Car electrician: duties and training

Auto electricians are people who love cars, are interested in them. Every year this profession is becoming more in demand, and the salaries of professionals are growing. Below we will consider the professional duties of such a specialist, institutions where you can get special skills, as well as career prospects.
The demand for the profession of an auto electrician is explained by the fact that every year there are more and more cars. Moreover, each device must be serviced. A car electrician can work at a service station, in a car repair shop and in private practice.
The main duties of a specialist in this profile are troubleshooting of auto electrical equipment, troubleshooting, as well as diagnostics and technical inspection for the purpose of prophylaxis.
Most of the shortcomings are identified by means of special equipment, and this greatly facilitates the workflow.

Job description
The professional standard of an auto electrician (occupation code: OKPDTR - 185118) includes the following requirements for work:
- diagnostics for breakdowns;
- repair work on electrical wiring;
- installation of car alarms;
- diagnostics by means of special equipment;
- repair of electronic control units;
- dismantling, installation of electrical equipment.
By the nature of his position, a car diagnostician must carry out any work that relates to electrical equipment, wiring, electronic circuits and vehicle control systems.
The duties of a diagnostician include the study and elimination of breakdowns using various equipment. It is he who is engaged in diagnostics, installation and dismantling of anti-theft systems, car lighting devices. A specialist must find and then fix wiring problems: short circuits, breaks. His duties include the repair of outdoor automotive lighting.
Besides, a specialist in this field must always be ready for unforeseen circumstances, take adequate measures to resolve the problems that have arisen as soon as possible. An experienced specialist with experience in the profile quickly understands a breakdown, just as quickly fixes it with the appropriate tools and parts. Other labor duties of this specialist are determined by the job documentation approved by the enterprise or organization. At the same time, his profile of activities does not matter much.

This kind of specialist has the following rights:
- obtaining a uniform with a replaceable set and the necessary protective equipment at the expense of the employer;
- familiarization with the documentation related to its activities;
- the requirement to maintain the conditions necessary for fruitful, efficient work;
- promote and propose measures to improve the efficiency of activities;
- receiving timely data required for work.
A responsibility
A professional in the course of his activities is responsible for:
- for the damage caused to the organization through his fault within the limits of the current Russian legislation, the collective agreement (but the employee's liability for disciplinary punishment according to the internal standards of documentation should not be stricter than it is stipulated by the framework of Russian laws);
- for non-fulfillment of obligations stipulated by the relevant documentation;
- for non-observance of safety regulations in order to prevent accidents, contamination of parts and mechanisms, and other risky situations;
- for violation of the law in the course of their activities.

Who is it suitable for?
This profession is suitable for those who know a lot about cars, all technical innovations. A specialist must have a number of personal characteristics:
- sociability, the ability to come to a common denominator with clients;
- the ability to correctly interpret technical diagrams, drawings;
- the ability to work in a not very uncomfortable position with various parts;
- a clear eye, the ability to memorize the basic nuances;
- good knowledge of physics, principles of electricity;
- accuracy, coherence of actions;
- diligence, diligence.
In addition, you need to love your job, constantly develop, learn new things. After all, automotive technology is constantly being updated, mechanisms are becoming more complex. If you do not develop, you can become unnecessary in your profession and lose your client base.

An interest in an auto electrician is good, but it is a must to study in this area. Specialization in autodiagnostics can be obtained in different educational institutions.
- Secondary vocational schools and vocational colleges teach many specialties. In such a place, it is possible to obtain the specialization of a master in the repair and maintenance of cars, in the maintenance of road transport, in the operation of transport equipment and automation. The positive aspects are the acquisition of a huge amount of knowledge, the disadvantages are the small number of hours devoted to practice. Therefore, in order to become a high-class specialist, it is necessary to constantly independently practice in the profession.
- You can learn to be a car diagnostician at specialized courses that are held in many large Russian cities. Graduates, based on the results of passing the exams, receive an official document. The term of study, as a rule, is up to 2 months.
- You can improve your qualifications through internships in workshops or enterprises. Some work as apprentices of an auto electrician, comprehending all the basics of the profession from scratch.
- For university education, applicants need to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in the following subjects: mathematics, Russian, physics or social studies.
- Pupils after the end of the 9th grade will be trained in secondary specialized educational institutions for 3 years. After the 11th grade, studying at universities for a bachelor's degree - 4 years, for a specialist - 5 years.
- There is a possibility of distance learning, but only in the theoretical part. This profession requires the acquisition of practical knowledge.

Place of work
Among the employers of automotive diagnosticians are:
- tuning studio;
- auto repair shops;
- service stations;
- service centers of the largest car manufacturers;
- companies with an impressive vehicle fleet: transport companies, public transport companies, service centers for trucks;
- the most promising employees provide home-based services.
In turn, modern service workshops should always have:
- mobile diagnostic equipment of modern class;
- special equipment for car repair, outside the service room;
- the most demanded auto parts to be replaced.

How much do they get?
Now there are not many highly qualified specialists in the labor market. Therefore, employers are ready to raise the salary of car diagnostics. The average salary for professionals of this level is about 50,000 rubles, and the diagnostician is ready to pay extra up to 75,000 rubles, especially in the periphery. In private showrooms, auto repair shops, diagnosticians earn more. A large number of vacancies are open to large cities, due to the huge flow of vehicles.
Career and prospects
An employee's career will go up if personal and professional qualities are well developed. An ordinary auto electrician can become the head of a workshop or a specialized salon. And starting your own business should always be a priority.
Of course, if this is a state-owned enterprise, additional education will be required. To move up the career ladder, sometimes you need to enlist good characteristics from clients, management. At the moment, doors are opening for high-class specialists everywhere. And the market for cars and electric vehicles has improved significantly. Therefore, smart heads, working hands are waiting everywhere. An auto electrician is a specialist of a fairly wide profile. Every year his professional skills are becoming more and more in demand.
To become an extra-class specialist, you need not so much theoretical knowledge as practical skills. They begin their careers as an assistant to a qualified automotive electrician.