Professions for girls after grade 11

After graduating from school, a responsible time begins for graduates - they have to make a choice, which largely determines whether the work will be successful, loved and profitable. All components are important. In this case, we will consider which professions are preferable for girls after grade 11.
Which ones are in demand?
After grade 11, a wide variety of opportunities are open for girls. With a good study, broad outlook and the desire to acquire knowledge, you can get an education both in Russia and abroad. Women's professions are very diverse, but it is worth considering the most relevant ones in order to understand in which direction to move.

Managers can work in a variety of organizations: in production, and in trade, and in the beauty industry. The choice is almost unlimited. Such specialists are needed everywhere.
But it must be borne in mind that you will have to deal with many issues, manage the production process, solve many organizational issues, establish contacts with people and lead a team of specialists, even if small, to help others in training.

The craving for numbers and the ability to clearly and quickly perform their actions will be very useful in accounting. The profession is always in demand, well paid, career growth is always possible.
An accountant has to perform a variety of tasks. Do not think that this is only payroll - in many respects, the prosperous existence of an enterprise depends on the accountant.

A very serious specialist who solves important tasks.He must be very literate, because he needs to be able to understand the financial activities of the enterprise, check the correctness of all actions and make his own verdict.
An interesting job for those who know how to sort everything out and analyze a lot of new information in a short time.

Such a professional will also have to work hard and try, because the successful operation of the enterprise is on his conscience. Often it will be necessary to calculate future steps, plan activities, be able to assess past shortcomings and organize work so that the enterprise flourishes and does not incur losses.

A very wide scope for activity, you only need a very solid knowledge of chemistry and biology to enter a medical school. Then you can choose any specialization - the one to which the soul lies more. The choice is very large. You can become a pediatrician, devote yourself to obstetrics and gynecology, become a good ophthalmologist or dentist, or maybe master all the nuances of cosmetology or plastic surgery. There is work always and everywhere.

Over the past years, there has been an acute shortage of teachers in various subjects. You can choose the area in which it is more interesting to work: biology or history, Russian with literature or mathematics with physics.
But there are conditions, and they are very important - you need to love and understand children, have good stress resistance and be able to resolve any conflicts without harming your mental state.

An interesting activity for those girls who are inclined to exact sciences and dream of participating in the creation of important and interesting things. You can work in an aircraft or shipyard and know a lot about the design of winged machines or the latest ships. There is an opportunity to work in food enterprises or in light industry. You just need to decide on the most interesting and promising field of activity.

Although it is believed that there are many such specialists lately, this specialty will still not leave without earnings. Currently, every large enterprise and even many private ones have their own lawyers. It is always interesting to understand the intricacies of the law, and especially to help others. In addition, there is always a chance to get a job in law enforcement, if there is a vocation to unravel the chains of crimes, solve logical problems, and in general, be always in the center of events. Having mastered the profession well, you can work in the police, prosecutor's office, court. It all depends on perseverance and willingness to devote a lot of time to work.
You can just as well engage in private practice, which is also a very good option, in the future to open your own agency.

An interesting profession that allows you to prove yourself in a variety of areas. Of course, it would be nice to have an art school or a certificate from a design studio behind you. If you have talent and good taste, in the future you can realize yourself as a designer of premises, clothing, and a landscape designer. Currently, the profession is gaining more and more popularity, as many people prefer to entrust their apartments and plots to professionals.
If you wish, you can become a very popular and popular designer, work independently or as part of a creative team.

A profession that is popular with girls. And for good reason. It is always interesting to study, and especially to practice, because it is very important and exciting to understand a person's states, help him look at problems differently, get rid of complexes, make the right decisions. In addition, there is always a desire to improve their knowledge and skills. You can work in a variety of institutions: be a psychologist in a kindergarten or school, carry out your activities in the Ministry of Emergency Situations or law enforcement agencies, helping specialists to maintain their mental state in normalcy. Again, there is always the chance to take up private practice and open your own center.

Knowledge of languages will always come in handy in the process of activity. You can work in different countries depending on which languages you have mastered. You can work as a translator for large companies that negotiate with foreign partners, receive foreign delegations, and conduct excursions in different countries. There is always an opportunity to work independently, translating texts. There will always be customers.

Speech therapist
Specialist with a narrow focus. It requires not only good knowledge and a desire to work, but also the ability to get along with children, stress resistance and patience. It often takes a lot of time and effort, and the result does not come immediately.
You can work in kindergartens, schools, medical centers, private practice. Many people need such specialists.

In this case, an interesting and eventful life is guaranteed. Communication with people, discoveries, meetings will give a lot of positive emotions and many interesting acquaintances. But you need to be a master of words, have impeccable literacy and the ability to clearly and clearly express thoughts. You can always find work both in the media and on the Internet, in addition, there are radio, television, Internet channels.
Nobody canceled individual activity, when you yourself choose what to write and talk about and for which audience.

Overview of professions with a good salary
If you choose in advance the most profitable and well-paid professions, you need to think carefully about where to go to study and what subjects to pay attention to at school.
- You can earn good money by getting the profession of a doctor (of various specializations). These include, for example, a dentist, a plastic surgeon, and the salary here will depend on the region of residence, the services provided, the level of the clinic and the number of clients. Income can reach 500 thousand, and can be about 100 thousand. It's all about experience and name. So it makes sense to study perfectly well, do your job with high quality and get your own circle of clients.
- Good remuneration for your work can be obtained in the IT sphere, and there is an option to work both in a large company and at home. And here there is no strictly fixed payment, everything depends on the result of work, which means that there is an incentive to earn more. Some girls, on an equal basis with men, achieve success in this area and work from the comfort of their homes. You can work as a programmer, mobile application developer, system administrator, web designer, tester, game designer. For this, of course, you need to master computer technologies from and to, follow all the new products, have an analytical mindset and a creative look.
- A girl can work as an accountant or economist. Working with finances is both profitable and will always be relevant. To do this, you need to know mathematics well, be able to organize data, make predictions. Any enterprise and any company needs such specialists. The salary can vary from 40,000 to 80,000, it all depends on the place of residence, experience and amount of work. At first, the payment will not be so high, but over time, its size will increase. A good accountant and economist is appreciated in any organization.
- It is very useful and profitable to be fluent in foreign languages. This makes it possible to work as a translator, travel, specializing in any industry. You can collaborate with book publishers and translate books, and if necessary, you can take up tutoring. In all cases, you can make good money and improve your skills.
- You can make money by starting your own business. The scope of the implementation of their capabilities depends on their own preferences. You can open your own beauty salon, clinic, educational center, travel agency, hotel, design studio, fitness center, studio. To establish your business, you need to have a wide variety of knowledge, the ability to calculate everything, make an analysis, and select valuable personnel. The profit will depend only on how you manage to establish a business and attract customers.

Prestigious and promising specialties
Most often, well-paid professions are also prestigious at the same time. But with the development of various spheres of human life, new interesting professions appear. So the graduates of the future have every chance to find themselves and successfully realize themselves, while earning considerable funds.
- It will always be prestigious to work in medicine. And not even just a doctor, although this is also very important, but a specialist who can help a person cope with the most terrible diseases and even prevent their development, as well as improve the quality of life and increase its duration, and produce a healthy generation. And for this, genetic consultants, bioethics, molecular nutritionists, and IT genetics will certainly be needed. To master all these specialties, you need to be actively interested in biology, physics, chemistry, computer technology while still at school. All this together will help to master the profession of the future.
- Do not discount architects and designers, because even here women can have their own views and work successfully. Everywhere and always new roads, houses, centers, various institutions and structures will be built. And so that they are not only functional, but also beautiful, modern, not violating the ecological balance, we need competent specialists with a modern approach.
- The popularity of professions related to art and literature will not dry up. A certain part of people wants to develop, improve, get aesthetic pleasure, organize their leisure time in the intellectual and spiritual planes. Therefore, the professions of directors, actors, presenters, writers, screenwriters will be in demand.
But here, of course, you need to have talent, to be creative, interesting in order to be popular and in demand.

How to make a choice?
To choose a profession correctly, you first need to focus on your abilities and hobbies.
If you have a craving for Russian and literature, you succeed in writing, you like spending time reading and analyzing what you read, you can try yourself in journalism, become a literary critic.
A penchant for mathematics will help you become a successful financier, and you can develop these abilities while still in school, not only by participating in mathematics olympiads, but also by attending, for example, financial literacy courses.
Provided that there is a great desire to benefit people and treat them from diseases, you need to prepare for admission to the medical institute, while actively studying chemistry and biology.
If you want to conquer the stage, you should attend acting courses, participate in all projects, gaining experience.

In any case, you need to listen to your inner voice. If in doubt, you should talk with career counseling specialists, take tests and find out what your ability is. This can be of great help too.
As for the choice of a university, you can enroll anywhere: in your city, and leave in search of more prestigious educational institutions. There are a lot of them in every locality, as well as faculties. When choosing a specific specialty, you should go to the website of the university or university, since the conditions for admission may change every year, new faculties and disciplines may appear, and the passing score will be different.
So it doesn't matter where you are: Vladivostok, Irkutsk or Novorossiysk. There are no obstacles if the place of residence is Kazakhstan, Abkhazia or Ukraine. You can move in space, study in absentia, arriving only for sessions, or even completely remotely. Only the craving for knowledge and the desire to master the profession, to which the soul lies, are important.