What professions will be in demand in 10 years?

Many schoolchildren begin to think about the choice of their future profession. The main selection criteria for them are the size of wages and the demand for a specialty. However, some are beginning to wonder if the chosen profession will be in demand in 10 years. In our article, we will reflect on this topic.

List of current professions
At the beginning of the review, we list and consider those professions and industries that, no doubt, will remain relevant in the future.
The profession of a doctor will be relevant at all times, for the next 10 years for sure. This also includes specialists in such fields as bioengineering and biochemistry. Progress does not stand still, medicine is constantly evolving. People have learned to fight various viruses, but this is far from the end. NSnew diseases appear that require treatment, and the human body is still being carefully studied and is unlikely to be definitively studied even after 10 years.
If you are interested in the topic of medicine, then we advise you to take a closer look at it. Good and competent specialists will remain in demand in the labor market, and their work will be highly appreciated.

Media communications
This is a fairly new specialty, which is gaining popularity in Russia every day and is unlikely to plan to give up its positions in the near future. The demand for high-quality Internet content is only growing every day. Therefore, supply should grow along with it.The media sphere is associated with design, interaction with the audience and advertisers, with the search for information and its processing, with the creation of content, the main requirements for which are its content and creativity, as well as other types of activities.
Do not worry that robots can replace specialists in this field, at least in the near future, for sure, because human creativity and creative imagination are irreplaceable things.
This name is generalized and includes specialists in various areas of technology and science: these are the spheres of medicine, and astronautics, as well as electronics and mechanical engineering. The objects of their work are common for them, which can be attributed to the nanoscale, because their size is less than 100 nanometers.
At the moment, such specialists can work in genetic engineering, medicine, as well as in pharmacology and electronics, take part in space research and other areas. According to experts' forecasts, in the future, nanotechnology will be in demand in other areas of industry, for example, in food, chemical, textile. We can say for sure that in the future on the labor market, the demand for this profession will only grow.

IT sphere
This includes specialists in such professions as programmers and analysts. It is with their help that various programs, applications, sites and various services are created and written, without which it is difficult to imagine the life of all mankind at this time. Representatives of these professions create robots and everything that can someday replace people in their workplaces, that is, contribute to universal automation.
In the labor market, the demand for specialists in this area is constantly growing, and their work is highly paid. Therefore, we strongly recommend that those who like programming and everything related to the IT sphere, take a closer look at these professions, because they will be appreciated for a long time.
Online tutors
This area of activity is developing no less rapidly than all of the above. The transition of some school and university students to distance learning only confirms the need for education professionals working online. Getting an education remotely is convenient and practical, because for this you do not need to go far, waste time on the road, or sit for a long time at lectures. The distance format provides students with the opportunity to gain knowledge in a convenient environment for them in their free time.
Teachers who are well-versed online can easily convey information, teach various skills in this format, they will definitely be appreciated, and their work will be highly paid. It is not for nothing that the number of online schools for preparing for exams has now increased, because if the supply grows, then the demand also grows.

And it is also worth highlighting the top of the most demanded professions for men today and in the near future.
- Engineer. Nowadays, people working in this profession are required in almost all industries where modern technologies are being introduced. The main tasks of specialists in this field include the development and design of new technical solutions and projects, the completion of existing ones, as well as the implementation of these inventions into reality. This profession is in demand in the labor market and belongs to a number of highly paid ones.
- IT specialist. As already mentioned, digital technologies are unlikely to lose their importance in the near future; on the contrary, the demand for them is only increasing every day. Therefore, it will not be difficult for a specialist competent in this field to find a good and highly paid job.
- Doctor. A difficult, but quite profitable and in demand profession at all times, which is unlikely to lose its importance in the coming decades.Therefore, it will not be difficult for a good qualified specialist to find a job in this area.
- Online educator. In the digital age, the importance and demand for distance education is only growing. The demand for online courses and schools can be explained by the fact that it is convenient and practical. Therefore, if you are able to teach people this or that knowledge, it is clear to explain something to them online, we advise you to take a closer look at this profession.
- Oil production. It so happened that oil is a significant and rather expensive natural resource, and therefore the professions associated with its production are prestigious, in demand and highly paid.

The top most in-demand specialties for women also include several professions. We have already noted some of them.
- Media communications. This is a fairly wide area among those working on content creation, interacting with audiences and advertisers. This field of activity appeared not so long ago, but now it is in great demand and is only gaining popularity every day. It will certainly not lose its relevance in the next ten years.
- QA tester. Another no less interesting profession. A specialist in this field of activity is looking for errors and various bugs in the program, and therefore must have such qualities as perseverance and attentiveness. If working with formulas, numbers and large amounts of information does not scare you, then we advise you to pay attention to this specialty. In the labor market, such specialists are in no less demand than the previously mentioned programmers, their work is also highly valued and paid.
- Event manager. A person of this profession is involved in organizing various events, holidays, as well as conferences of various levels. The basis of this work is interaction with people and the ability to understand them. Organizational skills and the ability to negotiate will be no less important here. With work experience and good reviews, the payment for the work of such a specialist can reach 120 thousand rubles a month.
- Game designer. In modern online games, their visual design is of great importance. It is on him that a person working as a game designer is working. He is engaged in creating the appearance of characters, various locations. He is also responsible for various visual effects that will make the game more interesting and beautiful. This field of activity will be in demand for a long time to play, because the demand for computer games is only growing.
- Performance marketer. The main task of specialists in this profession is to increase product sales and, accordingly, increase profits. They are engaged in marketing activities on the side of the customer or a specific advertising platform.
Competent specialists in this field are also in demand, and their work is highly paid.

What specialties will disappear?
The modern labor market is changing at a tremendous speed. Some specialties are on the verge of extinction or disappear altogether, and they are being replaced by others, new and previously unknown. Next, we will consider such professions that can already be classified as "endangered."
- Driver. Already, specialists are working hard to automate this field of activity. After the introduction of unmanned vehicles to the masses, this profession will almost completely lose its significance, which may happen in the near future.
- Watchman. With the advent of security systems and access systems, this profession also loses its meaning. Artificial intelligence is already capable of almost 100% replacing humans in this area.
- Librarian. In the digital age, the disappearance of this profession is quite logical, since this is facilitated by the massive digitization of all the information that was previously contained in printed form.Electronic books are replacing paper books, the demand for the latter is rapidly falling, and therefore such a profession as a librarian is gradually losing its meaning.
- Cashiers. With the proliferation of electronic payments, the need for this profession is gradually disappearing. In the near future, it is logical to assume that most cashiers will replace self-checkout counters, and the profession will lose its significance.
- Travel agent. The number of online services where to buy plane tickets and book a room in hotels is growing literally every day, and vacationers are resorting to their help more and more often.
Now tourism managers are more likely to act as advisers and assistants in the choice, but this will soon lose its relevance.

Who should I go to study?
This question worries many schoolchildren and applicants, who still cannot decide on the choice of their future profession. This is an important step in life, so doubts about this issue are normal. To make the right decision and not regret it in the future, you need to pay attention to such selection criteria as the relevance of the profession in the near future, its prestige, relevance, as well as the size of wages. Consider who you can go to study.
After grade 9
The list of professions that can be obtained by completing 9 classes is quite large. According to experts, the following professions will be relevant in the near future: doctors, engineers, technical specialists, teachers and programmers. Each of these professions can be mastered after grade 9 in a secondary vocational educational institution, which include colleges, technical schools and colleges.
Further, if you wish, you can enroll in a higher educational institution in order to acquire more skills and continue to develop in the direction of the profession that you have chosen for yourself.
After grade 11
The choice of specialties for schoolchildren who have completed all 11 grades is much wider and more varied. We recommend paying attention to such areas of activity as, for example, IT and programming, bioengineering and biochemistry, the field of nanotechnology, web design, as well as other professions related to the media environment and content creation. Specialists of these professions will definitely remain in demand on the labor market in 10 years, and their work will be highly valued and paid.