What is the difference between a car mechanic and a car mechanic?

Today it is difficult to find a family that does not have a car, some may even have more than one. They need to be monitored and repaired in time, carried out maintenance or faults within a certain period of time, even if the car is new. And if it has already been in operation, then you will have to go to a service station to check its condition. And it is there that the owner of the "iron horse" will have to meet with a car mechanic and an auto mechanic. “How are they different from each other?” You ask. Let's figure it out.
How are responsibilities different?
A car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. But sometimes it fails its owner and breaks down, to put it simply, breaks down. And then the road leads us to the car service. In this case the first specialist who will inspect the vehicle for troubleshooting is an auto mechanic... But usually he does not work alone and calls a car mechanic for help. It would seem that they both work in the same field, and their profile is the same - car repair. But there is still a difference.
An auto mechanic is a specialist who manages the repair process, and a car mechanic directly follows the instructions of the head. In short, the first is the brain of the process, and the second is the hands. Based on this definition, the responsibilities of these specialists are distributed.

Auto mechanic needs to know the device of cars, its functions include a thorough knowledge of the principles of the engine and other complex components of the car. He is obliged:
- carefully inspect a car that has arrived for repair;
- accept an application for work;
- diagnose;
- be able to carry out a complete engine repair;
- carry out repairs and adjustments of units and mechanisms of the vehicle;
- keep documentation and draw up warranty obligations;
- control the process of carrying out work by a mechanic.
The locksmith for auto repair has a completely different focus. He can either be a jack of all trades in a small service, or have a narrow specialization in a large repair shop. The duties of a car mechanic include:
- the ability to use special equipment and diagnose the condition of a car;
- maintenance and repair;
- inspection of the car and identification of breakdowns;
- understand the types of lubricant and apply it correctly;
- know all types of fuels suitable for cars.
There is one more difference between these specialties - this is education.... You can become a car mechanic after receiving a secondary specialized education, that is, to enter a vocational school after leaving school and complete a course of study in nine months. To become a mechanic, you need to enter and graduate from a college (technical school) of the corresponding direction.
And finally, the most important difference is a higher share of the responsibility of an auto mechanic, because the health and life of the client will depend on how the repairs are carried out and control over them. He entrusted the car to a specialist, hoping that everything will be done at the highest level.

Differences in requirements
These specialties have a number of similar requirements, since representatives of these professions work shoulder to shoulder. General wishes include:
- observation;
- resourcefulness;
- the ability to make the right decisions in difficult situations;
- good health, since you have to work a lot and not always in comfortable conditions;
- accuracy, responsibility and diligence.
Higher requirements are imposed on the auto mechanic, after all, unlike a car mechanic, he constantly communicates with the customer. People who come to the service should be satisfied after communicating with him. He must be attentive and tactful, listen to all complaints about the operation of the car or body defects, be competent in the selection of spare parts, have a good understanding of the engine and the features of each type of car. He needs to competently and correctly fill out the technical documentation.
A car mechanic, as already mentioned, is a specialist of a narrower profile and often works in one direction... This can be body repair, elimination of simple malfunctions, etc.
However, he is also required to constantly improve his qualifications, to know "by heart" the device of the engine, to be able to diagnose it, to perform high-quality body work and lubricate parts and mechanisms.

What is the best profession?
There are a lot of cars on the road now, without them everything will simply stop and there will be a collapse. They carry a lot of cargo and passengers. Meetings, trips, everyday movements - all this is already becoming a routine. Accordingly, vehicles are exposed to heavy loads and, as a result, break down. And as soon as this happens, the whole schedule goes downhill, and we become practically helpless. Therefore, the professions of car mechanics and auto mechanics will be in demand for a very long time.
Not everyone can repair cars. Therefore, you need to love this business. Which of these professions is better is hard to say. It all depends on personal qualities and preferences. Someone likes to do something with their own hands and enjoys it, they are not afraid of monotonous work and physical exertion. The job of a locksmith is perfect for this person. Someone I enjoy finding and fixing faults, constantly communicating with people, having the opportunity for career growth. Such a person, working as an auto mechanic, will be of more benefit.
Do not forget about professional risks, since the work of both is physically difficult, there is a possibility of injury, inhalation of vapors from fuels and lubricants, or simply catch a cold in a draft.
However, despite the negative aspects, representatives of these professions always have money, because, as mentioned above, there are a lot of cars. This is a well-paid job, solid and future-proof with additional training.
At the same time, you should be aware that, as a rule, the salary of a car mechanic is lower than that of a car mechanic.