Professions of the future in Russia

The world does not stand still, and with the development of various industries, medicine, commerce and other areas of activity, there are also many new interesting professions, among which everyone can choose the right one for themselves and become a real professional in it.
But in order to get a complete picture of the vacancies of the future and choose a suitable direction for yourself, you need to study in more detail all possible areas of activity, as well as important nuances characteristic of a particular profession, job responsibilities and requirements for applicants.

Specialties in the field of medicine
Medical technologies are also moving forward, which is reflected in the emergence of new specialties in the field of health care. Consider the particularly important and relevant medical professions of the future in Russia.
- IT doctors - the name of this profession looks like something newfangled, causing involuntary associations with computer technology. The essence of the work of such a specialist is to create and maintain software for equipment designed for diagnostics and subsequent treatment of patients. Special requirements are imposed on candidates for this vacancy, including professional knowledge not only in the field of medicine, but also in the field of IT technologies.
- Genetic counselor - this specialty will allow conducting research on human health at the level of genetics, which will help to eliminate the risk of certain diseases or to engage in the prevention of those to which the patient has a predisposition.With the help of diagnostics, this specialist will help to identify not only genetically inherited diseases, but diseases provoked by various infections and viruses, as well as determine the characteristics of the body's metabolism and diagnose tumor markers.
- Bioethics - a very important and necessary specialty, without which not a single issue in the field of transplantation, as well as bioengineering and genetic modeling, can be resolved in the near future. This specialist is responsible for the study, as well as compliance with the regulatory and legal boundaries determined by the official documents of a particular medical institution.
- Molecular Nutritionist - quite an interesting specialty, based on a special approach to nutrition and weight control. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the specialist selects nutritional schemes individually for each patient, based not only on his state of health and test indicators, but also on the molecular composition of food. At the same time, an analysis of genetic predispositions, metabolism and the identification of the most suitable components for digestion and assimilation is carried out.
- IT geneticist - this specialty can bring something completely new to the field of medicine, giving many people the opportunity to avoid difficult-to-treat diseases inherited by genetic means. The specialist carries out the programming of the genome, due to which changes occur in the genetic apparatus and the body begins a more active fight against diseases.
There are also many other professions of the future in the medical field. For example, an operator of medical robots, a clinical bioinformatist, a tissue engineer, a specialist in the development of implants and cyber-prosthetics, a specialist in the field of ensuring healthy aging of a person, as well as many professions aimed at regulating and improving the work of medical institutions.

Construction and transport professions
In the field of construction and transport, there are also a lot of different promising professions of the future, suitable for both men and women, since many of them do not imply any physical labor, but only require knowledge and experience.
Consider the top of the most popular specialties.
- Architect of energetically autonomous houses - a specialist engaged in the design of residential premises, which are also called "energy-zero", since they not only consume energy, but are also able to generate it themselves. The systems of such houses are capable of producing heat, cold and electricity, and the task of a specialist is to competently design a home for a comfortable stay, taking into account all the features. With a competent project, the house will consume exactly as much as it produced itself.
- Accessible Environment Designer - a very important profession of the future, ensuring the equal, and most importantly, safe use of the urban environment by different categories of people. The main task of a specialist is that he must make the infrastructure of the city as comfortable as possible for people of different ages, as well as for those whose capabilities are limited for one reason or another. This is especially true for public places, pedestrian crossings, areas near residential buildings, city parks and embankments.
- Foreman-watcher - this specialist is responsible for the production process of the construction project, which, in general, is not such a new activity. A distinctive feature of this profession of the future is that the foreman-watcher, in adjusting the construction process, uses electronic circuits and digital projects, in the creation of which pattern recognition systems are involved, which make it easy to find the problem in the design and how to fix it.In addition, the analytical system allows you to determine at what stage the construction is, as well as the stage at which this or that mistake was made.
- Special responsibility and a serious approach requires the profession of a composite designer for vehicles, because all structures developed by this specialist must be especially reliable and strong. We are talking about the design of bridges, highways, highways and the development of their structures - the frame part, sheathing and additional parts.
- Russia is known for its extensive rail network, therefore the profession of a designer of high-speed railways especially relevant for our country, since such specialists will help to ensure much faster and more mobile movement around the country using land transport. The duties of this specialist include the design of high-speed routes, interchanges and stations in the railway system.
- Smart Road Builder - a progressive profession of the future, the development of which is forecasted for the next 20 years. The duties of this specialist include the design of road structures, the selection of a coating that will adapt to the characteristics of the load and the environment.
The smart road builder is also responsible for the production and installation of control sensors that track the condition of the road, as well as road signs equipped with an identification system that operates on radio frequency waves.

Other options
Other industries also tend to develop, which inevitably entails the emergence of new professions with great prospects for development in the future. It is very important to note that this or that profession can be available for both girls and young people, and thanks to technological progress it will be popular and in demand even after 10 years, and often much longer.
It is also worth considering that each area has its own promising specialties that require certain knowledge and skills, so you need to assess your strengths and level of education before looking for a suitable profession.
IT technologies
The IT sphere is very popular and is available for study both independently and within the framework of educational programs. It is not surprising that every year there are more and more promising modern professions in this area, as well as those wishing to take a vacant position. Among the popular professions of the future in the field of IT technologies, some can be noted.
- Network lawyer - the specialist must monitor the regulatory and legal legislation within the Internet, as well as the protection of a person and his virtual property.
- AI Translation Customizer - translations using artificial intelligence are already available to users, but their quality leaves much to be desired. That is why competent customizers of such systems are especially in demand.
- Since virtual worlds in modern times are presented not only in the gaming space, but are also actively used to create websites, presentations and commercials, the demand for virtual design professionals.

Economics and finance
Innovations in the economic sector are especially important, since technology does not stand still and needs competent specialists who can monitor and regulate their work. Among the professions of the future available in Russia, there are also many specialties in the field of economics and finance.
- Financial engineer - in addition to the usual work with finance, the specialist's job responsibilities also include the development of programs for working with finance on various devices.
- Trend watcher - a specialist in analytics. Its tasks include identifying all sorts of risks that may be associated with the further development of a company or enterprise.The wide development of this profession is forecasted for the next 5 years.
- Personal Financial Development Manager - a specialist whose job responsibilities include drawing up an individual investment program, taking care of the client's financial condition, as well as planning large purchases.

The sphere of pedagogy and self-education is also undergoing colossal changes now, and in the near future, cardinal changes are foreseen altogether. Including experts predict the emergence and development of quite interesting professions.
- Educational trajectory developer - a specialist who is relevant even in our time, whose job responsibilities are to create individual plans, both general and individual, to create virtual routes for self-education, to develop strategies and tactics for in-depth study of certain disciplines.
- Interdisciplinary tutor - in fact, he is a personal curator for students. The specialist's tasks include tracking the trajectory of learning and mastering the material, as well as drawing up an individual plan for various subjects.

Nature management
Environmental management and ecology is a particularly important industry that requires the emergence of competent specialists. For example, such as an engineer-developer of "green" technologies The specialist develops safe systems and environmentally friendly materials that are used in construction and other industrial areas. Also, attention should be paid to the profession of an environmental analyst in the extractive industries.
This specialist studies not only mining technologies, but also their detrimental effect on the environment. Therefore, it is easier to take destructive processes under control and provide nature with the necessary protection.
In the next few years, the professions in the fields of climate risk insurance, the creation of environmentally friendly clothing, and the agricultural production of safe products will also gain popularity.