Barber: description of the profession, responsibilities and requirements

Many new professions are emerging today. These include the barbera. Moreover, specialists of this level are in great demand. They make good money, but they are not at all hairdressers in the literal sense of the word.
The material in this article will tell you about who a barber is, how he differs from a hairdresser, what skills he has and why it is not so easy to sign up for a specialist.
Who is that?
The profession got its name from the word "barba", which means "beard" in translation. The early specialists were called "barber", although they did not only deal with the clients' beards. Barber is considered an expert in men's style. He deals exclusively with men, creating a modern and stylish image for each of his clients.
He specializes in haircuts, shaving, beard and sideburns... The need for masters of this level is dictated by recent trends. These specialists are needed by brutal men who watch their image. They understand clients perfectly, know exactly how to make an image spectacular and original.

How is a barber different from a hairdresser?
Barber is not a hairdresser, this opinion is erroneous. The Barbershop is aimed at working with a male audience, here clients are provided with the most comfortable conditions for their stay. Master barbers are distinguished by their sense of style. They look after themselves, understand the trends of each season and work with pleasure.
Barber is academically savvy. This means that he understands all the classic and extraordinary haircuts.He knows how a man of a particular type should look, given his lifestyle, habits, tastes. He is a kind of artist who keeps up with fashion.
Barber studies the features of the structure of the face and skull, and therefore can choose the perfect image for any client.

This is not your typical barber who cuts a beard and mustache, nor is he your typical hairdresser that a woman or girl can become. Barber is called an all-round specialist who has a solid educational base... He is a creative person, he knows how to maintain a conversation, selects a style, is engaged in self-development (attends courses and is trained).
Barber can be called a real psychologist and inspiration. He sees the best image and can create it professionally. It not only gives shape to the strands, but also teaches the client how to take care of his hair, mustache and beard... In addition, it instills confidence in customers.

Pros and cons of the profession
This profession has many advantages. The place where the barber works resembles a men's club. Here you can get a lot of professional services, including not only haircuts, but also hair dyeing, shoulder and neck massage, eyebrow shaping, manicure and even pedicure. Barbershops sell hair, scalp and face care products.
Here you can chat, have a cup of tea or coffee.
At the same time, the salary of specialists is an order of magnitude higher than ordinary hairdressers.
The profession is considered prestigious, many men want to master it. The workplace of professionals is atmospheric, the master's arsenal contains high-quality professional tools.
Most of the clients of barbershops are wealthy clients. Here you can make useful and interesting acquaintances, learn a lot of new things about the business area. Well-established contacts are decisive today, they are always needed.
Other advantages of the profession include the following:
- customer confidence;
- constant practice;
- training from the best, high-class stylists;
- low competition and intense customer flow;
- the opportunity to start your own business;
- lack of binding to one place;
- independent planning of working hours;
- the possibility of self-development in the chosen direction;
- job security, financial well-being;
- a constant circle of customers, an increase in their number.

Along with the merits, the barber profession has several drawbacks. Not everyone understands the creative look of the master. Sometimes a specialist is faced with a lack of understanding on the part of society. Some people consider the profession unworthy of a man. Others do not understand the difference between a regular hairdresser and a barber, and therefore consider the payment for a visit too high.
It is also bad that the salaries of beginners and experienced specialists are very different. Those who are just starting their careers receive far fewer professional peers. At the same time, not every man can become a barber. Here you need qualities such as creative vision, a sense of taste and style, which not everyone has..
The negative characteristics of the work include the fact that the foreman spends most of his working time standing. This increases the load on the spine, leading to increased body fatigue.
If a man has medical contraindications, it is undesirable to engage in such work.
Among other disadvantages, it is worth noting that occasionally a specialist comes across inadequate clients, but today it is everywhere.

Requirements and job responsibilities
Barber is a special specialist. He must have certain skills.
A master of this level is constantly being improved by performing the following actions:
- selects a style for any, even the most demanding client;
- cuts hair, models a mustache and beard, shaves;
- perfectly lays the strands, paints them;
- selects care products for the client;
- maintains a conversation;
- owns the art of stylistics.
A real barber knows all the ways to remove hair to zero. His cutting transitions are impeccable, regardless of whether the master works with scissors or a trimmer.
In addition, a true specialist should be proficient in two types of shaving: wet and royal.
Both techniques are performed using a straight razor. The first technique is considered simplified. The second requires preliminary preparation, which consists in steaming the skin with a hot towel, cleansing peeling.

Then the client is shaved to a polished effect, after which they are engaged in cooling and soothing the skin.
The barber's job responsibilities include:
- hair cutting combined with professional styling;
- shaving with a razor to zero or camouflaging gray hair;
- a set of procedures against hair loss;
- design of a beard and mustache, treatment of the skin of the face and head with cosmetics;
- responsible approach to each client of the barbershop.
In other words, this specialist must be able to see the style of any man and bring it to life. These qualities are especially important, and therefore today teenagers and even schoolchildren have begun to turn to barbers. Each of them leaves the salon with a trendy haircut that is different from what is done in regular hairdressing salons.
Recently, creative women of fashion began to turn to barbers. High-level specialists can see the ideal image of a woman like no other, which is proved by examples of brutal photos from social networks. These are extraordinary haircuts with shaved temples and drawings, an unusual way of painting on different lengths.

The master barber knows how to surprise the client. He owns scissors and a razor perfectly, between cutting the strands masterfully twists the tools in his hands, does not cut anything superfluous. Such a person is passionate about his work, he must be punctual and sociable, benevolent and polite, stress-resistant, neat and tidy.
Besides, its important qualities should be competent speech and the ability to win over the client... During one visit, a man can be completely transformed. Barber should be able to make his image status, brutal, suitable for his inner state.
He must be able to give the hair the desired impeccable look, beard, mustache and facial skin - such a specialist needs to know a lot about the aesthetic appeal.

Barber is a specialist with a special education. Such a profession is obtained through the passage of appropriate training. At the same time, specialized education can be obtained not only abroad, but also in our country. You can unlearn in special academies, which today are at barbershops. Barbering is taught by the best professionals in their field. At the same time, during the course, they conduct not only lectures, but also practicing in practice. It takes about 3 months to study, at the end of the course the student receives a barber certificate... During his studies, the future specialist studies the nuances of choosing a haircut, taking into account the shape of the head and the type of hair.
In addition, he gains knowledge on the technology of creating various men's haircuts. He is taught the nuances of professional hair styling, the creation of parting, prints, correction, as well as beard camouflage, introduced to styling. The course includes the study of current lines of men's cosmetics, future stylists are taught how to communicate with clients and the basics of psychology.
As for the most profitable place of study, a large academy would be the best option.
In such a place, the best student is tried to provide a suitable place for employment. However, courses alone will not be enough. A young barber will have to constantly train on his acquaintances, serving them free of charge at first.

It is important to understand that the choice of the place of study is of particular importance, since each institution has its own characteristics. For example, there are schools of stylists that have a well-defined structure. Wherein depending on the type of courses, their cost can vary from 50,000 to 100,000 thousand and more.
Some courses are designed for those who already know the basics of hairdressing. They can last only a few days, during which they study the philosophy of barbering. The lectures consider the rules for handling instruments, the nuances of smooth transitions, their correct and flawless execution. The advantage of such courses is the employability of the best students.
Other courses provide individual lessons with everyone, which helps to improve the quality of the future specialist's work. Often, such courses allow for self-selection of the time of attendance. If a student does not have time, face-to-face classes may be temporarily suspended. Some barbers receive knowledge from self-taught people with a name and colossal experience.

You can learn not only from specialists and courses. Besides, today you can and should watch the lessons of barbering professionals... This will allow you to notice a change in trends, understand mistakes, and disassemble the nuances of drawing up an ideal brutal style. As you learn, you need to move from acquaintances and relatives to models.
It is not difficult to find them: for this you can contact social networks or special groups. The first models are getting an image at low prices. However, with a lot of practice, experience will come, along the way it will be possible to form a portfolio and accumulate a client base. Do not stand still: the barber is constantly improving, he does not become a conservative.
It is necessary to create different images, uniformity is unacceptable. To develop your own skills, you can experiment with images.
To broaden your horizons and understand trends, you can turn to the ideas of famous colleagues, choosing the best option for a particular client, taking into account the characteristics of his face and the shape of his skull.

The salary
The level of a specialist's salary depends on various factors, among which experience, fame, reputation, and place are of particular importance. Regarding the latter, it is worth noting: the larger the city, the more chances of earning a lot. However, recommendations cannot be avoided here, which means that connections are needed. The average salary of a young specialist is approximately 50,000 rubles per month... However, this is not the limit: very quickly this amount increases to 70,000-90000 rubles. Professionals in their field receive about 200,000 rubles... Moreover, each client pays differently, which depends on the amount of work.
As a rule, barbershop masters work at an interest rate. Usually they receive about 30-40% of the cost of the service provided. In addition, they earn money by selling quality skincare products. From it, they receive up to 20% of the price of each product sold. The salary of a specialist is prescribed in the price list, its level depends on the region. In a large city (for example, Moscow), a haircut costs about 1600-2000 rubles. This work takes about an hour, along with preparation and cleaning. Thus, when loading 8-10 clients, the master brings income to the salon from 12,800 to 20,000 rubles per day. He will also get about 6,000 rubles. In a month, he will receive more than 130,000 rubles.

The profit from the sale of cosmetics depends on the skill of the master to correctly use the products and sell. On average, the percentage of the master per month is 18,000-20,000 rubles... It is worth noting the fact that barbers receive bonuses and tips. This amount depends on the experience of the master, his skills, sociability. Thus, professionals in metropolitan areas can earn quite decent amounts. In the regions, wages will be reduced by about 40%. Over time, you can expand your business, hire creative specialists.
With some experience, you can start training young barbers. The courses will increase the level of salaries. For example, a couple of classes with one student can increase a specialist's income by 10-12 thousand rubles.As for the prices for services separately, on average, the design of a beard and mustache costs from 400 rubles or more. "Royal shave" is more expensive (1200 rubles), shaving with a dangerous blade - 800-900 rubles. Hair styling and washing costs about 800-900 rubles for the client. The edging costs more than 500 rubles. If the barber is engaged in eyebrow shaping, the client pays about 700-900 rubles for this service.

How to start from scratch?
You can become a barber by going different ways. The longest is considered to be college, after which you will have to attend various barbering courses. You can immediately go to the Barber from scratch courses. However, one course will not be enough, and even without practice it will not be possible to reach the proper level of work. You will have to constantly practice on your friends and acquaintances. Along with training and practice, you need to follow new trends... It is necessary to learn to create stylish images, to train the ability to emphasize the best features of each client. Allow students to study independently as they learn in different ways. Somewhere this is possible already on the third day of training.
If the student is especially diligent, after a couple of weeks he can become a worthy competitor to barbering professionals.
However, such training will require large financial investments. But these expenses quickly pay off, because most modern men prefer to turn to barbers, and not to hairdressing salons.

You can start the journey by contacting a professional specialist. This will allow you to understand the level of his skill. Over time, it will be possible to open your own business, but for now it is worth taking a closer look at the specialist's workplace, the design of the salon, demeanor, and the situation in general.
It is important to create an image for yourself, because clients will pay attention to the barber in the first place.
If there are no barbershops in the city, you can start practicing at a hairdresser. Today in such institutions there is an opportunity not only to find employment, but also to rent a workplace. As a rule, even novice barbers very quickly acquire their own circle of clients. You can work at home by equipping one of the rooms with a cozy mini-salon. Over time, you can save money and rent a room in a good location.

It is important to immediately purchase professional tools, the quality of the work performed, the impeccability of the cut, as well as your own convenience during work depends on this.
You will need a clipper with attachments, a quality trimmer, scissors, combs, a shaver, a spray bottle, collars and much more. It is necessary to purchase quality products from well-known brands. It is important to create a cozy and inviting atmosphere in the room. If you can't work from home, you can start with a beauty salon, targeting a male audience. Over time, you can create a personal brand, for which you need to have an author's style, learn to build trusting relationships with the clientele.

In the next video, you will learn by what criteria you can identify a good barber.