An overview of the professions of the future

The main mistake of parents who try to "try on" a profession for a schoolchild is to orientate themselves on what is happening on the profession market now. And sometimes yesterday. An excessive flow of applicants to economists and lawyers 15 years ago led to the fact that a huge percentage of young people with these degrees ended up working in completely different fields. That is why the thinking algorithm of a modern parent should be different: the priority is the profession, for which the future belongs.
Top new professions
The Oxford Martin School presented a study that claims that up to 45% of jobs in developed countries will be replaced by machine-based devices in the next two decades. And the first automation will affect (and has already affected) those professions where routine work is expected. Librarians and statisticians will disappear, credit managers and travel agents will be replaced by machines, and even dispatchers, pharmacists and translators are predicted disappointing reductions.
In the list of irrelevant professions, according to experts' forecasts, there is a risk of being a system administrator, operator of public services, realtor, notary, etc. But creative professions remain in the category of necessary ones. Cultural, film and show creatives and organizers will be needed. There are also a number of professions that today are beacons for senior schoolchildren, and not in vain.

Internet marketer
There is evidence that, on average, a modern person spends on the Internet 6 hours 42 minutes a day. And the Russians are even more - 7 hours 17 minutes a day. It is obvious that such an area, which is rapidly developing, which has captured different aspects of human life, requires a large professional resource. And in the ranking of the demanded professions, this is how the Internet marketer turns out. In short, this person is involved in customer acquisition. For example, the production of branded clothing was opened. It is simply physically difficult for a store owner to do everything, including attracting an online clientele, so he hires a specialist who will be responsible for this area of action.
An internet marketer does the following:
- thinks over a brand promotion strategy;
- develops a sales funnel;
- connects advertising tools;
- controls and optimizes traffic;
- conducts analytics, etc.
If the brand is large and has a huge following on social media, the marketer will put together a team. It will include SMS, targeting specialists, copywriters, directors and other specialists. The last specialties do not require a "crust" with proof of the required education, because at the moment they do not teach SMS and targetologists in universities. But training on Internet courses is welcomed, because these are real professions, and a person from scratch will not be able to effectively engage in them. In a word, an Internet marketer is a profession with a wide scope of functionality, which requires a specialist to have both financial competence and confident knowledge of marketing, and often knowledge of languages. This is a good start for a business career, a great opportunity to learn how to play as a team, although most of the actions will have to be performed remotely.

Internet Advertising Specialist
This is a narrower specialty, although it overlaps with the profession of internet marketer. A specialist in contextual advertising (this is how this profession sounds more often) is able to effectively, competently organize an advertising campaign to promote a product or service, acquainting a large audience with the brand.
What does a contextual advertising specialist do:
- develops an advertising campaign strategy;
- creates advertising;
- sets up ads, places them;
- monitors the campaign, evaluates its effectiveness, makes adjustments;
- complements and improves the existing ad unit.
To understand that this profession is right for you, you need to look at the portrait of the average PPC specialist. He must have an analytical mindset, be patient (do not give up when working with a routine), not be afraid of experiments and have a high level of written and spoken language.

Web developer
This profession is confidently in trends, because this specialist creates new sites and services, and also deals with the support and maintenance of existing ones. He must study the customer's task, help find the optimal solution, make code for the front-end and back-end (representatives of related professions), test it and fix errors. And then evaluate the results. Examples of tasks for a web developer:
- develop a responsive landing page for the product;
- integrate the payment system;
- create an interface for user registration.
And in more detail, you can consider the essence of a web developer's work on a practical example, when, for example, the task is to launch an online store.
- The developer receives the task, he also estimates the deadline. If they suit his colleagues and bosses, they are recorded in the task tracker.
- The new online service is not just a task, but a large-scale project that must be broken down into parts (they call it decomposition).
- Perhaps, work will begin with cooperation with a designer, the layout and details of the solution will be studied. For this, the developer's tool will be graphic editors.
- The next step is to write the code. This is usually done in a dedicated text editor, although not required.
- The code you write needs to be tested.Check how its functionality will behave if the user has made an atypical action. Manual testing does not negate automated testing; for the latter, tests are also written by a web developer.
These 5 steps are the essence of the work of this specialist, although, of course, in a short description you can only go to the top.

The programmer is engaged in the creation of computer programs. He also develops websites and applications. Can a programmer be called a web developer, and vice versa? In principle, you can. It's just that once upon a time all the people who write code and maintain computers were called programmers. The digital industry is developing, and therefore such general names are divided into many highly specialized ones. The programmer works in different operating systems, uses different programming languages, and there are more than a dozen of them. The most popular in Russia and the countries of the former USSR can be considered an applied programmer. To understand what he does, you can compare him with the system. Systemic develops operating systems, applied - creates sites, applications, games, software.
A software technician, for example, provides mechanized and automated processing of information that goes to an information and computing center. A software engineer can be engaged in the automation and mechanization of the production process, etc. And there is a separate category of specialists who are called marketing programmers. He is a professional who has mastered the science of marketing and has a wide knowledge of programming. It turns out that he owns two professions, which means that the list of his competencies is much higher than that of potential competitors.
Important! Researchers of different levels and countries often write that the future belongs to specialists who have mastered the two professions to the same extent, were able to combine them, and therefore their uniqueness increases, and hence their demand.

Separately, it is worth saying a little to the professions that have already been mentioned above, as well as supplementing the list. The list of in-demand new professions will include:
- Smsmaker. This is the specialist who develops the customer's account. He works on social media. But social networks have long ceased to be an additional point of sale, and are increasingly acting as the main trading field, therefore, an ambitious brand cannot exist without an SMM specialist. In other words, this is a social media marketing person. He unobtrusively directs the customer's subscribers to perform the targeted action that is relevant to him. This can be going to a website, buying a product, voting for a candidate, filling out a questionnaire, watching a video and leaving a reaction, etc.
- Copywriter. At the moment, the term is a generalized name for specialists in different fields. One thing unites them for sure - this person writes texts for money. These can be long articles (longreads) or product descriptions, advertising slogans and texts for social networks. It is understood that the specialist owns the word, which helps the customer to sell his product, service, attract guests to the site, etc.
- Data Scientist. This is an analyst expert and one of the most attractive and well-paid emerging careers out there today. A beginner in Russia can count on 60,000 rubles a month, and a super pro - 220,000 rubles. If a young specialist does not want to limit himself geographically, he knows languages and is competent in his field, he can find a job in other countries of the world. A specialist works with company data, studies it, looks for dependencies, draws conclusions, visualizes, etc. He uses mathematical algorithms, special software and development tools. It can work with text, sound, video, documents, etc.
- Targetologist. If a person recently searched the Internet for photos of girls with fashionable handbags for the spring, the next day he will see an advertisement for bags on his social networks. Setting up targeted advertising is the responsibility of the targeting specialist. Moreover, not only in social networks, but also in search engines. It identifies the target audience and adjusts the ad so that it reaches the right customers.
- Video editor. Some high school students start earning money by editing videos while still in school. And considering how much video content is being produced now, it becomes clear that more and more customers need editors. In universities, this is practically not taught, but certain knowledge can be obtained on Internet courses. True, it's not bad if the specialist has a related higher education: in the field of computer technology or even art (you need to have an idea of harmony, aesthetics, etc.).
All these professions are not yet at risk - the necessary personal involvement, the look of a creative person or a special kind of analyst are not yet subject to machines. Yes, and a huge number of today's schoolchildren are close and interesting to the niche in which the listed specialists will be involved. That is, the rating of safe and in-demand professions will include an Internet marketer, a contextual advertising specialist, a targetologist, a web developer, etc.

Options for girls
The beauty industry has also expanded significantly in the past decade. Now the word "hairdresser" is used less often, because in many salons, experts divide not those who cut, and those who are engaged in complex coloring. The profession of a hairstyle master has always attracted girls: it is accessible, no higher education is required, good career prospects. And for women, this is really a good option: finding a suitable college, supplementing education with courses is not so difficult, and not so expensive. But it is harder to gain a foothold and grow in the profession, therefore it should be precisely a vocation.
What other professions should girls pay attention to:
- photo retoucher - Passion for photo editors can be turned into earnings;
- nail stylists - so called those who are engaged in nail design;
- illustrators - the profession is also suitable for guys, but too many girls were able to loudly declare themselves in this profession and form a recognizable personal brand;
- architects - if you poke a little, this specialty looks archaic against the background of the previous ones, but it is really in demand and promising, because cities are being rebuilt, and many new objects are being created in them;
- testers - it's not just guys who work in the IT sphere.
In this list, diverse professions are specially selected, because it is impossible (and not necessary) to orient applicants to only one area. While medicine cannot exist without doctors, this profession will also be considered in demand, and this is a fair statement. But pedagogy, which is losing popularity, is not a reason to abandon plans to connect her life with the education and upbringing of children, if the high school student really has a penchant for this. If the throwing concerns about the financial issue, one should remember about talented tutors, about very popular speech therapists, about teachers, to whom there are queues in child development centers, etc.

Who do the guys study for?
Most of the above professions are suitable for men as well. But the list can be expanded.
- Roboticist. The specialist develops robots and maintains them. Of course, girls can also work in robotics, but more children traditionally come to classes even at school. To become this specialist, you need to graduate from a university with a degree in Robotics and Mechatronics.
- Biotechnologist. He studies living organisms and directs this knowledge to solving engineering problems. A simple example: by researching vision, a person can optimize and upgrade existing tracking systems.
- Urbanist. Interest in this profession appeared not so long ago, because it itself is quite new. It can be called a butt one, since the specialist has knowledge in construction, architecture, sociology and even psychology.
- Virtual space designer. This work can also be attributed to the IT-sphere.
- Cybersecurity Specialist. Its main task is to protect information from leakage.
Perhaps you need to pay attention to innovation areas, to what is being actively accelerated right now, and to what is called the professions of the future.

What specialties will appear in the future?
It makes sense to start by listing general trends. Analysts say that information technology will not only evolve, but also require greater competencies from employees. This means that those who once retrained, graduated from express courses or simply do not develop in the profession, work with old tools, will be stepped on their heels by educated specialists ready to adapt to learning new programs, languages, new information. And this will happen in the near future.
What other areas will develop and grow:
- robotics;
- construction and reconstruction;
- ecology;
- biotechnology;
- medicine.
The latter, perhaps, will somewhat change its focus, because new personnel, ready to work according to new standards, in new conditions and technical support will be, as they say, worth their weight in gold.

It is worth paying attention to interesting professions of the not very distant future.
- City farmer. A smart specialty, because a person with this profession will have to develop farming on rooftops and buildings in large cities. And this requires a fundamentally different agricultural technique, at least.
- Roboethics developer. It sounds like a non-existent profession, but there is no doubt that it will appear (and the process has already begun). Another name is Roboethics Lawyer. It will be such an intermediary between a person and a robot, which will not allow the latter to harm a person. Sounds like a kind of "superhero", but this is reality.
- Space guide. It is predicted that in 2030 space tourism will cease to be an absolute rarity, and wealthy people will be able to afford to "take a trip into space on vacation."
- Ecosystem reconstruction specialist. The planet's resources are being depleted every day, and within 10 years the urgency of the problem will require the emergence of specialists to help solve it. We are talking about non-renewable oil reserves, as well as dying plants and animals. By collecting genetic material, specialists will be able to restore some of their species.
- Body designer. This is a bioengineering specialist. And now we can dream that we will live to see the time when the injured organ can be replaced (this is partly the case today), but the scale will become different. Body designers will turn the desires of clients into mock-ups, and surgeons will be able to focus on these mock-ups.
- Engineer-developer of constant power devices. The transition to sustainable energy is on the list of the most promising challenges for humanity. A person will learn to use the energy of the sun and wind more efficiently, one might say that it will become the only source of nutrition. That is why the likelihood of a high demand for such specialists is estimated as very high.
- Personal data curator. Many people know what neural interfaces are. In simple terms, they connect the human brain to the computer. A person will be able to record their own memories, thoughts and even plans and share them on social networks. So the curator of personal data will combine this information into a common stream, adapt it to the presentation and present it properly.
It is also very important to say that it is no longer necessary to count on the dominance of academic education, received once in a lifetime and forever. Actually, this situation still exists.People began to study more often, in addition to universities, take various courses, which can be more effective than 5 years at the institute in terms of saturation with information, knowledge and skills. But in order to build a career, you will need to study constantly, because information in this world becomes obsolete very quickly. It is precisely on flexibility in getting an education, on understanding the importance of self-education, on openness to new things and it is necessary to orient the children who are choosing a profession today.