Who is a buyer and what does he do?

With the development of society, science and technology, more and more new professions appear on the labor market, the buyer is one of them. Today in our material we will talk about who a buyer is and what he does, as well as discuss the pros and cons of the profession.
Who is that?
Bayer Is a specialist who is engaged in the selection and purchase of goods depending on the demand in the market. Such a specialist can be involved in various spheres of human life, but most often he specializes in the fashion industry. A person holding the position of a buyer must be creative and entrepreneurial, he must be active and proactive.
Generally speaking, this the profession on the territory of the Russian Federation emerged relatively recently, in the 1990s. Accordingly, today it is not widely known, and therefore professional, qualified and experienced workers are in great demand among employers. In the course of exercising his professional functions, the buyer is obliged to attend various shows and exhibitionsto stay up-to-date with the latest trends. In addition, the specialist usually deals with foreign partners, so he must know foreign languages, as well as business negotiation skills.
Professional buyers can work with products of any price category: from budget to luxury class. However, more often than not, such specialists are engaged in the purchase of premium-class goods that are available only to a small number of buyers.
Bayer can work with a large company or work as a personal assistant.

Advantages and disadvantages
Despite the fact that the profession of a buyer may seem interesting and exciting (especially for fashion lovers), it is characterized by not only positive but also negative aspects. That is why you should not blindly chase trends - it is better to evaluate in advance all the pros and cons of such a professional activity, so that later you will not regret your choice.
First of all, let's list the pros.
- Creativity and creative focus. The position of a buyer is suitable for young people (both boys and girls) who are interested in and understand fashion. At the same time, in the course of performing your work functions, you will often have to apply your creativity and creative thinking.
- High level of demand. Due to the fact that the profession is quite new, it is difficult to find a truly qualified specialist. If you prove yourself as an active, proactive and competent employee, you will receive a large number of lucrative job offers.
- High level of wages... As mentioned above, the vast majority of buyers work with premium goods, which means they have wealthy customers. Thanks to this, a specialist can count on high material remuneration for his work, which will help maintain a qualitatively high standard of living.
- Self-development opportunity... In order to remain relevant to customers, the buyer must follow the latest and the latest trends, constantly improve his intellectual level and self-develop. Accordingly, working in this position, you not only earn your living, but also improve as a person.
- The ability to travel... In the course of fulfilling his professional duties, the buyer is constantly traveling. Thus, you have the opportunity to visit the most incredible places and see the world. At the same time, despite the many advantages, when studying the buyer's career path, you should become familiar with the existing disadvantages of the profession.
- Strict requirements. Not every young man interested in fashion can become a Bayer. Employers and customers put forward quite serious and strict requirements in relation to the taste, education, appearance and behavior of the buyer. Only if all the necessary traits are successfully combined in your character can you expect to receive the desired position.
- High level of responsibility... The buyer's job is associated with large financial risks. The thing is that, in carrying out his professional duties, a specialist can rely only on himself: on his knowledge, skills, skills and intuition. However, if the buyer makes the wrong decision, he can suffer serious losses, as well as tarnish his professional reputation.
- Lack of work schedule... If you are looking for a job with a clear and simple schedule (for example, from 9 to 5), then the profession of a buyer is not for you. The working day of a specialist is irregular. So, he has to attend shows and presentations in the evening, sacrifice holidays and weekends. This kind of schedule will not work for people with families and small children.
- The need for financial investment... As mentioned above, the buyer receives a high material reward for his work. However, most of the specialist's salary is spent on the purchase of branded items, spa treatments, the purchase of high-quality makeup products, visits to beauty salons, etc.
The thing is that the buyer's appearance is his calling card. Accordingly, the specialist must always look perfect.

In the course of performing their professional duties the buyer performs a wide range of tasks and performs a wide variety of functions... At the same time, depending on the specific project, employer or customer, the need to perform certain functions may disappear. However, the professional may be assigned some other tasks. One way or another, but the buyer must show professional flexibility and adapt to the wishes and requirements of the employer.
If we give a generalized list of the buyer's responsibilities, then it can be noted that it includes the following tasks:
- market research and segmentation;
- making forecasts of relative future demand;
- product assortment planning;
- communication with colleagues, partners, customers, manufacturers and dealers;
- purchase of goods;
- product quality assessment;
- search for new sources and manufacturers;
- price adjustments;
- making economic calculations, etc.
Thus, a buyer is a universal specialist who, on the one hand, must be a creative and creative person, and on the other, must have an analytical mindset and be able to think strategically.

As we have already managed to make sure, Buyer is a rather difficult profession. In order for a specialist to fully fulfill his duties, he must meet a number of requirements. Moreover, these requirements relate not only to professional skills, knowledge and skills, but also to the personal characteristics of a specialist.
Personal qualities
Bayer is a person who is different:
- creativity;
- creative thinking;
- courtesy;
- developed aesthetic taste;
- good memory;
- sociability;
- care;
- responsibility;
- courtesy;
- tolerance;
- tact, etc.
Thus, it is not enough to be a competent professional - you must also have a suitable character.

Professional skills
Despite the fact that the character of a specialist and his personality traits are important, they should still come to the fore professional knowledge and skills, namely:
- the ability to correctly analyze and segment the market;
- know in theory and be able to apply in practice various marketing strategies and techniques;
- understand the significance of various economic indicators;
- navigate the fashion and beauty industry;
- know the basics of materials science;
- be able to analyze the demand of buyers for certain goods and many others. dr.
The optimal combination of personal characteristics, as well as professional knowledge and skills will help you become an irreplaceable employee.
Today Russian higher educational institutions do not teach such a profession as a buyer... That is why most often those young people who strive to work in this field learn for designers... At the same time, it is recommended to study at the most prestigious universities in the country located in large cities or the capital. In addition, it is worth learning on your own. For advanced training and obtaining additional competencies it is recommended to attend various workshops, conferences and seminars. The knowledge gained at such educational events will help you in your future work.

Place of work
Buyers are mostly involved in trade, they work with branded clothing stores, as well as with individual clients. Thus, a professional can carry out his work activity as a hired worker or as an individual entrepreneur. In addition, buyers closely interact with buyers, logisticians and other related specialists.
In addition to buyers who specialize in fashion, there are also specialists such as media buyers, art buyers, stylist buyers, etc.
Prospects and career growth
It is quite difficult to become a buyer without work experience. Therefore, at first, young specialists it is recommended to get a job as an assistant with an experienced buyer. In this way, you will earn a living while acquiring the necessary skills and abilities. In addition, it is not uncommon for buyers start their work as a salesperson... By gradually moving up the career ladder (senior salesperson, fashion store administrator, etc.) and gaining the trust of your employer, you can apply for the position of a buyer.