All about the profession of animator

The atmosphere of any festive or entertainment event largely depends on the talent, experience and professionalism of the invited animators. Representatives of this complex but interesting creative profession not only control the course of the event, but also take an active part in its holding. What are the features of the profession of an animator? What knowledge and skills should this specialist have?
Who is that?
An animator is a person who is professionally involved in organizing and conducting social events in which he most often acts as a famous character. Usually in the profession of animator people who have developed creative and artistic abilities find their vocation.
In addition, people who have received the appropriate education and have some experience of organizational and entertainment work with the audience (circus artists, theater and film actors, dancers, singers, musicians, accompanists) often come to this field of activity.

Despite the fact that the animator is considered a “universal” artist, capable of working and interacting with almost any audience, it is still customary to distinguish between specialized directions in this field of activity. So, based on the characteristics of the target audience, as well as the characteristics of the planned event, in the described field of activity, one can single out specialists of such profiles as:
- corporate animator - an artist specializing in entertainment and celebrations for an adult audience;
- children animator - an artist specializing in holding festive events for children of preschool, primary and senior school age;
- hotel animator - an artist specializing in entertainment events for hotel guests (hotel complex, sanatorium, dispensary);
- animator-promoter - an artist who specializes in conducting primarily promotional activities (for example, marketing campaigns aimed at promoting a brand, product or service).
In some cases, the animator can work together with the host of the festive event, in others - independently, in the third - together with creative teams (musicians, magicians, acrobats, dancers, mimes). An obligatory attribute of an animator is a bright stage costume, transforming him into a certain character - cartoon, literary, cinematic, historical.

Job responsibilities
The list of job responsibilities of the animator is developed and approved by the management of a specific organization (cultural and entertainment center, hotel complex, event agency). In most cases, when drawing up a job description, the provisions presented in the Unified Qualification Handbook of Positions are used.
According to this source, the main labor functions of an animator include:
- organization and holding of cultural and entertainment events;
- development of scenarios for entertainment programs, festive events, contests, competitions;
- organizing and conducting rehearsals;
- control over adherence to the schedule of rehearsals and performances;
- selection and preparation of props, accessories, costumes and decorations for the animation performance.
The ability to reincarnate and improvise distinguishes a professional animator from an amateur. A professional makes his character alive, bright and emotional, forcing everyone present at the holiday to believe in his realism. Such professional skills, according to experienced animators, are formed and improved over many years of work in this field.
At the same time, the formation and improvement of the professional skills of the animator is carried out much faster in the case when a person by nature has creative abilities, outstanding thinking, artistry and communication skills. Such inclinations in the field of animation are considered very important.

Knowledge and skills
The work of an animator requires from a person not only great diligence and skill, but also specific knowledge. So, a person employed in this field of activity must have deep knowledge in such areas as:
- acting skills;
- choreography;
- oratory;
- psychology;
- conflictology;
- pedagogy;
- communication ethics (speech etiquette);
- fire safety equipment.
It should be noted that the animator must impeccably know the stories of his characters, their features, advantages and disadvantages. Such specific knowledge will allow in the future not only to easily get used to the given image, but also to improvise without difficulty, going beyond the script in unforeseen situations.
Besides, representatives of recruiting agencies consider it highly desirable that an animator has a number of skills:
- ability to work with lighting equipment;
- the ability to work with musical equipment;
- the ability to work with portable computer equipment and storage media;
- skills in working with photo and video equipment.

Among other skills that can be useful to an animator at work, it is worth noting such as:
- drawing skills;
- the ability to sing and move beautifully;
- possession of musical instruments (guitar, harmonica, balalaika, ratchet);
- the ability to work with stage props (balloons, ribbons, flashlights);
- skills of applying professional makeup (face painting).
Experienced animators believe that success in this challenging field of activity largely depends on personal qualities. Success and professional growth in this field can only be achieved by a sociable, benevolent and positive person who does not hesitate to implement the most unexpected creative ideas.
At the same time, the profession of an animator requires patience, hard work and dedication from a person, the ability to plan, analyze and control work processes. Among other requirements for animators, it is also worth noting such as:
- high reaction rate;
- self-control and self-discipline;
- high level of self-organization;
- a responsibility;
- confidence;
- stress tolerance;
- the ability to improvise in unforeseen circumstances;
- rich imagination;
- a sense of humor and good visual memory.

To become an animator, it is enough to get a higher or secondary vocational education (humanitarian, pedagogical, theater). The average length of study at a university or college can vary from 2 to 5 years. The list of subjects that must be taken upon admission to a higher or secondary specialized educational institution is standard and most often includes the following disciplines:
- Russian language;
- literature;
- mathematics (history, social studies - for humanitarian specialties).
The exact list of subjects depends on the specialty and the requirements of the educational institution where the applicant plans to enter. When entering a theater or circus school, you will additionally need to pass an exam in physical education. You can get specialized education in the specialty "Animator" (organizer of festive and entertainment events) in special private schools and training centers. In addition to basic training, such organizations offer refresher courses for animators wishing to improve their professional level.
You can study the profession of an animator or improve your current qualifications in these organizations within 1.5-3 months. During this time, course students acquire skills in working with stage props, face painting, and technical equipment.
Training is carried out only on a paid basis.

Workplace and salary
Animators are visiting artists capable of working with a large audience in virtually any setting. Usually, the animator's mobile workplace is represented by a small portable stage (podium) equipped with lighting fixtures and a set of auxiliary equipment.
One of the significant disadvantages of this profession is considered to be unstable earnings. In most cases, periods of "downtime" in the work schedule of an animator occur at the very beginning of his creative career. Experienced animators, who have won the love and trust of the public, usually have a work schedule for several months in advance.
This profession provides for hourly wages. The more experienced the animator is, the more expensive his rate is. So, in Moscow, representatives of this profession earn from 1.5 to 7 thousand rubles per hour. In St. Petersburg, the average prices for an hourly work of an animator vary from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. The greatest income is received by animators who work without intermediaries and offer their services to the customer directly.
The payment system for specialists assigned to the staff of agencies and leisure centers looks somewhat different. In this case, the income of the animators is equal to their monthly salary, set by the management of the organization. Moscow event agencies pay full-time animators from 40 to 50 thousand rubles a month.
The highest earnings are earned by animators performing abroad. So, many large hotels in Turkey, UAE, China enter into working contracts with professional animators who speak a foreign language (English, Chinese).
The average salary of a specialist in this case can vary from 1.5 to 2 thousand US dollars per month.