Who is an electromechanic and what does he do?

An electromechanic is a profession that today is in demand in almost every area of economic or industrial activity. It requires professional training and special education from a specialist. In our review, we will focus on the basic requirements for an applicant for this position, consider his work functionality at the enterprise.
Description of the profession
The duties of an electromechanic at any enterprise are reduced to the development, installation and maintenance of electrical equipment, as well as automatic machines on PU, electric vehicles and similar machines. This is a technical specialty, which assumes the presence of an analytical mindset, it is referred to the category of "man-technology". Each of us in everyday life is surrounded by a huge number of the most diverse automatic equipment, no less number of electrical engineering units are involved in the work of industrial enterprises, in the transport and housing and communal sectors.
It is the electrician who is the specialist who can develop, install, configure and repair all of the above equipment. This person understands electrical circuits, he is familiar with the skills of drawing up and reading drawings, he owns specialized software products and knows how to work with professional tools.
In addition, he knows all the basic algorithms and schemes for the operation of electrical devices.

Depending on the features of the functions performed, the work of an electromechanic can be reduced both to the physical sphere, when his specialization is related to the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment, and to the intellectual one, when he directs his main efforts to the development of functional circuits.
Like any other profession, the position of an electrician has its own merits and demerits. Of the advantages, it can be noted:
- wide demand for the specialty in the labor market;
- opportunities for continuous improvement of the qualification category, as well as retraining in any related areas;
- the opportunity to use your experience and skills in everyday life and receive additional income for this;
- decent salary.
Not without drawbacks, among them there are:
- increased risk to life and health in the course of work with electrical equipment in violation of safety regulations;
- inconvenient work schedule, which provides for work on weekends and holidays, as well as frequent night shifts, since electromechanics must be at any production enterprise around the clock;
- high level of competition in this segment of the labor market;
- hazardous working conditions, such as when servicing electrical and electromechanical equipment at heights.

Job description
So, the area of responsibility of any electromechanic includes the development of circuits and testing, installation, maintenance, commissioning, as well as the repair of machines, electromechanical structures, carrying out work on their operation and monitoring the correctness of their functioning. The overall productivity of production activities largely depends on the quality of work of electromechanics.
If we talk more specifically about the basic functional responsibilities of this specialist, then, in accordance with the adopted professional standard, they are reduced to the following provisions:
- maintenance of entrusted electromechanical units in a functional state, ensuring the continuity of their work, conducting effective prevention, as well as performing timely minor repairs in accordance with the established regulatory documents, rules, standards and drawings;
- compliance control the conditions for using the equipment to the established standards in this professional direction;
- identification of factors leading to premature wear components, as well as the development of a set of measures to prevent them;
- instructing new employees, whose labor is associated with the operation of technical equipment assigned to an electrician;
- control for the work of electricians, compliance by employees with the rules of labor protection and safety measures, as well as the sanitary requirements established at the enterprise;
- providing a workplace all the necessary spare parts, as well as components for electromechanical units and installations;
- ordering for the purchase of raw materials and consumables;
- participation in the creation of a set of measures, aimed at optimizing the functioning of equipment at the enterprise, its improvement and modernization;
- study of the causes of breakdown and failure of devices.

Knowledge and skills
Every electrician should know well:
- established normative legal acts regulating the features of professional activity;
- working diagrams and principles of functioning of electromechanical equipment, its design features and specific parameters;
- current standards for the implementation of preventive work, as well as testing of electrical devices;
- typical types of malfunctions and methods of their elimination;
- features of launching technological lines in various types of production;
- methodology for drawing up diagrams for connecting production units and technological lines;
- fundamentals of operation of electromechanical and radio engineering devices;
- established terms of work and consumption rates of the main mechanisms and assemblies;
- the main provisions of the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
In addition, the electromechanic must know all approved in-house operating principles, as well as labor protection and fire safety requirements at work.

Personal qualities
Since the main direction of application of the work of an electromechanic is associated with working with technical mechanisms and installations, then for him the following are fundamental:
- predisposition to analytical thinking;
- the presence of spatial imagination;
- knowledge of algorithms for the operation of IT equipment and the basics of electrical circuits.
Besides, this person must have communication skills, since in the process of performing his job duties, he will have to regularly interact with other employees, help them in the maintenance of the equipment and carefully monitor that they strictly adhere to the established labor discipline. As a rule, an electromechanic performs the duties of a senior in a group, several other employees work in his subordination, so he must be able to convince, set tasks and monitor their exact implementation.
Traditionally, men are engaged in electromechanics, although sometimes women can be found among its representatives. Regardless of the gender of the employee, it must be a person with a satisfactory health condition.
People suffering from neurological disorders, mental illness, impaired coordination of movements, as well as vision pathologies are not allowed to work.

Rights and responsibilities
An electromechanic at an enterprise has the right to:
- receive timely information about all decisions of the company's management, in one way or another related to his professional activities;
- submit proposals to the managementaimed at optimizing the work process, as well as improving the quality of work performed within the framework of the performance of official duties;
- to bring to the notice of the administration of the enterprise information on the identification of shortcomings in personal work or in the activities of a structural unit to which his labor unit is attached;
- receive data from human resources about the possibility of improving their own qualifications;
- involve specialists from related departments to develop joint solutions to optimize production processes at the enterprise;
- insist on the assistance of superiors in the full performance of professional duties.
At the same time, the electromechanic also bears personal responsibility. As a rule, it occurs in one of the following cases:
- in case of unfair attitude to work or improper performance of their professional duties, regulated by the current legislation and job descriptions developed in the company;
- in case of legal violations, one way or another related to the production process.
Depending on the severity of the violation, the electromechanic can bear administrative and criminal, as well as material liability in case of deliberate damage to the company's property and causing financial damage.

In accordance with the professional standard, the position of an electromechanic can be assigned people with secondary specialized education, graduation from a university in this profession is not required. Electromechanics can be studied in several areas. They can be associated with the operation of transport, automation or electrical equipment, and areas that study the basics of repair and maintenance of electrical equipment are also in demand (this can be associated with commercial, refrigeration, as well as electromechanical equipment or medical units)
You can enter college and technical school in such areas both after the 11th and after the 9th grade of school, the period of study directly depends on this parameter. In addition, the chosen profile and the form of education (it can be daytime or evening) affects the term of study. In general, training lasts from 1 to 4 years.
Since we are talking about a secondary school, you do not need to take the USE for admission - the competition in the technical school is held according to the average score of the school certificate.

Place of work and career
Today, electricity has become an integral part of modern life. In fact, there is no such area of activity where electricity would not be used, so an obvious conclusion can be made - specialists who are able to work with electrical appliances and the power grid will always be in demand on the domestic labor market... Electromechanics are able to successfully work in transport, medical and industrial enterprises, they can find work in the maintenance and repair of elevators, as well as provide professional services for the adjustment of electromechanical units, communications and their repair.
These specialists can even get a job as designers for the development of substations and power plants - this is a very relevant direction in all regions of Russia.
The salary
Income level of an electrician in the labor market directly depends on the field in which he works, in which company, how wide the range of his job responsibilities, as well as on the possibility of using additional sources of income. The range of wages in this profession is very large. Analyzing employment sites, it can be determined that on average in the country this specialist receives 15-50 thousand rubles, and this is only at the official place of work. And if at the same time he repairs equipment and provides other services privately, then he can additionally earn at least 10-20 thousand rubles. monthly.
This means that with hard work, perseverance and constant improvement of their professional qualifications, each electrician can always provide himself with a very decent level of wages.

An electromechanic undergoes technical certification every 3 years in order to be competitive, then to be a magician, and all this with a salary of 35,000 rubles.
Sergei, to be certified every 3 years is absolutely normal and it has always been like this. And not only to pass certification, but also to undergo training in order to maintain qualifications (raising qualifications is a separate conversation), namely, to maintain qualifications, so to speak, to confirm them, to study new technologies. And not every 3 years, and some specializations must be certified by Rostekhnazor annually. An electromechanic is almost like a sapper ...) And there is nothing to complain about: a salary of 35 tr. considered to be quite high for the regions.