All about the profession economic security

The specialty "Economic Security" can be considered relatively new - it was included in the programs of Russian universities in 2013. And the first graduates have already shown the demand for this specialty and growth prospects.
In business, not only management and development are important, but also protection of the enterprise from economic threats. They can be external or internal, and they require control of the situation and professional regulation. Therefore, in order to protect the business, it is advisable to have employees who possess economic knowledge, the basics of jurisprudence and law enforcement.
Economic Security Specialist - he is truly a versatile expert who can protect an enterprise from illiterate, risky, ill-considered actions of managers. He does everything to eliminate the risk of waste and theft within the enterprise. It also provides for the possibility of conflicts between the leaders of the company and in this situation acts as a business psychologist. Finally, an economic security specialist protects an enterprise from illegal actions by government agencies and competitors.
Today, these employees are often involved in assessing the performance of the company, to identify errors in the work of the enterprise. They can save a business from wasting money. Experts draw up a plan to avoid mistakes and solve those that have already been committed.
But also in government agencies, specialists in economic security are also in demand. So that an enterprise controlled by a state authority cannot go against the law, these specialists are needed. They warn of possible violations.Usually this is done by economists or lawyers, but there has long been a demand for a specialist who would combine these professions and would be more competent precisely in matters of economic security. So, we can say that the profession was created by time.

The economic well-being depends on the representative of this profession, as well as on the management of the company.
The duties of an economic security specialist include:
- stable, with positive dynamics, growth of the enterprise in terms of economic parameters;
- forecasting force majeure situations and creating a working plan to prevent them or quickly respond to them;
- regulation of the distribution of financial resources;
- defending the economic interests of the organization;
- production of forensic examinations;
- evaluation of the effectiveness of all large projects of the enterprise from the point of view of the economy.
The professional skills of a specialist are several large areas of activity at once. He is engaged in financial accounting, and the organization of an effective financial system, and risk diagnostics, and analysis of banking risks. Owns a specialist and computer technology within the framework of his competence.
Today this specialty is prestigious: so far there is little intraprofessional competition. As already noted, the specialty was introduced in domestic universities less than 10 years ago. Therefore, the forecast of favorable employment, good wages, excellent professional prospects is more than realistic. Of course, potential applicants and their parents are often wary of new specialties. In particular, they do not understand where young specialists will actually have to work.
The good news is that the sphere in which a specialist in economic security can realize himself is wide.

You can get an education in a promising specialty at the leading universities of the capital... The first in this rating is rightly Moscow State University Lomonosov... You can enroll in this specialty in Moscow State University of International Relations... Finally, many applicants consider the most specialized university - Academy of Economic Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
And these are only the main universities, the prestige of which does not need to be proven. You can also retrain for a specialty by passing specialized retraining. This is sometimes the best solution, because it is already used by adults who have professional experience and are more consciously making decisions about their studies.

Who can work?
It is believed that, having received such a profession, getting a job in a small town is simply not possible. This is not true. For example, specialty allows you to work as a tax inspector. He is engaged in on-site inspections, prepares statistical reports.
A specialist can work in the Federal Inspectorates for Taxes and Levies, as well as in services that collect taxes from individuals and legal entities. Even a young specialist has every chance to take this position. True, he will start with an inspector of the first class rank. Another related profession is forensic expert, in this case, the specialist will start working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs system.
The prosecutor's office, courts, insurance companies, tax police, patent offices, customs - all these are possible places of work for an applicant who has graduated from the specialty "Economic Security".

In addition, the following vacancies can be considered.
- Teacher. Many domestic educational institutions need specialists who were trained in this particular specialty. Although it is difficult to count on high salaries in teaching, if this is a calling and a person wants to work hard, such a start for a recent graduate can be very promising.
- Consultant. Those who are aiming for high positions and corresponding income should take a closer look at the profession of an economic security consultant. Such a specialist must have deep knowledge of economics and jurisprudence. Of course, it is easier to occupy this niche in a large city, but there are options for development and promotion in the regions as well.
- Bank specialist... If, having received an education in the specialty "Economic security", a person is determined to work in a bank, he can become a specialist in the control banking service. This is the professional who takes it upon himself to prevent fraudulent activities in the course of lending to individuals and legal entities. Unfortunately, fraud in this area has reached such proportions that banks are forced to create entire departments of specialists who will deal with economic investigations.
- Economic Intelligence Specialist... Or, to be more precise, a specialist in competitive economic intelligence. This is a new profession. Its representative collects information from various sources, it is needed to make specific management decisions. These decisions should improve the position of the organization's competitiveness. Usually large companies are interested in such specialists.
- Tax Security Specialist... More often, such employees work in the department of economic security and are responsible specifically for the taxes of the company. Sometimes this is a starting position, later a specialist can grow within the department and become its head.
- Auditor... This is a related profession. The specialist carries out audits, prepares reports, deals with risk management and prepares a list of methodological recommendations. Many representatives of the profession work on freelance, conduct paid consultations. True, to become a sought-after specialist in this matter, you need to work long and hard for a name.
- Risk manager. Another rather rare profession. These employees build strategies, conduct internal and external research, and control types of risks. The organization needs this in order to avoid financial losses. The task of the risk manager is to maintain the profitability and efficient operation of the organization in any conditions and in times of crisis too.
All of these professions are in demand today. Most of these vacancies are easier to find in a big city, but employment options should be considered while still studying, looking at promising places of practice and stepping into the future with certain guarantees.

Salary level
It depends primarily on the region of work. It is hardly necessary to expect high salaries in the provinces, and even inexperienced specialists. In this case, the starting salary of 25-30 thousand rubles may be quite good. The lowest positions in teaching are from 17 thousand rubles. If you work as a consultant or tax security specialist on a freelance basis, you can have a salary of 50 and 70 thousand rubles. But a newcomer, yesterday's graduate, will first have to work for a reputation.
The larger the organization, the more powerful it is in its segment, the higher the chances of a specialist for a high salary, which can even reach 100 thousand.

Currently, the Security Service has no legal basis to exist. In order to prevent damage to the rights, legitimate interests, life or health of citizens, the only legal way to ensure private security is to receive paid services from private detectives (OKVED 80.3) and security companies (OKVED 80.1), whose activities are subject to licensing.
Graduated from EB last year - no work! Only the tax service for 12 thousand in St. Petersburg. Happiness, and nothing more. Either you have connections, or you are out of work after graduation for 5 months. Good luck!
What university did you study at? And in which organization did you practice?
Does it matter? This will definitely not help your job search.
Mostly girls are taken. The way for men is practically closed to this industry. Having received the education of a programmer + economic, there are no options for employment and salary.