All about banking professions

The bank is always associated with a special status and money. The structure of banking institutions is very ramified, each department has a variety of positions, which differ in responsibilities and remuneration.
Banking professions are quite diverse, but they are all associated with order, accuracy and accuracy. Working in a bank is very attractive, because the institution provides its employees with the opportunity to build good careers. Working in a bank is always highly paid and in demand. A job can be found even by a young specialist who has graduated from a university, who has not even a day of work experience. Banking professions are always prestigious, they have decent working conditions and good wages.
Despite all the pros, there are also downsides. A bank employee bears certain financial responsibility. Work is always associated with irregular working hours, because very often it is necessary to reduce the documentation after the closure of the department. In the initial stages, you have to work at a low salary.

Profession overview
Banker is one of the most prestigious professions in the banking sector. The banker is the owner of the bank's capital, who takes part in the activities of the bank. Also, bankers can be called managers who are directly involved in business.Their obligations depend on the position they hold, but all of them usually deal with issuing plastic cards, compiling data on the movement of funds on the account, analyzing the borrower's solvency, and monitoring the fulfillment of obligations between the bank and the client. Such a profession requires a specialist to be purposeful and resilient to stress, the ability to reason and express their opinion, and learn quickly.
The specialist must be sociable, able to delicately communicate and negotiate with people. A banker can work not only in a bank. These can be enterprises related to the management of financial flows. They always have such specialists on their staff. These are stock exchanges, credit and insurance organizations, and other financial companies. This profession is always highly paid, but there is also a high degree of risk associated with responsibility.
A specialist has no room for error, so all actions must be well thought out and agreed upon by law.

Operations Office Manager
A specialist in this profession organizes the sale of banking products, controls and maintains services for individuals and legal entities, attracts and accompanies clients during the operation. In addition to these responsibilities, the employee analyzes the results of the operations office and conducts business planning. An employee who has worked in this area for at least 3 years, including at least 1 year as a manager, can apply for the position of an operating office manager.
The candidate must have a higher education in banking or economics, where he studied banking products and services, as well as the regulatory framework of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is especially appreciated if the employee has experience in operational and cash services, if he has experience in working with individuals and legal entities.
The salary of an operating office manager is increased if he has at least 2 years of experience in this area, as well as in the case of additional education in the field of sales.

Branch manager-consultant
A bank branch consultant manager is an employee who provides methodological and advisory assistance to the bank on all monetary issues. He studies the stages of development of economic relations and the positions that need to be taken specifically by his enterprise. Develops ways and schemes of financial relations of the enterprise with other banks, counterparties and budget funds.
In the case of enterprise investments, he analyzes the capital structure, develops its economic diagnostics and possible bankruptcy, studies in detail the material condition of the enterprise. Provides for management reviews-information on the financial condition of the company, and is also responsible for the accuracy of this data.
Clearing Specialist
A clearing specialist is a bank employee who is responsible for non-cash settlements between enterprises, that is, he monitors the sale of securities and goods to each other, carried out through mutual offset.
For example, a seller and a buyer meet, they determine the subject of sale and its value, then a contract is concluded, an interchangeable operation takes place, thanks to which the seller sells, and the buyer gives money. Among the sales of securities, such meetings practically do not take place, therefore it is the clearing specialist who acts as a liaison. He fulfills and guarantees the fulfillment of all obligations.

Credit specialist
A specialist in this profession may also be called a loan officer or a loan officer. Despite the different names of the profession, an employee in a given industry performs the same duties. He must move the bank's policy in the field of credit funds, must know and be well-versed in lending products and offer borrowers the most suitable one. His duties include independent decision-making and responsibility for them. A very important feature is logical thinking and assessment of the client's reliability.
Easier to say a loan officer must be a good expert in all matters related to lending. He must inform the potential borrower about all loan options and help choose the best one. It is he who receives the application for a loan, calculates the amount of monthly repayments and checks the availability of the necessary documents. In addition, he assesses the risk of non-repayment of the loan, transfers the package of documents to the economic service of the bank, and also transfers the application to the credit committee.
A specialist in this profession must have good intuition and a psychologist's talent; during a conversation with a borrower, he must determine his intentions. To do this, very often employees are sent to special psychological courses. They are faced with the task of not only issuing a loan and arranging it accordingly, but also providing the bank with its return and a certain level of income.
Very often, such employees are divided into types of loans. Banks make very high demands on the level of their work, because for the client a lending specialist is the face of the bank.

- The main person to whom the client contacts in the bank is the teller. It is he who informs the individual about the services that the bank offers, helps to perform various transactions on accounts and plastic cards, open cards and deposits, and also make money transfers.
- The most essential profession in the field of financial management is the accountant, who plans and calculates the company's expenses as well as its income. If this is a chief accountant, then he acts as a controller over the accounting and expenditure of labor and financial flows of the bank, fully manages and monitors the work of the accounting department.
- A personal financial advisor works with the bank's clients. The importance of the profession lies in the fact that it helps individuals and legal clients who need advice to properly manage their financial resources. Develops a budget and proposes the best investment programs, prepares the necessary statistical reports.

Most banks welcome the availability of specialized education. It can be not only "Banking", but also "Economics", "Finance and Credit". A diploma of education in these areas can be obtained in many universities in Russia - for example, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, Lomonosov Moscow State University and many others. Training takes place both full-time and part-time. To enter universities, you need to take the Unified State Exam in subjects such as mathematics, social studies and Russian. In many other institutions, it is still necessary to pass an exam in history or English.
Upon graduation from the university, the student receives a full baggage of knowledge in the field of banking operations, accounting, money circulation and finance, economic analysis. The "Banking" program assumes an extensive study by students of the legal and organizational foundations of the work of credit companies, they are trained in the skills of reporting, application and description of methods and options for protecting banking data. Good knowledge of foreign languages is required for rapid career growth. To do this, you can study on your own or take certain courses. Only self-development and dedication will help you achieve high results.
The salary
According to the employment center, the minimum wage for a bank employee is RUB 16,800, the average salary is RUB 46,000, and the maximum salary is RUB 300,000. The average salary of a bank employee is much higher than the income level of the population of Russia. The salary of a bank employee depends not only on the level of the enterprise, but also on the position, competence and experience of the specialist. For example, Moscow has the highest wages and is considered the leader among bankers' income. The salary varies from 70,000 to 150,000 rubles.
If we take specifically by profession in the country as a whole, then the minimum wage in the amount of 24,000 rubles is observed for a specialist in issuing loans, and the highest - 84,000 rubles - for the head of the sales department of banking products.
Comparing the incomes of foreign and Russian bankers, it can be seen that compatriots receive several times less than their foreign counterparts. Despite this, bank employees occupy the leading place in terms of wages in Russia.