Car mechanic: professional standard and job descriptions

Everyone at least once heard about the work of a car mechanic. However, you need to know exactly what the professional standard says about this position, what the standard job descriptions prescribe. A car mechanic must have certain personal qualities, knowledge and skills.
Who is that?
The work of a car mechanic implies, as the name suggests, the simplest types of manipulations with car parts. The simplest means those that can be done manually or using elementary techniques. This specialist is engaged not only in the repair of vehicles, but also in elementary technical diagnostics. Some people think that a car repair technician is the same as an auto mechanic. But this is a serious misconception.
Specific features of the work of an auto mechanic - the fact that he concentrates his efforts on the actual repair and maintenance of vehicles. He will also perform many other works and manipulations. The auto mechanic is subordinate to the auto mechanic. The fact is that the characteristic of the latter's work implies a deeper knowledge of modern automotive and repair equipment. Auto locksmiths are a little less versed in motors and other technically complex transport units.
However, they can paint the car, and if necessary - to do welding work.
Locksmith for car repair obeys the auto mechanic and carries out all his direct orders. The process of work of a car service usually involves the acceptance of arrived cars by an auto mechanic. He assesses the current situation and gives instructions on how and what to directly repair.
Locksmiths in large firms, like mechanics, have a narrow specialization.

Pros and cons of the profession
If the number of cars does not grow, then in any case it will not decrease. Therefore, the number of specialists working with them should not decrease significantly either. Given the growing prevalence of humanitarian professions, the demand for car mechanics and auto mechanics will only increase. Moreover, such professionals can work in almost any organization. Indeed, today not a single production, not a single trade or exhibition complex, and not only them, can do without a car.
The conclusion is obvious: in the foreseeable future unemployment will hardly threaten car repair locksmiths. For the same reason the income level will be quite high. What is important, car repair specialists have the opportunity to quickly "spin up", acquire a new circle of interesting acquaintances. A good master quickly becomes known to car owners in their city and even region. This can significantly reduce dependence on specific employers.
Some auto mechanics and car mechanics, gaining experience, open their own factoriesand these repair businesses are flourishing. However, this profession also has quite serious disadvantages. So, you will definitely have to have a decent physical shape. In addition, car repairs involve a lot of labor-intensive, painstaking work.
The respiratory organs will constantly suffer from fuel vapors, evaporating grease and other technical fluids, reagents. Noises and vibrations are also hardly beneficial to health. Some of the manipulations have to be carried out outdoors, sometimes in very bad weather conditions.
And all this should be supplemented with the increased responsibility of the repair services. Both the calmness of the car owners and their very life and health depend on their activities.

Car mechanic 1 category disassembles simple car assemblies. He needs to own:
- key methods of work of this kind;
- the principles of using locksmith and control and measuring tools (systems);
- basic information about metals and fuels and lubricants, about other technical fluids and means for washing machines.
Representatives of such a working profession as locksmith of the 2nd category for working with trucks, must disassemble the main trucks (except for highly specialized and equipped with diesel engines). Such specialists can confidently work with small-tonnage buses and motorcycles, with cars. They need to master:
- key data on the device of cars and motorcycles;
- rules for assembly and disassembly of simple parts;
- methods of working with car wiring;
- requirements for fastening various parts;
- methods of using pneumatic and electric tools;
- the main information about tolerances and fits, about qualities and roughness.

3rd category in the specialty of a car mechanic gives the right to work with diesel and complex vehicles, long buses, motor scooters. Such employees also have the right to fasten critical threaded connections and change degraded parts. They will be able to disassemble complex apparatus and electrical equipment. A car mechanic of the 3rd category is completely ready to carry out locksmith processing of parts at the level of 11-12 quality standards. Of course, you need to know the basic parameters of the roughness of the metal.
The 4th category of a car mechanic means approximately the following types of work:
- installation of camshafts;
- disassembly of power generators;
- repair and assembly of all types of motors;
- visual inspection and disassembly of hydraulic transformers;
- wheel alignment adjustment;
- manipulations with gearboxes, axles and brake pads.
Locksmith-auto mechanic of the 5th category knows how to adjust and test especially complex devices and assemblies on stands and on the chassis. He must change them during daily maintenance.This specialist installs devices and assemblies of automotive electrical equipment, turns them on. He also deals with complex and highly demanding locksmith processing. 5th digit means that the specialist will be able to find out the cause of damage or wear of the mating parts, find these defects and eliminate them.
It is worth mentioning the 6th category car mechanics. Such craftsmen can work on stands and on the chassis, assessing the state of the most complex components and devices. They repair units of any complexity, adjust and test them. Based on the results of the work, the necessary acceptance documentation is drawn up. The master needs to possess all the skills that allow you to completely restore worn parts and strengthen them.
In ETKS, the categories of electricians for the repair of electrical equipment are also registered. 2nd rank entitles you to disassemble and repair various simple electrical components. Specialists of this level work with tees, boxes and couplings. Auto locksmiths 3 digits work with ammeters, voltmeters and selenium rectifiers. They can already work with equipment of medium complexity and sling loads.

4 grade auto electrician repairman means readiness to work with electrical equipment in conditions of tight limited landing. This discharge gives the right to engage in grounding and grounding of electrical equipment. Usually such specialists can work in railway transport. They repair and adjust the operation of the main electrical equipment of diesel locomotives and electric locomotives. They also deal with various manipulations with:
- arresters;
- panels;
- electrical panels;
- pantographs;
- motor-ventilation devices;
- fire-fighting installations;
- wiring diagrams;
- pantographs;
- turbine generators.
Separately, it is worth talking about engine repairmen. 2nd rank gives the right to work with parts of motors at the level of 11-12 grades. Craftsmen split minor parts, pump oil channels, measure various components and assemblies. 3rd rank allows you to work with individual units of gas turbine engines, and piston engines of all types and brands can be disassembled and assembled.
Specialists of this level brand complex parts, mount simple secondary units on engines.

Job description
According to a typical job description, the duties of a car mechanic are primarily in:
- disassembly of simple components;
- chopping with a chisel;
- cutting and filing parts;
- washing parts;
- thread purging;
- applying lubricant to parts.
Also, a car mechanic makes cutting, insulation of various parts of the wiring, solders wires. He checks the functionality of various parts using the necessary tools. He also installs devices and apparatus according to a verified scheme, includes them in the network. The car repair mechanic is also engaged in:
- complex plumbing;
- balancing parts in statics and dynamics;
- diagnostics and adjustment of various units;
- checking the compliance of units with technological conditions;
- assessment of the correctness of the assembly, fixing the achieved operational parameters.
Appointment and dismissal of a car repair mechanic is carried out by orders of the organization's management. To occupy such a position, you need to receive full vocational education... The car mechanic personally prepares the workplace, assesses the availability of the required material part. He also personally prepares cars for repairs, launders and cleans them. His duty is to secure the car in such a way that it will eliminate the risk of accidents.
Determination of the maintainability of individual parts is carried out in close contact with the drivers. Based on the results of the work, the car mechanic gives a report on the result achieved, on the parts used.If he cannot eliminate the probable causes of an accident or accidents, he must immediately notify his management.
Also, the master undergoes medical examinations at least once a year. His indispensable duty is to comply with labor protection standards, sanitary rules, the use of personal protective equipment in due cases.

Personal qualities
The characteristic features of such a professional are:
- excellent memory;
- developed attention;
- the ability to quickly analyze the situation;
- sociability;
- fast switching of attention;
- physical and mental endurance;
- meticulousness, accuracy.
Knowledge and skills
The approved professional standard describes this knowledge and skills as follows:
- the use of manual, pneumatic and electrical tools;
- checking the performance of individual parts;
- assessment of tightness;
- quality control of fasteners;
- checking the pressure of various lines and tires;
- checking the completeness of vehicles;
- visual identification of external defects;
- possession of the principles of the device of all cars, the peculiarities of the work of their individual parts.

Education and career
To become a car mechanic, you need to go to colleges for the following specialties:
- "Ground transport and technological means";
- "Ground transport and technological complexes";
- "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles".
Similar training and advanced training is conducted by secondary technical and ordinary faculties of the Baltic University named after Kant, State University of Sakhalin, Saratov University named after Vavilov. If it is decided to choose colleges, it is advisable to focus on Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Naberezhno-Chelny, Izhevsk educational institutions... It is there that there is the best technical and production base. However, it is important to understand that a car mechanic becomes an experienced master only after 2-3 years of active practice. Therefore, it is advisable to look for vacancies even in the learning process.
Most often they start with an assistant car mechanic. This is how work experience is gained. The main position can be obtained in at least 2-3 months. It is not necessary to count on great career growth, there are only 2 main steps - assistant and master. But over time, wealth will grow.

The salary
The car mechanic, as already mentioned, receives relatively decent money. On average, the salary ranges from 20 to 80 thousand rubles. The largest income of such specialists in the European part of the country is in Moscow. Much, however, depends on the specific enterprise and on the level of qualifications. In the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, you can get even a little more than in the capital (not 50, but 55-56 thousand).
Here are some more numbers:
- Tula region - 43 thousand;
- Murmansk region - 42 thousand;
- Dagestan - 42 thousand;
- Karelia - 41.5 thousand;
- Kamchatka Territory - 46 thousand.