the profession of line producer
  1. Who is this and what does he do?
  2. Required skills
  3. Education
  4. Place of work

The crew includes a man with a mysterious position - a line producer. This person has a number of professional responsibilities. In addition, the line producer must have the skills and experience to be able to deliver on the task at hand.

Who is this and what does he do?

A line producer is the first to start working on any project they create. He can be called a key figure on the set, as he not only deals with the daily issues that arise, but also manages the budget. If the general producer touches on the creative side of the project being created, then the linear does not concern this part in any way. The work of directors and screenwriters takes place without his participation. The line producer's area of ​​responsibility includes the following tasks:

  • hiring crew members;
  • resolving issues with suppliers that relate to the supply of props, necessary equipment;
  • organization of transport and delivery of food to the set.

The task of such a specialist is to prove to investors the real benefits of investing in a particular project. Getting an investment is only the first stage. When the necessary budget for the implementation of the project is received, it is necessary to proceed to the next step. It is then the responsibility of the line producer to prepare, plan and manage the budget.

Most often, the line producer is a freelance worker. He does not work all the time in the same place. His task is to solve issues in a specific project, and then move on to the next.

Required skills

First of all, a specialist of this level must have skills in budgeting and financial planning... This is the obligatory base. It is important for a person to have a diplomatic character and to be sociable, because in the process of work you will first have to communicate with investors, and then with suppliers and other employees on the set.

The area of ​​responsibility of such an employee does not include taking care of the life and health of the participants in the filming process. But at the same time, he must monitor compliance with the minimum regulatory requirements. If there is any incident with investors, financing and violation of agreements, then it is the line producer who needs to resolve it.

A fairly large responsibility is assigned to the line producer, and the success of the entire project very often depends on his work.


A line producer may be appointed university graduate... As a rule, a person with at least 3 years of work experience who understands the internal structure of the entire filming process will be hired for such a responsible position. For example, you can work as an assistant producer for a while, and only then move up the career ladder.

Many begin their professional career as a regular recruiter, gradually moving forward and acquiring the necessary skills. The education of a manager is quite suitable for the position. Most of the higher educational institutions train specialists of this level.

Place of work

It should be understood that a line producer is an extremely responsible profession. The specialist must have experience and knowledge that has been acquired for more than a year while working on the set, as well as on television. This profession belongs to the category of in-demand, since many projects of various orientations are created in cinematography and television. So, a line producer can work:

  • on the set of films and TV series;
  • when creating documentary and entertainment television projects;
  • at recording studios.

If a person decides to become a line producer, he needs to be prepared for a fairly high workload. Most likely, it will be an irregular working day with frequent travel and business trips.

An applicant for such a position should not be afraid to work with money, be polite, sociable, non-conflict and stress-resistant.

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